C i v i c COVERING A P a n o r a m a TOWNSHIPS Off O f L o c a l HOLMDEL. MADISON ■lAitUiORft MATAWAN People Aad AND E v e n t s MAI AWAN 90K0U0H Uember Mainber MATAW AN, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, J ^65 NiUonai K<J>U>rl*' AmocImUim Single Copy Tan Conti ,97th YEAR — 15th WEEK tUw J«rM 7 PreM AuocUUoa Emergency Parking I Governor, Astronaut At Dedication Restrictions Ordered The Malawan Township Commit­ tee Monday night declared lhal emergency parking restrictions ave Seek Water, Sewer In effect on portions ct 13 streets. Genoa residuals petitioned the : when Laurence Harboi Co. ruadd The enierj;.:ncy was declared when Madison Townahp Couiirll Moil* i it.« first approaches. In addition. the committee round that portions da> for the extension of water of streets were not passable !m and sewei main.'; inTo thvir area. the hoMers v*f tho b-mdi of thtf fire and other emergent,-}1 vehicles Tho council dJrecied Deputy Man­ : ?.cyi iiori wm.iti iu* entitled to iotal when cars were parked alongside ager Joseph Loo to arrange n \ -;'i *>n ,lv.’n i;r ; >' ,;nd the curbs on both sides of th;.-, joint meting with the Mntawan ! wojUI havi1 \ ris’h? '•» be hoard, il , ;V>lreots. | Tuwnship Committee and the util­ V.J'J It-.-!'.J. '■-<?;Parking will be restricted on por­ ities authorities of tii* two town* ■ 1 t : 1 U.-j.;', A ..t -: Co, tions of Cambiidge Ur., Llovd Ud., ships on making a tiedn to the ; ha^ -1X0 cn.^ionHMs in Madison and Cliffwood Ave., First tbrnus'.i Sev- area. lMKl i.i,.-,- in M " i:: !o\\n-:hip, cnth Sts. and Lake Boulevard, and A transfer of the former plcnttry .*»!. ivink.utv- co;i!iritr--:i. lii'.* Laur- during school hours on Church St. retail consumption license from eiice iiaiooi Co. ..a,. Uricii and Atlantic Ave. the former Laurence Harbor Ca­ t'ver i-y th«‘ t-i.IHtjh Autitority as sino to Kase Delicatessen. near Mayor H^r.ry Traphagen said ef­ has'iii}’ IlJvi i u.'i-jiit-.-t >. Route IH, was granted Frank Kur- forts will be made by the commit­ poll, the former Casino propri­ two New Wells tee to locate ft Eer/'fj! uff-.itu'^t etor. On Sf;>t fh-> AntHintiv an* commuter parking lot to accom­ Donald Gorman, Mad**- *n Park, O'-i I.i io ea* modate many cars which must be brought to tho m eeting a shopping i.i c!‘1(t'*nd from the streets. bag fi*!| of paperback bcok- and No PUC Help o*<»;,a/.mc*> ..Mv!., !**• he hed ^ v--n W ’f ' f In another matter, lliro’.d Pah ! purchased in the township nnd t-i ’’i-.* kin, chairm an of the ioc.il mas-. | which he snld offend public de­ s’.r.»-.i»- Vkl wO'j^l to.* Tho annual Clean-Up fur Man- transit committee, said ihe Sta1.-; cency. Mayor Harry Messenger ueatment plant wan Horough will be held tl?M Board o f Public Utilities Coniniis- j declared the township would ! a' th ; i wvi! sit *. weet» of Oct. Is thfojuh Oct. 2.1. sinners would not fcjlp finance re-! study the advisability of an anti­ Aiineunrem^n! has been macl«‘ Thi> la:t«’r project nnoK c.,» a routing Line Rd. Intent of the plan j smut literature ordinance. lhat coilectioiis will be the same ■ompiva: oo iti ilu.; ine Midi«e.vn v i s lu eliminate a tKi.'n-Jotis L‘i:i lo day as regular g:irha»*e pick nn Iv.-u o;^-iaieJ by the Au* '-45'ossing by joining the road lo and usuleius ate ad\i%«.d oul iu th<*> ?'*. V- i'y. f»'f? t-i A ’{ I Lloyd Rd. south of the New York Authority To bfc- confused hv two collections ns ! t>vsnetVnip sisli d: c<--’ :a th-.* M»d* nnd I nm* Branch Railroad Tracks, •/ m ['.‘ir.ite fn u k s mas he used > i.ir r W'-o.-i t •» , a u; w‘V coruiol'i’d where a new* bridge is under co:i- I’ tCK I. p vs iH uk I'i’ii- such aiti- , !' , • • ■ *truction. ■’?cs a', refrt^eraforv, be<i j 'I!..- V.;tf- ‘V'y i * \n) it,; f-.ir $ !:0 1 M ayor Traphagen said rcrn',,f::i.', End Suit springs, linoleum, old furniture, ■u i ft Uv i i ft t u c i, wi h eerhun would cost over J'iO.W. He sug- ulii.» lu'usvtvdd uc'Uiiiu*aiiufi'i t*J ni ni,‘i<\', lit ioc ica> o* lit* P*s)|) gentutl an a lte r..a u plan which Cliffwood S e w e r i ami .t!io rttbbNh placed in eon r r ’ s >*i Hi-- .