Ai altiG () DtAlkk VI. www.americanradiohistory.com ik,// / PP11/lPnnr:-s-- m UMWAIM\ ., 0. modlIFíèF:A.tm CIRCLE 35 ON READER -SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com Everything Fisher knows about tuners, preamplifiers and power amplifiers is in this transistorized stereo receiver. to No output transformers -therefore no limitation Take the most advanced FM- multiplex tuner circuitry known of bass performance or of transient response Take the because of transformer characteristics. Fisher. Take the ultimate in Fisher control -preamplifiers. Four output transistors in each channel for con - most remarkable stereo power amplifier ever developed by Fisher engi- O servative operation at high power (instead of the conventional two). Massive heat sink. Pow- neers. Put them all together on one chassis, as Fisher did, and you have er output at 8 ohms is 110 watts (IHF) or 45 watts RMS per channel. IHF power bandwidth the incomparable Fisher 600 -T. Is it as good as any combination of is 12 to 35,000 cps. 1000, it's better! supply stabilizer transistors. separate components? In 999 cases out of © Driver and power shelf, Advanced solid -state multiplex section with bet- The Fisher 600 -T will easily fit on a standard 12 -inch deep © ter than 40 db stereo separation at 400 cps - an industry first. in less than 17 inches of horizontal space. (That's Exclusive Fisher NUI'istor- GOLDEN SYNCHRODE for all the electronics of your stereo system. ) O FM front end. for highest sensitivity and lowest \Ew noise. plus overload rejection beyond the capa- Thanks to its transistorized design, it will generate THE bilities of transistor front ends. Sensitivity is 1.8 µv (IHF): signal -to -noise ratio is 70 db at no heat to speak of. And thanks to the Fisher way 100% modulation. it will stay in perfect alignment FISHER Exclusive Fisher STEREO BEACON for automatic of using transistors, © switching between FM -mono and FM- stereo and optimum operating condition indefinitely. modes, and automatic visual indication of stereo II1)llß0Ok broadcasts. No relays, no clicks. (Transistors don't necessarily mean progress. Professional d'Arsonval -type tuning meter. Fisher solid -state engineering does.) O Wide -band (one megacycle) ratio detector of highest linearity and lowest distortion, capable The features and specifications of the 600 -T O of unusually accurate detection of multiplex signals. speak for themselves. No other integrated stereo Five wide -band IF stages and five limiters. receiver comes even close to this kind of perform- O Exclusive Fisher AUTOSCAN automatic stereo scanner for instant spotting of stereo broadcasts ance. The sound? Listen! It makes you smile con- O in- between mono broadcasts. without receiving at accepted standards. 9 Size: 163/4" wide, 51/2" high. 111/4" deep. descendingly previously Weight: 31 lbs. Price: $499.50. Cabinet: $24.95. PATENT PENDING For your free copy of this 76 -page book, use coupon on page 44. 108 Mill qu 90 9,1 94 196 98 100 102 IOe 106 s -T 600 ADID The N . A r r . r s k Fisher o - PONER RADIO coAAOAT,oN, 21.40 .N. DRIVE. LONG ISLAND WV. 1110, , r..- -^ 013.. Lr, o+E. ONAL, INC.. LONG ISLAND CITY, N. Y. 11101. CANADIAN AM.-ANTS wAITE TO TN..rCA A-socu*rs, CIRCLE 35 ON READER -SERVICE CARD MARCH 1965 1 www.americanradiohistory.com (V -15 AVE) ELLIPTICAL STYLUS) NATURAL SOUND BEGINS WITH PICKERING Whether you own a record changer, automatic turntable, or a professional type manual turntable Pickering has engineered the RIGHT V -15 pickup for you. Each of these applications requires a cartridge with specific characteristics and specifications to produce the maximum in NATURAL SOUND that is possible from the record playing equipment and other components in your system. If it's RECORD CHANGER application, where high output and heavier tracking forces are required try the SAC -1 Most of you, no doubt are tracking lighter on the late model AUTOMATIC TURNTABLES and will use the AT -1 Or if a professional type MANUAL TURNTABLE is your choice you'll need the even more compliant IIZEr AM -1 And if its unexcelled tracking ability you're seeking, you will demand the ELLIPTICAL STYLUS PICKUP IZErAME1 All of these pickups are radically different from any other cartridge. You can see the difference. You can hear the difference. Pick up a V -15. Note its light weight -only 5 grams. Perfect for low mass tone arm systems. Now, see how Pickering's exclusive "Floating Stylus" and patented replaceable V -Guard assembly protects your record and diamond as it plays. FOR THOSE WHO CAN HEAR THE DIFFERENCE PICKERING & CO., INC. PLAINVIEW, N.Y. Pickering THE WORLD'S LARGEST AND MOST EXPERIENCED MANUFACTURER OF MAGNETIC PICKUPS CIRCLE 44 ON READER -SERVICE CARD 2 HUM FIDELITY MAGAZINE www.americanradiohistory.com high fidelity Music and Musicians 52 Alarums and Excursions: an editorial 