, UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS THIRTY-NINTH YEAR MEETING: 30 MARCH 1984 NEW YORK. CONTENTS Page Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/2525) . 1 Adoption of the agenda ,....,........................................... 1 Letter dated 29 March 1984 from the Permanent Representative of Nicaragua to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/16449). 1 WV.2525 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com- bined with figures. Mention .of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United ‘. ’ Nations document. ” Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/. .) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of. the document indicates the supplement in which it appears. or in which information about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has ‘been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative on that date. .i ,. ,‘., .. : . L : i, 8 .‘. ‘, _ . ‘ ‘ 2525th MEETING Held in New York on Friday, 30 March 1984, at 3.30 p.m. President: Mr. Javier ARIAS STELLA (Peru). to express to you our congratulations on your assump- tion of the presidency of the Council for the month of Present: The representatives of the following States: March. On this occasion we should like to thank you for China, Egypt, France, India, Malta, Netherlands, the diligent manner in which you have convened this Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist meeting. The fact that you are a distinguished Latin Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United American, a son of the fraternal people of Peru, guaran- Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United tees a full understanding of the circumstances in the States of America, Upper Volta, Zimbabwe. Central American region at the present time, which seriously threaten international peace and security. We Provisional, agenda.,(S/Agendal2525) are sure that you, better than anyone else, understand 1. Adoption of the agenda the basic origins of the crisis in our region: the oppres- sion, exploitation and poverty that history has visited 2. Letter dated 29 March 1984 from the Permanent upon the Latin American peoples. Representative of Nicaragua to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council 4: It was really not our intention to convene the Coun- (S/16449) cil only two months after having already done so; nor had we intended to do so on four earlier occasions in The meeting was called to order at 4.35 p.m. 1982 and 1983. Regrettably, however, the criminal, cowardly.war being waged by a major Power against Adoption of the agenda our people has made this necessary. That Administra- ^ tion; notwithstanding our ‘constant .efforts to bring The agenda was adopted. about peace among the fraternal peoples of Central America, has continued to aim its efforts at the destruc- Letter dated 29 March 1984 from the Permanent Repre- tion of our revolution and of our country in general. sentative of Nicaragua to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/16449) 5. Today, once again, we have come to denounce further acts of aggression which, owing to their level I. The PRESIDENT [interpretation from Spanish]: of sophistication, the equipment used and techniques I should like to inform members of the Council employed, represent a qualitative leap forward in the that I have received letters from the representatives covert operations against our people. of Guyana and Honduras, in which they request to be invited to participate in the discussion of the item on the 6. We have come here with confidence and certainty Council’s agenda. In accordance with the usual prac- because the international community’s expressions of tice, I propose, with the consent of the Council, to concern and repudiation in debates and resolutions on invite those representatives to participate in the discus- this subject have in fact contributed to avoiding a con- sion without the right to vote, in conformity with the frontation with unpredictable consequences in our re- relevant provisions of the Charter and rule 37 of the gion. We have come here in’ the hope that the inter- provisional rules of procedure. national community’s rejection will prevent a future of desolation and death following in the wake of acts At the invitation of the President, Mr. Sinclair of aggression against our country. Finally, we have (Guyana) and Mr. Flares Bermridez (Honduras) took come here so that the international community’s out- the places reserved for them at the side of the Council cry, together with Nicaragua’s devotion to peace and chamber. the efforts of the so-called Contadora Group, will lead the peoples of the region along the path of peace and 2. The PRESIDENT [interpretation from Spanish]: prosperity. The Council is meeting today in response to a request contained in the letter dated 29 March 1984 from the 7. Regrettably, the international community’s efforts, representative of Nicaragua to the President of the as expressed in the Security Council, the General Security Council (S/16449). The first speaker is the Assembly, the Contadora Group and the Movement of representative of Nicaragua, upon whom I now call. Non-Aligned Countries, have not been sufficient to prevent resort to military solutions in the region. Al- 3. Mr. CHAMORRO MORA (Nicaragua) [interprera- though those efforts have prevented a regional war, tion from Spanish]: Recently, Sir, I had an opportunity they have not been able to prevent crimes against Nic- aragua which cause concern and alarm in our country, and during .’ the Granadero I manoeuvres they will because we are a peace-loving people. expand and rebuild the runways in Jamastran, depart- ment of El Paraiso, Comayagua, department of Copan; 8. May I ask the international community if the Nic- and La Florida. Nine hundred men from 43 support araguan people’s alarm is not justified in the face of the groups in Palmerola are at present helping prepare the increased military presence of the United States in Granadera I manoeuvres. Fifty men of the Rapid De- a Central American country which it has turned into ployment Command from McDiel, Florida, are in Pal- a “hired” republic where it is building an infrastruc- merola, in charge of direction and control of the oper- ture for aggression. May I ask the international com- ations of the joint Honduras-United States exercises. munity whether the Nicaraguan people are not justifia- There are 480 men from the 1Olst Aviation Battalion bly alarmed at the large-scale military manoeuvres located in Palmerola, Comayagua, who will give air which have been going on uninterruptedly, with chan- support to the Granadero I manoeuvres, as they did in ges of name only, in the territories and waters of Central the Ahuas Taras II manoeuvres. There are I34 CIA America and the waters of the Caribbean. May I ask the agents in charge of giving support and advice and di- international community if the Nicaraguan people are recting the actions of their mercenaries and of the not justifiably alarmed at the. criminal mining of their Nicaraguan counter-revolution. Three hundred men ports, which endangers international navigation and from the 224th Military Intelligence Battalion of Fort makes explicit the economic blockade begun a number Stewart, Georgia, with 12 Mohawk QU:l aircraft and of years ago. May I also ask the international commu- seven N/D helicopters are carrying out reconnaissance nity if the Nicaraguan people are notjustifiably alarmed flights in Salvadorian and Honduran airspace in support at the constant efforts of the American Administration of the Southern-Command activities. to obtain funds necessary to finance the mercenaries of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 12. The American military presence in Honduras has not been only in the form of sending United States 9. Regrettably, the shortsightedness and lack of po- military personnel; there has also been the building and litical vision of the present American Administration, expanding of military facilities. together with the historical failure to understand the realities of Nicaragua, continually lead it astray in its, 13. We shall not use our own words to describe the. analyses while its mistakes become ever more dan- intentions of imperialism and its puppets. What better gerous. They believe that our alarm and concern at their way to unmask their objectives than to quote the very crimes will make us willing to negotiate; instead our words of the Senator from Tennessee, a member of the fighting spirit has only been increased and our anti- Military Construction Sub-Committee of the Senate imperialism and determination have made us willing to Appropriations Committee, Jim Sasser. fight to the death, whether against them or their pup- pets, in the war against our national sovereignty and “The facilities that have already been built or that territorial integrity. it is planned to build in Honduras will make it easier ta carry out a war in the region. Those facilities could 10. The American military presence is in its new in fact serve to encourage ,Honduran military corn-e “land aircraft carrier”, bought a few years ago, the manders to attempt a military solution to their poiit- name of which is not America or The New Jersey but ical and diplomatic problems with Nicaragua.” “The Honduras”. It is not an invention of the Nic- araguan Government; it is a palpable reality which has 14. The Honduran military infrastructure has been been amply proved by the American information media modified since the beginning of Honduran-United and other sources.
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