NEWS LETTER Vol. 16 No. 4 SECOND AIR DIVISION ASSOCIATION December 1978 A TREE GROWS IN JERUSALEM FOR 6,052 We all know about our 'Living Memorial' as it exists in the form of the American Room in the Norwich Central Library, but did you know that there is another "Living Memorial' lo- cated in the Jerusalem hills and in the form of a tree? We didn't either until by Ken Gregson (Hdq.) very recently. Sol Greenberg (453rd) was visiting Is- rael in 1976 and while there he had a After arrival and awaiting specific or- Our good Doctor saved us a lot of tree planted in memory of those in the ders, there we were on Dec. 25, 1942. trouble by advising the waiters to go 2nd Air Division who gave their lives. With the unseen ahead of us there easy with the children as none of them According to Sol it is a common thing were some far seeing individuals who had been on full rations their entire in Israel to have a tree planted in should have been called soothsayers — lives. We did not issue the candy until memory of a person or event. He had especially one who decided early that after the Movie "Peter Pan" was over done the same thing in memory of his the youngsters of Norwich should be and each child received a bag as they parents over 30 years ago. taken care of at the coming Christmas left the theatre. Sol says that a scroll goes along with period. Up to that date they had We still had a huge box filled with each tree and the one in memory of known only life during war time. candy and chewing gym and the prob- the 2nd AD dead reads as follows: Yours Truly was picked as chairman lem became 'how to get rid of it'. Try- In memory of the six thousand of the Committee for a Christmas par- ing to be Santa Claus, we phoned dif- B-24 Liberator flyers who fell in ty. By that time we had moved to ferent institutions — hospitals and the air battles over Europe 1942, Horsham St. Faith with its majestic others — but due to the rigid rules 1943, 1944 and 1945" quarters — large dining rooms and about our supplies we found all to be Next to the Memorial Room in Nor- complete services we could build into. negative to receiving this huge supply. wich we can't think of a more fitting The first task was to corral enough At the Children's Hospital the memorial because it helps another candy for a proper Christmas party — Mother Superior surmised that all we country, another people, to live and dinner and entertainment. At noon our were talking about was a box of sweets prosper. lorries had picked a group of children so she agreed to accept it. However, as at a given assembly place in Norwich. six big huskies walked in with that box Fortunately, before Christmas, an measuring 2/12 feet x 4 feet x 5 feet and agreement had been reached among the filled to the brim there was a loud gasp men that one half of their candy allot- of surprise and we had a lot of explain- ment at the PX would be withheld and ing to do. We explained as well as we placed away for Christmas. could and requested that they use their Our excellent Mess Officer and his good office for it's complete disposal. eager helpers did the dinner in grand They finally agreed. style. We worked diligently all Christ- That was not only a red letter day mas Eve and night, packing those won- for us but we learned later it was one derful candy bars into a hundred large that many, many of those youngsters bags which my good friend, William never forgot — and many of us will Furze, President of the Norwich Glass always remember. Co., had scrounged for us. Second Air Division Association Eighth Air Force THE PRESIDENT'S CORNER OFFICERS President E. A. ROKICKI Our 31st Annual Reunion in San 385 Mee Rd., Glen Burnie, Md. 21061 Diego was a great success — check the Vice President . HOWARD C HENRY, JR. 1640 Portland Lane, Mamma,Jamesburg, N J 08831 'attendees' listed in the September Vice President Newsletter. Just when it seems we may Membership EVELYN COHEN 610 Plaza Towers. 