Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 18 JUNE 1918 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Illness of Clerk. (18 JUNE.] Questions. 309 QUESTIOXS. SALE OF 1\Iol:XT HcTTOX STOCK. Mr. VOWLES (Da/l;y) a~ked the Secre­ tary for Public LandB- " 1. Has the Government sold or agreed to sdl anv of the Mount Hutton stock to any pe1·son or pers0ns? " 2. If so, who is the purchaser? "3. \Vhat number and what descrip­ tion of stock have been so sold or agree-d to be ,,,J]d ·; "4. How many and what dhcription of stock ha>e bc0n delivered to the pur­ chaocr to dat.-,? " 5. IV ere the terms and conditions of this <·ale rcduc<?d into writing? " 6. If so, will he table a copy of the agreement of sale?" HoK. J. M. HUKTER. for the Secretary for Public Lands, replied­ " 1. Yes. " 2. J. Motrissey and Sons. '' 3. 9, 700 of both sexes. " 4. -, ,858 of both sexes. '' 5. Yes. " 6. It is not customary to table copies of ag,ee;nents, but the hon. member ear­ peruse this agreement if h<J: calls at the Lands D;!r.artment." RESD!PTIO:t; OF Sl:Nl'<YBA:><K LANDS. Mr. HARTLEY (Fitzroy) asked the Secre­ tary for Public Le.nds- " 1. \Vil! he lay upon the table of the House the evidence, or authentic copies of the evidqnce, taken at the sitting of the Land Court, Brisbane, of the 7th of May, 1918, when determining the question of the compensation payable on account of resumption for soldier settle­ ment purposes of areas of lands at Sunn:cbank township and in the parish of Y eerongpilly ·~ "2. What were-(a) the names of owners ; (b) area held by qach ; (c) amount claimed by myner; (d) amount allowed by the court? " 3. Who are the directors and prin­ cipal shareholders in the Airdmillan Land Company, Limited?" HoN. J. M. HCNTER. for the Secretary for Public Lands, replied- " 1 to 3. The hon. member may not be LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. aware that his question will involve the typing of some 118 folios of evidence, which I consider would be a needless TnsDAY, 18 Jc"E, 1918. expense. If he will call at the Lands Department. the evidence and papers in the case will be available for his perusal." The DEPLTY SPEAKER (:Mr. \V. Bertram Maree) took the chair at half-past 3 o'clock.' SOLDIERS' PROXIES. ILLNESS OF CLERK. Mr. SI:T.ER (lYu.ndah) asked the Assistant The DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have to in­ Minister for Justice- ~orlll: the House that the Clerk will not be " 1. \Vas a proxy vote from Robert m h1s place to-day, owing to illness. Alexander MacCracken, or Robert Alexander McCracken, a soldier in The ACTING PREMIER (Hon. E. G. France, and .whose name as aforesaid 'Theodore) : I beg to move-That the Clerk­ appears on both thE) Townsville main and Assistant perform the duties of tht: Clerk supplementary rolls, in favour of his ,during his absence. father, R. B. li'IacCracken, of Townsville, Question put and passed. 310 Qucst~·ans. [ASSEMBLY.] or any person, advis~d amongst cables unless the applicants or promoters desire received in connection with sddiers' votes to do so by art union, raffi0, lottery, or at recent election? similar devices, and no such application " 2. If so, when was the same so ad­ to this department was made in respect vised? of the 'big strike' referred to." " 3. vV as ::11r. R. B. '\1acCracken ad­ vised thereof, and had he an opportunity "RED TmA~GLE" I~DUSTRIAL HuT. to exercise the vote? Mr. SIZER, for :\Ir. Fry, asked the Acting "4. If not, why not? Premier- " 5. Is he aware that the proxv was " 1. Is he awar<:> that in order to foster given prior to lOth March? • cordial relations between employers and " 6. If the advice wos not received, employees, a ' Rc,d Triangle ' industrial or ::VIr. ::VlacCracken had not an oppor­ hut has recently been formally opened at tunity of exercising the vote, will he the works of the :Mount Lyell Companv. make inquiries as to the ea us<; of such? Yarraville, and thot the employers found the money to build it, the Y.M.C.A. the " 7. \Y as a proxy from Reginald trained staff to man it, same being ad­ Rhodes '\h'ood, a soldier whose name was ministered by a committee of the em­ on the"Kurilpa roll, in favour of James ployees? Shaw, advised by <':tble? " 2. If not, will he cause inquiries to " 8. If so, when was the same so re­ be made with a view of having this ceived? splendid idea carried out by the Govern­ "·9. \Vas Mr. Shaw advised thereof, ment on all their large centres of railway and had he an opportunity of casting the and other public works in the State, thus vote? providing hot lunches for the workmen, " 10. If not, why?" costing them only