DOCUMENT RESUME ZD 221 350 SE 036 065 - ,TITLE ,Puerto Ricans in Science and Biomedicfne.: report of a 'Conference. -INSTITUTION American Association for the Advancement of Science; Washitngton, D.C. SPONS AGENCY National Instituteg of Health (DHHS), Bethesda, Md. REFORT NO AAAS-Pub-81-11=5; ISBN-87168-255-9 .PUB DATE, Nov 81 CONTRACT NIH-263=81-C-0130 MOTE. 72p.; Conference held ig Bethesda D7April 22-24, 1981. .EDRS PRICE MF01/PC03 Plus Postage: DESCRIpTORS *Biomedicine;-*Collsge Science; *Conferences; Engineering Education., Enrollment Influences; Higher Education; *Hispanic Americans; Labor Force; Organizations (Groups); *PUerto Ricans; *Science Careers; Science Education; Scientists ABSTRACT Twelve diVi-sxons and-inStitUtes Of, the National ° 'Institutes of Health,(NIH) cogponsored this cohlerence'to,examine'the barriers to participation of Puerto Ricans ih the United ifatee to careers in'science and biomedicine.. Areas addressed during the conference included: (1).perspectivee from.the NIH; (2) historic#1 and modern perspectives of HispanicscontribUtionn to American life; (3) statisti:cal profile of :egrbllmenti, 'degrees, and science/engineering-labor force (including 15 tables); (4) education of Puerto Ricans in the 'United Statesr(5) 'status of sCience in Puerto Ricov(6) organizing Puerto Rican scientists; ,and (7) recommendations, including those relating to pre-college education, college and graduate education, employment and professional Status, compiling a directory of Puerto Rican scientists and engineers, and- establishing a getwork ofTuerto Rican scientists, engineers, and students. (SK) N 4 4********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDAS are the best that can_be' made * . * * . from theoriginal document.' ************************************************************************ v , U.S. DEPANTNIENT,OFEDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCENFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) document has been reproduced as -/This received from the person ororganization originating it. Minor changes have beenmade to improve reproduction, quality. Points of view or opinions statedin this docu . ment do not necessarily representoicial NIE positioil or policy 'PERM/SS/ONTO REPRODU4 THIS MATERIAL HAS I3EENGRANTED BY TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER(ERIC)." , PUERTO RICANS. IN SCIENCE, AND BIOMEDICINE REPORT OF A' 'CONFERENCE Prepared by - Offi Ce of Oppôrtunitiesin Science' Ameridan0Association for,the Advancement of Science Jointly. Supported by: American Association for the Advancement of Science NIH Division of Research Resourées NIH Division of Equal Opportunity Natiimal Cancer Institute .National Institute of General Medical Sciences Natiohal Institute of Neurological and Communicative'Disordersand Stroke National Institute of.Aliergy and Infectious Diseases National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Dige§tive Diseases' ,Nationdl Institute of Child Health and Human Development Nationai--.Institute of Dental Research 'National Institute on Aging National Eye's Institute . Fogarty International Center Ca. American Association for the Advancement' of Science 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. November, 1981 AAAS. Publication 81-R-6 _ 4 Thq Conference of. PuertovRidans in Science and Biomedicine (April 2224, 1981) and this publication were supported by the Nátivnat Institutes of Health.under Contract No. 263-81-C-0130. Any opiniofis, conclu.sions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and do nbt necessarily reflect the views of the National Institutes of Health. Copyright 1981 by American Association for the Advancement ,of Science Library of Congreas* Catalog No. 81-69566 ISBN No. 87168-255-9 AAAS Rublication 81-R-5 Printed.in the United States of America ISLA VERDE Verde 'verde es esta isla Ya hoy en amplias ailenidas Isla Verde as' te llamas; se ensancharon tus veredas. Verde del mangle calado Ya el mangle no cala verde - sobre la.playa dorada. ni tus tipleros caminan de a uno en fondo,los domingos. Ribera orlada de sol y de penachos de-coco, Ya tus bohios dejaron de bohios calcinados, el past' a los rascacielos por el salitre del mar donde el olor a tabaco olorosos a tabaco a ron ycaf(tostado, a ron y caf tostado, sp evapora. por los tubas arrullados por la brisa del aire acondicionado. y los cantos del coqui. Ya no' se eschucha el murmullo Veredas que de a uno en 0fondo de tu brisa tropical. caminaban tus tipleros Eh vez se oye el rugir cuando la luna era Rena de cien aviones a chorro y era noche de domingo. que a tus playas aterrizan quemando el mangle y la brisa y fastidiando al coque. Te has convertido en jungla Hace apenas media siglo de cabarets y posadas, asi0estaban tus riberas de mtisicacom plicada caminadas po!' tus gentes de jergas incomprensibles. ' qup bien sabian ,por que Ya no ere§ isla, eresjungla.