Social Monitoring Report Project Number: 42486-016 Annual Report (August 2019 – July 2020) March 2021 India: Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Project Prepared by Urban Development and Environment Department, Bhopal for the Asian Development Bank This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. From: Rajeev Sharma <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 4:35 PM To: Sumeet Rathore <[email protected]> Cc: Vivek Vishal <[email protected]>; Saswati G. Belliappa <[email protected]>; ENC UDC <[email protected]>; Chief Engineer <[email protected]>; KAMLESH BHATNAGAR <[email protected]>; P.L. Barange <[email protected]>; Rakesh Shandilya <[email protected]>; Girish Nair <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Submission of SSMR (reporting period August 2019 to July 2020) Kind Attention: Mr. Sumeet Rathore Refer to the telephonic discussion in the first half today, please find attached revised SSMR (reporting period Aug. 2019 to July 2020) in the track change mode and in accept mode both for your review and approval. Table 1 of SSMR is now split into two parts as suggested. Thanks and regards (Rajeev Sharma) Social Safeguard Expert-Resettlement PMC, MPUSIP-Bhopal Mobile: +91 93 101 03 101 Recd. 23.2.21 SFG Log 4527 MADHYA PRADESH URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED MADHYA PRADESH URBAN SERVICES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK LOAN ASSISTANCE (LOAN NO. 3528-IND) SEMI ANNUAL SOCIAL MONITORING REPORT (SSMR) ON SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS (Phase1) Period: August- 2019 to January 2020 and February 2020 to July-2020 Submitted by: PROJECT MANAGEMENT COUNSULTANTS, BHOPAL (TATA CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED J/V JPS ASSOCAITES PVT. LTD) i ABBREVIATION ADB Asian Development Bank BPL Below Poverty Line CAPP Community Action and Participation Program CMO Chief Municipality Officer DBO Design Built Operate DMS Detailed Mesurement survey GLSR Ground Level Storage Reservoir GOI Government of India GRC Grievance Redress Committee GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism ISA Initial Social Assessment IR DDR Involuntary Resettlement Due Diligence Report IP DDR Indigenous People Due Diligence Report LAA Land Acquisition Act LIG Lower Income Group M&E Monitoring and Evaluation PAF Project Affected Family PAH Project Affected Household PIU Project Implementation Unit PMU Project Management Unit MPUDCL Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company Limited MPUSIP Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Project NHAI National Highways Authority of India NP Nagar Parishad ROR Record of Rights ROW Right of Way R&R Resettlement and Rehabilitation SSMR Semi Annual Social Monitoring Report UDHD Urban Development and Housing Department WHH Women Headed Household ii TABLE OF CONTENTS A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................... 1 B. BACKGROUND OF REPORT AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................... 3 C. SCOPE OF SOCIAL SAFEGUARD IMPACTS .............................................................. 5 D. COMPENSATION AND REHABILITATION ................................................................ 33 E. CONSULTATION, PARTICIPATION AND DISCLOUSRE .......................................... 33 F. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM (GRM) ........................................................... 38 G. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS .......................................................................... 50 H. MONITORING RESULTS / FINDING .......................................................................... 52 I. COMPLIANCE OF SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS LOAN COVENANTS ............................. 53 J. FOLLOWUP, ACTION, RECOMMENDATIONS AND DISCLOUSRE ......................... 57 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Structure and Process of GRM ............................................................................. 40 Figure 2: Map Showing Sub-Project Towns ........................................................................ 59 Figure 3: Photographs of ADB Mission (INRM) During Site Visit at WSS town Khajuraho Rajnagar (Pkg 6A) ............................................................................................................ 102 Figure 4: Photograph showing laying of RWRM on the edge of the NH-3 road, 14 m away from the centre of the road ........................................................................................................ 105 Figure 5: Photographs of Proposed WTP site of WSS town Dhamnod under Pkg 2C ....... 106 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Status of draft Social Safeguard Reports (Resettlement Plan or IR DDR and IP DDR) of Subprojects under Phase1 ................................................................................................ 6 Table 2: List of Awarded Packages with Name of DBO Contractor along with Progress of Design Submitted and Physical Progress (in %) ................................................................... 9 Table 3: Safeguard issues and Mitigation Measures ........................................................... 13 iii Table 4: Social Safeguards Issues Town-wise and Package-wise ...................................... 14 Table 5: Record of Awareness Raising Events/Consultations at Subproject towns under Phase 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 34 Table 6: Status of GRC Formation ...................................................................................... 41 Table 7: Summary of Submitted Grievances and Resolved Status, as on 31 July-2020 ...... 43 Table 8: Deployment of Social Safeguards officials during Reporting Period (August 2019 to July 2020) ........................................................................................................................... 51 Table 9: Status of Compliance of ADB’s Loan Covenants related to Safeguard Issues ....... 53 Table 10: Status of Actions for Social Safeguards Compliance ........................................... 57 APPENDIX Appendix 1: List of the Towns Package-wise, as per Revised Procurement Plan ............... 60 Appendix 2: Copy of the Household Survey ....................................................................... 63 Appendix 3: Office Order of Executing Agency to Establish GRC at subproject town level . 65 Appendix 4: Copy of Official Order of MPUDC regarding Nomination of Tribal Member in the GRC, towns reported under Scheduled Area ...................................................................... 69 Appendix 5: Grievances Reported During Period August-2019 to January-2020 ................ 70 Appendix 6: Grievances Reported During Period February-2020 to July-2020 ................... 90 iv A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The Urban Development and Housing Department (UDHD) of Government of Madhya Pradesh (GOMP) launched Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Project (MPUSIP) with the loan assistance from Asian Development Bank (LOAN NO. 3528-IND). ADB and the GOMP agreed on ADB's investment in phased manner in this priority sector taking up water supply scheme (WSS) in 64 ULBs and sewerage management in 4 ULBs under Phase 1. The Urban Development and Housing Department is an Executing Agency for the Project. Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company Limited (MPUDCL) is the nodal Implementing Agency through a central Project Management Unit (PMU) for implementation of the Project with further supported by Project Implementation Units (PIUs). The PMU has been assisted by Project Management Consultant (PMC) namely M/S TATA Consulting Engineers Limited in association with JPS Associates Private Limited, New Delhi. 2. List of the towns, as per revised procurement plan is depicted in Appendix 1. The entire project is planned to be implemented in three periods: (i) preparatory and procurement; (ii) construction and (iii) operations and maintenance. Prior to implementation of the project, design Consultants were hired by MPUDCL to develop Detailed Project Report (DPR) of each subproject town. In regard to social safeguard, subprojects are classified as category ‘B’ for involuntary resettlement and indigenous peoples as per ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (2009). Each subproject has been screened to assess the social impacts likely to be occurred due to project interventions. Resettlement Plan is developed using approved Resettlement Framework (RF) and Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF). It is presumed that significant number of subprojects will not make any involuntary resettlement impact, so Involuntary Resettlement Due Diligence Major Achievements of Subproject Packages Report (DDR) has been prepared. under Phase-1 • Summary of Social Safeguard reports (IR 3. Project interventions have been DDR/IP DDR) in Hindi displayed at respective managed by the MPUDC with the ULBs and PIUs, technical support of PMC at Bhopal and • draft copy of RP, IR DDR and IP DDR are PMC (PIU)s located at regional levels i.e. submitted and approved, Bhopal, Indore, Sagar, Jabalpur and • Updation of IR DDR and IP DDR done for 16 Gwalior. Apart from technical packages, (engineering)
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