about 1s. lld. per week to each man, and providing a variety of Ho)<. W. ::\'. GILLIES replied- games for the men during their leisure " 1 to 10. Soldier prox::- votes from time?" both the soldiers mentioned w<>re included The ACTING PREMIER replied- in cables received on th'l 17th March last, and no action was therefore taken " 1. I h.avo no official information on in the direction of advising the persons th<> subject. nominate-d.'' "2. The matter will be considered." COST OF RAILWAY CmnnSSION. THE FISH I~DUSTRY. for Mr. Fry, asked the Mr. GUNN (Garnarvon), for Mr. Morgan, Mr. SIZER, asked the Acting Premier- Treasurer- " 1. Has his attention been called to " 1. The total cost of the Roval Com­ an article appearing in 'The National mission appointed to consider and report Leader' under the headings- on railway administration, including re­ porting, printing, travelling expenses, State Enterprises witnesses' expenses, and .all other Th~ Fieh Industry charges? Fresh Fish for Town and Country " 2. The amount paid respectively to What the Returned Soldiers Propose? each member of the commission?" "2. If his attention has not been so called, will he consider the proposal, with The 'ACTI~G PREMIER replied- the view of determining its adaptability " 1. The total cost to date is £2,430. to the State fish industry of Queens­ " 2. A Dean, chairman, travelling ex­ land?" pen~es, £153; M. J. Kirwan, M.L.A., travelling expenses, £151; F. A. Cooper, The TREAS'CRER (F,!on. E. G. Theodore) M.L.A., travelling expenses, £149." replied- " 1. Yes. ALLOCATIQ)< OF DISTRESS Fu~D. "2. The proposal will receive con­ Mr. GUNS, for Mr. Morgan, asked the sideration." Assistant Minister for Justice- PRICE OF ARSE);IC, " 1. Was permission grantf'd for the purpose of raising funds to .alleviate dis­ Mr. GUNN asked the Minister :represent­ tress alleged to be existing in New South ing the Secretary for Mines- Wales as a result of the big strike? " 1. \Vhat was the pre-war wholesale " 2. If so, to whom ? price of .arsenic per ton? "3. Is he aware that the money so "2. \Vhat is the present price? raised was allotted for purposes other " 3. At what prict; do the Government than the object for which it was sub­ consider they will be able to supply scribed? arsenic to customers from their State " 4. In view of the fact that the monev v.rorks ?" was obtained from the public by false The ACTI::\'G PREMIER replied- pretences, will he make full inquiries into the matter, .and take such steps " 1. In Australia the pre-war prioo against the promoters as the case fluctuated, but generally ranged between n1erits ?" £15 and £20 per ton. "2. Under the Commonwealth War HoN. W. K GILLIES replied- Precautions Regulations the maximum " 1 to 4. It is not the function of the price for metropolitan districts in Aus­ Department of Justice to grant or refuse tralia is now fixed at £60 per ton. permission for the purpose of raising " 3. At considerably less than present­ funds to alleviate any kind of distress, price." Ghillagoe and Etheridge [18 JuNE.] Railways Bill. 3H WATER FOR SOLDIER SETTLElllENT AT YARRAMAN. before in the Assembly that I do not think it is necessary for me to traverse the whole Mr. GUN::\, for Mr. Moore, asked the o£ the ground again. Secretary for Public Lands- Hon. IV. H. BARKES : A lot of us are new " 1. Has the bore for providing water for the land open for soldier settlement m0mber>. on the racecourse paddock at Yarraman The TREAS'GRER: I shall deal with the been completed? salient points, and if the hon. member ;, ~nts further information on any of the " 2. How many men were employed on matters touched in the agreement, I shall the work? be pleased to give it in Committee, or at "3. How long were they in Yarraman some other stage. in order that ::n.e.mbers in the employ of the department before may be fuJly iniormed ':s t~ what IS m the commencing operations? prop0~ition '\Ve nre consJder1qg. " 4. What was the t<Jtal cost of the The main principles underlying this pro­ bore per foot? posal are these : the Government propose "5. Was the time lost, if ·any, before t0 pnrcoutse from the debenture:holders aJ?-d commencing operations added to the cost the Chillagoe Company, the Ch1llagoe Rail­ of the bore, and how much was it? way the Chillagoe mineo-those are the " 6. If so, will the extra cost be a leas~s which thB" Chillagoe Company had charge on the land, and have to be paid control over-and the Chillagoe smelters, and by the soldier settlers?" also the Chillagoe Company's :·ight of ':'quity of redemption in the Ethendge Rmlway.
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