’.t ri-. PAGE THIRTY-SIX iKanrl^^Bt^r lEttPtttns !|«raU> WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1970 Mqst Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0\ Marine League ka, 424 ’Tunnel R d., all o f V er­ B. Bennett, Anne R. Egan, Gary Average Daily Net PreaslRan About Town I Graduates |non; Sandra A. Connelly, 107 WUUam T. Shepherd J r., all o f R o c k v ille The Weather Hayes Rd., Carolyn E. Myrick, klanchester. For The Week Ended Chance of showers, thunder­ mas Helene D. Klecolt, Honors Collins Hospital Notes June 27, 1999 MASTER’S DEGREES 21HUl8dale Rd., boUi of Wi^>- Mary E. M<k)arthy, Parker storms this afternoon and to­ daughter o f ICr. and M rs. H er­ plng. Ridge Rd., Andover; Dorothy Visiting hours are 12:80 to 8 bert ES. Klecolt of 11S6 Mountain Bryant C. Collins of 26L Ra­ Trinity Ooliege: Robert J. night. Lows tonight in the 60s. University of Illinois: Jordan R. NeU, Bolton; Joan F. Bald­ p.m. in all areas except ma­ BITUMINOUS Mullaney, 199 Woodland SL, r a d a y mosUy cloudy, UtOe Rd., haa been named to the chel Rd., who recently re-enllst- ternity where they are 2 to 4 Monofabster; John Colgan, 20 R. Cohen, 118 Scott Dr., Man­ win, Columbia Lake, Andrew T. 15,610 temperature change. high dean’a Uat for the spring ed in the klarine Corps for a chester. and 6:80 to 8 p.m. semeater at College of Wooster Blub Ridge Dr., Wapplng; Spearman, Woodland Ter., Ste­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm second tour of duty In Vietnam, Rutgers UUversity: Deborah ven J. Fletcher, Lake Rd., John Admitted Monday: Clara (O hio). Ralph A. Mazsarella, 28 ken- Kemp, Fox Hill Dr., Leola DRIVEWAYS will be honored Friday at a tes­ wood Rd., Verncn. S. Conklin, 86 Olcott Dr., kfary J. Kozelka, aU of Coluipbla; Packing Areas # Gas Statloiis' e BaskeOiaU Courts timonial dinner at 8 p.m. at the E. WiUlams, 151 St. John St., Faith J. Wlthey, Lance L. Stew- ’Traver, South St., Marjorie Pel- Now Booking for firing Work VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 237 (C lM S lfl^ Advertisinf on Fsge 21) PRICE TEN CENTS Miss Susan D. SUhavy of 46 Southern Connecticut State Ugrini, Fox Hill Dr., Cecil (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CW N., THURSDAY, JULY % 1970 Ridgewood St. has been elected Marine Corps League Home, CoUege: Linda OrflteUl, 2 W - both of klanchester. ert, Talcott Hill Rd., both of PLACE YOUR OBJkRBBJkEB NOW BECAUSE OF A 717 Parker St. • Eastern. ConnecUcut State Coventry; Paul Berg; Rolf t). Krammas, William LaPlant Jr., PNCE IN^EASE SOON to the Blue Key Society at lage St., Manchester; Elizabeth Westland Rd., all Rockville. V ,\ v\ ttbunt Holyoke College, South Collins w ill leat^e next Mon­ Motycka, Folly Lane, Coventry; CoUege: kirs. SaUy H<Uienthal, Scheidel, Harry L. WeUes Jr., AU Work PersonaUy Supervised. We Are 199% Ihsured. day from Camp Pendleton, Richard J. Lavatori, both of all of South Windsor; Kathleen BirUis Monday: Son to Mr. Hadley, Mass., where she Is a 'Thomas Straite, 26 Valerie Dr., and Mrs. Wilbur Gangaway, sophomore. The society honors Calif, and will retain the rank RockvUle. Manchester; kIrs. Gloria Hol­ A. Erickson, ToUand. of sergeant he had at the time brook of Columbia; Arthur C. West VTlllngton, and son to Mr.i DeMAtO BROTHERS*'"®*” " students who give campus tours Central Connecticut State Wayne State University and Mr:k Joseph Geaglone, En-j President Creates Connecticut to visitors. A graduate of Man­ of his discharge from the Ma­ C ollege: Jcrim E . E ck, 64 Acad­ Forst Jr.^ kfTs. Jacqueline Os­ (M ich .): P eter B. H ickey, 62 CALL M3-7691 rine Corps In 1666. field. Laird Promises New Speedup borne, both of Coventry; Horace chester High School, Miss Sll- emy St.; Peter J. Oalesta, 138 Oxford St., Manchester. Discharged Monday: Linda havy Is the daughter of Mr. and During his last tour of duty SeUers of Hebron; Charles I. Population: Park St.; John T. Oaroppolo, Silver, Virginia Lane, Tolland; Antipbllution Board Mrs. John R. Sllhavy. In Vietnam , Sgt. Col.ina was 269 Parker St.; Charles A. Kolberg of RockvUle; Idrs. awarded the Navy Cross, the NataUe Colombaro, Leonard J. Cindy Sandberg, Promfret; John Keeney, 22 Hudson St.; Lester Extended Forecast Judge, Sunrise Dr., RockvUle; WASHINGT()N (AP)—President Nixon signed to­ Hie Frank J. Mansfield De­ second highest Navy and Ma­ Lee, boUi of ’ToUjknd; M rs. 2 S 8 8 S 9 6 C. LaFrenlere, 20 Oakwood Mabel Larson, Mountain Spring tachment of the Marine Corps rine decoration. Lillian Bartlett of TalcottviUe; The extended^ forecast Is fair day reorganization plans to place environmental protec­ Rd.; klary Jean Mercler, 8$1 Rd., Tolland; Brenda Schiebel, tion and