/ . Theatre Three's THEATRE THREE'S MAINSTAGE SEASON: Board of Directors CHEERING THE UNDERDOGS! Enika Pearson Schulze, Chair; Th� Full_Monty_bv David Yazbe� and Terrence McNaUy Jul� 2q-August.20 The'lhdustr,a/ N0rtti ,of �ngland wasthe setting forthe 1997 Oscar Awartl-Wmnfngmovi e. In tli,s bnl­ Jae Alder, D'Metria Benson, iant, funnyand touohlng American musical version, the setting is shifted to Amenca's rust belt where �rmersteel work�rsfeel the� manhoocferumbflr:ig in th� faeeo( tneir q0ntlnuequnemgl0xment. Lpye Roland & Virginia Dykes, Gary lll(�Sa� prumbllng fool as wivesafld g11frlends fulJfl their attention to, ether moqels df Virility. Wat.chmg this heroicban� ofunaerdogs fightto win back their world tand thelf wemen) will have yau cheenng W. Grubbs, Jeannine Lee, even as theH eye-po,:iping,se1utian asfatmrlsyo_u: Jack Lilley, David G. Luther, Vieux Cc;,rreby Te.nnessee Wllliar:ns September t� -October 15 The Dream Cafe Fe_w pJar,wngh!s wrot�with �s mueh �mpass.,onfor t&� und�raagas Tennes�ee Willta,:ns. Here Sonja J. McGill, Shanna 2800 Routh Street mer1pa s gr�atest m1d-c�ti.J,ryp fa�r1ght shows Fus df!lmat,cgenius P,Orlray,oga cavalcade 0f mbi(1aus�rt,$ts (and their de/11s1onallandlady) struggling lo �uccee'i/m N_ewa 1�ans' fab/�d Fren�h, Nugent, Elizabeth Rivera, Dallas, Texas 75201 QLJarler. Filledwith Williams'pa�s l011atefy poetic [qn9.uage1, hlS yovthful high sp,r1l$, and his wrvw1t1 this is 0ne,0f tbe_greatcoihing'-af-age dramas in which Wil1iams uses his ewn 'lffe as a palette'forthis, Eileen Rosenblum, Ph.D., Next door to Theatre Three co/Qrtul, atmospheric, and·vlVldwofk. Jeff Sanders, Janet Spencer 214-956-0486 Glorious!by Peter Quil�er . Nt>Vember 9- De.camber 1 mer.tcanFfo,ence Foster Jenkms se�ms hard to lhrnk @f as an ,underdog. She was ·astemshm�ly Shaw, Katherine Ward, Karen neh with incrediblyloyal"friends. But she dreame'liof being act/aimed as the war/d'sfinest 1Pure We gladly take reservations so/oraturan. Alas, she·1ac8ed any talent whatsoever and w.astotalfy untrained; a fatal combination that Washington, Patsy P. Yung for theatre-goers in a hurry caus�d tt,o�wh@ hear9 her ta explqde in laughter and label her '1109calleratura� and. the �diva Jo din". Inspiredby her (ietoasrecordings . of the '50'S; British' pl,,rwrlghtPeter Qu//terhlfartously recounts her The playbill is a publication of Theatre Three, Inc. 2800 Routh Street, Suite #168 Dallas, Te xas 75201. 1fe and herfabled assa/Jltan M0zertIn tamegie Hall. This Theatre Three playbill is published for: Democracy by Michael Frayn _ January4- Februarv4 • The Full Monty by David Yazbek and Te rrence McNal/y, the first show of the 2006-2007 Theatre Three When an undet:d(!)gf!Olitioal r;andiaate unexpecteelfy won a popular e/ec5(ionin West Ge,:manyin 1969, h�, was not an{y,cpnfr�nted w�h skepti§s, bvt he alse re?liz�d that it was increasinglydff([cult to iden,lify Mainstage Season. ffJends fto,vfQ.es ln his h�lfof divided Gertnar:iy. Charismat,oWIiiy Brandt kn-ew tt,at Intrigue, dup/Jcity, • Only Heaven by Ricky Ian Gordon, the second show of the 2006-2007 Theatre Too Season. conniving, and sp:yingwere allclearly going en within his mast int1mate inner circle. But 'towardwhaf end? Fer what cause?- And most lmportantlY. by whom? ls this how de_mocracyWf)rks? Cover artis by Jae Alder and Buzz Print Show artworkby Susan Holden and subscriptionbrochure design by Joanna Holden of 214. 526. 