A Abdul Aziz Bari, 237 Abdul Gani Patail, 291 Abdul Ghani Othman, 250 Abdullah Ahmad, 114, 116, 172, 216 Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

A Abdul Aziz Bari, 237 Abdul Gani Patail, 291 Abdul Ghani Othman, 250 Abdullah Ahmad, 114, 116, 172, 216 Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

INDEX A 171, 173, 181, 185, 200, 285, Abdul Aziz Bari, 237 301–02, 324, 330, 336, 339, Abdul Gani Patail, 291 342, 345–46 Abdul Ghani Othman, 250 Abhisit Vejjajiva, 324 Abdullah Ahmad, 114, 116, 172, 216 ABIM (Muslim Youth Movement of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, 18, 42, Malaysia), 229, 237 193, 235–38, 245–49, 251–52, Abramoff, Jack, 232 254, 256–59, 286, 289–90, 307, Abu Hassan Omar, 196 309–10, 316, 319, 327, 331, Abu Sayyaf Group, see ASG 335, 338, 340–43, 345–47 ACA (Anti-Corruption Agency), 236 foreign policy, under, 260–70 ACFTA (ASEAN-China Free Trade “Islam Hadhari” (civilizational Area), 312–13 Islam), 235, 239–41, 261–62, Adam Malik, 100 341, 343, 345, 347 ADB (Asian Development Bank), 215 Mindanao peace talks, 242–44 Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity prime minister, becoming, 234 Organization, 40, 90, 103, 111, Abdullah Fahim, 239 150, 334 Abdullah Majid, 116, 172 AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area), 200, Abdullah Mat Zin, 271 208, 313 Abdul Qadeer Khan, 254–55 Ahmad Faiz, 10–12 Abdul Rahman Ahmad, 285, 295 Ahmad Husni Hanadziah, 320 Abdul Rahman Palil, 259 Ahmad Kamil Jaafar, 39, 44, 63, 124 Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, Tunku, Ahmad Rithaudeen, Tengku, 145, 18, 24–25, 31, 44, 50–51, 155, 167, 171, 173–74, 181 62, 64–65, 68, 70–71, 73–75, Air Defence Council, 160 83–90, 100, 103, 107, 109–10, AJCEP (ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive 113–14, 149–52, 165–68, 320, Economic Partnership 332–34, 336–38, 342, 344–46, Agreement), 312 348–49 Al Arqam, 285 Abdul Rashid Asari, 259 Albanian resolution, 124 Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda, Al Gore, 41 257–58, 274 Alliance Parliamentary Group, 103, Abdul Razak, Tun, 1, 18, 31, 40, 44, 111 49, 64, 73, 94, 103, 105, 107, Alliance Party, 90, 111 110, 118–19, 124, 126–27, 140, Allison, Graham, 15 144, 146–47, 149–51, 165–67, Altantuya Shaaribuu, murder, 257–59 369 15 M_sia FP Index.indd 369 7/27/10 11:09:50 AM 370 Index Alternative Front, see Barisan Arroyo, Gloria, 243 Alternative ASA (Association of Southeast Asian A.M. Azahari, 87 States), 25, 65–67, 80, 100, “Ambalat” area, 281, 325 102–03, 144 AMDA (Anglo-Malayan Defence ASEAN (Association of Southeast Agreement), 48, 50–51, 54, 76, Asian Nations), 4, 41, 43, 79, 115, 149, 159, 296, 332–33 102, 120–23, 126, 128, 134, Amnesty International, 201 144, 147, 149, 155–56, 158, Amran Mansour, 232 167–71, 173–75, 177–79, 183, Amsteel Corp. Bhd, 219 188, 190–94, 199–200, 213, “anarchy”, state of, 3 247, 251, 276, 279, 283, 289, Anglo-American Treaty, 277 292–93, 310, 312, 323, 326–27, Anglo-Dutch Treaty, 291 336–38, 340, 343 Anglo-Malayan Defence Agreement, committees, 101, 116, 180 see AMDA criticism, 180 Anglo-Malayan Defence Pact, 64, 89, formation of, 100, 198, 280 92, 128 ASEAN Brussels Committee (ABC), Anglo-Malaysian Mutual Defence 177 Agreement, 81–82 ASEAN Centre for Counter Terrorism, Anglo-New Zealand-Australia-Malaysia 232 Agreement (ANZAM), 50 ASEAN-China Commemorative Anglo-Siamese Treaty, 283 Summit, 252 Anifah Aman, 