Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of English Language and Literature THE RISE OF FEMALE CONSCIOUSNESS IN GEORGE EGERTON’S SELECTED SHORT STORIES WITHIN THE CONCEPT OF THE NEW WOMAN Nurbanu ATIŞ Master’s Thesis Ankara, 2016 THE RISE OF FEMALE CONSCIOUSNESS IN GEORGE EGERTON’S SELECTED SHORT STORIES WITHIN THE CONCEPT OF THE NEW WOMAN Nurbanu ATIŞ Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of English Language and Literature Master’s Thesis Ankara, 2016 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Asst. Prof. Dr. Alev KARADUMAN for her endless and encouraging support through this process. Despite all unfortunate incidents we had experienced during the writing process of this thesis, whenever I felt low or desperate, she always found a way to motivate and support me. Without her praiseworthy support and wise advice, I would not be able to write my thesis. I feel like the luckiest person to have such a thoughtful and warm-hearted mentor in my life. I am very grateful to Prof. Dr. Serpil OPPERMANN, Prof. Dr. Aytül ÖZÜM, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lerzan GÜLTEKİN, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Şebnem KAYA for their critical comments, suggestions, and encouragement. I am very thankful to my best friend, Özge BAYRAKTAR ÖZER, who has supported me whenever I need. I also feel indebted to her wonderful husband and my beloved friend, Armağan ÖZER, for becoming the most supportive brother to me. They have always encouraged me to do my best. I would also like to express my thanks and love to my dearest friends Ece ÇAKIR for helping me to choose my writer, and also to Demet GÜL, Emine ULU, Gülden GÜLHAN TOPAL, Hande RUSCUK, Kübra VURAL, Melike GÜNDÜZ, Özge BULUT, and Tanya GARGİ who share their love and encouraging words with me. Most importantly, I am very grateful for having the most supportive family in the world. Without their moral support and unconditional love, I would not be the person I am. They believed in me more than I believed in myself. Your existence is the most precious thing for me. Finally, I would like to express my deepest love and blessings to my beloved grandmother and grandfather, who always wanted to attend my graduation but could not make it. I dedicate my work to them. I know that they are proud of me and they watch me somewhere over the rainbow. iv v ÖZET ATIŞ, Nurbanu. ‘Yeni Kadın’ Kavramı Çerçevesinde George Egerton’ın Seçilmiş Kısa Hikayelerinde Kadın Bilincinin Yükselişi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2016. Sanayi devrimi ile birlikte Britanya’da önemli sosyal, edebi ve ekonomik değişimler ve dönüşümler meydana gelmiştir. Kadının durumu, bunlar arasında en önemlilerden biridir. Sınıfları ve sosyal durumları ne olursa olsun Britanyalı çoğu kadın, isteyerek veya istemeyerek, içine doğdukları toplumun ataerkil kuralları tarafından onlara dayatılan itaatkar rolü kabul etmek zorunda kalmışlardır. Kadınların toplumdaki erkeklerle eşit haklara ve pozisyonlara sahip olma isteğinin, kadınların erkekleşmeye başlaması ya da ötekileştirilmesi ile sonuçlanacağı, o dönemde üretilmiş ve kabul gören bir düşünceydi. Dahası, benzer şekilde, kadınlar iş gücünü desteklemek amacıyla erkeklerin alanına girdiğinde, erkekler ile eşit maaşa ve haklara sahip olamadılar. Çalışmaya ve kendi paralarını kazanmaya başladıklarında ve ekonomik özgürlüklerini ellerine aldıklarında, kadınlar kendi yeteneklerinin farkına vararak eşitlik talep ettiler. Bu farkındalığın bir sonucu olarak, Ondokuzuncu Yüzyıl’da ‘Yeni Kadın’ kavramı ortaya çıktı. Bu ‘Yeni Kadın’, önceki kadınlara kıyasla daha yetenekli, daha dışa dönük ve dolayısıyla daha özgürdü. Bu kavramın bir yansıması olarak, aynı kapsayıcı terim ‘Yeni Kadın’ adı altında, yeni bir edebi akım ortaya çıktı. Bu akımın yazarları, kahramanlarını orta sınıf ya da işçi sınıfı kadınlar arasından aldılar. Eserlerinde kadın kahramanları ve bu kahramanların geleneksel cinsiyet rollerine karşı olan savaşlarını konu aldılar. George Egerton (1859-1945) da bu ‘Yeni Kadın’ akımının en önemli temsilcilerinden biridir. Britanya’nın ve Britanya kolonilerinin, ayrıca birtakım Avrupa ülkelerinin farklı kesimlerinde hayatı deneyimlemiş biri olarak Egerton, eserlerinde Viktorya Dönemi kadınının farklı koşullarını yansıtmaktadır. Bu tezde savunulan, yazarın kadın kahramanlarının, bu dönemin cinsiyet rollerine ve kadın cinselliğine olan bakış açısına meydan okuduğu ve bu meydan okuma sırasında da, okuyucuya cinsiyet rollerinin yapaylığını sorgulattığı düşüncesidir. Dolayısıyla, bu tezin başlıca amacı Viktorya Dönemi Britanya’sının sosyal