Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences QP CODE : 1253 FIRST PROFESSIONAL B.A.M.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION, March 2005 PADARTHA VIJNANA Paper - II Time : Three Maximum Marks : 100 Marks hours Your answers shall be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary Answer the questions completely in one place only. Long Essays Define Prathyaksha Pramana. Explain the Sannikarshas in detail. Describe the importance of prathyaksha in 1. ayurveda? Prathyaksha in Ayurveda. 2. Describe the Sristivikasakrama of Sankhya philosophy. [ 2 x 11 = 22 marks] Short Essays 3. Sakti Graha. 4. Rasipurusha. 5. Anvaya Vyatireki Lingam. 6. Vyakta and Avyakta. 7. Satkaryavada. 8. Triguna Varnanam of Sankhya. 9. Importance of Tantrayukti. 10. Importance of Upamana in Ayurveda. 11. Arthapathi as a Pramana. 12. Peelupaka and Pitharapaka. [ 10 x 5 = 50 marks] Short Answers 13. Ubhayendriyam. 14. Six prapanchakaranas mentioned by Sushruta. 15. Anagatavekshana, Atikrantavekshana. 16. Tantrayukti prayojanas. 17. Adhikarana, Yoga. 18. Abhavapramana Nirupanam. 19. Pakavada of the Naiyayikas. 20. Sapta Kalpana. 21. Vivartavada. 22. Importance of Buddhi among Karanas. 23. Karanam. 24. Sabdartha Bodhak vrittis. 25. Kshetra - Kshetrajnas. 26. Karya. [ 14 x 2 = 28 marks] Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences QP CODE : 1252 FIRST PROFESSIONAL B.A.M.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION,August-2005 PADARTHA VIJNANA Paper - I Time : Three hours Maximum Marks :100 Marks Your answers shall be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary Answer the questions completely in one place only. Long Essays 1. Explain the samkhya darshan with help of different vada mentioned in it. 2. What is guna? Write and explain the definitions and practical application of guruvadi guna. [ 2 x 11 = 22 marks] Short Essays 3. Write the importance of kala in ayurveda. 4. Write the atmalaxanani. 5. Describe the 'kshanbhangur vada' mentioned in boudha darshan. 6. Write the types of pruthvi mahabhuta. 7. Write the 'manovishayani'. 8. What is dravatwa? Write the mahabhutas. 9. Explain importance of vishesha according to ayurveda. 10. Write the definition of the guna-'sanskar' and name the types of sanskar according to ayurveda. 11. Explain the importance of samanya according to ayurved. 12. Write only the definations of sartha guna. [ 10 x 5 = 50 marks] Short Answers 13. A laxana of rajasa purush. 14. Laxana of 'vibhu' dravyas. 15. Write the definition of padartha. 16. Write the originator of vaisheshik darshan. 17. Laxana of nastik darshan. 18. Write any two principles of charvak darshan. 19. Write the names of astik darshan. 20. Write the definition of 'abhyasa'. 21. Give any two examples of yukti guna. 22. Write application of the guna - samkhya. 23. Prithvi mahabhuta gunas. 24. Laxan of tejas mahabhuta. 25. The term 'nimitta karan'. 26. Any two example of asamavayi karan. [ 14 x 2 = 28 marks] Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences QP CODE : 1253 FIRST PROFESSIONAL B.A.M.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION,August-2005 PADARTHA VIJNANA Paper - II Time : Three hours Maximum Marks :100 Marks Your answers shall be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary Answer the questions completely in one place only. Long Essays 1. Write pratyaksha pramana in detail? 