320 ASEAN-China Free Trade Area, see foreign minister, as, 321–22 ACFTA Annan, Kofi, 225, 256 ASEAN Economic Community, 313 Antarctica Treaties, 193 ASEAN Free Trade Area, see AFTA Anti-Corruption Agency, see ACA ASEAN Fund, 101, 116 Antrix Corporation Ltd., 341 ASEAN Geneva committee, 177 Anwar Ibrahim, 209, 211, 217, 226, ASEAN High Council, 280, 293 238, 321, 335 ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive imprisonment, 225, 232, 235 Economic Partnership sacking of, 213, 219, 222, 228 Agreement, see AJCEP APEC (Asia Pacific Economic ASEAN Ministerial Conference, 120 Community), 191–93, 207, 224 ASEAN Plus Three, 37, 192–93, 200, APEC Summit, 41, 191, 325 224, 250–51, 339–40 APR (Asia Pacific Roundtable), 41–42 ASEAN Regional Forum, see ARF Aquino, Corazon, 277 ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Arab Malaysia Bank, 231 Summit, 324 ARF (ASEAN Regional Forum), 192, “ASEAN Way”, 5 199 ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting), 199, ARMM (Autonomous Region of 251 Muslim Mindanao), 242, 279 ASG (Abu Sayyaf Group), 243, 279 Armstrong, Karen, 37 Ashaari Mohamed, 285 15 M_sia FP Index.indd 370 7/27/10 11:09:51 AM Index 371 Asia-Middle East Dialogue (AMED), Autonomous Region of Muslim 344 Mindanao, see ARMM Asian and Pacific Council, see ASPAC Azalina Othman, 320 Asian Collective Security System, 166 Azhari Hussein, 232 Asian Common Market, 190 Azilah Hadri, 257 Asian Development Bank, see ADB Azim Zabidi, 259 Asian financial crisis, 5, 202, 218, Azlina Jalaini, see Lina Joy 228, 299–300, 302, 309, 340 Azmi Abdul Hamid, 238 aftermath, 222 Azmi Ahmad, 238 causes, 212, 230 Azmi Khalid, 247 Mahathir Mohamad, and, 211–13, 230 B recovery, 220–22 bailouts, of financial institutions, 316 Asian Monetary Fund, 224 Baker, James, 191 “Asian Network”, 190 Bakun Dam project, 213 “Asian Values”, 202 Bali accords, 175 Asia Pacific Economic Community, see Bali bombing, 232 APEC Bandung Conference, 161 Asia Pacific regionalism, 191 Bandung principles, 125 Asia Pacific Roundtable, see APR Banerjee, Sanjoy, 19 Asia Times Online, 256 Bangkok Declaration, 66, 100, 162, ASLI (Asian Strategy and Leadership 336 Institute), 237 Bangkok Peace Agreements, 92 ASPAC (Asian and Pacific Council), Bangkok Peace Talks, 111 99–100, 115 “Bangsa Malaysia” (Malaysian Race), Asset Management Corporation, see 206 Danaharta Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad, 24 Associated Malay Chamber of Ban Hin Lee Bank, 216 Commerce, 118 Bank Bumiputera, 216, 221 Association of Malaysia, Bank Negara (National Bank), 188, Philippines and Indonesia, see 215–16, 231, 314 MAPHILINDO Bank of Commerce, 216 Association of Natural Rubber “Bapa Ekonomi Malaysia” (Father of Producing Countries, see NRPC Malaysia’s Economy), 141, 158 Association of Southeast Asian Barisan Alternative, 223, 226–27, Nations, see ASEAN 235 Association of Southeast Asian States, Barisan Nasional Pembebasan Patani, see ASA see BNPP Atomic Energy Licensing Board, 255 Barisan Nasional, see BN Aung San Suu Kyi, 41 Barisan Revolusi Nasional, see BRN Australia, relations with Malaysia, “Battle for Merger, The”, 114 246 belief system, 75, 152 authoritarian state, 200, 208 Bella, Ben, 111 15 M_sia FP Index.indd 371 7/27/10 11:09:51 AM 372 Index Bendera (Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat), C 325 “Cahaya Bena”, joint operation, 172 Berita Harian, 282, 290 Cambodia Berjaya Group, Bhd, 219 conflict, 