2350 Tremont St. have 'peaked', we find that our very Philadelphia. Pennsylvania 19115 able Evelyn Cohen, has again "gone Vice President Newsletter WILLIAM G ROBEFITIE one better''. Fact is that Evelyn, Bill P.O. Drawer 13, Ipswich, Mass 01938 and Hazel Robertie and other dedicated Treasurer DEAN E MOYER 549 East Main St., Evans City, Pa 16033 people have gone thru some consfilera- Secretary MRS MILTON VEYNAR ble, personal expense to provide us the 4915 Bristow Drive. Annandale, Va 22003 very best at a moderate cost. The membership has voiced approval American Representative, Board of Governors: its at Memorial Trust JORDAN UTTAL every business meeting I've ever at- 7824 Meadow Park Drive. Apt. 101 tended. There will always be those who Dallas, Texas 75230 E. A. Rokicki and wife, Ceil comment on the high costs, but a visit GROUP VICE PRESIDENTS to your local grocery or auto garage 29 responses and 28 "sign-ups" the Headquarters WARREN L BURMAN will quickly awaken you to the loud first time I submitted the request. I'm 34225 Pettibone Ave., Solon. Ohio 44139 44th BD HOWARD C. HENRY. JR. and clear voice of inflation. still working on the Eastern Airlines 1648 Portland Lane, Rossmoor, Jamesburg, NJ 08831 I asked our membership to personally chap in Bermuda — I think he's about 93rd BG R. J. RHOADES 3053 31st Ave., Columbus, Neb. 68601 get involved in seeking out new mem- ready. 389th BC EARL L ZIMMERMAN bers. Although our Roster shows nearly Keeping in mind that our purpose for 8922 Haversbck Rd.. Indianapolis. Ind 46240 392nd 6G COL. ROBERT E. VICKERS. JR IRet.) 3500 members, we still have some dis- existance is still a continuance of doing 6424 Torreon Dr., N.E Albuquerque. N Mex 87109 tance to go to get all the eligibles. Our the work necessary to fund the Memo- 445th BC DAVID G PATTERSON 28 Squire Ct., Alamo, California 94507 growth rate can be improved — must rial Trust, a small contribution along 446th VERE A McCARTY be — in order to keep the Annual with your 1979 Dues Renewal will help 740 Ventura St, N. Salem, Oregon 97303 448th BC JOSEPH T MICHALCZYK Dues at $7.00. us meet our $50,000 goal. Can't think 241 West St., Ludlow, Mass.01056 I've been lucky to have "Pete" 458th BC CLINTON E WALLACE of a finer way to make our 32nd An- 208 E. 27th St., Houston Tex. 77008 Henry as the Executive Vice President. nual Reunion — and our 4th one in 466th BC J. M. DANIELS His approach to increasing the 1306W. Woodard, Denison, Texas 75020 mem- Norwich — better, than by completing 4675, BC VINCENT D. LaRUSSA bership by inserting a 'Letter-to-the- that pledge. We ask your continued 97 Drayton Rd.. Tonawanda. N.Y 14150 Editor' 489th BC COL CHARLES H. FREUDENTHAL (RO.) in local newspapers during his support to the Library Fund and to the 8421 Berea Dr., Vienna. Va 22180 business travels, is extremely success- memory of our comrades who have 491st BC MICHAEL FAGEN 115$ Spruce Ave., Atwater. Cahf. 95301 ful. Using Pete's basic approach. I 'folded their wings'. 492nd BC SEBASTIAN H GORRIERE submitted a similar letter to all the E. A. Rokicki (458th) 4939 No. 89th St. Milwaukee. Ws 53225 domestic airlines' news vehicles. I had President GROUP CHAIRMAN 453rd BG DONALD J OLDS 1403 Highland, Rolle,Mo. 65401 NEWSLETTER STAFF Editor WILLIAM G ROBERTIE Pa Drawer B. Ipswich. Mass 01938 Art Department EDWARD J HOHMAN 695 Richniond Dr., Hermitage. Pa 16146 Photographer ROBERT T COLEMAN THE BAINDESWELL CHURCH 71 East Santa Chalice Dr.. Green Valley. Anz 85614 Publicity Director EARL L ZIMMERMAN 8922 Haverstick Rd . Indianapolis. Ind 46240 by Henry A. &unman (466110 new church, and the communion cups are still used with small groups. BOARD OF GOVERNORS The background on the Bawdeswell I have returned to Bawdeswell sev- MEMORIAL TRUST THOMAS C EATON. Chairman Church is: eral times since World War II, and I 3 Albemarle Rd , Norwich, Norfolk, England In April, 1945, a Mosquito on return always have visited the church. ROGER A FREEMAN from the Continent and in trouble, May s Barn. Dedham Nr Colchester. Essex. England struck and destroyed the 14th century ALFRED A JENNER. Vice Chairman Bawdeswell Church. Fragments of the Norfolk News Co Ltd . Norwich. Norfolk. England plane fell on the Chaucer House, PAUL R KING the Noverre House. Norwich NR2 1 RH. England home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis MRS MICHAEL BARNE (14th century, now in the National Sonerley Hall. Beccles, Suffolk, England Trust). CDR MARK EDMONSTONE CHEYNEY Ditch ngham Lodge In Attlebridge, the men and officers Chtchingham. Bungay. Suffolk, England of the 466th had built a chapel and MR TOM D COPEMAN 3 St Ausens Grove furnished it. The wood came from an Sheringharn. Norfolk. England old mess hall and was fine Honduras RICHARD 0. GURNEY mahogany: we used the wood for altar Buadeswell Hall, Norwich, Norfolk, England N J D WALTER rails, pulpit, lectern, and altar. Just be- Castle Chanters fore the 466th came back to the States, Opie St , Norwich. Norfolk, England we gave all of the wood pieces to the LAYD MAYHEW The Old Manor Farm.
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