![Memono.224¢/-2N-2#009(E) Dated:22I02.2019](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
`,- b¥rfu `{_, . `~d=j WEST BENGAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD (Depcutmeut Of Erwirormenl, Gout. Of Wesf Bengq|)_ Paribesh Bhawan, 10A, Block -LA, Sector-Ill WEST BENGAL Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 106, India Tel : 2335 -9088 / 7428 / 8211 / 6731 / 0261 / 8861 / 1625 Fax : 2335 -2813 City Code : 33, Country Code : 91 nglBr Website : www.wbpcb.gov.]n Memo No. -2N-25tioo9(E) Dated: .02.2019 TO' The Secretary, State Level Expert Appraisal Committee, West Bengal, Paribesh Bhawan,10A, Block -LA, Sector -Ill, Bidhannagar, Kolkata -700106. Sub: Public Hearing for the proposed expansion of the existing plant by additional installation of 4xl5 T Induction Furnaces (1,80,000 TPA of liquid steel) with matching LRF and CCM and Rolling Mill of capacity 1,00,000 TPA at Vill -Bamunara, Kanksa, Dist -Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal by M/s. Calstar Sponge Limited. Sir' Enclosed please find herewith the following documents for the above mentioned project towards environmental clearance by the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Government of West Bengal. 1) Chronology of events leadingto public Hearing. (Annexure-I). 2) Minutes of Public Hearing dated 13.02.2019 at the `'Meeting Hall of Gopalpur G.P. of Kanksa BIock'', Dist -Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal. (Annexure -11). 3) Copy of attendance of panel members and others in Public Hearing. (Annexure -Ill). 4) One CD containing the videography of the public hearing. (Annexure -IV). Yoursfaithfully, Sd/- Member secreta ry West Bengal Pollution Control Board Enclo: As stated. MemoNo.224¢/-2N-2#009(E) Dated:22i02.2019 ikas Agarwal, Director, M/s. Calstar Sponge Limited,18, R. N. MukherjeeRoad, Kolkata -700 ngal Pollution Control Board Annexure-I Chronology of events leading to Public Hearing 1) Copy of the letter from the District Magistrate, Dist - Paschim Bardhaman dated 04.01.2019 (copy enclosed). 2) Letter of circulation of copies of Executive Summary and EIA / EMP of the project on 14.01.2019 (copy enclosed). 3) Notification of public Hearingin two local dailies published on 11.01.2019 (copy enclosed). 4) Holding Public Hearing at the `'Meeting Hall of Gopalpur G.P. of Kanksa Block", Dist - Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal on 13.02.2019. Copies of Executive Summary with EIA/EMP report were available for public scrutiny in the offices of: 1. Office of the District Magistrate, Paschim Bardhaman, Govt. of west Bengal. 2. Office of the Additional District Magistrate (Education), Dist-Paschim Bardhaman, Govt. of west Bengal. 3. Office of the sub-Divisional officer, Durgapur sub-Division,'Dist-Paschim Bardhaman. 4. Office of the Block Development officer, Kanksa Development Block, Dist-Paschim Bardhaman 5. Office of the General Manager, D.I.C., Paschim Bardhaman.` 6. Office of the sabhadhipati, Paschim Bardhaman zilla parishad. 7. Office of the Kanksa panchayatsamity, Dist-Paschim Bardhaman 8. Office of the Gopalpur Gram panchayat, Dist-Paschim Bardhaman. 9. Office of the Chief Engineer (0 & E), Paribesh Bhawan, 10A, Block-LA, Sector-lll, Bidhannagar, Kolkata -700106. 10. Office of the Senior Environmental Engineer, Kankinara Circle Office, Panpur More, Kalyani Expressway, PO -Narayanpur, Dist: 24 Parganas(N). 