STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS ) STOKES COUNTY GOVERNMENT COUNTY OF STOKES ) DANBURY, NORTH CAROLINA ) JULY 9, 2007 The Board of Commissioners of the County of Stokes, State of North Carolina, met for regular session in the Commissioners’ Chambers of the Ronald Wilson Reagan Memorial Building (Administrative Building) located in Danbury, North Carolina on Monday, July 9, 2007 at 1:30 pm with the following members present: Chairman Leon Inman Vice-Chairman Jimmy Walker Commissioner Ron Carroll Commissioner Ernest Lankford Commissioner Stanley Smith County Personnel in Attendance: County Manager K. Bryan Steen Clerk to the Board Darlene Bullins Finance Director Julia Edwards Tax Administrator Jake Oakley Senior Services Program Director Lynn Martens Chairman Leon Inman called the meeting to order. Chairman Inman delivered the invocation. GENERAL GOVERNMENT-GOVERNING BODY-PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Inman opened the meeting by inviting the citizens in attendance to join the Board with the Pledge of Allegiance. July 9, 2007 1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT – GOVERNING BODY – APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chairman Inman entertained a motion to approve or amend the agenda for the July 9, 2007 meeting. County Manager Bryan Steen requested (at the request of Support Services Supervisor Danny Stovall) to move Item D- (Discussion Agenda)”Sale of Surplus Tax Foreclosed Property” to the Action Agenda in order to expedite the upset bid process if approved by the Board. This would eliminate interest and penalties to be incurred in the month of August. Commissioner Lankford requested to leave the item on the Discussion Agenda in order to discuss other possible options for the property. The Board unanimously agreed to leave Item D on the Discussion Agenda. Chairman Inman entertained a motion to approve the July 9th agenda. Commissioner Lankford moved to approve the July 9th agenda. Vice Chairman Walker seconded and the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jack Gibson 345 Springdale Road Walnut Cove, NC 27052 Re: Thank You For Not Raising Property Taxes Mr. Gibson expressed his appreciation to the Board of Commissioners for a job well done during the recent adoption of the 2007-08 Budget and also commended the Board for their dedication of public service to Stokes County. Mr. Gibson thanked Commissioner Lankford, Vice Chairman Walker, and Chairman Inman for adopting a budget that matches revenue. Mr. Gibson concluded by also thanking dedicated County employees for their efforts to control spending. CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Inman entertained a motion to approve or amend the following items on the Consent Agenda: July 9, 2007 2 Minutes of June 25, 2007 Commissioner Carroll noted the following correction: June 25, 2007 - Minutes Page #19– change This statue allows… to This statute allows… Tax Administration and GIS/Mapping - Budget Ordinance Amendment # 1 Finance Director Julia Edwards submitted Budget Ordinance Amendment #1. To amend the General Fund, the expenditures are to be changed as follows: Current Account Account Budgeted Increase As Number Description Amount (Decrease) Amended Tax Administration 100.4140.000 Salaries & Wages $191,639.00 $55,764.00 $247,403.00 100.4140.090 Social Security $12,409.00 $3,457.00 $15,866.00 100.4140.091 Medicare Tax $2,902.00 $808.00 $3,710.00 100.4140.100 Retirement $9,448.00 $2,750.00 $12,198.00 100.4140.101 401(k) $1,916.00 $558.00 $2,474.00 100.4140.110 Group Insurance $24,742.00 $3,535.00 $28,277.00 100.4140.111 Dental Insurance $1,843.00 $264.00 $2,107.00 GIS/Mapping 100.4141.000 Salaries & Wages $164,554.00 ($47,216.00) $117,338.00 100.4141.090 Social Security $10,203.00 ($2,927.00) $7,276.00 100.4141.091 Medicare Tax $2,287.00 ($684.00) $1,603.00 100.4141.100 Retirement $8,113.00 ($2,357.00) $5,756.00 100.4141.101 401(k) $1,645.00 (472.00) $1,173.00 100.4141.110 Group Insurance $17,673.00 ($3,535.00) $14,138.00 100.4141.111 Dental Insurance $1,318.00 (264.00) $1,054.00 100.9910.300 Contingency $250,000.00 ($9,681.00) $240,319.00 $700,692.00 $-0- $700,692.00 This budget amendment is justified as follows: To transfer funds for the appointment of the Tax Administrator and the combination of the GIS/Mapping Department and Tax Administration Department. Per Board of County Commissioners’ approval at the June 25, 2007 regular meeting. July 9, 2007 3 Solid Waste - Budget Ordinance Amendment # 2 Finance Director Julia Edwards submitted Budget Ordinance Amendment #2. To amend the General Fund, the expenditures are to be changed as follows: Current Account Account Budgeted Increase As Number Description Amount (Decrease) Amended Solid Waste 100.4720.353 Maintenance & Repair $10,000.00 $2,145.00 $12,145.00 $10,000.00 $2,145.00 $12,145.00 This budget amendment is justified as follows: To appropriate insurance funds to repair the fence at the Francisco Refuse Site due to high wind damage. This will result in a net increase of $2,145.00 in the expenditures and other financial use to the County’s annual budget. To provide the additional revenue for the