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THIS WEEK r-eatures 18 Flexible and Focused Sernin.a;y Pmgrams Ernphasize Mission Applications BY MICHAEL0-LOUGHUN 20 Changing Culture at Saint Paul's College An Episcopal college und er- t.ake.c;academic renewal JOHN K. WADDELL,JOHN P. :MAYand R W DENTON 20 ~l2 Arms of Love BYBRUCE BIRDSEY ao Why I Decided on Seminary Students respond Opinion ~~4 Guest Column Sorrows of the Heart BY.JAMES F. GRANER ~~5 Editorials 15 The Cover Opportunities for Growth Meredith Carter, a middler at Seabury-WesternTheological ~~6 Reader's Viewpoint Seminary, serves as the Wearying the Lord torchbearerfo r the Ash WednesdayEu charist BYJOHN M. IIDIBS Gonstanc,' \\ 'ilsou photo !?7 Letters Two Reconcilers l~ews OtherDepartments 14 Bishop Sauls Joins List 4 Sunday's Readings for Presiding Bishop 5 Books 16 Report: Pennsylvania 11 Sharps , Flats & Naturals Reconciliation Unlikely 36 People & Places Al'RIL 2. 2006 · TII[ LIVING CHURC II 3 New for Laity SUNDAY'SREADINGS YieldingOur Will ·1 J fl BEAi fE U>ES The Beatitudes FO R TODA Y for Today James C. Howell '.. .for this purpose I have come ... ' ( John 12:27) $14.95 (Canada $18.00) FifthSunday in Lent,April 2, 2006 ISBN: 0-664-22932-8 BCP:Jer. 31 :31-34, Psalm 51 or 51 :11-16, Heb. 5:(1-4)5-10, John 12:20-33 RCL:Jer. 31 :31-34, Psalm 51 :1-13 or 119:9-16, Heb. 5:5-10, John 12:20-33 "James Howell's lovely Our 40-day sojourn in penitence and affections , will not incline us new book The Beatitudes for draws us near to Holy Week and towards God's righteousness without Easter, through which we are to be divine inspiration. Jeremiah 's Today is both poetic and confronted with the very heart of the prophecy underscores this spiritual prophetic ... , a souffle of the mystery of our salvation . This seasonal reality. It is the Lord who says, "I will spirit and mind, for individu­ self-examination will have made us put my law within them, and I will als and groups-and indeed more conscious of those "things we write it upon their hearts ." Only by tor the human family, come ought not to have done" which we God's acting upon us in mercy and not a moment too soon." continually do, as well as our failures grace do we receive forgiveness and -Susan Marie Smith, Assistant to act in accord with our high calling yield our own wills to the divine will. Professor of Preaching and as God's people. Our worship on this This being so, it appears that we are Worship, Saint Paul School of Sunday challenges us to see that our called into humble vulnerability Theology , Kansas City, MO. reliance on the Lord, our dependence before the Father. Both the epistle and on the Savior, begins with the the gospel suggest that such humility disposition of our heart and will. and vulnerability can be seen in the Recognizing that only God "can self-offering of Jesus. According to the bring into order the unruly wills and Hebrew letter, Christ humbly relied on affections of sinners," we pray in the "him who was able to save him from Christianity 101 collect of the day for grace. In death" and "although he was a Son, he Tracing phrasing that is echoed in the assigned learned obedience through what he Basic Beliefs portion of Psalm 119, we pray that suffered." In the passage from St. James W. White grace will empower us to love and John, though his "soul was troubled," $14.95 desire the commandments and Jesus prayed openly not for fulfillment (Canada $18.00) ISBN: 0-664-22953-0 promises of God. This petition is of his own desire but "for this purpose consistent with that familiar plea from I have come to this hour. Father, "There is no doubt that the Psalm 51, "Create in me a clean heart, glorify thy name." Like our Savior and 0 God, and renew a right spirit within by his grace , we may come to rely church will be more faithful me." Righteousness begins within us upon and surrender to the purpose of and more effective when its as our hearts and souls awaken with our Father. Thus will we find our past is available in an intelli­ longing for the will of God. hearts, minds and souls cleansed from gible way. White's book is a But our longing, our desires, wills, sin and created anew. great gift to the current church as it seeks to under­ LookIt Up stand itself." Read Psalm 51 and Psalm 119:9-16. Consider what these psalms teach us about -Walter Brueggemann, our inward disposition concerning the will of God. professor emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary ThinkAbout It Christian faith affirms that Jesus "lived as one of us, yet without sin." What can the notion that "he learned obedience through what he suffered" teach us about our learning the ways of God? WESTMINSTER JOHN KNOX PRESS NextSunday WJK TheSunday of the Passion:Palm Sunday, April 9, 2006 1-800-227-2872 I Fax: 1-800-541-5113 BCP:Isaiah 45:21-25 or 52:13-53:12 ; Psalm 22:1-21 or 22:1-11; Philippians 2:5-11; www .wjkbooks.com Mark (14:32-72)15:1-39(40-47) Also available in Cokesbury bookstores RCL:Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31 :9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Mark 14: 1-15:4 7 or PROMO CODE: AD2006 15:1-39(40-47) 4 THE LIV IN G CHURCH · Al'R I L 2. 2006 BOOKS MARKED By Steve Ross. Church Publishing/Seabury Books. (www.seaburybooks.org). $20. Pp. 180. ISBN 1-59627-002-0 You don't usually think of the terms "comic book" and "Church Publish­ ing" in the same sentence. But maybe you should. Its first offering of the graphic novel genre, Steve Ross's Marked, is an excellent resource for youth min­ istries. It would make a great present from a per­ son who cared to bring the gospel to the life of a yow1g adult. For the uninitiated , a graphic novel is a fom1 of media much in demand by the Millennials . What a previous generat ion would dismiss as "comic books " have actua lly devel­ oped into a new genre of literature , greatly influenced by Japanese manga art forms. The pictures are highly styl­ ized, and the subjects are not just the adventures of a superhero , but con­ cern significant issues of life, death, and the meaning behind the compli­ cated world with which our young people must deal. Graphic novels are not for the squeai.nish. They are often noted for their sexual and violent content. The characters have nan1es that make par­ ents wince. This was the challenge for Church Publishing: To find a graphic Godcalls all to ministry... some to ordainedministry. novel that was not immediately dis­ However, not all can respond to the call to missed as what Grandma gives you so you won't read what you want. the priesthood because of the cost of seminary. Mark ed succeeds as just this kind of evangelical tool. It depicts the narra­ Burdened by college debt and a price tag of $50,000to $100,000o r more tive of the Gospel of Mark faithfully for seminary, faithful people with the potential to develop into committed, and in gripping forn1. The Holy Land is dynamic priests cannot say "yes" to God's call. Others successfully complete occupied terr itory, its people sub­ a Master of Divinity degree, but the load of educational debt limits where they jected to tota litar ian control , can serve and lessenstheir effectiveness in ministry. complete with automated commun­ ion-dispensing machines. John the Support the education and training of future Episcopal clergy.
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