11. The Environmental Engineer, Durgapur Regional Office, Sahid Khudiram Sarani, City Centre, Durgapur, PIN -713216, Dist -Paschim Bardhaman. 12. Department of Environment, Govt. of West Bengal, Pranisampad Bhavan, 5th Floor, LB-2, Sector - Ill, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700106. 13. Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Easte`jn Zonal Office, AA, Chandra Sekharpur, Bhubaneswar -751023, Odisha. 14. Head Office of West Bengal Pollution Control Board, Parib;sh Bhawan, 10A, BIock-LA, Sector-Ill, Bidhannagar, Kolkata -700106. +fty.¥RE f tyndun-I¢f(.Nb.T) :i.i= l`.n,-ce3| Govcrnmcnt {}f. West Bengal Offlcc of the I)istrict ,`'`Iagistr!ittt & Collc]ctor, Pascbim Bzirt+h{iman (JudicialMunshikhana}e-maiHD-j3ijpfis~€.[!±±n±b.dniz£±z:I_xpjatltJ£>m •tl +') L3",e-#tyj#ii%ixp Menro try.{i: ~ # 3~ 'ro '1 hLI Sr. r..m`il.oiim€iital I-ingiiict`r {[" (`cll} \it''gst Betlgal Pt)llution (`oiitri)I Board I)epartm€i`t i`f I_;i„ i!.()nmc`nt. Gi`\.I. tif` W'est Bengal Paiibesh Blia\,\'an` 10 A. Block-l~A. Sei`{or-lil r3idhati n8gar. K{ilkata-7()00CJ8. ire quEsa±ngT¥iii±:¥:::::Z±±:±if±::::::i:::=::±¥ii¥#i##!!I±±E¥'of 4xl5 T mid steel at Vil,- EL ifereRE![gEL±;ed±p±±;±§£2g£!±{gij!±±±±2£!=j±±±±±z±±!±& Apr(!p()s the subjeL`t cited abo\e this is u) iiil.i`rm }ou that tll€ pilblic lic!il.i!1g f(" 1hL` [mpo+t`{l expftiision{}{`thee.¥i5{iiigpiantb}.iidclitiitnaliiistal!ationor4.`15.Tlndiictioii[.`ui`n;tees(i.80.{)(){)1P\ `it`liqiHdsteel)\,vitli"ilchiiig1,RF.£urdC-(„lfiirdR`-]lliiigMillofcap€icit}1`0(}`000TP,.`\atBamuni.ii.€t u"behL'ldi""Mec`tingHz}l]{>f{:opat|iurG,PofKanksal}]{>i`kon13/02/2019at12{)`*"N"i Sri Pr{isi}ntfl tylollc{€ll. .+\dditiolial Distl`ict Mftgi`itrflt¢ tEducaticH1). Paschim Bard}iaiiian u HI pl.e.qideil+€).thepiibliclicaf.ingotibel""oi`theDistrictAdmiilisti.atiilm Nece``sar} {il`ti(ill f{x arraiigiiig tlie said public heaiillg as \+''eH €i'` +`oi. \\'idt` pliblicit} ma} {ca5€ be taken fitt!11 ¥l"t L`'Td aL`C{`!dtn8!} District \|#=le M€nm" _ G%|i tly i i 3 Mi I..€"Cit\m\3:::::h:;;\}b{ i tw {q C`op}. {bn\`ai.+ded t`oi. int`iirmati{jii {incl necessai.}. actioii to:I I ) ST`i Pras2iiita Mo}id€ll. Adclitional I}istriet Magistrate (F,diication). Paii`hH1` Bardliam£`ii. :} D} . C{')miiiiss!ijnei. of PiiliL`c (Hetid Qti..). ,J'-\sallsol Dui.gapur Pi)lice (`oriimis`iiiiiier!itl` ..i) Sub~Di\,`isio!1al dylilgistl.ati*. I)urg{'i|)ui.. 41 Block I)e\€1opmeiit Ot`tlcei.¢ Kanksa Dev, Block. #j/uut ; Paschim Bill.dhftin±in 97c Amnyutun-I_CSIIr® WEST BENGAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD WEST BENGAL (Department of Enviroriment, Govt. of West Bengal) Paribesh Bhawan,` 10A, Block - LA, Sector-Ill Bidhannagar, Kohiata-700106, India Tel : 2335 -9088 / 7428 / 8211 / 6731 / 0261 / 8861 / 5868 / 1625 Fax : 2335 -5868 / 2813 ulr, City Code : 33, Country Code : 91 Website : www.wbpcb.gov.in MemoNoapr`~`.4J.2#OO9tE] Dated: .01.2019 CIRCULAR it is hereby informed l:flat a Public Hearing will be held on 13.02.2019 at 12:00 Noon at the "Meiiting Hall of Gopalpur G.P. of Kanksa Block", Dist -Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal for the proposed expansion of the existing plant by additional installation of 4xl5 T Induction Furnaces (1,80,000 TF',i.