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Ij !Alburgh ?È ?Ò ?Ö Jay !( Newport ?Ý ?Î Q` !!( ?Ú !( ! ?ê ?Ò Enosburg Colebrook, NH Falls ?É North Hero ! !( St. Albans ?à !"`$ ?Ö ?Ò Ie ?Ø ?£ ?Ð ?Ý ?f !"a$ ?u Jeffersonville LOOK FOR THESE !(ICONSMilton TO?Ð PLAN YOUR!( TRAVEL: CONNECTICUT RIVER BYWAY Scenic Lookout ?é Free Motor?¦ CoachIk Accessible! East Burke Photo Opportunity Activities for Families?¤ Handicap Accessible?Ý ?É Lyndonville ! ?Ö Hardwick ?Î Arts & Culture !( Lancaster, NH !!P ?¡ ! !!( StoweIj 1-5 Ie !Alburgh ?Ò ?È BurlingtonJay !( Newport ?£ ?Ö !( ?Ý ?Î Q` St. Johnsbury! 1. The Artful Eye/The Annex 10. Murals at the Quechee Community Church !( ?Ú ! Enosburg Colebrook, NH Waterbury ?¨ ?ê ?Ò Falls ! ?É Center 443 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury 1905 Quechee Main Street., Quechee North Hero ! !( St. Albans ?à !"`$ !"`$ ?Ö ?Ò Ie ?Ø Ie !"b$ theartfuleye.com ?£ ?Ð ?Ý ?f !"a$ ! Ie Jeffersonville Waterbury?u 11. Windsor Auction Center !( MiltonIm?Ð !( ?Þ ! ?é ?¦ Ik ! East Burke 2. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild 64/66 Main Street, Windsor ?¤ ?É ?É Lyndonville ! ?Ý ?Ö Hardwick ?Î Montpelier !( Lancaster, NH! ?ý !!P ?¡ 430 Railroad Street #2, St. Johnsbury windsorauctioncenter.com/ Stowe !!( Ie ?Ë (\! Burlington ?£ St. Johnsbury! ! Waterbury ?¨ Center nekartisansguild.com !!"`$FerrisburghIe !"b$ Waterbury! Ie Im ?Þ ?§ ?¡ 12. Arabella Gallery ?É Montpelier ?Ë (\! ?ý !( Waitsfield !P Barre ! Ferrisburgh ?§ ?¡ !P 3. Moose River Lake and Lodge 65 Main Street, Windsor !( Vergennes!( Waitsfield Barre !( Vergennes ?£ Wells River, VT ! Wells River, VT ! ?ª ?§ ?Á ?£ 370 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury arabellagallery.com/ ?§ ?Þ ?¢§ ?Ù NNorthorth HHaverhill,averhill, NNHH ! C ?ª !( Chimney Point Middlebury ?É ? ?¬ ?æ ! ?¡ Q{ ?Á mooseriverlakeandlodgestore.com ?£ ?Ü ?¢ ?Ù ! 13. ?§ ?æ ?Þ !"a$ NNorthorth HHaverhill,averhill, NNHH Cider Hill Gardens and Gallery ?³ Rochester ! !"`$ ?Ù ?b ?Ç !( Strafford ?Æ ?¡ 4. Catamount Film & Arts 1747 Hunt Road, Windsor C Orwell ?É ?Ü !( Chimney!( ?Æ Point ?É Im ?ÕMiddlebury?£ Ik ? ?¬ 6 115 Eastern Avenue, St. Johnsbury ciderhillvt.com/ !( Q{ Hubbardton ! ?æ Killington ?¡ ?| ?¡ ?ª ?³ ! Quechee ?s ! !White River ?£ catamountarts.org Castleton Woodstock ! ! ! !P Junction, VT ?Ü ?t Ih Rutland Ih ?É ?¡ 14. Cady Mausoleum Plymouth !( !"a$ Notch ?Ï ?Ô ! ?æ ?³ Windsor, VT 5. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum Strawberry Hill Road, Brownsville ?í ?» !"a$ ?õ ?³ ! Ludlow ?¡ !"`$ ?÷ ! Rochester ! ?Ù ?b Public Library & Art Gallery ?Ï Claremont, NH ?Ç Springfield!( !( Strafford 1171 Main Street, St. Johnsbury 15. Great Hall Gallery ?³ Im ?É ?} ?¡ ?} ?v ?Ï ?Æ 100 River Street, Springfield !!( ?