Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2015 Part V _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Asia Pacific Journal of Lead Content of Round scad (Decapterus Multidisciplinary Research macrosoma)from Batangas Bay, Philippines Vol. 3 No. 4,118-124 November 2015 Part V Reygan H. Sangalang1, Erma B. Quinay2 P-ISSN 2350-7756 1 College of Arts and Sciences, Batangas State University, Philippines E-ISSN 2350-8442 2 College of Engineering Architecture and Fine Arts, Batangas State Univer- www.apjmr.com sity, Philippines 1 2 [email protected], [email protected] Date Received: October 29, 2015; Date Revised: November 19, 2015 Abstract—The main objective of the study was to determine the presence of lead in the head, flesh and internalorgans of roundscad (Decapterus macrosoma) collected from three sampling stations along Batangas Bay, Philippines. It is done to assess if the lead levels are still within the safety level set by United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Quantitative analysis following Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) official method confirmed the presence of lead in the head, flesh and internal organs of round scad. Lead analysis of round scad was carried out using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. The internal organs of round scad was found to contain the highest amount of leadas compared to the muscle and the head. Round scad samples collected along Batangas Bay had mean lead concentrationwhich is below the USEPA and FDA’s standardand can be considered safe for consumption. Continuous monitoring of lead content of roundscad is recommended to effectively investigate the risk and effects of heavy metals on the environ- ment and on the general public’s welfare. Keywords—AtomicAbsorption Spectroscopy, Batangas Bay, Heavy metals, Lead, Philippines, Round scad INTRODUCTION Fishes have always been a common table com- a total catch of 172, 498.52 metric ton (MT) or 16.7% modity for most Filipinos. It is a vital source of food of total commercial fish production in the Philippines and it is the single most important source of high qual- [1]. ity protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Round scad can be caught in almost every part of The Batangas Bay is located at the heartof the the country. Large concentration of round scad can be Coral Triangle, the global center of marine biodiversi- found in Sulu Sea, Visayan Sea, Moro Gulf, Lamon ty. About halfway between the provinces of Batangas Bay, Cuyo Pass, Ragay Gulf, Batangas Coast, Tayabas and Mindoro, the Verde Island Passage contains the Bay, Samar Sea, Camotes Sea, Sibuyan Sea, Bohol most diverse concentration of marine species in the Sea, Davao Gulf and Babuyan Channel [2]. planet. Recent studies conducted showed that its reefs The price of round scad is cheaper compared to are home to nearly 60% of the world's known shore other fishes due to the large volume of landings in the fish, as well as over 300 species of coral. Batangas market [2]. Per capita consumption of 3 kg/year has Bay contains various species of corals, fishes and oth- proven that round scad is among the favorite fish er aquatic life.Commercial fishes such as round scad, among Filipinos. [1] Round scad can grow up to a foot anchovies, Indian Mackerel, yellowfin tuna, frigate in length and has a dark somewhat oily but tasty flesh tuna, skipjack, Spanish mackerel, slipmouth, grouper, [2]. threadfin bream are caught in large amounts and pro- Due to modernization and increasing population, vides the locals with livelihood and ample supply of the state of Philippine Fisheries,known for its rich bio- food. diversity, is now in poor state. Nowadays, water pollu- Round scad (Decapterus macrosoma), locally tion is widespread and plays an important role in shap- known as galunggongis one of the popular commercial ing today’s rivers, seas and other bodies of water [3]. fishes caught in Batangas Bay. According tothe Phi- Seas and other bodies of water often receive the lippine’s Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, majority of human waste, whether it is man-made in 2011, round scad is the major commercial fish with emissionor from natural run-off from the land. Pollu- 118 P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2015 Sangalang & Quinay, Lead Content of Round scad (Decapterus macrosoma)from Batangas Bay, Philippines _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ tion of the aquatic environment by inorganic chemi- forcing regulations based on laws passed by the Unit- cals was alwaysconsidered a major threat to the aqua- ed States Congress. Both regulatory agencies have set tic organisms includingfishes [4]. Agricultural