Jackson Kemmerer Lander Newcastle Orchard Valley Rock Springs

Jackson Kemmerer Lander Newcastle Orchard Valley Rock Springs

gen Robert Swanson, gen sls & prom mgr, prog, mus AM. Net: SMN, Wyo. Radio Net. Format: Country. & news dir; J.R. Middleton, chief engr. Rates: $9.50; Target audience: 25 -54. Spec grog: Farm 1 hr wkly. Wyoming Radio 8.50; 9; 7. Rates: $9.50: 9.50: 9.50: 9.50. KZMQ(FM )-Co- owned with KMMZ(AM) Feb 21, 1986: KRQU(FM )-Listing follows KLDI(AM). 100.3 mhz: 100 kw. Ant 478 ft. (CP: 56.2 kw. Ant mgr; Kindle, KUWR(FM) -Sep 10, 1966: 91.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant gen sls Joel prog dir; J. Larry Hedrick, 2,443.6 ft.). Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: news 1,150 ft. Box 3984 University Stn. (82071). (307) dir; Rich Bircumshaw, sports dir; Rick Kertson, Country. Rates: Same as AM. Rates: 7.75; 10; 766 -4240. U of Wyoming. Net: NPR. Format: Div. chief engr. $10: 7.75. Lyle W. Mettler, gen mgr. Don Woods. prog dir: Susan KTAK(FM) -Co -owned with KVOW(AM) Dec 15, 1976: Jackson Canney, prom mgr; Bob Beck, news dir: Dave Worley, 93.9 mhz; 5 kw. Ant 278 ft. Stereo. Net: ABC /E. Format: chief engr. Adult contemp. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Kevin KMTN(FM) -Dec 16, 1974: 96.9 mhz; 48 kw. Ant 940 Kilmer. Rates: $7.25: 7 25; 7.25; 7.25. ft. Stereo. Box 927 (83001). (307) 733 -4500. Creceluis- Lundquist Communications Corp. (group owner: acq Lost Cabin 3- 1 -87). Net: AP Rep: Radio Time. Format: Adult Rock Springs KRLU(FM) -Not 99.1 contemp, AOR. Spec prog: Class 3 hrs wkly. Edward on air, target date unknown: mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,199 ft 3623 E. 47th Place, Tulsa, K. Crecelius, pres; Joe Perry, gen & gen sls mgr; John KRKK(AM )-1938: 1360 khz; 5 kw -D, 1kw-N. Box (74135). Roy L. Bliss. St. Clair, prog & mus dir; Tom Ninneman, news dir; Okla. 2128 (82901). (307) 362 -3793. B.T.B. Acquistion of William L. McManus, chief engr. Rates: $16.25; Wyoming Inc. (acq 5- 12 -86). Net: US2. Rep: Fred 16.25; 16.25; 16.25. Smith. Format: C &W. Bud Polaoek, pres; Jon Collins, Newcastle gen & gen sls mgr, chief engr; Paul Carpenter, prog KSGT(AM)-July 20, 1962: 1340 khz; 1 kw-U. Box 100 dir; Chris Alexander, mus dir; Denese Omar, news dir. 1953: 1 (83001). (307) 733 -2120. Crecelius/Lundquest Com- KASL(AM) -July 10, 1240 khz; kw -D, 250 w -N, DA-1. W. 1977: munications Corp. (group owner: acq 6- 15 -87). Net: 216 Main (82701). (307) 746 -4433. KQSW(FM )-Co-owned with KRKK(AM) January Radio Broadcasters Inc. (acq 1- 15 -79). Net. ABC /I, 96.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,680 Prog ABC /I. Format: Adult contemp, country. Edward K. ft. sep from AM. ABC /C, IMN. Rep: Crecelius, pres; Jerrold Lundquist. VP; Joe Perry, gen Eastman. Format: Adult contemp, Format: Adult contemp. Pat Paisly, mus dir & prom country. Target 25 farm/ranch & gen sls mgr; John St. Clair; prog & mus dir: Thomas audience: plus; adults. mgr. