M ar c h 2 1, 2 0 21 5t h S un d a y of L e nt - Pa g e 1 4 5 Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. The Rosary is prayed before Holy Mass M-F @ 7:35 a.m. SERVANTS SCHEDULE MASS INTENTIONS th Saturday, March 27 - 4:30 p.m. Monday, March 22nd Knights of the Altar: Fred Ellis/ Jacob Mayton Saint Nicolas of Flue Lector: Geoff Alford 8:00 a.m. - Intentions of Jeff Kalk Ushers: Ryan Clements/Maria Stegmeier rd Tuesday, March 23 Sunday, March 28th - 7:30 a.m. Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo Knights of the Altar: Paul Hansen/Tim Brennan/ 8:00 a.m. - Intentions of Jerry Kalk Cory Cripe Wednesday, March 24th Lector: Michelle Rifenberg Saint Catherine of Sweden Ushers: Curt Riley/Colin Riley/ 8:00 a.m. - Intentions of Sebastian Anderson Bob Rifenberg th Thursday, March 25 Sunday, March 28th - 9:30 a.m. The Annunciation of The Lord Knights of the Altar: Geoff Alford/Ken Schelfhout 8:00 a.m. - † Leona Yanta Lector: Sharon Dawidowski th Ushers: Gary Brauer/John Dawidowski/ Friday, March 26 - Abstinence Saint Ludger Tom McConaghy/John Koelbl 8:00 a.m. - Intentions of Father James Altman th Sunday, March 28 - 11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 27th Extraordinary Form Mass Saint Rupert of Salzburg Knights of the Altar: TBD 8:00 a.m. - Intentions of Living and deceased members Ushers: TBD of Demos-Garibaldi Family 4:30 p.m. - † Mick Calkins th HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS Sunday, March 28 - Palm Sunday of the Passion of The Lord Monday-Friday 8:00 am Novus Ordo 7:30 a.m. - Intentions of Nicole Sauter Saturday 8:00 am Traditional Holy Mass 9:30 a.m. - † Thomas Koelbl 4:30 pm Vigil - Novus Ordo 11:30 a.m. - † Sylvia Chow Sunday Masses 7:30 am Novus Ordo 9:30 am Novus Ordo 11:30 am Traditional Holy Mass CHURCH SUPPORT SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION March 14, 2021 Saturdays and First Fridays after morning Holy Mass Envelopes $ 3,217.00 Plate $ 983.87 PARISH STAFF Vigil candles $ 98.00 Fr. James F. Altman pastor Ash Wednesday $ 5.00 Deacon Jason Hutzler permanent deacon Giving Online $ 509.07 Maria Stegmeier administrative assistant Total $ 4,813.44 Donna Walz director of religious education MAKE DONATIONS ONLINE - ONLINE GIVING We offer an option for people who prefer to make do- nations online, called Online Giving. Lenten Confessions For quick access to Online Giving, visit our website: Every Friday and Saturday www.saintjameslax.com and follow the instructions provided. For any questions Morning after Holy Mass about Online Giving, please contact Maria Stegmeier at: 608 -782-7557. Visitation of the Sick: If you become homebound because of QUESTION ON THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION illness and would like to be visited, please call Saint James of- fice 608-782-7557 If God knows my sins, why do I have to confess God doesn´t need it. We need it. Confessing Anointing of the Sick: Those who are seriously ill or have been them? sick for a long period of time should receive the Sacrament of helps us to own up to the fact that we are sinners in need the Sick and Holy Communion. Please call St. James office to of redemption. Confessing strengthens us to stop com- make arrangements: 608-782-7557. paring, making excuses and assigning blame. St. James the Less Catholic Church | Page 2 | www.saintjameslax.com SAINT JAMES THE LESS Weekly Readings LENTEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS AND March 22nd - March 28th, 2021 SOUP SUPPERS Monday Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/ During the Lenten Season, we will hold Sta- Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [4ab]/Jn 8:1-11 tions of the Cross on Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. Tuesday Nm 21:4-9/Ps 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21 [2]/Jn 8:21 A Soup Supper will follow in Murphy Hall. -30 Wednesday Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56 If you are interested in making a soup for [52b]/Jn 8:31-42 one of the nights, please contact Maria at: 608- Thursday Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Ps 40:7-8, 8-9, 10, 11 [8a, 9a]/ 782-7557. Thank you! Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38 Friday: Jer 20:10-13/Ps 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7 [cf. 7]/Jn 10:31-42 Adoration Saturday: Ez 37:21 - 28/Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13 [cf. 10d]/ Jn 11:45-56 of the Blessed Sacrament Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/Is 50:4-7/Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 [2a]/Phil 2:6-11/Mk 14:1— Every Friday during Lent 15:47 or 15:1-39 9:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. FATHER JOSEPH WALIJEWSKI LEGACY GUILD Join us to celebrate Padre Jose and learn more about how THREE CANDLES IN THE SANCTUARY he lives among us today. We will unveil a new video and March 19, the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Spouse of share stories of his missions with the children in Peru at Casa the Blessed Virgin Mary Hogar! This event will be a lead in to Holy Week, which is “Therefore what God has joined together, no human always a special time to celebrate and remember Padre Jose being must separate.” in Peru and around the world. The three candles by Saint Joseph Altar represent Wednesday, March 24th - 7:00 pm CST our gratitude for the witness of faith of our married cou- Zoom Meeting: ples here at Saint James the Less. During the month of https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86862252025? March, we will remember not only our Wedding Anni- pwd=ZVd4VjZIdVovRmYxaVlTaDkyOFI0Zz09 versaries, but also those who have been married and cel- Meeting ID: 868 6225 2025 ebrated their Anniversaries over the past year. This will Passcode: 032214 replace our monthly Marriage Blessings Sunday. Please write your names on a small card, along with EASTER MEMORIAL the exact date you were married and place it into the ves- An Easter Memorial is a special way to remember sel. It will be included in the Mass Intentions for the your deceased loved ones. Donation Forms towards the month. purchase of Easter Flowers for Saint James Altar are available at the Church entrances. + Let your FAITH be greater than your fear + CONSECRATION TO ST. JOSEPH CLASS Hundreds of people in the La Crosse area have already tak- en the Consecration to St. Joseph class learning more about St. Joseph. Because it is such an important class we are offering it one more time. DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE TO JOIN TOGETH- ER WITH YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST AND LEARN ABOUT OUR DIOCESE’S PATRON SAINT, ST. JO- SEPH. Join us as we learn about Joseph and Jesus through the Con- secration to St. Joseph by Fr. Donald Calloway There are 4 class offerings. Choose the one that works best for you. We will meet once a week for 6 weeks starting the week of March 28. Sundays (first day 3/28) 8:45-10:15 am St. Joseph the Workman, Cathedral Tuesdays (first day 3/30) 9:00-10:30 am St. Pat’s 6:30-8:00 pm THIS CLASS IS MEN ONLY St. Joseph the Work- man, Cathedral Wednesdays (first day 3/31) 9:00-10:30 am St. James the Less OR This class can also be done as a self-study at home. The cost per participant will be $9.00 for the book. Already own a book? Join us for free. To register contact one of the participating parish offices or Amy Capelli at 608-783-0847- or [email protected] ANNOUNCEMENTS HOLY WEEK SERVICES SPEND GOOD FRIDAY WITH JESUS PALM SUNDAY St. James the Less will be commemorating On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the first joy of the season, the time Our Lord hung on the Cross with a spe- as we celebrate Our Lord's triumphant entrance into Jerusa- lem where He was welcomed by crowds worshiping Him cial program. On April 2nd, we will host a pro- gram called The Three Hours. and laying down palm leaves before Him. It also marks the beginning of Holy Week. From noon-2pm, it will be centered around Our Masses will begin with the Blessing of Palms, read- The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ. ing of the Gospel, and Procession. Scriptural readings, music and Sacred Si- HOLY THURSDAY lence remembering each of the 7 phrases Jesus The Mass of the Lord’s Supper spoke from the Cross will give you the oppor- 6:00 pm Novus Ordo / 7:00 pm Traditional Mass The evening Mass on Holy Thursday is referred to as The tunity to be there with Jesus and share in His Sorrowful Passion. Mass of the Lord’s Supper. This is where the Church relives the institution of the Eucharist and the Holy Sacrifice of the From 2pm-3pm, will be the Veneration Ser- Mass at the Last Supper, as well as the institution of the vice. Come and stay for some or all of these 3 Priesthood, which took place the evening before Jesus was hours as your schedule allows. crucified. We also recall how Jesus gave us the important example of charity by washing the feet of His apostles.
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