Summer Village - West Cove From: MA ARBadmin <ma.arbadmin@gov.ab.ca> Sent: November 4,2015 12:23 PM To: Undisclosed recipients:; Undisclosed recipients: Subject: 2016 Assessment Review Board Training - Registration Attachments: G e n e ra l_l n f o rm a ti o n_f o r_2 0 1 6_Co u rs es. p d f; ARB_Exam_and_Certification_l nformation.pdf To: All CAOs, Municipal Heads, ARB Clerks and ARB Board Members Subject: 2016 Assessment Review Board Training - Registration The Municipal Government Board (MGB) is responsible for delivering certification training for Assessment Review Board (ARB) Members and Clerks. Registration for ARB training courses is now open! Courses will be offered from February - May 2016 at various locations across Alberta. Course information, dates and locations can be found on our website at http://municipalaffairs.alberta.calassessment-review-board-member-and-clerktraining . The MGB is launching a new web portal for the ARB training program in January 2016. The web portal will allow Board Members and Clerks to access electronic copies of training resources and to participate in online pre-learning courses. Please note that course attendance is still required for participants. The online pre- learning and resources are designed to supplement the in-class learning experience. Board Members and Clerks who have an active ARB Certification will also receive access to the web portal, so they can access resources as made available. The MGB will contact those individuals in January 2016 to provide further information. Frequently Asked Questions o What is required to receive certification? o Each individual must register online to attend a course. Attendance at each course is mandatory as there are many hands-on activities. Successful completion of an exam is also required. Further details regarding each course will be outlined at the time of registration, . Do ARB Board Members and Clerks need to recertify? o Yes. ln order to have an 'active' status, the certification must be refreshed every 3 years. o How do I know if my Board Members' or Clerks' certifications are current? o Certification status for all current ARB Board Members and Clerks is maintained by the Municipal Government Board. Please email us and we can check on the status of each individual. Any questions with respect to the cerlification process should be directed to the Municipal Government Board at780-427-4864, or by emailto ma.arbadmin@qov.ab.ca . Sincerely, Mike d'Alquen Acting Chair Municipal Government Board This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notiff the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. WIIff'f,,i![ivernment ARB Exam and Certification lnformation . All participants will be required to sign in twice daily (morning and afternoon) at every course to verify attendance. Attendance for each day of the course is required. Anyone who is not able to attend will not be allowed to write the online exam, and will be required to re{ake the course. ln order to receive ARB Certification: o Attendance at the full course is required o Activities/exercises must be completed and submitted during the course, and o A passing grade must be achieved on the online exam (65%). Exams are open book and are completed online, within 7 days of the course date. Participants will be provided with their grade immediately upon submission of the online exam. Further information will be provided to the participant once registration is confirmed. Online exams must be completed in the allotted time (within 7 days after the course date). lf your exam is incomplete, the course is considered incomplete. lf a participant's grade is less than 65%, he/she may re-write the exam. lf the grade is still less than 65% on the re-write, he/she will be required to take the course again. o Participants will only be allowed one re-take, per course, per year. This option is dependent on another course running in the same ARB training year, in addition to space being available in that course. o A Certificate of Qualification will be available to each successful participant. ln order to recertify, either a Board Member Refresher or Clerk Refresher course must be successfully completed. o Recertification must be completed every 3 years for ARB Board Members and ARB Clerks, lf you have any further questions about a course, exam or certification/recertification, please contact the M un icipal Govern ment Board al 7 80-427 -4864 or ma.arbadm in @qov.ab.ca. mgY,t'i,fi[Eivernment General lnformation for 2016 Courses Registration o The course will run from 8:30am-4:00pm for all dates listed. Coffee and muffins will be provided. The maximum number of participants for each session is 20, and the minimum number is 10. lf the maximum number of seats allowed has been reached, your name will be placed on a waitlist for that session. lf a spot becomes available, you will be contacted. lf the course minimum is not reached, you will be contacted by the Municipal Government Board (MGB) to discuss available options. o The MGB will confirm your eligibility to attend the