2. Define tantra yukti and explain any six (6) tantra yuktis. [ 2 x 11 = 22 marks] Short Essays 3. Name the ayurveda sammatha pramanas. 4. Write shabda pramana bhedas. 5. Write "hetuabhasha". 6. Explain upamana pramana. 7. Write andmana pramana. 8. Explain sapta prakriti vikritis. 9. Write prakruthi purusha vaidharmya. 10. Write any five tacchilyas. 11. Explain moksha. 12. Write vivartha vada. [ 10 x 5 = 50 marks] Short Answers 13. What is swarthanum? 14. What are the bhodaka vrittis? 15. Laxan chesta pramana. 16. What is vipaksham? 17. Laxana sambhava pramana. 18. Shd hetu lakshanas. 19. Write nyayokta anumana bhedas. 20. What is hetwantaram? 21. Write asatkaryavada. 22. What is prakruti? 23. What is vyakya sesha? 24. Write satwa guna lakshanas. 25. Write prakruti purusha samyoga karanas. 26. Layana asamavaya karana. [ 14 x 2 = 28 marks] 1252_2006_1_S01 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka I Year B.A.M.S Degree Examination March 2006 Time: 3 Hrs. [Max. MARKS: 100] PADARTHA VIGNANA PAPER – I [OS & RS] QP Code: 1252 Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. LONG ESSAY 2 X 11 = 22 Marks 1. Give an Account of the Darshanika (SÉvÉïÌlÉMü) Views held by Ayurveda? 2. Explain the concept of Purusha (mÉÑÂwÉ) in detail? SHORT ESSAY 10 X 5 = 50 Marks 3. Abhavapadartha (ApÉÉuÉmÉSÉjÉï) 4. Importance of Panchamahabhutas (m¥cÉqÉWûÉpÉÔiÉ) in Ayurveda 5. Lakshana and Vibhagas of Buddhi (oÉÑÌ® sɤÉhÉ ÌuÉpÉÉaÉ) 6. Anyonyanupravesa of the Bhutas and its effects (pÉÔiÉ AlrÉÉålrÉ AlÉÑmÉëuÉåvÉ) 7. Nastikadarshanas (lÉÉÎxiÉMü SvÉïlÉ) 8. Tamasha Dravyatwa Khandanam (iÉÉqÉxÉ SìurÉiuÉ ZÉhQèlÉÇ) 9. Lakshana, Vibhagas and Mahattam of Kala in Ayurveda (MüÉsÉ sɤÉhÉ ÌuÉpÉÉaÉ qÉWûiuÉÇ) 10. Samanya and Vishesha according to Charaka (cÉUMüÉlÉÑxÉÉU xÉÉqÉÉlrÉ, ÌuÉpÉÉaÉ) 11. Paradigunas (mÉUÉÌSaÉÑhÉ) 12. Samavayalakshana (xÉqÉuÉÉrÉ sɤÉhÉ) and the Ayutasiddhas (ArÉÑiÉ ÍxÉÌ®) SHORT ANSWERS 14 X 2 = 28 Marks 13. Dik (ÌSMü) and its Anupadhika Vibhagas (AlÉÑmÉÍkÉMü ÌuÉpÉÉaÉ) 14. Drava –Sandra (SìurÉ - xÉÉlSì) 15. Mokshopaya in Samkhya (xÉÉÇZrÉÉå£ü qÉÉã¤ÉÉåmÉÉrÉ) 16. Astikadarshanas (AÉÎxjÉMü SvÉïlÉ) 17. Vishayas of Tejobhuta (iÉåeÉÉåpÉÔiÉ ÌuÉwÉrÉ) 18. Dravyalakshana according to charaka (cÉUYlÉÑxÉÉU SìurÉ sɤÉhÉ) 19. Rasaguna (UxÉ aÉÑhÉ) 20. Snigdha – Rukshagunas (ÎxlÉakÉ – Ã¤É aÉÑhÉ) 21. Sadharmya- Vaidharmyas of Gunas (aÉÑhÉ xÉÉkÉqrÉï – uÉækÉqrÉï) 22. Karmavibhagas as per Nyayadarshana (lrÉÉrÉSvÉïlÉÉlÉÑxÉÉU MüqÉïÌuÉpÉÉaÉ) 23. Panchabhutasvarupa based on Gunasiddhanta (aÉÑhÉ ÍxÉ®ÉÇiÉÉlÉÑxÉÉU mÉ¥cÉpÉÔiÉ xuÉÃmÉ) 24. Loukika Karma Prakara (sÉÉæÌMüMü MüqÉï mÉëMüÉU) 25. Padartha lakshana (mÉSÉjÉï sɤÉhÉ) 26. Sukha – Dukha (xÉÑZÉ –- SÒ:ZÉ) Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka I Year B.A.M.S Degree Examination - Sep 2013 Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100 Marks Padartha Vignana evam Ayurveda Itihasa, PAPER-I (Revised Scheme – 4) Q.P. CODE: 3001 Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary (Note: Use the same theory answer scripts for writing Part A and Part B) Part – A (50 Marks) LONG ESSAYS 1 x 15 = 15 Marks 1. Define Darshana. Write philosophical background of fundamentals of Ayurveda. SHORT ESSAYS 5 x 5 = 25 Marks 2. Sankhya philosophy and Ayurveda 3. Sadharmya and Vaidharmya of Padartha 4. Tamas as tenth dravya – justify. 