UNENGAGED BIBLELESS LANGUAGES (UBL List by Languages: ROL) September, 2018

UNENGAGED BIBLELESS LANGUAGES (UBL List by Languages: ROL) September, 2018

UNENGAGED BIBLELESS LANGUAGES (UBL List by Languages: ROL) September, 2018. Version 1.0 Language ROL # Zones # Countries Country Lang. Population Anambé aan 1 1 Brazil 6 Pará Arára aap 1 1 Brazil 340 Aasáx aas 2 1 Tanzania 350 Mandobo Atas aax 1 1 Indonesia 10,000 Bankon abb 1 1 Cameroon 12,000 Manide abd 1 1 Philippines 3,800 Abai Sungai abf 1 1 Malaysia 500 Abaga abg 1 1 Papua New Guinea 600 Lampung Nyo abl 11 1 Indonesia 180,000 Abaza abq 3 1 Russia 37,800 Pal abw 1 1 Papua New Guinea 1,160 Áncá acb 2 2 Cameroon; Nigeria 300 Eastern Acipa acp 2 1 Nigeria 5,000 Cypriot Arabic acy 1 1 Cyprus 9,760 Adabe adb 1 1 Indonesia 5,000 Andegerebinha adg 2 1 Australia 5 Adonara adr 1 1 Indonesia 98,000 Adnyamathanha adt 1 1 Australia 110 Aduge adu 3 1 Nigeria 1,900 Amundava adw 1 1 Brazil 83 Haeke aek 1 1 New Caledonia 300 Arem aem 3 2 Laos; Vietnam 270 Ambakich aew 1 1 Papua New Guinea 770 Andai afd 1 1 Papua New Guinea 400 Defaka afn 2 1 Nigeria 200 Afro-Seminole Creole afs 3 2 Mexico; United States 200 Afitti aft 1 1 Sudan 4,000 Argobba agj 3 1 Ethiopia 46,940 Agta, Isarog agk 1 1 Philippines 5 Tainae ago 1 1 Papua New Guinea 1,000 Remontado Dumagat agv 3 1 Philippines 2,530 Mt. Iriga Agta agz 1 1 Philippines 1,500 Aghu ahh 1 1 Indonesia 3,000 Aizi, Tiagbamrin ahi 1 1 Côte d'Ivoire 9,000 Aizi, Mobumrin ahm 1 1 Côte d'Ivoire 2,000 Àhàn ahn 2 1 Nigeria 300 Ahtena aht 1 1 United States 45 Ainbai aic 1 1 Papua New Guinea 100 Amara aie 1 1 Papua New Guinea 230 Ai-Cham aih 1 1 China 2,700 Burumakok aip 1 1 Indonesia 40 Aimaq aiq 7 1 Afghanistan 701000 Airoran air 1 1 Indonesia 1,000 Ali aiy 2 2 Central African Republic; Congo Kinshasa 35,000 Aja (Sudan) aja 1 1 South Sudan 200 Akurio ako 2 2 Brazil; Suriname 2 Akhvakh akv 1 1 Russia 210 Alabama akz 1 1 United States 370 Qawasqar alc 1 1 Chile 12 Amaimon ali 1 1 Papua New Guinea 1,780 Amblong alm 1 1 Vanuatu 150 Larike-Wakasihu alo 1 1 Indonesia 12,600 Alutor alr 1 1 Russia 25 UBLs by ROL Page 1 Language ROL # Zones # Countries Country Lang. Population Amanayé ama 1 1 Brazil Unknown Amurdak amg 1 1 Australia 1 Amdang amj 2 2 Chad; Sudan 41,100 Amahai amq 1 1 Indonesia 50 Southern Amami-Oshima ams 1 1 Japan 1,800 Ambelau amv 1 1 Indonesia 5,700 Ami amy 1 1 Australia 30 Ansus and 1 1 Indonesia 4,600 Xârâcùù ane 1 1 New Caledonia 5,730 Nend anh 1 1 Papua New Guinea 2,000 Jarawa (India) anq 1 1 India 250 Antakarinya ant 1 1 Australia 6 Anem anz 1 1 Papua New Guinea 800 Angolar aoa 1 1 Sao Tome and Principe 13,200 Abom aob 1 1 Papua New Guinea 15 Andarum aod 1 1 Papua New Guinea 1,080 Arhö aok 1 1 New Caledonia 10 Alor aol 