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs, class 2 hrs wkly. Don Jones. G. Ninnemann, news dir; Lynda John, off mgr: William KSIT(FM) -- October 1981: 104.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant pres & atty: Roy B. Smith. gen & gen sls mgr, prog & L. McManus, chief engr. Rates: $16.25; 16.25: 16.25; 1,630 ft. Stereo. Box 1058, 1705 Sunset, Ste B (82902). news dir, chief engr; Susan Seratin, mus dir & prom 16.25. (307) 362 -7034. Sunset 12-1-84). mgr. Rates: $5.70; 5.70; 5.70; 4.70. Broadcasting (acq Net: ABC /C, ABC /R. Format: Top -40, CHR. Barbara KZJH(FM) -Not on air. Target date unknown: 95.7 Mathis, pres; Charles Reeves, gen & gen sls mgr; mhz; 100 kw Ant 1056.16 ft. 475 North Cache St. John Beach, prog, mus news (83001). Teton Broadcasting Limited Partnership. Orchard Valley & dir; Dennis Silver, chief engr. KUUY(AM) -Licensed to Orchard Valley. See KYCS(FM) -Oct 1, 1986: 95.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,635 Cheyenne. Kemmerer ft. Stereo. Box 2046 (82901). (307) 876 -6666. Allen KMER(AM) -Dec 7, 1962: 950 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 w -N. Harris. Net: SMN. Format: Top -40. Faith Harris, pres; Hal Hardy, Rates: 12; Box 432, 436 Fossil Butte Dr. (83101). (307) 877 -4422. Powell gen & gen sls mgr. $12; 10; 9. Crecelius/Lundquest Communications Corp. (acq 7- KMBU(FM) -Not on air, 87). Net: ABC /I. Format: Adult contemp. Target target date unknown: 104.1 St. Stephens audience: 25 -54. Ned Crecelius, pres; Jim Carroll, mhz; 78.01 kw. Ant 6,314 ft. 1421 Crawford Dr., Billings, Mont. (59104). MCS Broadcast Inc. gen mgr; Mark Waddington, gen sls mgr; Dan Cole, KIBG(AM)-Not on air, target date unknown: 1550 prog & news dir, prom mgr; Jim Thoeny mus dir; KPOW(AM)-March 30, 1941: 1260 khz: 5 kw-D, 1 khz; 2.5 kw -D, 250 w -N. 8320 W 66th Ave, Arvada, William McManus, chief engr. Rates: $17.75; 17.75; kw -N, DA-N. Box 100, Jackson (83001). (307) 754- Colo. (80004). (303) 431 -0103. Claud M. Pettit & 17.75; 17.75. 2251. Crecelius /Lundquest Communications Inc. (acq Assoc. Format: Big band, easy Istng, Christian. 5 -87). Net: ABC /I. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Class 2 Claud M. Pettit, pres. Rates: $4; 3; 4; 3. hrs wkly. Diana Keller, stn mgr: Nancy Bischoff, office Lander mgr; Mark W. Allen, prog dir; Scott Mangold, prom mgr; Gary Palay, news dir; William L. McManus, chief Saratoga KOVE(AM)-1947: 1330 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA-N. engr. Rates: $15.53; 15.53; 15.53; 15.53. Box 430 (82520). (307) 332 -5683. Fremont Broadcast- KWND(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 99.9 ing Inc. (acq 1958). Net: CBS. Rep: Hix. Format: KLZY(FM)- Co-owned with KPOW(AM) May 15, 1982: mhz; 29 kw. Ant 3,430 ft. Box 120, Rawlins (82301). C &W. Spec prog: Farm 4 hrs wkly. Dan Breece. pres; 92.5 mhz; 100 kw Ant 1,857 ft. Prog sep from AM. Idar Inc. Joe Kenney, gen mgr; Mike Pawlick, gen sls mgr; Stereo. 