Index !Xû, 6, 87–108 Ake, Adeniran, 203 !Xûntali, 87, 88, 102, 108, 109 Akede Eko, 14 AkedeAgabaye, 20 Abia State University, 115 Akinsowon, Christianah Abiodun, 203 Abiola, M.K.O., 16 Akintola, Samuel Ladoke, 17 Abuja, 21, 191 Akuffo, Fred, 124, 125 access to information, 2, 31, 32, 122 alangizi, 217 Access to Information Act (Uganda), 32 Alaroye, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23 Accra, 123, 131 Alaroye Magasini, 20, 21–2 Acheampong, Kutu, 124, 125 amakholwa, 62, 66–7, 70, 81, 82 Achebe, Chinua, 4 amaZulu see Zulu Acholi, 161 ANC see African National Congress Acholiland, 161 Angola, 4, 88, 100, 101, 102 106, 109 Adepoju, Lanrewaju, 17 Ankanyiso Yase Natal, 15 Adewuyi, Gbenga, 17 Ankrah, Joseph, 124, 125 African Charter on Human and Anti-Terrorism Act (Uganda), 32, 33 People’s Rights, 31 Anyim, Anyim Pius, 20, 21 African Christianity, 195, 196, 202, apartheid, 67, 84, 89, 101, 108 203, 205–7, 208 legacies, 84 African Independent Churches, 7, rule, 61 195, 196, 197, 201, 205, 206, 208 struggle, 88 African Indigenous Churches (AICs), system, 76 195–208 aphungu, 217 African language(s) Arabic, 114, 189 see indigenous languages Argus Company, 67 see also under specifi c languages articulation, 88, 91, 92, 95–100, 101, African National Congress (ANC), 15, 107, 163 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 76, 89 assegais, 73 African-oriented Christian Ateso, 30, 37 Churches, 208 Awolowo, Obafemi, 14 African United Front, 73, 83 azimwale, 7, 8, 219, 229, 230, 231 Afrifa, Akwasi, 124, 125 Afrikaans, 62, 87, 102, 108 Babalola, Emmanuel, 197 Afrikaans Stereo, 89 Babangida, Ibrahim, 17, 20, 185 Afrikaner Nationalist Government, 62 Banda, Brian, 230 Afrikaner Volksfront (AVF), 89 Banda, Hastings Kamuzu, 211, 212, Aguiyi-Ironsi, Johnson Thomas, 20 213, 214, 215, 216, 217 AICs (African Indigenous Churches), Banda, Joyce, 229, 230 195–208 Banda, Lucius, 217, 220, 221, AIDS, 103, 219 222, 223 Airtel, 38 Banyamulenge, 19 Akan, 123, 126, 127, 128, 132, 133, Baptist Mission, 196 138, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147 boda-boda, 46 235 236 Index Bokosi, Malume, 217, 223, 224, 228 Chilembwe, John, 211 Bona Magazine, 60 Chimombo, Overton, 217 Bondo district, 168 Chinyanja (Chewa/Chichewa/ Bondo town, 161 Nyanja), 13, 15, 213 Bonga, Paul Knox, 64 Chitukuko Cha Amai m’Malawi broadcasting, 19, 37, 46, 47, 48, 87, (CCAM), 216 88, 91, 92 Chiyanja see Chinyanja community broadcasting, 88, 89, Choice FM, 133 91, 135 Christian(s), 65, 66 deregulation, 121, 132, 133 African, 195, 196, 206 Ghana, 121–48 Churches, 208 indigenous languages, 121–48 conviction, 195 Kenya, 153–78 expression, 195 Malawi, 213, 218 liturgy, 197 Nigeria, 188, 191 mission stations, 61 public, 37, 46, 47, 48, 87, 88, 91, missionaries, 13 92, 135 missionary work, 61 South Africa, 87–93, 102, 103, 105, Christianisation, 70, 82, 84 106, 107 Christianity, 7, 66, 82, 195, 202, Uganda, 28, 30, 31–5, 37, 38, 41, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208 43–53 African, 195, 196, 202, 203, Broadcasting Act (South Africa), 90 205–7, 208 Broadcasting Council (Uganda), 49 conversion, 66–7, 70 Bukedde TV, 37 reinterpretation, 202 Busia, Kofi Abrefa, 124, 125 Western-oriented, 208 Buthelezi, Mangosuthu, 68 Church Missionary Society (CMS), 13 Bwalo la Nyasaland, 