Cavalry in Built-Up Areas PB 17-01-4 July-August 2001 Saddle Up... Tonight We Ride “Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, “There's a big difference between having a career and but it requires a very fine nature... to sympathize with a having a life. Be sure not to confuse the two,” said Barbara friend’s success.” — Oscar Wilde Bush, speaking at Wake Forest’s 2001 commencement. I recall my own day of infamy, that being the year in which I July is here, and with its heat comes another list of majors had vested the most hope in getting selected for promotion who are to move on to lieutenant colonel (Congrats). This to LTC. Once the results were out, I dreaded going home list marks my seventh or eighth look and final opportunity. and telling my wife that I was not selected. Fortunately, I While I resist the urge to purchase champagne, I anxiously was met outside the stairwell by running hugs delivered by await the list’s arrival with crossed fingers for some combat two of my children (apparently, it did not matter to them that buddies whose chances are significantly better than mine. I had been not been selected for promotion). This spurred I won’t use this forum or release of a promotion board’s an epiphany — my life had not ended. One’s career is im- results to rant and rave about the injustices of the OER sys- portant, but a better gauge of worth is one’s performance as tem, promotion boards, or PERSCOM. Quite frankly, I was a parent or spouse. I’ll set a good example for my kids, pleasantly surprised to attain the rank of major and thoughts working hard in a noble profession, but raising them to be of a subsequent promotion caused me to think of an old worthy adults takes precedence. quote by Groucho Marx along the lines of not wanting to join Ride hard and enjoy the ride all the way to the objec- any club that would have him as a member. Rather, I’d like tive. Life ain’t always fair; get over it! Many take the disap- to point out that, sooner or later, no matter who you are or pointment hard, slipping into a “woe is me” self-pity or bit- what heights you scale, the Army is going to tell you, terly angry mode. They let these sentiments impact both “Thanks very much.” One of my previous pass-overs oc- their performance and remaining time in the Army. Don’t curred roughly when GEN Wesley Clark, Supreme Allied define success by a job title; define success by doing your Commander Europe/Commander-in-Chief U.S. European job well. Command, and the last American general to wage war, was invited to step down early to accommodate his successor’s July also marks many changes of command. I’d like to arrival. Sure, all of us feel that we should have made this remind speakers now diligently drafting and polishing rank, commanded at this level, or attained this job; it’s the speeches that Abraham Lincoln used a mere 267 words nature of the beast, and reflects the traits of the people we and little over two minutes to deliver the Gettysburg Ad- want in the Army. However, the cruel reality is that few of us dress, not a bad benchmark. So if you find yourself stam- will reach the rank, command, or job we believe we should, mering away past the 10-minute threshold and see soldiers and this fact should not be viewed as abject failure (easier in formation with eyes glazing over, wrap it up. People rarely preached than accomplished). complain about a short speech. Blinding flashes of the obvious gleaned from my experi- — D2 ence include: By Order of the Secretary of the Army: Official: ERIC K. SHINSEKI JOEL B. HUDSON General, United States Army Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Staff Secretary of the Army 0113104 The Professional Development Bulletin of the Armor Branch PB 17-01-4 Editor-in-Chief MAJ DAVE DAIGLE Features 8 The Cavalry Paradigm Managing Editor “We Aren’t Training as We Intend to Fight” JON T. CLEMENS by Captain William E. Benson 11 Airborne Light Cavalry Gunnery Commandant The Army’s only airborne ground cavalry troop deploys to Fort Knox MG B. B. BELL by First Lieutenant Brian W. Oertel and Captain Francis J. H. Park 14 Train As You Fight Light cavalry gunnery in the 82d Airborne Division ARMOR (ISSN 0004-2420) is published bi- by Staff Sergeant Jack Tripp and Sergeant First Class Leo Clark monthly by the U.S. Army Armor Center, 4401 Vine Grove Road, Fort Knox, KY 40121. 