1 1 Indonesia 25,000 Taikat aos 1 1 Indonesia 500 Ampanang apg 1 1 Indonesia 30,000 Apiaká api 3 1 Brazil 1 Apache, Kiowa apk 1 1 United States 3 Apache, Lipan apl 1 1 United States Unknown Ambul apo 1 1 Papua New Guinea 1,200 Aputai apx 1 1 Indonesia 150 Archi aqc 1 1 Russia 970 Northern Alta aqn 1 1 Philippines 200 Arhâ aqr 1 1 New Caledonia 170 Arabana ard 1 1 Australia 6 Arapaso arj 1 1 Brazil Unknown Arikapú ark 1 1 Brazil 1 Asas asd 1 1 Papua New Guinea 330 Asilulu asl 1 1 Indonesia 8,760 Xingú Asuriní asn 1 1 Brazil 120 Asoa asv 1 1 Congo Kinshasa 25,500 As asz 1 1 Indonesia 230 Atemble ate 1 1 Papua New Guinea 8 Agta, Mt. Iraya atl 1 1 Philippines 150 Pudtol Atta atp 2 1 Philippines 710 Waimiri-Atroari atr 2 1 Brazil 1,120 Altai, Northern atv 3 1 Russia 57,400 Atsugewi atw 1 1 United States Unknown Arutani atx 2 2 Brazil; Venezuela 42 Arta atz 1 1 Philippines 11 Asumboa aua 1 1 Solomon Islands 10 Anuta aud 1 1 Solomon Islands 270 Aushi auh 4 2 Congo Kinshasa; Zambia 100,000 Awjilah auj 1 1 Libya 2,000 Asu (Nigeria) aum 1 1 Nigeria 5,000 Aruek aur 1 1 Papua New Guinea 740 Austral aut 1 1 French Polynesia 5,000 Awyi auw 1 1 Indonesia 350 Arabic, Uzbeki auz 2 1 Uzbekistan 700 Avau avb 1 1 Papua New Guinea 620 Avá-Canoeiro avv 2 1 Brazil 14 Cicipu awc 2 1 Nigeria 20,000 UBLs by ROL Page 2 Language ROL # Zones # Countries Country Lang. Population Awbono awh 1 1 Indonesia 100 Arawum awm 1 1 Papua New Guinea 60 Awera awr 1 1 Indonesia 70 South Awyu aws 1 1 Indonesia 9,340 Araweté awt 1 1 Brazil 340 Jair Awyu awv 1 1 Indonesia 2,300 Edera Awyu awy 1 1 Indonesia 3,870 Xârâgurè axx 1 1 New Caledonia 760 Awar aya 1 1 Papua New Guinea 900 Southern Aymara ayc 4 2 Chile; Peru 213,000 Ayere aye 2 1 Nigeria 3,000 Akuku ayk 2 1 Nigeria Unknown Ayi (Papua New Guinea) ayq 1 1 Papua New Guinea 430 Ayta, Sorsogon ays 1 1 Philippines 15 Nubaca baf 1 1 Cameroon 4,500 Barakai baj 1 1 Indonesia 4,450 Batuley bay 1 1 Indonesia 3,640 Barama bbg 1 1 Gabon 1,000 Bugan bbh 1 1 China 2,700 Armenia; Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Russia, Bats bbl 39 6 3,200 Turkey Babango bbm 2 1 Congo Kinshasa 2,550 Uneapa bbn 1 1 Papua New Guinea 10,000 Bakpinka bbs 1 1 Nigeria Unknown Bubia bbx 2 1 Cameroon 600 North Babar bcd 1 1 Indonesia 1,000 Bamenyam bce 2 1 Cameroon 4,000 Bunaba bck 1 1 Australia 40 Bannoni bcm 1 1 Papua New Guinea 1,000 Bendi bct 1 1 Congo Kinshasa 32,000 Emberá-Baudó bdc 1 1 Colombia 5,000 Budukh bdk 1 1 Azerbaijan 200 Baldemu bdn 1 1 Cameroon 4 Morom bdo 3 1 Chad 4,500 Bende bdp 2 1 Tanzania 41,000 West Coast Bajau bdr 1 1 Malaysia 210,000 Budong-Budong bdx 1 1 Indonesia 70 Badeshi bdz 1 1 Pakistan Unknown Bebele beb 2 1 Cameroon 24,000 Bedoanas bed 1 1 Indonesia 180 Belait beg 2 2 Brunei; Malaysia 