management under two new agencies.1 WASHINGTON (AP) -U n­ In GI Withdrawal from Vietnam League will meet tonight at 8 at In 1967, he was the honorary kfrs. Barbara Bennett of Ver- Oakland St.; David M. Mordav- weather for Saturday with a Shady Lake, Coventry; Sally the Marine Home, 717 Parker marshal of the kCanchester Me­ n<m. , ’Ihe plans, to take effect un- official, preliminary census sky, 830 Vernon St.; Jam es T. chance of showers Sunday. High Connors, Somers; Donald Col­ 1. WASHINGTON (AP)— St. morial Day Parade, and served Georgetown University: Car­ less Congress vetoes them, figures Indicate 'Connecticut 5 Moriarty, 16 Marble St.; Carol temperatures wlU generaUy be lins, Hammond St., Rockville; $ "ZORRIES" g that year as commandant of roU A . Cowing, 111 Harlan St., would create an independent has gained 469,762 persons Secretary of Defense Mel- E . R isberg, 440 W. kOddle in the upper 70s to low 80s and Henry Schechter, Philadelphia, ^ rubbor thong sondcds K Calvary Church will have Its the Marine Corps League. Manchester. RihicoH Asks Environmental Proteotloa Agen­ during the last decade, bring­ ■vin R. Laird today an­ T^ke.; Beatrice E. Roberts, lows In the upper 60s to low 60s. Pa. cy (EPA) charged with the fight midweek service of prayer and Reservations for the testi­ Fort Hays (Kan.) State Col­ X for children, ladies, and men; a must ash ing the total population to 2,- nounced a speed-up in the Box 181, RFD 1; Louise kL against aU forms of environ­ praise tonlj^ at 7:30 at the monial close tomorrow and may leg e; Kathryn OlgUo o f kCan- ^ for camp, pool, beach or play. 968,996. withdrawal of U.S. troops Smith, 687 S. Main St.; Carol mental pollution, and a National church. There will also be a be made by ccmtacting Peter chester. Public W ar According to the prelimi­ from Vietnam. A. Thlellng, 687 S. Main St.; Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- Bible study of the Book of He­ Oordera, 191 Eldridge St. Harvard University: Richard nary 1970 count, reducti<ms in Patricia A. Vogel, 369 Burn­ fairly priced 3 7 ^ to mlnlstraUon (NOAA) wlttiin the Laird told a news conference brews. Bernstein, 48 (Quaker Rd., kCan- S7* urban populations left Halt- that more than 80,000 American ham St.; Charles O. Wallacb, Commerce Department. chester. / AN EXOITIfie PARTY IDEA! On Pollution ford with 166,868 and B ridge­ servicemen will be withdrawn 116 Bretton Rd.; Lorraine A. The While House said the pro­ First Church of Christ, Scl- MRA Cancels Northeastern University: port with 166,869 — only 609 by Oct. 16. Benham, 18 White St., aU k(an- Cintemar ndi«Up Buffati, and By MARC GHARNEY posed antipollution agency persons apart. e nUst, will have Its midweek chester. Stewart C. D avis, 84 ComwaU woiUd have an estimated budget He said UJ3. forces In V iet­ te stlmony meeting tonight at 8 July Session Dr., ktanchester. Hbrajn Ddlverwd Buflaf* - AssocUted Press Wrltw Hartford County appeared nam w ill g o below the 884,000 Elizabeth Bradlau, Hayes NORWALK, Conn. (AP)—Sen. of $1.4 blUion, and 6,660 employ­ to remain the largest in the at the church, 447 N. Main St. University of ConnecUcut: In R«ady<4e4arra Confohwnl es. troop ceiling projected by Presi­ The meeting Is open to the Because there was no quo­ Ave.; Donna H. Brown. Vernon John O. BaUey, James H. Abraham A. Rlblcoff closed two state with 808,246 residents, dent Nixon for mid-October. D r.; P atricia A. Burns, 19 HUl- ‘The Oceanic and Atmos^eric com pared with 689,060 In ptibL lc. rum, the Manchester Redevel­ Bracken, Sherwood F. Gordon, Fsr iWUies Infonnatlsa ooB days of subcommittee hearings . ^ . „ , "We will beat that troop cell­ crest Dr.; Ronald L. ijiginhntii, R obert H. Strouch, WUUam R . Into Long Island Sound poUuUra AtolnlstraUon. i^ u g h l ^ r 1960. ing on Got. 15,’’ the defense sec­ opment Agency (MRA) cancel­ Apparent shifts of residents • • * • • A F .ilr Workshop of the South 6 Pleasant St., aU Rockville. Paquette, Tara V. Latawlc, 8ARDEN RROVE CATERERS !ml retary said. ed Its monthly meeting last estimated 1971 to the suburbs reduced New United Methodist Church will be Leslie A. klaimlng, 170 Long Paul V. Gworek, B. Russel 9«94nil or 949-9914 his own to a queaUonT he " .had 'J “ “ ■ •«V?TT$ He delined to say how many ,Hill Rd.; Howard Slbirsky, 68 budget o f som e $270 m illion. Haven’s population by 16,580 held ton. (ght at 7 ;80 at the home night and postponed biuiness Smith, Raymond E. Smith, Alan I 'M l I posed when the hearingB began. additional American troops will HIghview Rd., both <rf South The reorganization cuts deep­ persons to 186,468, Hartford’s A of Mr.s.
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