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University Micrcxilms International 300 N. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 8300302 Mainzer, Claudette Rosellne GUSTAVE COURBET, FRANC-COMTOIS: THE EARLY PERSONAL HISTORY PAINTINGS, 1848*1850 The Ohio State University Ph.D. 1982 University Microfilms International300 N. Zteb Rend, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Copyright 1982 by Mainzer, Claudette Roseline All Rights Reserved PLEASE NOTE: In all cases this material has been filmed In the best possible way from the available copy. Problems encountered with this document have been identified here with a check mark V . 1. Glossy photographs or panes ^ 2. Colored Illustrations, paper or print_____ 3. Photographs with dark background ^ 4. Illustrations are poor copy______ 6. Pages with black marks, not original copy 6. Print shows through as there is text on both sid es of page______ 7. Indistinct, broken or small print on several p a g es ^ 8. Print exceeds margin requirements _ _ _ 9. Tightly bound copy with print lost In spine______ 10. Computer printout pages with Indistinct print 11. Page(s) ____________ lacking when material received, and not available from school or author. 12. Page(8) ____________ seem to be missing in numbering only as text follows. 13. Two pages numbered___________ . Text follows. 14. Curling and wrinkled pages ______ 15. Other________________________________________________________________________ University Microfilms International J GUSTAVE COURBET, FRANC-COMTOISt THE EARLY PERSONAL HISTORY PAINTINGS, 181*8-1850 DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate •» School of The Ohio State University By Claudette Roseline Mainzer, B.A., A.M. ***** The Ohio State University 1982 Reading Committee» Approved By Mathew Herban III, Ph.D. Francis L. Richardson, Ph.D. Howard Crane, Ph.D. Mathew Herban III, Ph.D. Department of History of Art To my parents Arthur James Mainzer and Germaine Camille Girardot Mainzer and to my Franc-Comtois ancestors ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My first words of thanks go to ray adviser, Mathew Herban III, whose view of the nineteenth century and art history have so influenced mine. Research for this disser­ tation was made possible through the generosity of the Fulbright-Hays Grant, the Ohio State University Presidential Fellowship and an Ohio State University Alumni Travel Grant. While in France, I was fortunate enough to make the acquaintance of Claude-Isabelle Brelot, (Maitre-assistant en histoire contemporaine, Directeur de l'Institut Universitalre des Arts et Traditions Populaires, University de Franche- Comty , Besangon), whose inspiration both in terms of method­ ology and scholarship have been integral to my own work. I am grateful to the following scholars for sharing their ex­ pertise during the course of my research! Jean-Jacques Fernier, Conservateur du Mus£e Gustave Courbet, Ornansj Gaston Bordet, Jean-Luc Mayaud and Marcel Petit-Jean, all three from the University de Franche-Comty, Besangonj Lilians Hamelin of the Dypartement d'Inventaire de la Direction Regionale des Affaires Culturelles de Franche-Comty, Besangoni Jean Courtieu, Conservateur en chef, Archives DypartementaJes du Doubsj Abb§ Caravati, Archivists, Archives Diocesaines de Besangon. My work also benefited greatly from the kind iii assistance provided by the curators and staff of the Mus£e des Beaux-Arts, Palais Granvelle (Musee d'Histoire), and Biblioth^que Municipals, all located in Besangon. For their warm friendship and enthusiastic discussion of Courbet, I would like to thank M. and Mme Henri Jouffroy, Deluz (Doubs)i M. and Mme Daniel Baulard, Besanponi and, M. and Mme Bernard Coste, Le Rainey (Seine-St.