5. Tejo mahabhoota 6. Write Mano lakshana, guna, karma and vishayas. SHORT ANSWERS 5 x 2 = 10 Marks 7. Jeevatma 8. Pancheekarana 9. Dravya definition 10. Padartha bhedam 11. Dik Part – B (50 Marks) LONG ESSAYS 1 x 15 = 15 Marks 12. Define Guna. Write lakshanas and explain Gurvadi gunas with clinical application. SHORT ESSAYS 5 x 5 = 25 Marks 13. Write the bheda and lakshana of Samanya 14. Define Vishesha and write its application in Ayurveda. 15. Explain Abhava and its types. 16. Description of Karma in Ayurveda 17. Define Samavaya and write the lakshanas and clinical application in Ayurveda. SHORT ANSWERS 5 x 2 = 10 Marks 18. Paradi Gunas 19. Sparsha Guna 20. Define Yukthi. 21. Buddhi 22. Iccha - Dwesha ***** Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka I Year B.A.M.S Degree Examination - Aug 2013 Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100 Marks Padartha Vignana evam Ayurveda Itihasa, PAPER-II (Revised Scheme – 4) Q.P. CODE: 3002 Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary (Note: Use the same theory answer scripts for writing Part A and Part B) Part – A (75 Marks) LONG ESSAYS 2 x 15 = 30 Marks 1. Define pramana and explain Pratyaksha pramana in detail with its clinical significance. 2 Explain Kaarya Kaarana siddhanta and write its clinical importance SHORT ESSAYS 7 x 5 = 35 Marks 3. Trayodasha karanas and dominance of Antahkarana 4. Pancha – avayava vakya 5. Practical utility of yukthi Pariksha in therapeutics and research 6. Aptopadesha pramana 7. Differentiate between Anumana pramana and Upamana pramana. 8. Explain Hetwabhasa. 9. Explain Vyapthi and its bheda. SHORT ANSWERS 5 x 2 = 10 Marks 10. Paramarsha 11. Paksha 12. Prama 13. Indriya lakshanam 14. Abhidha Part – B (25 Marks) SHORT ESSAYS 3 x 5 = 15 Marks 15. Sharngadhara 16. Traditional knowledge digital library (TKDL) 17. Laghutrayis SHORT ANSWERS 5 x 2 = 10 Marks 18. Ghanekar 19. Gananath Sen 20. AYUSH 21. Dalhana 22. Chakrapani ***** Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka I Year B.A.M.S Degree Examination - April 2014 Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100 Marks Padartha Vignana evam Ayurveda Itihasa, PAPER-I (Revised Scheme – 4) Q.P. CODE: 3001 Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary (Note: Use the same theory answer scripts for writing Part A and Part B) Part – A (50 Marks) LONG ESSAYS 1 x 15 = 15 Marks 1. What is ‘Padartha’? Write the classification of ‘Padarthas’ and explain Dravya in detail. SHORT ESSAYS 5 x 5 = 25 Marks 2. Ayurveda as unique and independent school of thought – explain. 3. Explain Dik and its importance. 4. Chikitsa Purusha 5. ‘Atma’ lakshana according to Charakacharya 6. Describe Agni Mahabhoota and write its importance. SHORT ANSWERS 5 x 2 = 10 Marks 7. Nastika darshana 8. Mention Ashta Prakritis. 9. Ubhayendriya 10. Describe the importance of kalaa in Ayurveda 11. Differentiate Prakriti-Purusha Part – B (50 Marks) LONG ESSAYS 1 x 15 = 15 Marks 12. Explain Samanya and Vishesha. Write their importance in Ayurveda. SHORT ESSAYS 5 x 5 = 25 Marks 13. Explain samskara. 14. Define Guru and Laghu and write their applicability in Ayurveda. 15. Explain karma and its utility in Ayurveda. 16. Explain Aadhyatmika Gunas 17. Describe the importance of Yukti in Ayurveda. SHORT ANSWERS 5 x 2 = 10 Marks 18. Abhava padartha 19. Sankhyaa 20. Samavaya 21. Abhyasa 22.
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