7356. Playbill editors: Jae Alder, KimberlyRichard Talkina Pictures bv Horton Foote February22 - March 25 Ii]"'"""" ,,k th 19i29,1he g,lvorced ladypianist at'thepicture show is about,to f@se her job: the talkies �re coming. nd she.'sabout to /iiJseher: teen-aged son: M's fallingfor hiS<father'sempty promises, Hamson, Texas, lil<eth� whole country, is 'dealingwith the uncertaintythe depressi@nIs thrusting upon it. Sa The 2006 2007 S S howls it th�i,,thisl�df fives, a.Jifeof hope_? 9espitf1her underdag:e1reU{(lstc1nces) or perhapsbecause o'fthem, she musters the resolve, even dares ta hope for the.kind oOave and appreciation eve,:yene eeds.f@find ih tough times. The Odd Couole by Neil Simon AJoril 12 - May rn Two mid-lifeNew Yorkers fas mismatched in raom_mate ,life as th�Y.had been in theirmarriages ). TACA ·nspkedNeil Simon to creafeAmeffea'S favo'rite theatre ,coupJe. His p.fay inspirftda grept tefevtsibn · how. Wharseasy , to forget becauseotthe belove.d TVseries abQut 1he underdogs; isjust haw excru Theatre Three is supported by its Board of Directors, by subscribers, by funds from the City of cjatlngly funny,and Ii/Margetthe original pla.yis and how freshits situation and one-lmers,are fer any • Dallas Officeof Cultural Affairs,and The Texas Commission on the Arts. Supporters also in­ eneratfon ofaetorsto get to petfo,m,. And taraudfences to redis'(:Qverl ' clude TACA. Major corporate season sponsors include American Airlines, The Dallas Morning Car9Jine, Or Chanae bv Tonv Kushner and_ Jeani11eTesori May 31 - Jul¥ 1 News, and WFAA Channel 8. For more information about Theatre Three's corporate sponsor­ Exciting, camp/ex. sqmet,messu rreal and �/ways, theatnca/, this mt1�1aalstory enters the worldof a laefmaid wer:kif?fJ.fbr a well-lo;db Louisiana 'family; 0n the national. stase, the_era of civilrights is I ship program, please contact Jae Alder at 214-871-3300, #2. Jaymg, out: Dr. Kmg_, freedam rides Supreme C0urldebates, ,and churotf bombings. But 11na�rdog ca,olme.ts ptayin-gout tne righ_taid wrang_of allth�t Im the 1�1mdryream of the ,t1ieeee0ple sh� wor:ks or. Thij,young sen eftfiefamilYi estrangeaffqm his new stee,mofher, r�lles on her. ean Caroline. IN MEMORIAM quare, her dreams withthe bpys as hercown fife changes w1lh, the times? A superb musicalSG() re Contributions have been made in memoryof, or from the estates of .. f/0,odsthe stage Withall the passion af th.ose. momentous times in thts greatnew musical. Sam & Shirley Jones Catter, Margaret Hatcher Coit, Bill Dallas, William T. Dobson, Scott Everheart, Javad Fiuzat M.D., Paula Goodlet, Oliver Hailey, Lloyd W. Kitchens Jr. M.D., Anne Weeks Jackson, Jim Jackson, Lynn Mathis, Masha Porte,Carolyn Ryburn, Frank Rey, Mary Blanche Scales, Charlotte E. Schumacher, Lynn Townsley, May Tweed, Audrey B. Waite, Evelyn Wilke, Martha Roselyn Wright, and Norma Young. THEATRE THREE presents lti� first show of the 2006-2007 Theatre Three M-ai'r,stage Season ... By special arrangement wi{�l'!Vlusic Theatre International Artistic Staff Musical Numbers Director/Choreographer Michael Serrecchia Act I Musical Director Terry Dobson Overture Orchestra Set Design Jae Alder and Barbara Murrell Scrap Jerry, Dave, Malcolm, Ethan, and Men Sound Design Richard Frohlich It's A Woman's World Georgie, Estelle, and Women Costume Design Michael Robinson Man Jerry and Dave Lighting Design Neil Robert Ingles Big Ass Rock Jerry, Dave, & Malcolm Life With