198–200 “Bersatu Padu”, 115 problem, 167 “Bersih” coalition, 238 Vietnamese invasion, 168, 174 Betong demonstrations, 172 war in, 118 Bhukary Syed Abdul Tahir, 254–56 capital controls, 215, 220, 231 BITAC (Bilateral Training and capitalism, 73, 76, 141, 219, 222, Consultation), 197 298–99, 316 “black box”, 70 capitalist modernization, 201 Blair, Tony, 244 Caracas Conference, 145 BN (Barisan Nasional), 209, 223, Carnegie Mellon University, 249 226–27, 229, 238–39, 320 Carrington, Lord, 187 BNPP (Barisan Nasional Pembebasan Carter, Jimmy, 178 Patani), 284 Central Limit Order Book, see CLOB “boat people”, 167–68, 338 Centre for Public Policy, see CPP Bosnia, 195, 207 Centre for Strategic and International Boumediene, President, 131 Studies, 121 Bretton Woods, 211, 316 CEP (Closer Economic Partnership), 253 Brezhnev, Leonid, 172 CEPT (Common Effective Preferential British Civil Service, 22 Tariff), 200 British colonization, 70 CGDK (Coalition Government of British Foreign Office, 22 Democratic Kampuchea), 174, British North Borneo Company, 113 198, 338 British rule, impact of, 55, 73, 77 Challenger Corporation, 256 British Securities Council, 186 Chamil Wariya, 187 British withdrawal, 92, 115, 154 Chan Kong Choy, 260 BRN (Barisan Revolusi Nasional), Charivat Santaputra, 7 284 Chatichai Choonhavan, 198 Brunei “C.H.E. Det”, 186 revolt in, 87 Cheng, William, 219 Malaysia, maritime boundary Chia, Eric, 236, 271 agreement with, 327 China Brunei Party Rakyat, 87 currency devaluation, 230 Bumiputera, 186, 216, 218–19, 222, Malaysia, relations with, 1, 38–39, 287, 303 52, 74, 85, 102, 123–26, 144, Bumiputera-Commerce Bank, 231 149, 247, 324, 328, 340–41 Bundy, William, 334 “two-China” policy, 123 Bush, George H., 191, 206–07 Chin Peng, 74 Bush, George W., 244, 255 Chirac, Jacques, 216, 230, 244 “Buy British Last” policy, 186–87, CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of 344, 346 Government Meeting), 186–87 15 M_sia FP Index.indd 372 7/27/10 11:09:52 AM Index 373 Chou, Premier, 125–26 impact of, 155 Chua Soi Lek, 238 see also Indonesia; Malaysia CIMB (Commerce International Congo, peacekeeping mission, 60–62, Merchant Bankers), 231 78 CIQ (Customs, Immigration, and “constitutive” theory, 2–3, 19 Quarantine) Complex, 248, 272 Constructing a Security Community in Citibank, 231 Southeast Asia, 5 civilizational Islam, see “Islam “constructivism”, 2–3, 19, 106, 228, Hadhari” 346 Clinton, Hillary, 321, 326 critical 4–9 CLOB (Central Limit Order Book), constructivist paradigm, 19–20 214, 220 “constructivist strategizing”, 123 Closer Economic Partnership, see constructivist theory, 2–3, 5, 7 CEP Cornell University, 10 CNN, 195 “Corrigidor affair”, 336 Coalition Government of Democratic Council on Foreign Relations, 42 Kampuchea, see CGDK counterdominance policy, 301–02 Cobbold Commission, 113 “counter-elite”, 150–51 Cold War, 1, 9, 11, 15, 18, 121, 179, Cox, Robert, 3, 19, 344 185, 193, 197–98, 329, 332, CPP (Centre for Public Policy), 237 334, 339, 341, 345 “critical theory”, 3, 6, 9, 19 engaging the, 48–80 “Crush Malaysia” (Ganyang Malaysia), “Second Cold War”, 174–75 282, 295 Colombo Plan, 64, 110 “cultural studies”, 11 colonialism, 8, 67–68, 73, 77–78, 86 Cumaraswamy, Param, 225 Commerce International Merchant Customs, Immigration, and Bankers, see CIMB Quarantine Complex, see CIQ Commodore Reef incident, 278 Complex Common

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