above, the following revenues will increase. These revenues have already been received or are verified they will be received in this fiscal year. Current Account Account Budgeted Increase As Number Description Amount (Decrease) Amended 100.3839.850 Insurance Claims $.00 $2,145.00 $2,145.00 $.00 $2,145.00 $2,145.00 Commissioner Lankford moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Commissioner Smith seconded and the motion carried unanimously. GENERAL GOVERNMENT – GOVERNING BODY – DISCUSSION AGENDA Stokes County Mental Health/Stokes County Emergency Responders Work Group – Proposal - Mental Health Issues in Stokes County Chairman Keith Merritt – Stokes County Mental Health Association read the following message from Stokes County Mental Health Association and Stokes County Emergency Responders Work Group to the Board: To: Stokes County Commissioners July 9, 2007 4 From: Emergency Responders/Stokes County Mental Health Association In March 2007 the Stokes County Mental Health Association and the Emergency Responders made presentations to the County Commissioners making clear their dedication to and concern for the state of mental health/substance abuse service provision in Stokes County. Representatives from the 2 organizations agreed to create a collaborative work group, the focus of which would be to develop recommendations for the allocation of funds received by the county in February ($200,000.00) from Centerpoint Human Services. This work group had representation from agencies across the county, and met on 3 occasions between April and May. Minutes from each meeting, as well as attendance rosters are included in your agenda packet. Also included are tables and graphs of relevant statistics. The overwhelming consensus of this work group was that, in order for Stokes county residents to access and obtain Mental Health and Substance Abuse services in the current system, the county must have local coordination with and visibility to the Local Management Entity and to the service providers. This must come from a person, or persons, who have understanding of Stokes County's needs, culture, and citizens. At the County Commissioners' Candidates' Forum last October, a representative from North Carolina Mental Health Association stated that mental health and substance abuse treatment is no longer primarily a state or federal responsibility-rather it is becoming a county, and community responsibility. Since this indeed seems to be the case, local knowledge, local care and concern, and local commitment to our county are the vision that the work group would like to see accomplished. The Emergency Responders and Stokes County Mental Health Association will continue meeting collaboratively, and stand ready to consult/discuss ways and means for implementation of any or all of these recommendations, or others that may arise. We are committed to an active role in helping Stokes County obtain the best possible services for our residents who have mental health, substance abuse and developmental disability Issues. Chairman Merritt discussed the following recommendations: Emergency Responders/Stokes County Mental Health Association Work Group Recommendations HIRE a Mental Health Service Coordinator to serve as a local referral source (593#) for consumers, potential consumers, service providers, LME, emergency rooms, EMS, the sheriff and police department and general public Licensed (LPC, LCSW, LMFT) Under the County Manager, DSS, or Health Department Coordinator's Role would include .... Grant Writing-conduct grant searches, apply for and obtain grant funding for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and sustainability of the Coordinator Position July 9, 2007 5 Determine the Availability of Mental Health Services and how to access (include insurance issues, state and federal funding issues) Review current transportation availability and make recommendations for ongoing transportation services Partnership Building with all involved parties to determine service gaps and ongoing need to obtain the services the County needs Coordinate public awareness campaign to reduce stigma for those in need of services Conduct a needs assessment and maintain Mental Health Statistics for Stokes County PURSUE the possibility of Baptist Medical Center and/or Stokes-Reynolds Memorial Hospital providing crisis beds within the county o Need determined by needs assessment o Issues--structural facilities requirements, staffing and cost ALLOCATE dollars for some adult substance abuse treatment services and/or Mental Health Services o Possible "scholarships" or direct payment to service provider o Medication assistance FUND a coordinated, comprehensive public awareness campaign, to be developed by the Mental Health Services Coordinator, and the Emergency Responders and Stokes County Mental Health Association Work Group Chairman Merritt presented information regarding a 45 hour stay at a hospital for a commitment which involved County Deputies having to wait for the commitment and the need to have available beds in Stokes County perhaps using Stokes Reynolds Memorial Hospital.
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