2578 Factories Bill [COUNCIL] Questions without Notice Minister for Education and Minister for QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOriCE Science so that the children now occupying the hall of the Methodist church can go DESALINIZATION back into the school in their own building The Ron. A. A. ALAM: I wish to ask as quickly as possible. I have made in­ the Minister for Decentralisation and De­ quiries of the Department of Public Works velopment a question without notice. Is it and I have been informed that the day true that the Government is considering labour staff is in a position to do this urgent the possibility that turning sea water into work. The plans have been drawn and fresh water will become a major new enter­ apparently only the recent decision of the prise for New South Wales industry? Is the Government to look at school requirements Minister aware that the State of New York generally is holding up the work. I appeal has engaged the American Machine and to the Minister to discuss it with his col­ Foundry Company Incorporated to build a league and ask him to give this work high desalting plant on Long Island, New Jersey, priority so that the children may be under to convert 1,000,000 gallons of salt water the supervision and control of the head­ daily ; also, that Los Angeles invited tenders master and teachers within the school from Westinghouse Company Incorporated, grounds. General Electric Company Incorporated Mr SPEAKER: Order! The debate having and Dow Chemical Company Incorporated proceeded for ten minutes, pursuant to the -and all three, if necessary-to produce, amended sessional order adopted this day by 1968, 150,000,000 gallons daily? Has the House now stands adjourned until to­ not England, which is presently leading the morrow at half-past two o'clock, p.m. world in desalting plants, erected in Kuwait a plant that has proved a great success? Is House adjourned at 11.7 p.m. the Minister aware that the American firms mentioned contend that by 1968 they will be able to desalt water at 2s. a thousand gallons? At this price, would the New 14tginlattut Qlnuutil. South Wales Government be interested in installing desalting plants along the coast Wednesday, 1 December, 1965 of this State and also for treatment of brackish water inland? Factories, Shops and Industries (Amendment) Bill (third reading)--Questions without Notice-Main The Ron. J. B. M. FULLER: The De­ Roads (Amendment) Bill (second reading)-Local Government and Hunter District Water, Sewerage partment of Decentralisation and Develop­ and Drainage (Amendment) Bill (second readin~) ment, in conjunction with the New York -Bush Fires and Fire Brigades (Amendment) Bill (second reading) -Gas and Electricity (Sydney office of the New South Wales Government, County Council) Amendment Bill (second read­ ing)-Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Super­ has been examining the desalinization of annuation) Amendment Bill (second reading)­ Public Health (Amendment) Bill (first reading)­ water for some time. We have been taking Local Government (Amendment) Bill (first read­ a keen interest in the cost per gallon, and ing) -Superannuation (Amendment) Bill (first reading) - Factories, Shops and Industries I was pleased to hear from the federal (Amendment) Bill-Adjournment (Business of the Minister for National Development, the House). Ron. David Fairbairn, only a week or so ago, that the Commonwealth Government The PRESIDENT took the chair at 4.28 p.m. also is taking an active interest in this The Prayer was read. matter. As this is the driest continent in the world and water is probably the greatest FACTORIES, SHOPS AND INDUSTRIES brake to our development, I assure the (AMENDMENT) BILL honourable member that any work that is THIRD READING going on in any part of the world is of Bill read a third time, and returned to interest to my department, and we are the Legislative Assembly with an amend­ examining any possibility whatever for the ment, on motions by the Ron. A. D. introduction of plants of this sort on an Bridges. economic basis in New South Wales. Questions without Notice [1 DEC., 1965] Questions without Notice 2579 POLICE FORCE That objective still stands. Some of the The Hon. C. J. CAHILL: I wish to difficulties standing in the way of obtain­ direct a question to the leader of the Gov­ ing a sufficient number have been referred ernment in this House. Is it a fact that over to by the honourable member, namely, the several years, from police conferences and fact that doubtless there is an accrual of from parliamentary sources, statements leave which has not been taken because of have been made that there is no shortage the shortage of men in the force; the some­ of men within the police service? Is it a what arduous and at times dangerous duties fact that there is a very grave shortage, t~ be under~aken by the men; and the very which is causing unrest and uneasiness in high educatiOnal standards required of the the service, since many police officers have force, apart altogether from physical accumulated more than 100 hours in over­ ability. In addition, there is the competi­ time, but are unable to take them, because tion for labour in so many other fields of replacements are not available? Is it a fact industrial activity. The Government con­ that many suburban police stations with a scious of this and also of the need to' bring normal establishment of 90 to 100 men are down a superannuation scheme which will manned during night shifts by only three be more acceptable to the general service or four officers? Is it a fact that 80 than apparently the last scheme was is per cent of police vehicles are immobile at looking into this matter and I assure 'the night, due to the shortage of officers and Hon. C. J. Cahill that every effort will be that this situation is contributing to an in­ made to improve the situation. Doubtless crease in crime and vandalism? Is it a fact my coileague will confirm what I have in­ that there is grave concern and discontent timated, that the Government is indeed by many officers of the New South Wales anxious to preserve law and order and police at the general administration of the safety in this country by the provision of service? If these are facts, will the Minis­ an adequate police force. ter ask his counterpart in another place whether the new Government is able to ABORIGINES assure the police service that there will be The Hon. EVELYN BARRON: I ask the a thorough examination of the problems leader of the Government in this House which are causing uneasiness and discon­ whether it is a fact that a report was pub­ tent? lished recently in a Sydney newspaper to The Hon. A. D. BRIDGES: Contrary the effect that the State Government had to what the honourable member says, it has decided to set up a select committee to in­ been common knowledge for years past that quire into the general conditions and needs there has been a grave shortage of men in of aborigines in this State. Does the Minis­ the police force. Prior to the last election ter know of any action that has been taken the Liberal Party and the Country Party along these lines? Is it a fact that the intimated that when returned to office they Aborigines Welfare Board, at the direction would take immediate action to recruit of the Government, has taken ail managers more men for the force. There is an in­ ?ff the aborigines: stations, without notify­ creasing difficulty in obtaining suitable offi­ mg anyone and Without giving any direction cers, but I am glad to say that those who to the aborigines? Are the managers to have recently been recruited are of a very visit the stations only once a month for in­ high standard and will undoubtedly be a spections? Has a protest been made by the credit to the force and the community. The Northern District Council for Aborigines Advancement on the matter? Government is conscious of the need to have an effective police force, suitably The Hon. A. D. BRIDGES: I am not equipped, properly manned and capable of aware of ail the facts stated by the honour­ undertaking the immense work that is en­ able member but it is a fact that the Gov­ trusted to it. As the Government intimated ernment proposes to set up a select com­ at the last election, it was its desire to mittee to inquire into the welfare, living recruit an additional 1,000 men. conditions, education, accommodation and 2580 Questions without Notice [COUNCIL] Questions without Notice other factors relative to the aboriginal popu­ in this House whether he will indicate what lation. This is regarded as a matter of very action has been taken by the Government great importance and was also one of the to increase recruitment to the police force. matters referred to in the policy speech. I Further, will he intimate what measure of am not aware of the present conditions of increased recruitment has been effected? aborigines, of the attitude of the Aborigines Welfare Board or of any direction given The Ron. A. D. BRIDGES: I have to to the board by the Government in the say with pleasure that the police force has manner indicated by the honourable mem­ b~en increased in number. Authority was ber. I shall make inquiries into the matter given for the recruitment of an additional and I shall let her know the result as soon number of members of the force.
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