Total Total 8mer 7mer-m8 7mer-A1 6mer Cumulative weighted Aggregate Target gene Representative transcript Gene name 3P-seq tags + 5 Representative miRNA context++ sites sites sites sites sites context++ score PCT score GIPC3 ENST00000322315.5 GIPC PDZ domain containing family, member 3 48 14 5 5 4 9 hsa-miR-5001-5p -4.18 -4.18 N/A GNG13 ENST00000248150.4 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 13 5 7 0 7 0 0 hsa-miR-4498 -2.21 -2.21 N/A EVC ENST00000382674.2 Ellis van Creveld syndrome 165 15 0 15 0 1 hsa-miR-4498 -2.1 -2.1 N/A MAM domain containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol MDGA1 ENST00000297153.7 240 7 3 3 1 5 hsa-miR-5001-5p -2.05 -2.11 N/A anchor 1 KLK4 ENST00000324041.1 kallikrein-related peptidase 4 5 9 0 9 0 0 hsa-miR-4498 -1.77 -1.77 N/A OLFML2A ENST00000288815.5 olfactomedin-like 2A 155 9 4 4 1 1 hsa-miR-4498 -1.77 -1.77 N/A SDK2 ENST00000392650.3 sidekick cell adhesion molecule 2 8 5 3 2 0 2 hsa-miR-4498 -1.74 -1.74 N/A NKIRAS2 ENST00000462043.2 NFKB inhibitor interacting Ras-like 2 9685 4 1 3 0 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.71 -1.71 N/A OSBP2 ENST00000382310.3 oxysterol binding protein 2 485 6 2 4 0 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.64 -1.66 N/A SNPH ENST00000381873.3 syntaphilin 13 5 2 2 1 1 hsa-miR-4498 -1.61 -1.61 N/A SPN ENST00000360121.3 sialophorin 5 3 2 0 1 3 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.58 -1.58 N/A PER2 ENST00000254658.3 period circadian clock 2 106 4 2 1 1 3 hsa-miR-4498 -1.57 -1.57 N/A FLJ27365 ENST00000360737.3 hsa-mir-4763 74 5 2 3 0 3 hsa-miR-4498 -1.5 -1.54 N/A UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase, B3GALT5 ENST00000380620.4 5 9 2 5 2 3 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.48 -1.48 N/A polypeptide 5 C19orf54 ENST00000470681.1 chromosome 19 open reading frame 54 18 4 1 3 0 3 hsa-miR-4498 -1.47 -1.5 N/A C17orf103 ENST00000468196.1 chromosome 17 open reading frame 103 54 7 4 1 2 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.47 -1.47 N/A PRAF2 ENST00000376390.4 PRA1 domain family, member 2 1921 4 1 3 0 0 hsa-miR-4498 -1.45 -1.45 N/A C10orf91 ENST00000392630.3 chromosome 10 open reading frame 91 5 6 0 6 0 3 hsa-miR-4498 -1.43 -1.43 N/A HES6 ENST00000409574.1 hairy and enhancer of split 6 (Drosophila) 3170 5 1 3 1 3 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.39 -1.4 N/A TNS4 ENST00000254051.6 tensin 4 40 4 2 2 0 4 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.38 -1.94 N/A Uncharacterized protein; WD repeat domain AF196779.12 ENST00000376358.3 1921 4 1 3 0 0 hsa-miR-4498 -1.37 -1.37 N/A phosphoinositide-interacting protein 4 WDR45 ENST00000553851.1 WD repeat domain 45 1921 4 1 3 0 0 hsa-miR-4498 -1.37 -1.37 N/A MEN1 ENST00000377316.2 multiple endocrine neoplasia I 8 4 2 2 0 1 hsa-miR-4498 -1.34 -1.34 N/A GLTPD1 ENST00000343938.4 glycolipid transfer protein domain containing 1 4136 4 3 0 1 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.33 -1.33 N/A NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex, 4- NDUFA4L2 ENST00000556732.1 10 4 2 2 0 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.3 -1.44 N/A like 2 Total Total 8mer 7mer-m8 7mer-A1 6mer Cumulative weighted Aggregate Target gene Representative transcript Gene name 3P-seq tags + 5 Representative miRNA context++ sites sites sites sites sites context++ score PCT score CPLX2 ENST00000359546.4 complexin 2 5 7 1 5 1 2 hsa-miR-4498 -1.29 -1.29 N/A AC174470.1 ENST00000457257.1 164 5 2 2 1 2 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.27 -1.27 N/A PML ENST00000565898.1 promyelocytic leukemia 83 6* 0 3 2 3 hsa-miR-4498 -1.24 -1.24 N/A TTLL6 ENST00000433608.2 tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 6 5 2 2 0 0 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.24 -1.24 N/A CABP7 ENST00000216144.3 calcium binding protein 7 12 7 3 2 2 4 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.23 -1.23 N/A RP11-706O15.1 ENST00000425492.2 HCG1981372, isoform CRA_c; Uncharacterized protein 142 2 1 1 0 0 hsa-miR-4498 -1.23 -1.23 N/A PAPLN ENST00000381166.3 papilin, proteoglycan-like sulfated glycoprotein 78 3 1 1 1 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.22 -1.38 N/A ZNF618 ENST00000288466.7 zinc finger protein 618 778 6 0 4 2 2 hsa-miR-4498 -1.2 -1.22 N/A PRKACA ENST00000308677.4 protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, catalytic, alpha 12 3 1 2 0 2 hsa-miR-4498 -1.18 -1.18 N/A PACS1 ENST00000320580.4 phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1 87 7 1 5 1 5 hsa-miR-4498 -1.17 -1.42 N/A MARVELD1 ENST00000285605.6 MARVEL domain containing 1 2470 4 2 2 0 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.17 -1.17 N/A RAB5A ENST00000273047.4 RAB5A, member RAS oncogene family 68 2 2 0 0 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.17 -1.17 N/A TMEM234 ENST00000373593.1 transmembrane protein 234 51 4 1 3 0 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.15 -1.15 N/A NPTXR ENST00000333039.2 neuronal pentraxin receptor 578 5 1 4 0 3 hsa-miR-4498 -1.13 -1.13 N/A PEX14 ENST00000356607.4 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 14 1637 7 0 7 0 0 hsa-miR-4498 -1.13 -1.13 N/A KIF1A ENST00000320389.7 kinesin family member 1A 115 3 1 1 1 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.13 -1.21 N/A COL20A1 ENST00000422202.1 collagen, type XX, alpha 1 5 4 1 2 1 7 hsa-miR-4498 -1.12 -1.12 N/A BCL2L13 ENST00000418951.2 BCL2-like 13 (apoptosis facilitator) 741 4 0 4 0 3 hsa-miR-4498 -1.1 -1.11 N/A FOXK1 ENST00000328914.4 forkhead box K1 368 7* 2 3 1 5 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.1 -1.22 N/A CHCHD5 ENST00000409719.1 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 5 1577 4 1 2 1 1 hsa-miR-4498 -1.1 -1.1 N/A ALX4 ENST00000329255.3 ALX homeobox 4 52 5 2 3 0 0 hsa-miR-4498 -1.09 -1.09 N/A ARNT2 ENST00000303329.4 aryl-hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 39 6 1 2 3 2 hsa-miR-4498 -1.09 -1.09 N/A FAM222B ENST00000582266.1 family with sequence similarity 222, member B 100 5 0 2 3 4 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.08 -1.09 N/A RPL14 ENST00000416518.1 ribosomal protein L14 8294 3 2 0 1 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.08 -1.25 N/A TRIM66 ENST00000299550.6 tripartite motif containing 66 33 4 0 1 3 6 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.08 -1.45 N/A Total Total 8mer 7mer-m8 7mer-A1 6mer Cumulative weighted Aggregate Target gene Representative transcript Gene name 3P-seq tags + 5 Representative miRNA context++ sites sites sites sites sites context++ score PCT score CCL19 ENST00000378800.3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 19 5 1 1 0 0 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.07 -1.07 N/A TRIM62 ENST00000291416.5 tripartite motif containing 62 28 2 2 0 0 2 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.07 -1.07 N/A PTPRF ENST00000372414.3 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, F 14842 4 0 2 2 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.07 -1.07 N/A KRTAP10-9 ENST00000397911.3 keratin associated protein 10-9 5 2 1 1 0 1 hsa-miR-4498 -1.05 -1.05 N/A SYNDIG1L ENST00000331628.3 synapse differentiation inducing 1-like 7 5 1 3 1 0 hsa-miR-4498 -1.05 -1.05 N/A BBC3 ENST00000341983.4 BCL2 binding component 3 87 4 1 3 0 0 hsa-miR-4498 -1.04 -1.04 N/A KCNIP3 ENST00000295225.5 