-Denis). In Ornans, I would also like to thank M. and Mme Roger Cusenier, M. and Mme Jean Muselier, Dr. Colette Schuller, and Maitre Christian Zedet, notaire. For their support and understanding, I would like to thank my parents and my sister, Christiane. Finally, I would like to thank Barbara A. Kellum for our ongoing dis­ cussion of things art historical. iv VITA 5 November 191+81 Born, Santa Monica, California Eduoatiom Ph.D. History of Art, 9/1982, The Ohio State University A.M. Art History, l/l975» Univ. of Southern California B.A. Art (Design), 6/1970, U.C.L.A. A.A. Liberal Arts, 6/19 6 8 , Los Angeles Pierce College Awards* Fulbright-Hays Grant, study in France 1 1980-81 Ohio State University Presidential Fellowship, 1980 Ohio State University Alumni Travel Grant, 1980 Council of Fine Arts Award (Art History), U.S.C. , 197^ Orselli Undergraduate Scholarship (Art), U.C.L.A., 1969-70 Publications and Papers1 "Une histoire de cimetiSre," in Omans & l'Enterrement— Tableau historique de figures humaines. Exhibition 13 June— 1 Nov. 1981. Omans 1 MusSe Gustave Courbet, 1981, 11-23. With Chantal Humbert and Jean-Jacques Fernier, "Avant et apr&s l ’Enterrement, reflexions autour du thdme funSbre." ibid., 86-9 2 . Refereed Paperi "Andrea Mantegna and the Antique," Ohio Area Student Art History Symposium, Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Museum of Art, 28 April 1978. Catalogue entries (African Art) and cover design for U.S.C. exhibition* U.S.C. Collects— A Sampling of Taste. 15-29 May 1973. Mentioned in Les Amis de Gustave Courbet Bulletin, no. *+8 (1972), Paris-Ornans, 12. Teaching* Instructor (Full-time)* Art History, Dept, of Art, Univ. of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls* 1976-77* Semester of the Arts, U.S.C.* Fall 1974* v Teaching corvt« i Fellowships! Graduate Teaching Associate (History of Art), Ohio State Universityi 1977-79, 1981-82. Teaching Fellow in Fine Arts (Art History), U.S.C.i Sp. 1973-74. Museum Work* Cataloguer, Photographer and Assistant Curator, Blanden Art Gallery, Fort Dodge, Iowai July-Dee. 1975* Courses Taughtt Univ. of Northern lowat American Art, Classical Ancient Art, Contemporary Art, Nineteenth Century European Art, Visual Arts — Current Trends. Semester of the Arts, U.S.C.i Art History and Photography Exhibitionsi Represented in Art Faculty Show, Univ. of Northern Iowai 4-22 October 1976. One-person Photography Show, "2-1-5-2-10," Semester of the Arts, U.S.C.t 5-12 January 1975* Honorsi Phi Kappa Phi, Ohio State University, 1979* Graduate Teaching Associateship, Ohio State University, 1977-79# 1981-82. Teaching Fellowship in Fine Arts (Art History), U.S.C., 1973-7^. Alpha Gamma Sigma (Scholastic honors), and Alpha Mu Gamma (Foreign Language), L.A. Pierce College, 1967 -6 8 . Committee Worki Ohio State Universityi College Art Association Represent­ ative, 1978-79* Steering Comm., Grad. Student Art HiBt. Assoc., 1978-79* Univ. of Northern Iowai Art Faculty Council, 1976-77* Permanent Collection Comm., 1976 -77 . Programs, Exhibits and Workshops Comm., 1976-77* Related Employment1 Art Reviewer for The Waterloo Courier. Waterloo, Iowa, 1976-77. TABLE OP CONTENTS Page DEDICATION................................ ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . ....................... iii VITA .......................................... v LIST OP ILLUSTRATIONS......................... viii LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS......................... xv INTRODUCTION .................................. 1 CHAPTER I. FRANCHE -COMTE............................ 12 ORNANS ............................... 13 THE COURBET FAMILY .......... 15 II. COURBET'S EARLY PERSONAL HISTORY PAINTINGS. Zk III. INTRODUCTIONi "Un Enterrament & Ornus Fslc] "■ kZ SECTION I1 THE HISTORY AND ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NEW CEMETERY AT ORNANS. ^9 SECTION H i ANATOMY OF A B U R I A L ....... 75 SECTION Hit WHO IS BEING BURIED .... 117 CONCLUSION.................................... 126 ILLUSTRATIONS ............................... 131 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................. 209 vii LIST OP ILLUSTRATIONS Notei Unless indicated otherwise, all photographs of Cour­ bet's works come from R. Femier, La Vie et 1'oeuvre de Gustave Courbet. New Yorkt Wildenstein, v. I, 1977* Figure Page 1-1. Map of France indicating the location of the province of Franche-Comtfi............. 132 1-2. Map of Franche-Comt6 indicating the three departments! Doubs, Jura and Haute-Sa8ne, with place names cited inthe t e x t ........ 133 1-3, General view of Ornans, taken from atop the cliff known as the Ch&teau d 1Ornans. (Photo by author.)...................... 134 1-4-. General view of Ornans and the Loue Valley, postcard c.
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