PRG. 91 A. (N) Ordy 300 CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 VOLUME XXIII NAGALAND PART ll-A GENERAL POPULATION TABLES R. H. M. D· SILVA, IFAS, SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND, HOM.E DEPARTMENT & EX-OFFICIO. SUP,JJ:RI;NTEND;EN'J,' OF CENSUS OP;ERATIQNS, NA.GAL~~:O PRINTED IN INDIA BY THE MANAGER, GOVeRNMENT OF INDIA P~SS, CALCUrXA AND PUBLISHED BY THE MANAGER OF PUBLlCAllONS. DELHI·8 1961 Aim!ed~ ~RRI r, BANTHA~PA Aisi!lan! SupefinItMent cf ~!r.!~ ~raliO!l!, Na~na 1961 CENSUS PUBLICATIONS ) The 1961 Census Publications for Nagaland will bear Volume No. XXIII and will be published in the following parts: Part I General Report (with sub-parts) Subsidiary Tables Part II-A Genera.l Population Tables Part II-B Economic Tables Part II-C Cultural and Migration Tables Part III Household Economic Tables Pa.rt IV Housing Report and Tables Part V-A Special Tables for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part VI Village Survey Monographs Part VII Survey of Handicrafts Part VIII-A Administration Report on Enumeration (Not for sale) .Part IX Maps Besides the above, there will be one District Census Handbook called "DISTRICT CENSUS HAND. BOOK OF NAGALAND" for aU the three districts of the Territory. FOREWORD The taking of the 1961 Census in Nl1galand was Government officials who laid down their lives while a more interesting experience because the Census on census duty. They were Circle Officer S. N. Operations covered a most important transitory Chaliha and Interpreter Pinyamchang. period in the history of this part of the Indian Union. On 1st December, 1957 the former Naga Because of the compactness of the area, it was Hills District of Assam had been amalgamated with from the very beginning considered Unnecessary to the Tuensang Division of the North East Frontier set up any elaborate census machinery in Nagaland. Agency to become known as the "Naga Hills and As part of this measure of economy it was decided Tuensang Area" (NHTA) under the administration that the tabulation work of Nagaland would be of the Union Government, with the Governor of undertaken by the Superintendent of Census Opera­ Assam acting as the Agent to the President. From tions, Assam. Hence, the sorting of the individual 18th February, 1961 in deference to the wishes of slips and the preparation of main tables pertaiT!ing the Naga people this Centrally administered terri­ to Nagaland were done in the tabulation office in tory became known as "NagaI and" and a Council Shillong under the supervision of Shri E. H. designated as the "Interim Body" was constituted. Pakyntein, Superinte'1dent of Census Operations, The full-fledged State of Nagaland was inaugurated Assa]ll, and his Tabulation Officer Shri J. C. by the President of India on 1st December, 1963 as Bhuyan, both of whom I take this opportunity the Sixteenth State of the Indian Union. to thank. It can therefore easily be appreciated that As with the other States in India guidance in several unusual problems had to be overcome for all administrative and technical matters involved in the census in N agaland to have succeeded. This the census which were liberally given to us by Shri success would not have been achieved but for the Ashok Mitra, 1. C. S., Registrar General of India co-operation and team-work shown by the District and Shri D. Natarajan, the then Deputy Registrar Census Officers, Deputy District Census Officers, General of India to whom I wish to express my Sub-Divisional C.ensus Officers, Charged Superinten­ special gratitude. Nor can I omit mentioning the dents, Supervisors and Enumerators, most of whoin efforts of Shri K. D. Ballal, Central Tabulation were employees of the Government of N agaland Officer and his several colleagues for their detailed who acted as part-time census workers. A special scrutiny 0'£ the various tables and their valu.8.ble mention must be made of two of these Nagaland advice. R. H. M. D'SILVA, Secretary to the Government of Nagaland, KOHIMA HOme Department & ex-officio, 14th April, 1966. Superintendent of Census Operations, Nagaland. (i) CONTENTS PAGE Prefactory Note A-I Fly-leaf 31-35 Union Table A-!