run an allowable level in soils, water, and food products. offs, whichcontainssignificant amount ofpesticides and These levels are calculated based on of the quantity of fertilizers, and industrial discharges provides the water lead that a person can consume or ingest without hav- bodies and sediments with huge amounts of inorganic ing an ill affect. For instance, FDA has set an action anions and heavy metals. These pollutants, when re- level of 0.5 µg/mL (0.5 mg/kg) for lead in infant and leased, enters the marine ecosystem slowlyincreasing childrens products and has banned the use of lead- their concentrations until it reach toxic levels [5]. It soldered food cans [10]. was noted that the contributions from these sources, either man-made or natural, are not the same in dif- OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ferent regions and in different seasons, thus heavy The main objective of the study is to determine the metal concentrations in surface water and sediments lead content in round scadfrom Batangas Bay. Specifi- varies both spatially and seasonally [6]. cally, it aims (1) to determine the concentrations of To monitor the extent of pollution in marine eco- lead in the head, flesh and internal organs of round systems, scientists nowadays utilized plant and animal scad in three sampling periods;(2) to determine if there species asbioindicators. Fishes are described to be a are significant differences between the lead concentra- good bioindicator of aquatic pollution since it is con- tion found in the head, flesh and internal organs of stantly exposed to pollutants through water and food round scadamong the sampling stations and (3) among [7]. the sampling periods; and (4) to know if the lead con- Heavy metals, which include lead (Pb), are among centrationsin round scadfrom Batangas Bay conforms the pollutants which contaminate the major bodies of to the specifications set by the United States Envi- waters. The amount of lead in water bodies are gener- ronmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and Food and ally low, but significant amounts of heavy metal-rich Drug Administration (FDA). dusts and vapors can be transmitted by the air, from windblown materials and volcanic eruptions. Common SETTING OF THE STUDY source of lead, which contributes to large emission to Batangas Bay is situated in the southern part of the theenvironment, are those derived from mining, smelt- Batangas province, which is located in the Southwes- ing and refining of lead and other metals.Mobile tern tip of Luzon Island. The Bay sits at the heart of sources of lead, which includes cars and other auto- the heart of the Coral Triangle, the global center of mobiles,is still a major factorand contributes to ele- marine biodiversity. vated levelsin ground and surface waters and other The coastline is about 470 km long. It is bordered bodies of water.Once ingested, lead may cause an irre- by coastal municipalities of Tingloy in Maricaban Isl- versible effect to the human body, inhibiting oxygen and, San Pascual, Bauan, Mabini and Batangas City. and calcium transport and affects the central nervous There are 44 coastal barangays along the Batangas system. Once exposed to lead, a person can suffer Bay [11]. from cardiovascular effects, increased blood pressure The coastline of Batangas Bay is home to different and incidence of hypertension, decreased kidney industries in Batangas province. Along its shores are function and reproductive problems (in both men and 23 large scale industries, 3 of them are large petroleum women). Recent studies indicates that no amount of companies located in the municipality of Mabini, San lead is safe for a growing child [8]. Pascual and Batangas City. Various industries like Food safety and quality is now a growing concern power generation, ship building, heavy metal fabrica- amongst consumer around the globe. Concerns on the tion, oleochemical manufacturing, petrochemical and assessment and control of food safety and quality in chemicalmanufacturing and storage are distributed aquaculture is important, as is the development of an along the coastline of Batangas Bay [12]. information base and other tools to enable objective Batangas Bay is also a busy road for both local and assessment of hazards and risks [9]. foreign vessels. It containsthe second largest interna- The United States Environmental Protection tional seaport in the Philippines, the Batangas Port. Agency (US EPA) and Food and Drug Administration The port serves as the center oftransportation of goods (FDA)are international agencies mandated to protect that originate from Batangas province and serves as human health
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