1,240 Besme bes 1 1 Chad 1,230 Bofi bff 1 1 Central African Republic 23,500 Banda-Ndélé bfl 2 2 Central African Republic; South Sudan 35,500 Beba bfp 1 1 Cameroon 3,000 Bobongko bgb 1 1 Indonesia 1,500 Bit bgk 4 2 China; Laos 2,370 Bo (Laos) bgl 2 1 Laos 2,950 Mbongno bgu 2 2 Cameroon; Nigeria 3,000 Benggoi bgy 1 1 Indonesia 350 Biga bhc 1 1 Indonesia 300 Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; United States; Bukharic bhh 10 4 50,000 Uzbekistan Bathari bhm 1 1 Oman 200 Neo-Aramaic, Bohtan bhn 1 1 Georgia 900 Bahau bhv 2 1 Indonesia 19,000 UBLs by ROL Page 3 Language ROL # Zones # Countries Country Lang. Population Badimaya bia 1 1 Australia 3 Bikaru bic 1 1 Papua New Guinea 100 Bepour bie 1 1 Papua New Guinea 50 Bipi biq 1 1 Papua New Guinea 1,380 Kol (Cameroon) biw 1 1 Cameroon 12,000 Bajan bjs 1 1 Barbados 256,000 Beeke bkf 1 1 Congo Kinshasa 1,000 Bakoko bkh 3 1 Cameroon 50,000 Pande bkj 1 1 Central African Republic 8,870 Bukitan bkn 2 2 Indonesia; Malaysia 860 Kwa' bko 2 1 Cameroon 1,000 Bolango bld 2 1 Indonesia 23,000 Balau blg 1 1 Malaysia 5,000 Bolongan blj 3 1 Indonesia 30,000 Bikol, Southern Catanduanes bln 1 1 Philippines 135,000 Blablanga blp 1 1 Solomon Islands 1,770 Balaesang bls 1 1 Indonesia 3,200 Bolo blv 2 1 Angola 2,630 Biem bmc 1 1 Papua New Guinea 2,200 Limassa bme 2 2 Central African Republic; Congo Kinshasa 3 Bom bmf 1 1 Sierra Leone 15 Bamwe bmg 1 1 Congo Kinshasa 20,000 Bomboli bml 1 1 Congo Kinshasa 2,500 Bulgebi bmp 1 1 Papua New Guinea 50 Kanuri, Bilma bms 1 1 Niger 20,000 Biao Mon bmt 1 1 China 20,000 Bomwali bmw 2 2 Cameroon; Congo Brazzaville 48,100 Baimak bmx 1 1 Papua New Guinea 650 Bonerate bna 1 1 Indonesia 9,500 Bookan bnb 1 1 Malaysia 2,400 Banda (Indonesia) bnd 1 1 Indonesia 3,000 Bintauna bne 2 1 Indonesia 11,200 Masiwang bnf 1 1 Indonesia 1,000 Bierebo bnk 1 1 Vanuatu 800 Bantik bnq 1 1 Indonesia 3,000 Butmas-Tur bnr 1 1 Vanuatu 520 Bentong bnu 3 1 Indonesia 25,000 Bintulu bny 1 1 Malaysia 4,200 Beezen bnz 1 1 Cameroon 450 Mundabli boe 1 1 Cameroon 500 Bonjo bok 2 2 Congo Brazzaville; Congo Kinshasa 3,000 Bonkiman bop 1 1 Papua New Guinea 180 Central African Republic; Congo Kinshasa; Banda-Banda bpd 3 3 102,000 South Sudan Bonggo bpg 1 1 Indonesia 790 Botlikh bph 1 1 Russia 210 Bagupi bpi 1 1 Papua New Guinea 50 Orowe bpk 1 1 New Caledonia 490 Biyom bpm 1 1 Papua New Guinea 380 Anasi bpo 1 1 Indonesia 2,000 Malay, Banda bpq 1 1 Indonesia 3,690 Bagusa bqb 1 1 Indonesia 300 Banda-Mbrès bqk 2 2 Central African Republic; South Sudan 42,500 Bilakura bql 1 1 Papua New Guinea 30 Wumboko bqm 1 1 Cameroon 4,000 Biritai bqq 1 1 Indonesia 250 UBLs by ROL Page 4 Language ROL # Zones # Countries Country Lang.

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