Kv channel interacting protein 3, calsenilin 555 6 2 3 1 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.04 -1.04 N/A PTTG1IP ENST00000397887.3 pituitary tumor-transforming 1 interacting protein 1170 3 1 2 0 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.04 -1.07 N/A PVRL1 ENST00000264025.3 poliovirus receptor-related 1 (herpesvirus entry mediator C) 50 7 2 4 1 0 hsa-miR-4498 -1.03 -1.13 N/A ALPK3 ENST00000258888.5 alpha-kinase 3 16 3 3 0 0 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.03 -1.03 N/A RAB35 ENST00000534951.1 RAB35, member RAS oncogene family 1051 6 2 4 0 1 hsa-miR-4498 -1.02 -1.09 N/A RBBP8NL ENST00000252998.1 RBBP8 N-terminal like 5 2 1 0 1 2 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.02 -1.02 N/A TJAP1 ENST00000372444.2 tight junction associated protein 1 (peripheral) 15 2 1 0 1 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -1.02 -1.02 N/A TTBK1 ENST00000259750.4 tau tubulin kinase 1 7 5 1 4 0 0 hsa-miR-4498 -1.01 -1.01 N/A CX3CL1 ENST00000006053.6 chemokine (C-X3-C motif) ligand 1 218 5 0 5 0 1 hsa-miR-4498 -1.01 -1.04 N/A EEFSEC ENST00000483457.1 eukaryotic elongation factor, selenocysteine-tRNA-specific 625 4 3 1 0 3 hsa-miR-4498 -0.99 -1.22 N/A CLEC16A ENST00000409790.1 C-type lectin domain family 16, member A 108 4 2 1 1 4 hsa-miR-5001-5p -0.98 -1.17 N/A NF2 ENST00000347330.5 neurofibromin 2 (merlin) 828 6 0 4 2 0 hsa-miR-4498 -0.98 -1.16 N/A NFIC ENST00000346156.5 nuclear factor I/C (CCAAT-binding transcription factor) 26 9 0 8 1 6 hsa-miR-4498 -0.98 -1.27 N/A MUC5B ENST00000447027.1 mucin 5B, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming 5 1 1 0 0 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -0.98 -0.98 N/A ZNF346 ENST00000503039.1 zinc finger protein 346 5 3 2 1 0 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -0.98 -0.98 N/A SLC46A1 ENST00000440501.1 solute carrier family 46 (folate transporter), member 1 580 4 2 0 2 4 hsa-miR-5001-5p -0.98 -1 N/A FBXL16 ENST00000397621.1 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 16 5 4 0 3 1 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -0.98 -0.98 N/A C2orf71 ENST00000331664.5 chromosome 2 open reading frame 71 5 2 1 0 1 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -0.98 -0.98 N/A ARL2BP ENST00000219204.3 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2 binding protein 450 2 2 0 0 0 hsa-miR-5001-5p -0.98 -1 N/A Total Total 8mer 7mer-m8 7mer-A1 6mer Cumulative weighted Aggregate Target gene Representative transcript Gene name 3P-seq tags + 5 Representative miRNA context++ sites sites sites sites sites context++ score PCT score ZMIZ2 ENST00000309315.4 zinc finger, MIZ-type containing 2 761 6 1 3 2 5 hsa-miR-4498 -0.97 -1.24 N/A CRTC1 ENST00000338797.6 CREB regulated transcription coactivator 1 322 6 2 4 0 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -0.97 -0.99 N/A RAB37 ENST00000392610.1 RAB37, member RAS oncogene family 875 4 3 1 0 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -0.97 -0.97 N/A TAGLN ENST00000532870.1 transgelin 225 2 1 0 1 1 hsa-miR-4498 -0.97 -0.99 N/A RUFY4 ENST00000441828.2 RUN and FYVE domain containing 4 5 4 1 3 0 1 hsa-miR-4498 -0.96 -0.96 N/A LMX1B ENST00000355497.5 LIM homeobox transcription factor 1, beta 8 5 1 3 1 1 hsa-miR-4498 -0.96 -0.96 N/A Transcription factor SOX-7; Uncharacterized protein; cDNA SOX7 ENST00000554914.1 47 4 0 2 2 2 hsa-miR-4498 -0.95 -0.98 N/A FLJ58508, highly similar to Transcription factor SOX-7 MS4A10 ENST00000308287.1 membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 10 5 2 2 0 0 1 hsa-miR-5001-5p -0.95 -0.95 N/A CNIH2 ENST00000528852.1
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