PRICE 25 CENTS ALFRED I. du PONT RADIO "for outstanding and meritorious SERVICE in encouraging, fostering, promoting and developing American ideals of freedom, and for loyal and devoted SERVICE to the nation and to the community" 14 million Midwestern listeners served by The PRAIRIE FARMER STATION CHICAGO 7 890 KILOCYCLES 50,000 WATTS ABC AFFILIATE REPRESENTED BY JOHN BLAIR & CO. CBS STARS ARE ALWAYS SHINING OVER EASTERN IOWA VIA WMT (Top) Carson with Marion Hutton, singing comedienne and co -star. (Center) Jack Corson. (Right) Carson and Miss Hutton, with Dove Willock, who plays nephew Tugweil on the show. "Cowboy" Carson Carries Corn to Iowa Via WMT Iowa needs corn like Newcastle needs coal -but Carson sells his stuff anyway. A tribute to his showmanship - and WMT's programming -is the consistently high listener -rating the Jack Carson show commands. WMT provides exclusive CBS programming to Eastern Iowa on Iowa's best frequency -600 kc. With high- calibre network shows, a News Center that utilizes AP, UP, INS, local correspondents throughout the state, and special events programs of terrific regional interest, WMT covers this balanced farm -and -industrial market. Ask the Katz man to show you how WMT sells in WMTland. 600 KC., 5000 WATTS CEDAR RAPIDS DAY AND NIGHT Basic Columbia Network As 4'0C4 as Home-town 74t4e4%oe Pack, You can be one of the local crowd, be Take advantage of this Yankee accept- admitted to the fraternity, if you are a ance to overcome halfhearted dealer atti- frequent visitor in town, making your ap- tudes. There is no better way to warm proach through the friendly introduction dealer enthusiasm and stimulate aggressive of a local representative. selling than by using the dealer's own home- Choose a Yankee home -town station as town station. your intermediary in any New England com- Let Yankee's 24 home -town stations munity. It has acceptance with local mer- spotlight your merchandise all over New chants, who use it regularly. It has a loyal England. You can do a more thorough sell- audience for its Yankee and Mutual pro- ing job in this six -state area with Yankee, grams. It reaches more homes daily than because you can get complete coverage any outside station. with local impact everywhere. ,4cceíftaatee íd THE YANKEE NETWORK'S ?a!l.,edateo« THE YANKEE NETWORK, INC. Member of the Mutual Broadcasting System 21 BROOKLINE AVENUE, BOSTON 15, MASS. Represented Nationally by EDWARD PETRY & CO., INC. Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Year Book Number) published in February by Baowocwsnxc PUBLICATIONS, Inc., 870 National Press Building, Washington 4, D. C. Entered as second class matter March 14, 1933, at Post Office at Washington, D. C., under act of March 3, 1879. upcomiKy Business Briefly I Closed Circuit KGKC APPOINTS KGKC Miami; Okla., has March 23: NAB District 1 and Radio Executives appointed Adam J. Young Jr., New York, as Club of Boston, Hotel Somerset, Boston. national representative. IT'S EVEN bet that FCC will conclude that March 23 -25: Assn. of National Advertisers network representation of affiliated stations is spring meeting, The Homestead, Hot Springs, GRIESEDIECK SPONSORS Griesedieck problem outside its present jurisdiction and W. Va. Western Brewery Co., St. Louis, (Hyde Park that hearings already held have had salutary March 26 -27: Mississippi Broadcasters Assn. beer) will sponsor 25 spots weekly on K%OK- effect of clarifying network intent not to go meeting, Gilmer Hotel, Columbus, Miss. FM St. Louis for 26 weeks starting April 4, hogwild on horizontal affiliate representation. (Other upcomings on page 36) Frank E. Pellegrin, national sales manager But FCC probably will caution networks it's for Transit Radio, announced Friday. Agency, keeping its eye on developments and will have McCann -Erickson, Chicago. no compunction about moving in if circum- stances warrant. Bulletins FRED ALLEN SIGNS NBC EXCLUSIVELY IN IMPENDING realignment of NAB, Presi- AFM network TV agreement expected in fort-. WITH dent Justin Miller himself is expected to take night, it was learned Friday as James C. FRED ALLEN signed NBC contract Friday over actively top -level Congressional liaison Petrillo, union president, entered discussions. giving network radio and TV services exclu- which might entail registration under Lobby- Main issue is single engagement rate [CLOSED sively. Network claimed major victory in cur- done ing Act. But heavy work would be by an CIRCUIT, March 14] for which AFM wants rent program battle with CBS, which reported- aide who would be retained for Congressional increase. Ernest de la Ossa, NBC, is industry ly offered comedian $250,000 annually. NBC liaison (lobbying) assignment. spokesman. Past negotiations have been with contract is for undivulged salary with Mr. Allen FCC CHAIRMAN Wayne Coy is firmly scotch- Clair Meeder, assistant to AFM president having wide latitude in his future plans. ing reports that circulated last week to effect and his TV adviser. Mr. Allen resumes program