* te llamaban Isla Verde Ya no se sabe por que v te llamaron Isla Verde. Manuel Garcia Morin Nagam6) 19,3 Copyright 1981 by Manuel Garcia Morin, used by permission._All rights reserved by. the author. r ,11/ TABLE OF CONTiNTB PUERTO RICANS.IN SCIENCE: Report ofa Meeting Held April 22-24, 1981 INTRODUCTION TO CONFERENCE S. Maria Hardy 6 \NIH PERSPECTIVE' --Zora J. Griffo 11 HISPANIC CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMERICAW LIFE:. HISTORICAL AN.D .MODERN PERSPECTIVES Major General Enrique Mendez, Jr. 15 A BLURRED STATISTICAL POkTRAIT OF HISPANIC SCIENTISTS Betty M. Vetter 21 THE EDUCATION OF PUERTO RICANS IN THE UNITED STATES. Shirley Mahaley Malcom 31 STATUS OF PUERTO RICANS IN.SCIE-NCE THE ISLAND Manuel Gomez Rodriguez 37 PUERTO RICANS AND SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZING Michele L. Aldrich 45 RECOMM.ENDATIONS OF THE CONFERENCEOF PUERTO RICAN SCIENTISTS 49 :- BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PUERTO RICANS: EDUCATION AND E MPLOYM ENT Michele r;. Aldrich 57 , APPENDIX. A Final Agenda 63 List of Participants 67 APPENDIX B SCIENCE news article 75 , ,PUERt0 RICANS 11k1 SCIENCE: Iteport of a Meeting Held April 22-24,- 19817 Bethesda, Maryland conducted by the Office ,of Opportunities in Science American Association for the Advancement of Seience . Esta ponencia de Ia reuniOn de abril de 1981 'resume los discursos dados y los debates qostehidos clurante eqta sesiOn.Los resdmenet de los,debatesincluyeninformaciOnsobre'algunasdelas recomendaciones del grupo.La- mayorIa del material presentido en esta ponencia -puede encontrarse en forma 'Integra en otras partes de .este libro. twelVe divisions arid institutes Of She National Institutes of Healthcosponsored this Conference* to examine'the barriers to participation of Puerto Ricans in the United States to careers in science and biomedicine. Thirty-five senior Puerto Rican scientists tobk part in the session, virtually all Working in biomedical fields. Four were employed at universities on the island of Puerto. Rico, and the others worked in scientific'settings on the mainland, including positions in government, acadtme, and the private sector. Twenty science students of Puerto Rican heritage were alsO active participants; they were enrolled in"mainland graduate and undergraduate programs, many of thefn doing research under. Minority Biomedical Support program (mBs) or Minority Access to Research .CareerS Progrsm (MARC) auspices.Also contributing to the meeting were a number of NIH staff members, several Puerto Ricans who work closely with scientists although not trained in those fields, AAAS staff; and a few observers frdni federal agencies interested in the theme of the conference.The meetingconsisted of small workshops alternating with plenary sessions. .0 At the opening plenary session, S. Maria Hardy (Associate Professor of Physiology at Louisiana Slate University, Shreveport, Itnd Chair of the Conferenbe) outlined the history of concern and. involvement by Puerto Rican science professionals that led to the,conceptualization and convening of this.:Conf,erence.She noted the AAAS role in many of these activities including the mfnocitir women scientists conference, the informal meeting of Puerto Rican scientists in New/York in 1476, the Puerto Rican membership on' the AAAS Committee. on Opportunities in Science and the Puerto Rican directory project.She charged the conferees to utilize the opportunity which had been provided them by the NIH to examine .the barriers to, their. participation in science, and to formulate a course of action that would lead to advances in biomedical careers. , Zora Griffo, Special Assistant_ to the Direetor, NIH, outlined the history- of concern by the National Mstitutes of Health for groups.underrepresented in biomedical *Division of Research Resources, Drvision of Equal Opportunity, National Cancer Institute,NationalInstituteofGeneral. MedicalSciences,Natiqnal.jnstituteof Neurological and Communicative DisorderS and Stroke, National Institute of Allergyand Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Dental Research, National Institute on Aging, National Eye Institute, Fogarty International Center. - 4 research.She noted the peed to understand the .particular barriers to career entry by' the various groups and indicated that NIH's missibn required that it attend to the development of needed talent frorh all segments of the Population. %Both speakers noted that the decision to go forth with such efforts was a sign of NII-Ps perception of the importance of this part of its mission in view of the hard choices being made 'in'a time of budget
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