18 Church of Christ, 13 Church of England, 63 Cable Television Network (CTN), 169 Church of Scotland Mission, 13 Callaway, H., 63 Churchill, Winston, 69, 70 CAMA (Consumer Association of Citi FM, 133 Malawi), 229 Citizen FM, 169 Cameroon, 59 Citizen TV, 169 Capital FM, 139, 169 civil wars, 19, 160, 161, 175 Catholic Church, 13, 202 Classic FM, 169 CCAM (Chitukuko Cha Amai CMS (Church Missionary Society), 13 m’Malawi), 216 code switching, 213, 218 CCSU (Communication, Culture and CODESA (Convention for a Society Unit), 16 Democratic South Africa), 89 cellular see mobile Colenso, Bishop, John William, 63, censuses, 187–91 64, 70 Chamberlain, Neville, 69, 70 colonial Chamgei FM, 168 administration, 15, 19 Champion, A.W.G., 15, 64, 72 authority, 171 Cherubim and Seraphim church, 203 era, 61, 67–73, 131, 198, 213 Chewa (Chichewa/Chinyanja/ governance, 211 Nyanja), 13, 15, 213 government, 124, 132, 185, 190 Chichewa (Chewa/Chinyanja/ labour system, 216 Nyanja), 13, 15, 213 languages, 3, 4, 59, 61, 83 Index 237 legacy, 155, 156, 157, 159, 163, 198 CPA see Communal Property masters, 60, 82, 130, 132 Association occupation, 159 CPP see Convention People’s Party order, 61 CTN (Cable Television Network), 169 period, 6, 65 power, 3, 83, 199 Dagaare, 127, 139 propaganda, 19 Dagbani, 127, 132, 138, 143 rule, 59, 124 Daily Nation, 169 systems, 59, 61, 83 Daily Sun, 116 colonialism, 2, 5, 14, 18, 23, 59, Daily Thrust, 116 128, 206, 211, 213 Daladier, Édouard, 70 colonialists, 14, 15, 72 Dangbe, 127 colonisation, 82, 61, 67, 82, 84, 123 Dembe FM, 37 colonised, 59, 204 Democratic Progressive Party, Africans, 196 222, 229 people(s), 3, 6, 60 Democratic Republic of Congo, identities, 6, 60 19, 161 societies, 62 Department of Native Affairs, 73 colonisers, 3, 59, 205 dialogic space, 78, 60, 65, 74, colonists, 61, 204 78–82, 84 Comet, The, 183, 184 Diamond Society, 203 ‘Commercial Press’, 16 digital migration, 51 Communal Property Association Dinuzulu, King, 72, 83 (CPA), 99, 106, 108, 109 disarticulation, 98, 157 Communication, Culture and Society Divorce Act (South Africa), 79 Unit (CCSU), 16 Doke, C.M., 63 Communications Act (Uganda), 32 Drah, Kuma, 137 community DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), broadcasting, 88, 89, 91, 135 19, 161 empowerment, 103 DRCM (Dutch Reformed Church identity, 42 Mission), 13 media, 6, 48–9, 88, 92, 93, 101, 144 Dube, John, 64, 65, 67, 70, 71, 72, participation, 6, 93, 94, 98, 104, 73, 82, 83 105, 106, 187 Dutch, 61, 123 radio, 6, 37, 49, 87–109, 144, 168 Dutch East India Company, 61 presentation, 6 Dutch Reformed Church Mission Constitution (Ghana), 134, 135, 148 (DRCM), 13 Constitution (Kenya), 155 Dutchification period Constitution (South Africa), 62 (1652–1795), 61 Constitution (Uganda), 31, 32 Consumer Association of Malawi East African, 169 (CAMA), 229 Easy FM, 169 Convention for a Democratic South ECK (Electoral Commission of Africa (CODESA), 89 Kenya), 153 Convention People’s Party (CPP), 124, Edo Bible, 202 125, 132 Edo Liturgical Group, 202 Coro FM, 168 Edo Mass, 202 corruption, 29, 74, 75, 157, 217, 218, Edo Missal, 202 220, 222 Efik, 13, 199 238 Index Eko Akete, 14 Forum for Democratic Ekwueme, Alex, 20 Change (FDC), 39 El Salvador, 160 frames/framing, 7, 155, 159, 160, Eldoret, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 