next year after vacation. Sponsorship not decided. that President Truman will name him chairman AFFILIATION of WTVJ (TV) Miami with autumn of National Security Resources Board in view NBC President Niles Trammell expressed pleas- CBS television network and WANE Ft. Wayne, with basic of Senate's failure to approve Mon C. Wallgren. with radio network announced Fri- ure Mr. Allen agreed "so thoroughly Ind., CBS of our program policy, which will He's never been approached, directly or indi- day. WTVJ, owned by Southern Radio & concepts the sound broadcasting in- rectly, by President Truman or anybody else, Television Equipment Co., becomes 32d CBS-TV further strengthen says FCC chief. And he's still planning to dustry, and provide at the same time for the affiliate effective today. Robert Vinn is station television." attend international conferences in Paris if manager. WANE, owned by Radio Ft. Wayne orderly logical development of State Dept. and President give customary ap- Inc., with Glenn Thayer general manager, proval (see story page 26). becomes 180th CBS AM affiliate April 1. CLEAR CHANNEL MEETING WANE has 250 w on 1950 kc. NBC STAFF appointments in immediate fu- A MEETING of the Clear Channel Broadcast- ture will be to bolster its production and script RCA REALIGNS RADIO AND TV ing Service on April 11 in Chicago, to be held operations. First of new appointments will in conjunction with the NAB Convention, was be Fred Shawn, program director of WMAL- MERCHANDISING ACTIVITIES called last week by Edwin W. Craig, chairman AM FM TV Washington, who rejoins NBC MERCHANDISING activities of RCA Engi- of WSM Nashville and chairman of CCBS. after year's absence to become assistant to neering Products Dept.'s Broadcast Section Discussion will center around the current sta- Norman Blackburn, TV program director. have been divided into two groupings, Trans- tus of clear channel allocations, now actively mitter Equipment and Studio Equipment, T. A. under consideration by the FCC. PHILIP MERRYMAN, radio -TV consultant Smith, general sales manager, announced Fri- and NBC's former TV development expert, is day. Reorganization follows lines along which RELAY believed slated for appointment to NAB TV major networks have set up their engineering AT &T PLANS RADIO directorship. This is one of anchor spots in staffs. FOR MIDWEST TV SERVICE functional realignment authorized by board A. R. Hopkins continues as Broadcast Sec- APPLICATIONS for 20 microwave radio relay in New Orleans last month. tion product manager; Dana Pratt, former Pittsburgh and Chicago were Transmit- links between merchandise manager of Broadcast filed with FCC last week by American Tele- PUBLISHERS INFORMATION BUREAU, ters, becomes Transmitter Equipment mer- which has long compiled and published details phone and Telegraph Co. to complete its New chandise manager; Merrill A. Trainer, former system. Two of advertising expenditures for time on nation- becomes York -Chicago television relay Television merchandise manager, in each direction. al radio networks, preparing to launch similar of Studio Equipment. TV channels will be provided merchandise manager will provide facilities service for network television advertisers, with C. Lewis, The system, which also Continuing in respective posts are M. slated first report covering opening three months of Field Sales Group sales manager, and E. T. for telephone and other services, is for 1949 to be ready about end of April. Griffith, Commercial Services Group super- completion by mid -1950. Cost of the installa- visor. tion is estimated at about $12,000,000. CONSENSUS of manufacturers who have in- AT &T already has received approval from tensified high -frequency TV experimenting is JOINS GORDON & MOTTERN the Commission for the New York to Pitts- that industry is at least two years away from burgh facilities and these are under construc- development of reliable ultra -high transmitting GORDON & Mottern, New York, announces tie into withdrawal of Edward Mottera from firm and tion. The radio TV relay system will equipment. This view includes some who few cable link, appointment of Charles H. Furey as radio -TV the New York -Washington coaxial months ago had been predicting problem could the New York -Boston relay and the various be licked in year or so. director and talent buyer. Firm will retain present title. Mr. Furey, formerly with Peck other extensions planned or underway. DESPITE recurring reports, first mentioned in Adv., New York, was associated with Mr. The new applications -request permits for a these columns [CLOSE) CIRCUIT, March 7], re- Mottera and Roy Gordon at Roy S. Durstine period of two years in lieu of the eight months tirement of Edgar Kobak as MBS president is Inc., New York, 1941 -1945. G & M to con- presently issued under Commission policy. not definitely set, though it's expected to hap- tinue sponsoring Jacque Fray's classical disc Western Electric equipment is to be used.
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