Sinica venetiana 3 — Linking Ancient and Contemporary Continuities and Discontinuities in Chinese Literature edited by Tiziana Lippiello, Chen Yuehong 陈跃红 and Maddalena Barenghi Edizioni Ca’Foscari Linking Ancient and Contemporary Sinica venetiana Collana diretta da Tiziana Lippiello, Chen Yuehong 陈跃红 3 Edizioni Ca’Foscari Sinica venetiana La collana «Sinica venetiana» è dedicata agli studi sulla Cina antica, moderna e contemporanea. Essa raccoglie mono- grafie ed edizioni critiche di testi relativi alla cultura, storia, arte, economia, politica, relazioni internazionali, ambiente, avvalendosi di un approccio interdisciplinare. I volumi della collana interesseranno di volta in volta tematiche di ricerca diverse: dalla letteratura alla storia, dagli aspetti socio-culturali ed economici a quelli politici ed ambientali della società cinese in una prospettiva non limitata ai singoli settori. The series «Sinica venetiana» deals with disciplines related to China, from ancient to contemporary times. The volumes will collect articles on various fields of research, from literature to art and history, from socio-cultural and economic aspects to politics, international relations and environmental issues, with an interdisciplinary approach. Direzione scientifica | Scientific editors Tiziana Lippiello (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Chen Yuehong (Peking University, China) Comitato scientifico | Scientific committee Chen Hongmin (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) Sean Golden (UAB Barcelona, España) Roger Greatrex (Lun- ds Universitet, Sverige) Jin Yongbing (Peking University, China) Olga Lomova (Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Cˇeská Republika) Burchard Mansvelt Beck (Universiteit Leiden, Nederland) Michael Puett (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA) Mario Sabattini (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Tan Tian Yuan (SOAS, London, UK) Hans van Ess (LMU, München, Deutschland) Giuseppe Vignato (Peking University, China) Wang Keping (CASS, Beijing, China) Yamada Tatsuo (Keio University, Tokyo, Japan) Yang Zhu (Peking University, China) Comitato editoriale | Editorial board Magda Abbiati (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Attilio Andreini (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Giu- lia Baccini (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Bianca Basciano (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Daniele Beltrame (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Daniele Brombal (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Alfredo Cadonna (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Renzo Cavalieri (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Marco Ceresa (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Laura De Giorgi (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Franco Gatti (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Federico Greselin (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Tiziana Lippiello (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Paolo Magagnin (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Tobia Maschio (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Federica Passi (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Nicoletta Pesaro (Università Ca’ Foscari Vene- zia, Italia) Elena Pollacchi (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Sabrina Rastelli (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Guido Samarani (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) Direzione e redazione | Head office Dipartimento di Studi sull’Asia e sull’Africa Mediterranea Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Palazzo Vendramin dei Carmini Dorsoduro 3462 30123 Venezia Italia http://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/it/edizioni/collane/sinica-venetiana/ Linking Ancient and Contemporary Continuities and Discontinuities in Chinese Literature edited by Tiziana Lippiello, Chen Yuehong 陈跃红 and Maddalena Barenghi Venezia Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Digital Publishing 2016 Linking Ancient and Contemporary. Continuities and Discontinuities in Chinese Literature Tiziana Lippiello, Chen Yuehong 陈跃红 and Maddalena Barenghi (edited by) © 2016 Tiziana Lippiello, Chen Yuehong 陈跃红 and Maddalena Barenghi for the text © 2016 Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Digital Publishing for the present edition Qualunque parte di questa pubblicazione può essere riprodotta, memorizzata in un sistema di recupero dati o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo, elettronico o mecca- nico, senza autorizzazione, a condizione che se ne citi la fonte. Any part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission provided that the source is fully credited. Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Digital Publishing Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Dorsoduro 3246 30123 Venezia http://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/ [email protected] 1a edizione settembre 2016 | 1st edition September 2016 ISBN 978-88-6969-095-2 [ebook] ISBN 978-88-6969-098-3 [print] Immagine di copertina: Federico Greselin This volume has been published thanks to the financial support of the Confucius Institute Head- quarters (Hanban, Beijing) and the Confucius Institute of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Special thanks go to Giulia Baccini, Marco Fumian and Jin Yongbing for their contribution to the project, and to Christopher Houston and Nicholas Koss for their precious assistance. Linking Ancient and Contemporary. Continuities and Discontinuities in Chinese Literature / Tiziana Lippiello, Chen Yuehong 陈跃红 and Maddalena Barenghi — 1. ed. — Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Digital Publishing, 2016. — 384 pp.; 23 cm. — (Sinica venetiana; 3). — ISBN 978-88-6969-095-2. http://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/it/edizioni/libri/978-88-6969-098-3/ DOI 10.14277/978-88-6969-095-2 Linking Ancient and Contemporary Continuities and Discontinuities in Chinese Literature edited by Tiziana Lippiello, Chen Yuehong 陈跃红 and Maddalena Barenghi Contents Introduction Tiziana Lippiello, Chen Yuehong 陈跃红 and Maddalena Barenghi 9 PART 1 PRE-MODERN AND MODERN LITERATURE Measuring Human Relations 23 Continuities and Discontinuities in the Reading of the Lunyu Tiziana Lippiello Bai Shouyi on Sima Qian and Ban Gu 41 Hans van Ess ‘中国’之义:文中子的立身与存心 49 The Notion of ‘Zhongguo’: The Life and Thought of Wenzhongzi Zhang Pei 张沛 On the Literary Self-Consciousness of the Han, Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties 57 Fu Gang 傅刚 Traditional Chinese Jestbooks and Ming Revival 69 Giulia Baccini 《水浒传》评论中对立思维的三次递进 81 (On the Three Stages of Contradictory Comments of The Water Margin) Liu Yongqiang 刘勇强 Becoming a Couple 93 Conversations and Couple Narrative in the Novella Jiao Hong ji Barbara Bisetto The Chapter Titles in Xiyou ji and Honglou meng 107 Continuity and Discontinuity Nicholas Koss PART 2 CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE Comparative Literature and World Literature in an Age of Trans-cultural Dialogue 131 Chen Yuehong 陈跃红 The Tradition of Telling and the Desire of Showing in Ge Fei’s ‘Fictional Minds’ 139 Nicoletta Pesaro ‘ 晚 郁 时 期 ’的 中 国 当 代 文 学 161 ‘The Belated Mellow Period’ of Chinese Contemporary Literature Chen Xiaoming 陈晓明 The Pragmatic Tradition of Chinese Literature and the Current ‘Spirit of the Times’ 179 Marco Fumian Honma Hisao’s Model of Literary Theory and its Influence in China 191 Jin Yongbing 金永兵 The Disillusionment with the Rural Utopia in Chinese Literature 213 Wu Xiaodong 吴晓东 PART 3 POETRY AND THEATRE Traditions and Transitions in Eighteenth-Century Qu Poetry 229 The Case of Jiang Shiquan (1725-1785) Tian Yuan Tan 陳靝沅 Feng Zhi and Goethe of Later Years 247 Zhang Hui 张辉 Liu Xie’s Wenxin diaolong, Ernest Fenollosa’s The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry and 20th Century Avant-garde 265 Sean Golden What’s the Link Between the Lyrical and Modernity in China? 283 A Discussion on Chinese Lyrical Modernity Li Yang 李杨 Poetic Taste and Tasting Poetry 299 Yang Zhu 杨铸 Voices of the Dead 317 Tao Yuanming and Emily Dickinson’s Poems on Their Own Death Qin Liyan 秦立彦 PART 4 LANGUAGE AND POLITICAL DISCOURSE Modernity and Subjectivity from the Past to the Present 331 Yang Xiaobin 楊小濱 The Evolution of Metaphorical Language in Contemporary Chinese Political Discourse 345 Preliminary Evidence from the 12th and 18th CPC Congresses Paolo Magagnin 论“ 底 ”来 源 于“ 者 ” 367 On the Derivation of ‘di’ 底 from ‘zhe’ 者 Yang Rongxiang 杨荣祥 Biographies 379 Linking Ancient and Contemporary Continuities and Discontinuities in Chinese Literature edited by Tiziana Lippiello, Chen Yuehong 陈跃红 and Maddalena Barenghi Introduction Tiziana Lippiello, Chen Yuehong 陈跃红 and Maddalena Barenghi The volume Linking Ancient and Contemporary: Continuities and Discon- tinuities in Chinese Literature reflects the desire and attempt to put side by side, compare and integrate different approaches to Chinese literature, ranging from classical to modern and contemporary literature. The vol- ume is divided into four parts: 1. Pre-modern and Modern Literature; 2. Contemporary Literature; 3. Poetry and Theatre; 4. Language and Political Discourse. The general topic of this collection of essays has been chosen moving from two premises. The first is that China, as most Chinese nowadays are proud to affirm, has a ‘five thousand year history’: that is, a strong link of continuity is perceived between China’s ancient traditional heritage and the present, modernized China; the second is that, undoubtedly, no other cultural medium more than literature has ever been able to shape the Chinese cultural identity and to convey cultural continuity through the processes of historical change. However, it goes without saying that, in its long history, and especially since its first encounter with ‘modernity’, China has undergone a great number of political, economic, social and cultural upheavals. In modern times, traditional Chinese cultural,
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