ve siyasi arka planı bağlamında ‘Yeni Kadın’ kavramını tanıtmak ve bu akım çerçevesinde Egerton’ın, “The Marriage of Mary vi Ascension: A Millstreet Love Story,” “An Empty Frame,” “Now Spring Has Come,” “A Cross Line,” “At the Heart of the Apple” ve “The Regeneration of Two” başlıklı kısa hikayelerini incelemektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: George Egerton, Yeni Kadın kavramı, cinsiyet rolleri, kadın bilinci, Viktorya sosyal değerleri vii ABSTRACT ATIŞ, Nurbanu. The Rise of Female Consciousness in George Egerton’s Selected Short Stories Within the Concept of ‘The New Woman’. Master’s Thesis, Ankara, 2016. With the Industrial Revolution, remarkable social, literary, and economic changes and evolutions emerged in Britain. The condition of women was one of the most important one. Regardless of their class and social positions, most British women, willingly or unwillingly, had to accept their subservient roles which had been imposed on them by the patriarchal rules of the society in which they had been living. It was a constructed and accepted thought at that time that provided women who asked for equal rights and positions with men in society, it would result with either their masculinization, that was not supported, or marginalization. Furthermore, similarly, when women entered into men’s domain to supply for labour force, they could not achieve equal payment and rights with men. When they began to work and earn their own money and achieved their economic freedom, they demanded equality which was the result of women’s realization of their own capacities. As a consequence of this realization, ‘the New Woman’ concept emerged in the nineteenth century. This ‘New Woman’ was more able, more extrovert, and thereby freer than her antecedents. As a reflection of this concept, a new literary movement emerged under the same umbrella term ‘the New Woman’. Writers of this movement created their characters from middle class or working class women. In their works, they presented female heroines and the fight of those heroines against traditional gender roles. George Egerton (1859-1945) is also one of the representatives of ‘the New Woman’. Having lived in different parts of Britain and its colonies and also in other European countries, she reflects different conditions of Victorian women in her works. The argument here is that the female protagonists of Egerton challenged the Victorian view of gender roles and female sexuality, and while they are challenging, they also lead the reader to question the artificiality of these gender roles. Accordingly, the major aim of this thesis is to introduce the concept of the New Woman in relation to the social and political background of Victorian Britain, and to analyse the representation of “New Woman” in George Egerton’s selected short stories: “The Marriage of Mary Ascension: viii A Millstreet Love Story,” “An Empty Frame,” “Now Spring Has Come,” “A Cross Line,” “At the Heart of the Apple” and “The Regeneration of Two.” Keywords: George Egerton, the New Woman concept, gender roles, female consciousness, Victorian social values ix TABLE OF CONTENTS KABUL VE ONAY ............................................................................................................. i BİLDİRİM ......................................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................ iii ÖZET ................................................................................................................................. iv ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. viii INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 CHAPTER I: AWARENESS OF WOMEN WITHIN THE BONDAGE OF RELIGION AND MARRIAGE: “THE MARRIAGE OF MARY ASCENSION: A MILLSTREET LOVE STORY” AND “AN EMPTY FRAME” ............................... 22 CHAPTER II: AN UNTAMED SPIRIT SEEKING SEXUAL LIBERATION: “NOW SPRING HAS COME: A CONFIDENCE” AND “A CROSS LINE” ......... 55 CHAPTER III: MOTHERHOOD AND MARRIAGE AS A FREE CHOICE: “AT THE HEART OF THE APPLE” AND “THE REGENERATION OF TWO” ...... 90 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 107 WORKS CITED ............................................................................................................ 114 APPENDIX 1: ORIGINALITY REPORTS ............................................................... 119 APPENDIX 2: ETHICS BOARD WAIVER FORMS FOR THESIS WORK ...... 121 1 INTRODUCTION There is a New Woman, and what do you think? She lives upon nothing but Foolscap and Ink! But, though Foolscap and Ink form
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