` of liquid steel) with matching LRF and CCM and Rolling Mill of capacity 1,00,000 TPA at Vill ~- Bamunara, Kanksa, Dist - Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal by M/s. Calstar Sponge Limit:t!id. Paper notification in this respect may kindly be seen in '`Times of India" and ``Ei-Sama`/." dated 11.01.2019. In this regard copies c`i-the draft EIA / EMP report and Executive Summary of the project along with soft copies are st:nt herewith for record and for access to`the general public for their information and partictp`ation of locally affected persons in the Public Hearing on 13.02.2019. Special care against any damage or pilferage of the draft EIA / EMP report and Execurive S'ijmmary copies should be taken as these are very much limited in nuniber. Memo No.8Fllk/ -2N-25C009(E) Dated: /t.01.2019 Copy forwarded with copies of draft EIA / EMP report, Executive Summary (English and Bengali) along with soft copies: - 1. Office of the District Magistrate, Paschim Bardhaman, 1 Set of Ey`ecutive summary in English & Govt. of West Bengal. Bengali and one draft EIA / EMP report 2. Office of the Additional District Magistrate (Education), -Do. Dist -Paschim Bardhaman, Govt. of West Bengal. 3. Office of the Sub-Divisional Officer, Durgapur Sub- -DO- Division, Dist -Paschim Bardhaman. 4. Office of the Block Development Officer, Kanksa -Do- Development Block, Dist -Paschim Bardhaman 5. Office of the General Manager, D.I.C., Paschim -DO- Bardhaman. 6. Office of the Sabhadhipati, Paschim Bardhaman Zilla -DO- Parishad. 7. Office of the Kanksa Panchayat Samity, Dist - Paschim -Do- Bardhaman 8. Office of the Gopalpur Gram panchayat, Dist -Paschim -DO- Bardhaman. 9. Office of the chief Engineer (O & E), Paribesh Bhawan, -DO- 10A, Block-LA, Sector-lll, Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 700 106' 10. Office of the Senior Environmental Engineer, Kankinara -Do- Circle Office, Panpur More, Kalyani Expressway, PO - Narayanpur, Dist: 24 Parganas(N). 11. The Environmental Engineer, Durgapur Regional Office, -DO- Sahid Khudiram Sarani, City Centre, Durgapur, PIN - 713216, Dist -Paschim Bardhaman. 12. Department of Environment, Govt. of West Bengal, -Do- Pranisampad Bhavan, 5th Floor, LB-2, Sector - Ill, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700106. 13. Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, -DO- Eastern Zonal Office, AA, Chandra Sekharpur, Bhubaneswar -751023, Odisha. •,` u-,Head CIffice of West Bengal Pollution Control Board, -Do- Paribesh Bhawan,10A, Block-LA, Sector-Ill, Bidhannagar, Kolkata -700106, Member West Bengal PollL Control Board Arl7Qxth| iane ln compliance wi S.O.1533(E) dated 1 Of Environment;F Govt. of India,-it is he PublieHearingfo[th8 ¥fro¥=¥:¥¥ OftheexistingpLantbyaddiional TPAofliduidsteel i::=::i:--:i Paschim Bardhama n, :#iredsopn°T3g.32.L2'o|]9t%{i'2::`oE9ke£`ir` at the "Mecting Hall of fa.tfl.a fife: zczi] an at. fi5it_ ffl rfu. fiftFT r feel that he/it might be aft :!tE°x¥j:jvvgvgu'mm#¥fL':htre'9p#cst =:::i:f-!T:iil:::-f-::;11'\, ,I, ,, ` -_` . _ (English and Bengaii) and draft EIA'EMP gffipe£##s:nquctbein::]a:i.|aa¥g,1.i:a¥4# Bardhaman (2) Office. of the:Adcttiona.I District Magistrate (Educa'tion), Dist: PaschimBardhaman`;(3)OfficoOfttleSiib- :=:_-:::i::-=:::j=___i:::i_ Divisional Crmcer,` Durgapu} Subdivisi.3n, Diet-Paschim Bardhaman \.A) Off`ca c,I t!`Ie Block Developm col,3Kar,;.§a qFTfiq{q an c55a]rfe lap, a5i5{i Developm?nt ,81 istj.Pa€ehim Bardhaman (5) Offic -:::::::: 8a|c¥e:'fDt*'ec.§:#lffii::#.%Pe#hi:' Bardhaman Zilla Pan.shed (7) Kanksa P,anchayat Samity,-Pi Bardhaman (8) Office of :#:,#Tpea:n:i:,:'?iticijl Office.
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