Ü stjathenaeum.org OrwellManchester ?É !( ! Bellows Falls, VT facebook.com/GreatHallSpringfield ?e ?Æ Ik ?£ ?É Im 6. Old Church Theater ?v ?³ ?Õ Ik ?Ä 16. Springfield Art & Historical Society Bennington 137 N Main Street, Bradford d?W7 !P Wilmington QÄ ?z ?z!!( ?x ?z !!( Brattleboro, VT 9 Elm Hill Street, Springfield ?h Im ?É!( Hubbardton oldchurchtheater.org/ ?É ?Û !"a$ ?ñ ?¡ ?| springfieldartandhistoricalsociety.org/ ?ª ?³ Killington 10 7-9 VTrans Mapping Section - October 29, 2014 ! ?s ! Quechee 7. ! !White River Main Street Museum Castleton Woodstock ! ! 58 Main Street, White River Jct 17. Life Size Simpsons ! Ih !P Rutland Junction, VT Chamber of Commerce Office ?t Ih ?¡ mainstreetmuseum.org/ ?É !"a$ 56 Main Street, Springfield Plymouth !( 8. Northern Stage ?Ï Notch ?Ô 14 11-13 18. Gallery at the VAULT ! 5 S Main Street, White River Jct ?³ ?» Windsor, VT northernstage.org/ 68 Main Street, Springfield ?í galleryvault.org/ ?õ ! Ludlow ?¡ 9. Center for Cartoon Studies ?÷ ! Charles Schultz Library, ?Ï 94 Main Street, White River Jct 15-18 Claremont, NH Springfield!( cartoonstudies.org/ ?³ Im ?É ?} ?} ?v ?Ï CONNECTING!!( BYWAYS: Manchester ! Bellows Falls, VT ?e Ik ?É ?v ?³ ?Ä Bennington d?W7 !!P Wilmington QÄ ?z ?z!!( ?z ?x !!( Brattleboro, VT ?h Im ?É ?É ?Û !"a$ ?ñ CONTINUED NEXT PAGE VTrans Mapping Section - October 29, 2014 Ij !Alburgh ?È ?Ò ?Ö Jay !( Newport ?Ý ?Î Q` !!( ?Ú !( ! ?ê ?Ò Enosburg Colebrook, NH Falls ?É North Hero ! !( St. Albans ?à !"`$ ?Ö ?Ò Ie ?Ø ?£ ?Ð ?Ý ?f !"a$ ?u Jeffersonville !( Milton ?Ð !( ?é ?¦ Ik ! East Burke ?¤ ?Ý ?É Lyndonville ! ?Ö Hardwick ?Î !( Lancaster, NH !!P ?¡ ! Stowe !!( Ie Burlington ?£ St. Johnsbury! ! Waterbury ?¨ !"`$ Ie Center !"b$ ! Ie Im ?Þ Waterbury ?É Montpelier ?Ë (\! ?ý ! Ferrisburgh ?§ ?¡ !( Waitsfield !P Barre !( Vergennes ?£ Wells River, VT ! ?ª ?§ ?Á ?§ ?Þ ?¢ ?Ù NNorthorth HHaverhill,averhill, NNHH ! C !( ?É Chimney Point ? ?¬ ?æ !Middlebury ?¡ Q{ ?£ ?Ü ?æ ?³ !"`$ !"a$ ?Ç Rochester ! ?Ù ?b ?Æ ?¡ !( Strafford Orwell ?É ?Ü !( ?Æ Im ?Õ ?£ Ik !( Hubbardton ?¡ ?| ?ª ?³ Killington LOOK FOR THESE ICONS?s TO PLAN YOUR! TRAVEL: Quechee ! !White River Castleton Woodstock ! ! CONNECTICUT RIVER BYWAY ! Ih !P Rutland Junction, VT Scenic Lookout?t Free Ih ?¡ Motor Coach Accessible Photo Opportunity Activities?É for Families !"a$ Handicap Accessible Plymouth !( Arts & Culture ?Ï Notch ?Ô ! Windsor, VT ?³ Ij ?» !Alburgh ?í ?Ò ?È Jay !( Newport ?Ö !( ?Ý ?Î Q` 19. Bellows Falls Opera House 27. Latchis Hotel and Theatre !( ?Ú Enosburg Colebrook, NH ! Ludlow ?¡ ?ê ?Ò Falls ?õ ?É ! 7 Square, Bellows Falls 50 Main Street, Brattleboro North Hero ! !( St. Albans ?à ?÷ !"`$ ?Ö ?Ò ! Ie ?Ø ?£ rockbf.org latchis.com/ ?Ð ?Ý ?f !"a$ ?Ï Jeffersonville ?u !( Claremont, NH !( Milton ?Ð ! ?