1041 Hwy. 14A & Rd. 12 (82435). (307) Danny O'Day, prog dir; Kevin Kilmer, news dir; Lee 754 -7292. Format: Classy adult contemp. Jackie Roberts, chief engr. Rates: $11; 11; 9; 9. Brown, office mgr. Rates: Same as AM. Sheridan KDLX(FM) -Co-owned with KOVE(AM) 1975: 97.5 KLWD(FM) -Listing follows KWYO(AM). mhz; 62 kw. Ant 200 ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. KROE(AM)-March 18, 1961: 930 khz; 5 kw -D. Box Net: MBS. Format: Top -40. Joe Kenney, prog dir. Rawlins 5086 (82801). (307) 672 -7421. Lovcom Inc. Net: CBS. Rates: $11; 9; 9; 9. KRAL(AM )-Feburary 1947: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D. 250 Rep: Art Moore. Format: News, info, MOR. Spec prog: w -N. 319 Wyoming St. (82301). (307) 324 -2711. Elk Pol 1 hr wkly. Kim Love, pres & gen mgr; Bob Laramie Mountain Broadcasting (acq 2- 12 -86). Net: ABC /C. Grammens, prog dir; Bill Condos, mus dir; Jim Rep: Eastman /Intermountain. Roger Siverson, prog Morgan, news dir; Bruce Faulkner, chief engr. Rates: KCGY-FM- Listing follows KOWB(AM) & news dir; Patty Sanks, prom mgr; Ken Marshall, chief $10: 8.50; 8.50: 8.50. engr. KLDI(AM )-Feb 27, 1962: 1210 khz; 10 kw -D, 1 kw -N, KROE-FM--December 1977: 94.9 mhz; 58 kw. Ant DA-N. Stereo. 409 S. 4th St. (82070). (307) 745 -7396. KIQZ(FM)- Co-owned with KRAL(AM) Nov 12, 1981: 44 ft. Prog sep from AM. Format: Top -40. Rates: Rocky Mountain Radio Corp. (acq 1983). Net: CBS. 92.7 mhz; 3 kw Ant 700 ft. Stereo. Box 1288 (82301). Same as AM. Rep: Art Moore. Format: Adult contemp, classic hits. (307) 324 -3696. Format: C &W. Clara Petersen, pres; KWYO(AM)-July 9, 1934: 1410 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 Spec prog: Farm 1 hr, nostalgia 6 hrs, new age 3 hrs Rocky Sanks, gen & gen sls mgr; Jay Brush, prog dir; w -N. 140 E Loukes (82801). (307) 674 -4461. Corn - wkly. David R. Nicholas, pres; Michael Pawlik, gen John House, news dir. munity Media Inc. (acq 1- 8 -81). Net: ABC /I. Rep: & gen sls mgr; Dean V od, prog dir; Tony Montoya, Eastman/Intermountain. Format: &W. Rhonda Kess- mus dir; Beth Richards, news dir; Paul Knittle, chief C engr. Riverton ler, gen mgr; Thomas Nelson, gen sls mgr; Dean McMartin, prog dir; Ken Campbell, mus dir; Bruce KRQU(FM)-Co -owned with KLDI(AM) Sep 23, 1974: KCWC -FM -March 1974: 88.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 1,449 Faulkner, chief engr. Rates: $13.90; 11.25; 11.25; 102.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,220 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from ft. Stereo. 2660 Peck Ave., Riverton (82501). (307) 11.25. AM. Net: NBC The Source. Format: AOR. Spec prog: 856 -9291. Board of Trustees, Central Wyoming Col- KLWD(FM) -owned with KWYO(AM) September Jazz 3 hrs, nostalgia 6 hrs, new age 3 hrs wkly. lege. Format: Class, jazz, rock.2 Spec prog: Jazz 18 -Co 1978: 96.5 mhz; 25 kw. Ant minus 13 ft. Stereo. Prog hrs wkly. Edward Donovan, pres; Greg Ray, gen KLWG(FM )-Not on air, target date unknown: 105.5 from AM. Format: Adult David mgr; Dale Smith, stn mgr; Roger Hicks, chief engr. sep contemp, top -40. mhz; 3 kw. Ant 328 tt.

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