course by contacting the municipality/municipal organization you list at the time of registration. Approval must be granted by that municipality/municipal organization; othenvise the attendee will not be allowed to participate. MGB will contact you if there is any concern regarding your registration. r There is no cost to register for the course. r Accommodations and meals are not covered, and are the responsibility of the participant. o The participant's contact information is collected at the time of registration in order to administer the courses offered by the MGB. Your name and certification status may be shared with the sponsoring municipality/municipal organization, and other areas of Government of Alberta. lf a party to a complaint requests verification of qualification for an Assessment Review Board Clerk or Board Member, the Municipal Government Board will provide a copy of the Certificate of Qualification to the requesting party. Link to online registration: http://www. m unicipalaffairs.alberta.calonline-eventreo istration Please note: There is a 3-step registration process. Review the sessions available and choose which session you would like to enroll in. Then you must check the email account you provided at the time of registration. lf there is still room in the session, you will receive an emailwith a link you must click on to confirm your registration. lf the session is full your name will be placed on a waitlist. lf a spot opens in that session, you will be contacted. Online Resources - Reading Prior to Course Attendance (Available January 2016) The Municipal Government Board will contact all confirmed participants, to provide access to an online web portal. For each course, there are online resources which are designed to be read prior to your attendance at the session to assist with your learning. lf you have any questions, please contact the MGB office at 780-427-4864. J*, Su.}**n Count,T 4928 Longston Streel ffi€ $HH"&ffiffiffi Box 219, Songudo, AB TOE 2A0 www.lsoc.co 3&*,r*,r,o"ouid October 29tt',2015 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Re: Lac Ste. Anne CounLv 20 I 5-201 7 Repr esentatives/Appointments Retbrence is rnade to our rccent Organizational Meeting held on October 22nd,2015. Please find attached a list of all rcprcsentatives and appointments of County Council, as approved at this organizational meeting. Also, please note that our Reeve and Deputy Reeve titles have clranged to Mayor and Deputy Mayor and the ternt of these appointments is for two (2) years, '['lre other committee appointments are for a two (2) year term as well, unless otherwise notified. Ifyou have any questions, please contact the undersigned. MP/tnr encls. Phone 780'785-341 1 1-866-880-LS AC 157221 Fox 780-785-2359 / 780-785-2985 Section I00 Policy 103 Page I of3 COMMITTEES, RtrI'RESENTATIVES, APPOINTMBNTS, ETC. FROM TTIE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 22"'I,2OIS LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING MAYOR - BillHegy TERM OF MAYOR - two (2) years DEPU'TY MAYOR - Lloyd Giebelhaus TERM OF DEPUTY MAYOR - two (2) years CQMMITTEES MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE - Councilas a whole CHAIRMAN - Mayor AGRICTJLTURAL SERVICE BOARD - Council as a whole CHAIRMAN - Ross Bohnet VICE CHAIRMAN - Wayne Borle MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION - Council as a whole with the Mayor as Chainnan - Adnrinistration to appoint a secretary to the Municipal Planning Commission DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Council as a whole with the Mayor as Chainnan ADVISORY COMMITTEES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - Hegy, Davidson & Borle JOINT WORKSITE HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE - Bohnet, Davidson, (up to l2 staff) October 201 5 Section I00 Policy 103 Page7 of 3 REPRESENTATIVES/APPOINTM ENTS ALBERTA BEACI{ INTER-MUNICIPAL COUNCIL COMMITTEE - Reps - Borle & Kohn, & I Adrnin ATHABASCA WATERSHED ADVISoRy GRotJp - Reps -- Bohner & ciebethaus BEACHWAVE PARK - Rep - Kohn Alternate - Borle BUS COMMITTEE - EAST END - Rep - Olsvik Alternate - Borle - WEST END - Reps - Bohnet & Giebelhaus Alternate _ Davidson CAMPGROUND COMMITTEE - Reps - Bohnet, Davidson, Ciebelhaus & Kohn, 4 Admin CENTRAL ALBERTA RECREATIONAI- LAKES COMMTTTEE - Rep_ Kohn COMMUNITY F'UTURES - YELLOWHEAD EAST - Rep - Davidson Alternare - Borte DARwEt,l, LAGooN coMMISSIoN - Reps - Borle & Kohn Alternate - Davidson ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Rep - t)avidson ENFORCEMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE - Allof Courrcil, with any 3 for.rrring quorurn ENBRIDGENORTHERNGATEWAYCAB - Rep-.Davidson,CAO FALLEN FOUR MAYERTHORPE LIBRARY PROJECT - Reps - Bohnet & Giebelhaus, I Adrnin GEORGE PECG BOTANIC GARDEN soclETY - Rep - Borle Alternate - Davidson GROWTH ALBERTAiWILD ALBERTA - Rep * Davidson Alternare - Kohn HIGHWAY 43 EAST WASTE COMMISSION - Reps - Borle & Olsvik Alternate - Giebelhaus LAC LA NONNE ENHANCEMENT & PROTECTION ASSOC.
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