62 The Strange Demise of W. A. Mozart Else Radant 67 A Question of Function: music critics and musicologists Patrick J. Smith 20 Notes from Our Correspondents: Paris, London Sound Reproduction 49 High Fidelity Newsfronts: a grand prix for fidelitarians Norman Eisenberg 54 A Portfolio of Stereo Décor-1965 70 Extension Speakers Len Buckwalter 75 Equipment Reports Pure Sonics Model 402 -C Basic Amplifier Audio Dynamics ADC 325 and 303A Speaker Systems Dynaco Dynatuner FM -3 Thorens Model TD -224 Turntable and Record Changer Reviews of Recordings 85 Feature Record Reviews Wagner: Parsifal (Dalis, Thomas, London, Hotter, et. al.; Hans Knappertsbusch, cond.) Rimsky -Korsakov: Scheherazade, Op. 35 ( London Symphony Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski, cond.) Anon.: Carmina Burana (20) (Soloists; Münchener Marienknaben Ensemble of Ancient Instruments) 89 Other Classical Reviews 112 Reissues 117 The Lighter Side 121 Folk Music 125 Jazz 129 The Tape Deck MARCH 1965 "OLUME 15 NUMBER 3 Published montnIy at Great Barrington. Mass, by The Billboard Publishing Co. Copyright 1965 e, The Billboard Publ.sh.ng (o The design and c of Nigh fide'.I, Magazine are fully by protected copyright and mut not be reproduced .n any manner. Second class postage p.d at Great B arr!ngton and at add!t,onal mailingntoff tes. Authorized M s d.d ss ad by the Post Offite D, ,,tment,s C ,.... and for payment of postage alI ash Nigh 5.0.1,57' MvstaI Amer.,. Ed t n published monthly except December when publ.shed s monthly SOSScr.05,0, Ar ywre o artn Sc Nat,onal and other Ed.t.ons monthly Subscr,pt,on Anywhere on Earth S7 Indexed in the "Reader's Guide Io Pered.cal C.te .- Sure." Change o'addres, On, unce...ered copes ,form 75791 should be addressed to Nigh fide ity, Eubscrlpt.00 Department. 2160 Patterson Street, C.0500at i, Oh,o 45214. www.americanradiohistory.com IT'S NO USE! I JUST CAN'T WRITE A 1200 FOOT SYMPHONY Cover Photo: by Ezra Stoller Roland Gelatt Editor in Chief Joan Griffiths Executive Editor Norman Eisenberg Audio Editor Sue Severn Managing Editor Peter G. Davis Assistant Editor H. C. Robbins Landon European Editor Shirley Fleming Managing Editor Musical America Section Roy Lindstrom Art Director Nathan Broder R. D. Darrell Alfred Frankenstein Conrad L. Osborne Robert C. Marsh Contributing Editors Claire N. Eddings Director of Advertising Sales Walter F. Grueninger Circulation Director Warren B. Syer Publisher That's all right, Ludcig, neither could Tchaikovsky, or Brahms, or Mozart or Lerner and Loewe or any other com- A D V E R T I S I N G poser for that matter. You simply can't write music to fit a Main Office reel of recording tape. It's up to the recorder owner to buy a Claire N. Eddings, The Publishing House Great Barrington, Mass. 01230 tape that will fit the music. Only American offers n selection Telephone: 1 300 of 45 different recording tapes available in lengths of 150, New York 250, 300, 350, 4.50, 500, 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000, 165 West 46th St.. New York 10036 Telephone: Plaza 7 -2800 2400, 3000, 3600, and 7200 feet. Be up to (late. Insist on Seymour Resnick. Andrew Spanberger American, the tape designed to fulfill your every recording Norman Redmon Musical America Section) need. Chicago Taylor Friedman 333 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 314, Chicago 60601 Telephone: 332 -7683 Jerry Taylor, Ed Larson Los Angeles 434 So. San Vicente Blvd. Los Angeles 90C4S Telephone : Olympia '_ -_ 100 Robert J. Friedman, Mrs. Pat Kempler CIRCLE 20 ON READER -SERVICE CARD 4 HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINE www.americanradiohistory.com No Annual Fee Lowest Prices Anywhere No Minimum Purchase Record Club of America saves you $1.50 or more on any LP... on every record made! Join now! CO M PA R E ... and you will join the Select from more than 300 manufacturers .. Record Club of America: the original every label in the U.S.... even foreign labels! (and by far the largest) club offering over 30,000 different LP's, including every album CAPITOL RCA VICTOR DEUTSCHE - listed in the Schwann Catalog, not just at COLUMBIA ANGEL GRAMMOPHON a discount but at dealer cost! You are never LONDON CAEDMON WESTMINSTER limited to club selections ... your savings DECCA VERVE ABC PARAMOUNT are never dependent on a record dealer's VANGUARD ALL OTHERS! stock. Best of all ... Record Club of America offers these savings without gimmicks ... More than 200,000 members enjoy savings there's no annual membership charge ... no like these ... including many leading schools minimum purchase required ... all records and libraries ... on any selection they want guaranteed factory new ... fast "same day" ... monaural or stereo: processing of your orders ... maximum con- $5.98 LP's never cost more than $3.71 .
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