16 Mountain Cavalry Recon in Built-Up Areas Disclaimer: The information contained in AR- by Captain Rich Rouleau MOR represents the professional opinions of the authors and does not necessarily reflect 19 Modifying the Abrams Tank for Fighting in Urban Areas the official Army or TRADOC position, nor by Sergeant First Class Ira L. Partridge does it change or supersede any information presented in other official Army publications. 25 Some Russian Tankers’ Experiences in the Second Chechen War by Adam Geibel Official distribution is limited to one copy for each armored brigade headquarters, armored 29 Evolving Army Armor Structure in the Late 1920s cavalry regiment headquarters, armor battalion by Brigadier General Raymond E. Bell Jr. headquarters, armored cavalry squadron head- quarters, reconnaissance squadron headquar- 35 Some Thoughts for Junior Officers on Making a Career Decision ters, armored cavalry troop, armor company, by Lieutenant Colonel James F. Pasquarette and motorized brigade headquarters of the United States Army. In addition, Army libraries, 38 The Poor Man’s GUARDFIST Army and DOD schools, HQ DA and MACOM by Captain Todd A. Scattini staff agencies with responsibility for armored, direct fire, ground combat systems, organiza- 40 The Joint STARS Common Ground Station: tions, and the training of personnel for such organizations may request two copies by A New Tool for the Maneuver Commander sending a request to the editor-in-chief. by Captain Mike Monnard Authorized Content: ARMOR will print only 44 Division Capstone Exercise Verifies the Effectiveness those materials for which the U.S. Army Armor of Army’s Tactical Internet Center has proponency. That proponency by Armor Staff includes: all armored, direct-fire ground com- bat systems that do not serve primarily as Back New TSM–Soldier Office Established at Fort Knox infantry carriers; all weapons used exclusively Cover in these systems or by CMF 19-series enlisted soldiers; any miscellaneous items of equip- ment which armor and armored cavalry or- ganizations use exclusively; training for all SC Departments 12A, 12B, and 12C officers and for all CMF- 19-series enlisted soldiers; and information 2 Contacts concerning the training, logistics, history, and 3 Letters leadership of armor and armored cavalry units 5 Commander’s Hatch at the brigade/regiment level and below, to 7 Driver’s Seat include Threat units at those levels. 50 Reviews Material may be reprinted, provided credit is given to ARMOR and to the author, except where copyright is indicated. Periodicals Postage paid at Fort Knox, KY, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Editor, ARMOR, ATTN: ATZK-ARM, Fort Knox, KY 40121-5210. Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. USPS 467-970 July-August 2001, Vol. CX, No. 4 DSN prefix – 464- Points of Contact Commercial prefix– (502) 624- ARMOR Editorial Offices U.S. Army Armor Center Editor-in-Chief Commanding General (ATZK-CG) MAJ Dave Daigle 4087 MG B. B. Bell 2121 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Managing Editor Please Deputy Commanding General (ATZK-DCG) Jon T. Clemens Note New 4582 BG Terry Tucker 7555 E-Mail: [email protected] Phone E-Mail: [email protected] Numbers Chief of Staff (ATZK-CS) Editor for ARMOR COL George Edwards 1101 Vivian Oertle Staff 2610 E-Mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Command Sergeant Major (ATZK-CSM) Staff Illustrator CSM Carl E. Christian 4952 Mr. Jody Harmon 3923 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Directorate of Force Development (ATZK-FD) COL Joe Hughes 5050 E-Mail: [email protected] Mounted Maneuver Battlespace Battle Lab (ATZK-MW) ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS: To improve speed and accuracy in COL Dennis J. Szydloski 7809 editing, manuscripts should be originals or clear copies, either typed E-Mail: [email protected] or printed out double-spaced, with a 3½-inch disk in Microsoft Office, Chief of Armor (ATZK-AR) Word, WordPerfect, WordStar, Rich Text Format, or ASCII (please Aubrey Henley 1272 indicate wordprocessing format on disk or cover letter). Tape E-Mail: [email protected] FAX 5155 captions to any illustrations or photos submitted. 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