--Area, Houses and Population 37 Union Territory Table A-I-Area, Houses and Population 38 Table A-I-Area, Houses and Population 39-41 Appendix I 42-43 Appendix III 44 A-II Fly-leaf 47-49 Table A-II--Variation in PopUlation During sixty years (1901-1961) 50 Appendix 50 A-III Fly-leaf 53-55 Union Table A-III--Villages classified by Popula.tion 55 Union Territory Table A-III--Villages classified by PopUlation 56 A-IV Fly-leaf 58-60 Table A-IV-Towns and Town Groups classified by Population in 1961 variation since 1901 61 Explanatory Note 'A' to Appendix 62 Appendix 62 Primary Census Abstract Fly-leaf 65-71 Table of Union Primary Census Abstract 72-77 (iii) CENSUS OF INDIA, 1961 GENERAL POPULATION TABLES NAG ALAND (v) PREFACTORY NOTE Oensus in N agaland :--'The Census of 1961 The progress of Census taking in NagaI and was was the tenth decennial Census of India and the impaired by the attempts of the hostile N agas to second after Independence. The legal basis for disrupt the Census Operations by intimidating and the taking of a Census is the Census Act and the threatening the Census enumerators, kidnapping notification (No. 2f115f59-Pub. I, dated 5th Decem­ the Cenf'us enumerating agency and looting the ber, 1959) issued by the Government of India under Census papers. As a result, in many areas, the section 3 of this Act read as follows: villagers due to fear were reluctant to co-operate with the Census workers. Though the Security " In pursuance of the Census Act, 1948 (Act Forces had agreed to provide a security cover to XXXVII of 1948) the Central Government is the Census enumerating agency wherever necessary pleased to declare that a Census of the popUlation during the month of Februaryand early part of of India shall be taken during the year 1961. The March, 1961 it was not practicable for them to reference date for the Census will be sunrise on the spare all the required escorts for enumeration 1st March, 1961." workers as the troops were themselves fully com­ As a territorial entity, Nagaland comprising mitted on other security measures. Most of the the erstwhile Naga Hills District of Assam and the incidents of intimidation by hostile Nagas were Tuensang Frontier Division of North East Frontier in Kohima and Mokokchung Districts aud there Agency came into being on 1st December, 1957 as were no specific instances of intimidation of the the Naga Hills Tuensang Area (abbreviated to enumerators in Tuensang District. The more N. H. T. A.). Later in deference to the wishes of unpleasant incidents were the murder of a Dobhashi the people the name" Naga Hills Tuensang Area" (interpreter) in Tobu Area in the Tuensang was changed to 'Nagaland' on 18th February, District on 8th October, 1960 while touring this 1961. The area continued to be administered area on Census duty and the murder of one Circle by the Oentral Government through the Governor Officer (equivalent to Sub-Deputy Cdm'missioner) of Assam & Nagaland but political and administra­ in the Lotha Area of Mokokchung District on 20th tive changes were being made to suit the eventual January, 1961 while out on enuimeration work. status of this territory as the 16th State of the Despite these setbacks the enumeration was Union of India. Most of these changes took place completed within the scheduled period in Tuensang during and shortly after the 1961 Census in Naga­ District but in the Kohima and Mokokchung dis­ land. Hence some unusual problems were added tricts there was no other alternative except to to the usually difficult job of Census taking. But extend tM period of enumeration to secure the most of all the special problems and difficulties best p.ossib)e Census for every village. In Kohima during the Census of 1961 were due to the abnormal district, the enumeration was extended up to 29th conditions arising from the disturbed law and order May, 1961 while in Mokokchung district, the situation in NagalaDd. enumeration was completed only on 28th June, 1961. In view of the transforming political scene the abnormal law and order situation (which made it Enumeration in disturbed and inaccessible essential to provide armed protection to the areas :-Though Census taking everywhere calls for enumerating staff) and the difficulties of move'inent well laid plans and foresight, in Nagaland certain in this terrain with few roads and undeveloped special measures and Courses had to be adopted communications, the enumeration work in all the because security operations against the hostile three districts of N agaland was started much Nagas were being conducted. In areas where ahead of the regular enumeration period in the rest hostile interference was frequent and it was not of the country. The intention was that a full and practicable to provide escorts or where it was not correct Census should be taken of N agaland. possible for enumerators to visit villages personally Although the Census was started quite early in the to do the enumeration work, the Gaonburas year 1960, the enumeration could not be completed (Village headmen) were asked to report at the within the stipulated period because of ipterference nearest Oensus Centre (established within the by those Nagas who had since 1955 taken up aIms pr9tection of a Security Post) and give an account against the Government. of the popUlation. This arraniement was obviously 2 not very satisfactory.
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