161, 164, 165, 166, 171, 168, 172, 173 173–6, 177, 171 Electoral Commission of active-conflict frames, 175 Kenya (ECK), 153 amplification, 159 Eleti Ofe, 14 cultural, 191 Elmina, 123 differentiated, 175, 176 Eluku, 17 dominant, 164–7 English, 44, 45, 48, 52, 59–62, 68, 71, indigenous radio, 7, 155, 173–7 73, 102, 113–22 intergroup, 170 “Englishisation”, 113–20 media framing, 158, 159 ethnic media policies, 134 categorization, 177 post-conflict frames, 175 conflicts/clashes, 99 pre-conflict, 175 differences/differentiation, 100, Free Church of Scotland, 13 108, 158 freedom of diversity, 35, 41, 44 expression, 5, 28–56, 145 grievances, 19 media, 28, 134 identities, 19, 137, 171 opinion, 31 nationalism, 72 press, 31 newspapers, 19 speech, 31 politics, 14 French, 3, 30, 59, 114, 189, 201 radio stations, 91 Frente Farabundo Martí para relations, 100 la Liberación Nacional representation, 99 (FMLN), 160 self-determination, 175 Fuze, Magema Magwaza, 70, 72 territories, 154 violence, 19 Ga, 127, 138, 139, 142, 143 ethnicity, 20, 38, 148, 155, 157, 159, Ga-Adangbe, 123, 127 164, 170, 171, 175, 176 Gambari, Ibrahim Agboola, 21 European languages, 3, 4, 61, 113, 190 Gaskiya Tafi Kwabo, 18, 188 Ewe, 123, 126, 127, 132, 133, 138, Gatundu, 162 143, 144, 146, 147 GBC see Ghana Broadcasting Ewondo, 13 Corporation Gerard, Abbort, 64 Faleti, Adebayo, 18 Ghana Family TV, 169 broadcasting, 121–48 Farmers’ Market, 74 geo-political profile, 123–6 FDC (Forum for Democratic language attitudes, 128–9 Change), 39 political regimes, 125 FGD see Focus Group Discussions radio stations, 139 First Republican Constitution Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (Ghana), 124 (GBC), 132, 137, 138 FMLN (Frente Farabundo Martí para Ghana ICT for accelerated la Liberación Nacional), 160 development, 131, 134, 135 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), 35, Giles, L.C., 19 36, 39, 42, 44 globalisation, 113 Index 239 Globe Broadcasting and IFP (Inkatha Freedom Party), 16, Communications Limited, 191 67–8, 76 Goldsmith Media Group, 4 Igbo language, 114, 199 Gonja, 127, 143 Igbo people, 20, 23 Great Lakes Region of Africa, 153 Igboland, 200 ‘griots’, 217 Ijebu, 17 Grout, L., 63 Ijebu-Ode, 203 Grusi, 123 Ijo Adulawo, 207 Guan, 127 “Ijo Orile Ede Adulawo Ti Kristi” 203 Guardian, 116, 190 IkwezeLe Afrika, 15 Guidelines for Local Language Ilanga, 5, 6, 16, 59–86 Broadcasting (Ghana), 6–7, 122, Ilanga LangeSonto, 65, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80 131, 133, 134, 136, 142, 145 Ilanga Lase Natali see Ilanga Gur, 123, 126 Ilanga LeTheku, 65, 79 Gurma, 123 imali yamakhanda, 72 Gwaladi, Joe, 219 Imam, Abubakar, 19 imbongi, 217 Habermas, 213, 214 IMC (Independent Media Council), 33 Halliday, M.A.K., 200 iMfecane period, 101 Haruna, I.B.M., 186 imibhumbhuluzo, 73 Hausa language, 18, 114, 138, 143, Impi Yamakhanda, 72, 83 188, 199 Imvo Zabantsundu, 15 Hausa people, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23 Independent, 37 Highveld Stereo, 89 Independent Broadcasting Authority HIV/AIDS, 103, 219 Act (IBA), 87, 88, 89, 91 Holy Aruosa Church, 207 Independent Churches see African Hope FM, 169 Independent Churches House of Reggae, 169 Independent Communications Hutus, 19, 160
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