Day Missions l11nlj THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE JAMAICA BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY, FOR THE YEAR 1914 OBJECTS. The obj ects of the Society are to provide for the Spiritual Destitution of variow~ parts of this Island,-to· suppo.rt the Calabar Institution for the trainitig of Ministers, -to assist Sunday Schools,-to send the Gospel to Africa, Central America, and to the Islands by which we are·surrounded, To aid ·Churches in the Jamaica Baptist Union in their Building Operations and to contribute to the Reserve Fund of the Jamaica Baptist Union. ---:0:--- A. Ga KIRKHAM, Petersfield P.Oi, SECRETARY • •TAMArcA: PRINTED BY TIlE GLEAN&P. Qo" LIMITEO, 148, 150& 152 H-arbour Street, Kingston. -"~. -.~~~- -~. - ~;'),.:r·_' c~;-'~·' ~; '- ~-:":'~'~~J "'"'~~ Officers anj .\lanagillg Committee for 1915~ TREASURER: RKY. 'Yo PRATT, M.A., KINGSTON P. O. SECRETARY: HEV. A. G. KIRKH_~M, PETERS FIELD P. O. HONORARY MEMBERS' REV. Join, KnwDo~, RF:v. S. J. WASHINGTON, REV. W. A. TUCKER:. EX-OFFICIO: HEV. J.T. DILLO~ CHAIRMAN ,JAMAICA BAPTIST UNION. REV. P. WILLIA~lS SECRETARY JAMAICA BAP'I'IS'.!.' UNIOI\ •. REV. Eo PRIC{<;, B.A., B.D. PRESlD~'T CALABAR COLLEGE. R~~v. W. HEAD SECRETARY SUNDA.Y SCHOOL SOCIETY •. ELECTED: REV. T. G. SO~I~RS, :R.EV. W. D. BROWN,. REV. W. P. SmLl~Y, REV. W. D. HENDERS(i}IN: Ih~v.• J. A. JONI~S. HEV. 11. L. WEBST.v.;R, I~Ey. U. E. HEND~H,SO)\. RKv. E. A. BgLL, 1{t;\'. D. M. ROBEltTS. AUDITORS: D. llALFOUlt, {<;stJ. .1. L. KING, ESll., B.A., LL.B. RULES. I.-That the Society be designated" THE JAMAICA BA.PTIST iVIISSIONARY SOCIETV in co.nection with "THE JAMAICA BAPTIST UNION." 1I.-That the objects of the Society be (I) to provide for the spiritual destitution or various parts of the Islaud-(2) to support the Calabar Institution--(3) to, assist Sunday Scho,ols-(4) to send the gospel to, Africa, Central America and the Islauds by which· we nre.snrrounded-(5) to, aid Churches in the Jamaica Baptist Union in their, buil~il!g op.erations-(6) and to contribute to the Reserve Fund of The- .Jamaica Baptist Union. IIT.-That the Beneral Committee of the Society shall consist of thfl I\JiRisters and Delegates of tho,se Churches which contribute regularly to the Society's fundsp by whom the 'l'l'easurer, Secretary, and nine others as a .Managing Committee, for the ensuing year, shall be elected. Five shall form a quorum, nnd the Managing: Committee shall have Po,wer to fill up vacancies that may occur during the year. IV.-That the Ohairman of the Jamaica Baptist Union, the President of CaI8,bar Co,llege, the Secretary of the Jamaica Baptist Union and the Secretary ;o,f the Suruiay Scho,ol Society shall be ex-officio Members of the Managillg Committee.. V.-That each Asso,ciatio,n in connection with the Jamaica Baptist Union not having a member elected on the Missionary Committee, shall have power each 'vear to, nominate one of their members as an Associate member of dIe Committee for the year. The nominatio,n to be sent to the Secretary before the beginning or the Annual Meeting of the General Board. VI.-That a public meeting w ill be held annually, at the, time of the meeting of the Jamaica Baptist Union when a list o,f the Committee shall be read, th& accounts presented, and the pro,ceedings of the previous y~r adopted. ' YII.-That no alteration of the Constitution of the Society sh'&U·be mad& without twelvemo,nths notice having been Given at the previous Annual General Meeting. Grants in Aid of Buildings. ----0--- Grants are voted t.o aid in purchasing, erecting,' or repaIrmg buildings connected with Churches belonging to the Jamaica Baptist Union, and which regularly contribute to the funds of the Jamaica J3aptist Missionary Society. REGULATIONS FOR GRANTS IN AID. I. It must be clearly shown that the land on which the building stands, or is to be erected, is in Trust for denominational purposes, .and the Title is Valid. II. A complete statement of work cuntemplat.ed on the mission property, and a detailed estimate of the proposed expenditure must be presented with the application for a grant. III. The Church seeking aid must have raised one-fourth of the estimated amou,nt required for the work contemplated, and the application must state how much money the Church has raised, the value of materials and of free labour given, and amount received from ()ther sources. IV. Before a grant is recommended by the l\fanaging Commit.tee. a Sub-Committee shall be appointed to inspect and report on the work proposed or in progress. V. No grant approved of by the General Committee shall be paid before the April Meeting of the Managing Committee, and in eve]·y case in