é ?¦ Ik ! East Burke Springfield 20. Next Stage Arts Project 28. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center ?¤ !( ?É Lyndonville ! ?Ý Hardwick ?Î ?Ö !( Lancaster, NH !!P ?¡ ! 15 Kimball Hill Road, Putney 10 Vernon Street, Brattleboro Stowe !!( Ie ?É ?} Burlington Im ! ?³ ?£ St. Johnsbury! ! Waterbury ?¨ Center nextstagearts.org/ brattleboromuseum.org !"`$ Ie ?}!"b$ Im Waterbury! Ie ?Þ ?É Montpelier ?Ë (\! ?v?ý ?Ï ! Ferrisburgh ?§ 21. Sandglass Theater 29. Vermont Center for Photography !( ?¡ !P Barre ! Waitsfield !!( !( Vergennes ?£ Wells River, VT ! 19 ?ª ?§ ?Á Manchester 17 Kimball Hill Road, Putney 49 Flat Street, Brattleboro ?§ ?Þ ?¢ ?Ù NNorthorth HHaverhill,averhill, NNHH ! ! C !( Chimney Point Middlebury ?É ? ?¬ Bellows Falls, VT ?æ ! ?¡ Q{ sandglasstheater.org/ vcphoto.org/ ?e ?£ ?Ü ?æ !"a$ ?³ Rochester ! !"`$ ?Ù ?b ?Ç ?¡ !( Strafford Ik ?Æ 22. Fulcrum Arts 30. New England Youth Theatre Orwell ?É ?Ü !( ?Æ Im ?Õ ?£ Ik ?É 485 W River Road, Brattleboro 100 Flat Street, Brattleboro !( Hubbardton 20-21 ! Killington ?¡ ?| ?³ ?ª ?³ ! Quechee ?s ?v !White River fulcrumarts.com/ neyt.org/ ! Castleton Woodstock ! ! ! !P Junction, VT ?t Ih Rutland Ih ?É ?¡ Plymouth !( !"a$ ?Ï Notch ?Ô ?³Ä ! Windsor, VT 23. Windham Orchestra 31. Estey Organ Museum ?í ?» ?õ Bennington! Ludlow ?¡ 22 d?W7 ?÷ ! Wilmington Brattleboro 108 Birge Street, Brattleboro !!P ?Ï Claremont, NH QÄ Springfield!( ?z !( 23-33 windhamorchestra.org/ esteyorganmuseum.org/ ?z ?³ Im ?É ?} ! ?} ?x ?z ?v ?Ï !!( Brattleboro, VT !!( Manchester Im ! Bellows Falls, VT ?É 24. Brattleboro Historical Society – 32. CX Silver Gallery ?h?e Ik ?É ?v ?³ ?É History Center 814 Western Avenue, Brattleboro ?Ä ?Û !"a$ Bennington 230 Main Street, Brattleboro cxsilvergallery.com/ 7 ?ñ d?W !P Wilmington QÄ ?z!!( ?z ?x ?z !!( Brattleboro, VT ?h Im ?É brattleborohistoricalsociety.org/ ?É ?Û !"a$ ?ñ 33. Vermont Jazz Center VTrans Mapping Section - October 29, 2014 VTrans Mapping Section - October 29, 2014 25. Vermont Artisan Designs Gallery 72 Cotton Mill Hill, Brattleboro 106 Main Street, Brattleboro vtjazz.org/ vtart.com/ 26. The Artist’s Loft Bed & Breakfast and Art Gallery 103 Main Street, Brattleboro theartistsloft.com/ CONNECTING BYWAYS: FESTIVALS Yellow Barn Summer Music Festival (Summer): Brattleboro Literary Festival October, Brattleboro, Putney, yellowbarn.org brattleboroliteraryfestival.org/ Southern Vermont Dance Festival (July): Brattleboro, Brattleboro Film Festival (Fall): Brattleboro, southernvermontdancefestival.com/ brattleborofilmfestival.org/ White River Indie Film Fest (April): White River Jct, Brattleboro Dawn Dances (Labor Day and Memorial wrif.org/ Day): Brattleboro, dawndance.org/ .

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