■* t1, i-V.it;* W. J v a! i^ ’at- would include sharing costs of pav­ tainers. i\ > ’ '» :i 1 on, Savic ing Line Rd. and installing gates Completion Pushed 1 (iovernor Richard J. llughev, (li'ltl and Aslronaul I I.. Gordon Cooper School In tiiftwond Beach Sat* th.- tecv»vet (ouiuiinun I'ratik J. I'erraiK’, It the crossing with Puritan Town­ .ii'-5"? .tl !o'.* p: *v t* • ii! chatMiui.- of t!u* Matawan Hnr- Matawan Town:,hip Utilnie. Au-, James A. Mctiiviu al ccremoniis dedicating the ne- urdny. 1 • ■ -te:-..' i. \t >,>! llie licowti* ihip. Line Rd. is a common boun­ i b ’, ■IM1 out*h sanitation derailment, urg thority Thursday withdrew it' enn-j ........................... r i Uivvii Ua< i i plaitiieJ to provide dary of the communities and will 1 , | 1 Aitroiulit laiu.-^ A - .. M.m-nt* l.y:.^l.»y t'C u C\^'p I : »’! -■I v% the coH»per«lion of all resl- I i Ihhi Proceedij»x i«/lh .*.1 "i-ja; .U,i,V.!S J i 1 p<L*>'Ji'e te a major nccen to s large !'fus­ tempi action ag-i i^t r. .1. Parrltm | p.;,^ t].c ...... I, cv J-*o!I «>! in ' h iv<»n H Samtii i> .t'i'l !,'i !»!' it." d«nts of ihe (Mirough to make #he • s ^ K,iik'i=!-* -.--■/r.’/ i>y ti. I .ik id.v* !ri I d»*wlop*?r ing development under lon.strucUua & Sun. MiUtowa. hoM",i of a | space ,iiot and Gov. Richaid 1 ; i>!e! theth- new township I'ht'ols nam- ignaitM mmmei s weie iiantrd clean up th in* siii c< >ttul (h f’ .i. o.>:t'p.ri\ ;• .1 th i! i tt! .tiO !l'rjs» >il 1 vifti’ l.etfjrt.i, in Raritan Township. t*d after Ih* ,.i! M-’im t y |»:>*- hon<»t (»! l-l-- \l.Mrurv >- i i..;..i:;‘ uations wishing to aniUt io pro­ $» 000.099 s-.-v--“> contract The a?-! lluche; paiticipatrd in tktlnatma 'Mis IK Building lupectoc Isiue J4»ct US:fOi»UU!i. which d-» iv»: tnel'.ide ,\ »’ l Oik IU . iiu, .-n.. 11»t i: .. i'. i | ject-, lo !-oaut;fy tin* hornouh .1* ve»opnu*a»i that tion on tho contempt order signed j lu,‘ Tow«sh./s He noted tha*. a vs,tier are a^ked lu conlucl Mr. Jei- Ctune • it <ti :u: oa IV-jl^ •' The Issue of appointing deputy I $.|,400.0W» school expansion P'O- Whirlwind Itinerary McDivttt. Sl«. building iit*pectnrs was railed by Supertor Court Judge C.et^ R | K,am Suiurday. fits wliii Iwmd it;:i'.M ary He p o/iied «.<m ttiii. d Ivis Ih'i'h extended tUnvn K«>ute 3j IttDO. .gain but the committee stood firm Mariano m July was dropped Aj.ui.uaut McUivi't iubstiluted (rom roriH-j sto;te 1uv;Mk uw iivm i pansion in d nfferv'd m k 4' a d v in Its decision to maintain t1"1 sta­ Chancery Division imi llu opinion f«ii Col. I.. (* udtui \s!u»w ICH ill CliffutMKl I’.v.uh: lo pr»*'S jI an al'Nn \ iateit pn-s tus Quo Hnc Rifkin asked why he of W illiam J. O'H agan, Asburs vi'i * tv the I confe*enrt», !<» jnm-.Viui .md l" 'iie i in **. In ± toot ol ti)«* ii ■ t »* >• n’ l . Fire Inspection, Dedication was tint ap|»inteJ mul w a1 telu by I'ark, the AuthoritvN attt'n.- v. 'hat out t*'>* I» m i '*•: by \AV\ffimi t.k'<lua;i' \ .it the in^li *>. School f:i ui p, • \ > W'Uw j it w iii Ita general !<» m n ' !fie township Jllinney, Kkn . 1. oluciais. Col. Cooper Genu;u 5 pi-1 hxniM il field lu ihe wmd-.ip cv.e* tit cli.HU-d Atth U*aii»e.-% aad i thln(*s t^e sewerage U kI; wi-hed (nmtinuiHl on p.iite f ju i; lot. was repori«\J in m v .1 oi r e s t' mony. h« acceptetl a {Minting *»i youngsteis sm’.!* e^u jt aj)k»mb. lo «1> .sh. after a Kuropoau trip. the Ctxipci Sc»iool to p itjc n l to h. Wdl'KuunJt^l IMucatlon Mayor Henry F! TrapbuRen said j ^lL, ^stronnn! and »V rov- j follow uttronau who hadIH' b-eti tiu* On th« subject ot tdteers, M(S*^ In vHe Purlici/xJiii! yc'^i’rdnv the M ntaw an Township I (rr<or particip tt^.! in th*’ ;r*,,r %r^ t»n ->,1'- ^bv tiuiiN we (Ct nlinue*! on pj(»e lonrV 1 C(»iun; t T t; tH<* pi*rfoi-| “ V.*- ................
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