which a grant if; vuted the Pastor of the Ohurch shall render a full account of expenditure in time for the next Annual Meet­ ing. Every grant shall be spent within twelve months aftf'r it bas been approved of by the General Committee, but it shall be competent for the Managing Committee to allow an extension of t.ime in ex­ ceptional circumstances. VI. All applications for grants shall be made on the authorized Form, obtainable of the Secretary, and shall be returned to him pro­ perly filled in not later than September 30th. VII.. The M£n~ing Committee shall prepare for the .Annual Meeting of the GenerLtI Committee a report on the applications which were in the hands of the Secretary not later than ~eptem ber 30th; namely t the applications selected and the grants recommended t also the -applications refused and the reasons for their refusal. VIII. Not mor~ than £300 shall be applied annually for building purposes. IX. All applications shall be rejected as informal which do not comply with the above regulations. EXTRACTS OF MINUTES OF THE GE~ERAL l\1:EETING UELD .AT BETHEJ-A TO~7'N, On Monday, 1st March, 1915. l. ThA Hev. J. T. Dillon, Chairman of the Jamaica Baptist. Union, presided. 2. The Minutes of the last Annual Meet.ing were read and con­ firmed. 3. The MinutE's of the Meetings of the Managing Committee' were presented and received. 4. The 59t.h Annual Report was presented, and it \\:1S TP. solved :-Thnt the report be adopted, read at the Public Meeting' to-night, and printed and circulated in the usual way. 5. The Treasurer pregented t.he Cash Statement for r914. shew­ ing Receipts £1 417 H 5!, Expenditure £1,411 14 9t. B,t!IlTICe' in hand £5 14 8!-. It was resolved: -"That the Cash Statement he­ adopted. read at the Public Meeting to-night, and printed and cir­ culated in the usual manner.'~ n. The Officers and Managing Committee were thanked for their services during the past year, and those for the present year were elected. 7. Collectors and Subscribers:­ Resolved: That the General Committee recognizing the faithful services of the Collectors, and the gifts of the ~ubscribers to the funds of the So­ ciety. hereby tender t.heir sincere thanks to these helpers, and express the hope that they will c~ntinue their hearty co-operation." 8. Horne Missions :- The Grants to the St. Margarafs Bay and Rosewell spheres were determined. EXTlacrS OF 1\1 n: UTE~. 9. Building Grants. The fonowing grants wcre made:­ Ashley Ville £15 0 0 Tranquillity 20 0 0 Leith Hall 25 0 0 :Mambv Park ;~() 0 () Porus' Hi 0 0 l\lount Zion (St. Ann) ... 15 0 0 ----- £120 0 0 Applications from. St. Leonards and Barronville were referred to the Managing Oommittee with full powers. 10. The following Notices of Motion were given:­ (a.) By Mr. A. B. Lowe:- "That the General Committee for Calabar College shall consist o'f Ministers and Delegates, and not Minist-ers alone, and that the Pro­ :gramme of the Union be 80 arranged that Oalabar business be taken when the delegates are at the Union meetings." (b:) By tlJe Rev. E. A. Bell :- " That Rule 4 of the Missionary Society shall read: 'That the <1hnirmanof the Jamaica Baptist Union, the President of Calabar • College, the Aecretary of the Jamaica Baptist Union, the Secretary of 1he Sunday School Society, and the Secretary of Oalabar College, shall dJe ex-officio members of the Managing Committee." A. S-. KIRKHAM, Secretary. THE ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING < • OF THE .Jamaica Baptist Missionary Society WAS HELD AT BETHEL ~'OWN, ON MONDAY EVENING, 1 st MAReK, 1915. The Rev. JOHN KINGDON occupied the Chair. The Secretary presented the 59th Annual Report and the Treasurer the Annual Cash Statelnent, and addre~ses were delivered by the Rev. T. H. DuneanlSon, of Changuinola, Boeas del Toro, .Rev. William Pratt, M.A., of Kingston, and Rev. A. l\tIiIler, of Balaclava. Tbe Fifty-Nintb Annual Report -OFTH~- JAMAICA BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY~ N that excellent periodical, "The Missionary­ Review of the World" for the month of No­ vember, 1914, there is a painfully suggestive­ picture. Stretching out from a great expanse~ of water is a massive, powerful hand. The hand is closed .. On the wrist are the words Superstition and Fear; on the thumb, Ignorance; on the first finger, idolatry; on the, second, l1npu1'ity; on the third, Infanticide; and on the fourth, Deceit. This terrible hand holds a woman and a child in a mighty grip. The face of the woman is turned: upwards as if in mute and hopeless appeal. The head of the child is drooping down, and the face wears a look of' unutterable misery.
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