Harold Vicki Big Black Man Horse & Company Cast You Rule My World Dave & Harold Jeannette Burmeister Lynn Ambrose Michael Jordan's Ball Jerry, Dave, Harold, Horse, Malcolm, & Ethan Ethan Girard *Andy Baldwin Joanie Lish/Ensemble **Connie Marie Brown Act II Harold Nichols Coy Covington Entr'acte Orchestra Jerry Lukowski *Gary Floyd Jeannette's Showbiz Jeannette and Guys Tony Giordano/Ensemble **Mark C. Guerra Number Teddy Slaughter/Ensemble **Lee Irving Breeze OffThe Water Jerry Nathan Lukowski Chance Jonas-O'Toole The Goods Company Buddy "Keno" Walsh William K. Lanier You Walk With Me Malcolm & Ethan Molly Macgregor/Ensemble **Allison Mccorkle You Rule My World Georgie & Vicki Reg Willoughby/Ensemble **Joseph Nobles Reprise Pam Lukowski Jennifer Pasion by Terre ci McNally Let It Go Company Noah "Horse" T. Simmons *Wilbur Penn r There will be one 15 minute intermission between acts. Ensemble **Andrew Phifer Dave Bukatinsky **Charles Ryan Roach and Davict Yazbek Susan Hershey **Kristi Rowan Estelle Genovese/Ensemble Carrie Slaughter Minister/Ensemble Joseph Strohl Georgie Bukatinsky Allison Tolman Malcolm Macgregor **Theo Wischhusen Vicki Nichols Stephanie Young The Staff of Theatre Three Administration Orchestra Executive Producer-Dlreclor Jae Alder Company Manager Teny Dobson Conductor/piano Terry Dobson Director or Business Affairs Joan Sleight Woodwinds Ellen Kaner Computer Services Manager Nick Rushing_ Director of Publications& Communicalions Kimberly Ric�ard Woodwinds Michael Dill Webmasler Greg MacPherson In-House Accountant Wendy Kwan Trumpet Joseph Strohl Execulive Adminlstrallve Assistant Robert Silva Bass Peggy Honea Percussion Justin Preece Production Director of Design Barbara Murrell Musical orreofor Terry Dobson Production Staff Production Manager Linda Harrison Master Carpenler Jeffrey Schmidt AEA Stage Manager *Sally Soldo Production Assistant RobertSilva Intern Staff Frances Connelly, Hannah Daniel.Katie Deeds, Mark C. Production Manager & Propmaster Linda Harrison Guerra, Andrew Phifer, Danielle Pickard, Christina Rossini Master Carpenter JeffreySchmidt Scenic Painter Barbara Murrell Customer Service Hannah Daniel,**Katie Deeds, **Mark C. Guerra, Customer Service Director Amy MIiis Jac�son Painters & Carpenters Hospltallly an<! Concessions Nancy Meeks, House Manager **Andrew Phifer, Danielle Pickard Box Office Daytime Service Manager Darius Warren Box Office Performance Service Manager Shanara Hollins Production Assistant **Katie Deeds Box Office Agents Sally Cole Ainsworth, Fred Faust, Amt Mills Jackson, Tony Banda, Shanara HoUi.ns. Wendy Kwan Director of Telemarketing Carol Crosby TelemarketingAgents Kalle Banda. Trinlly Johannsen, ROl)erWIison in 1cates mem ers wor mg un er ctor s qu1ty ssociat1on contracts tn t 1sp ro �<: 10n � in 1cates ape armer enro e 1n t e mem ers 1p can I ateprogra m. ,,. I. ---���- Michael Serrecchia (Director & Choreographer) Michael Robinson (Costume Design) MichaelSerrecchia (Director} is veryproud to bedirecting The Full Monty. He has studiedat Michael's previous assignments at Theatre Three include Metamorphoses, The Imaginary The HarknessBallet, receivedvocal !raining from Sylvia Syrfiaof theMET and Keith Davis, Invalid, I'll Leave It to You, Children of Eden, The Mousetrap, The Musical of Musicals (The and acting training from MaryTarsal and FredKar eman of Stanford Meisner.
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