THE ETRIEVER "Procrastination gives you something to look forward to."- Joan Konner, Journalist Volume XXXV, Number 28 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250 · May 8, 2001 Cone Collection Version 2.0 Baltimore Museum of Art and UMBC Visual Arts Department Develop Virtual Tour of Exhibit SARAH ANDREWS Retriever Weekly Editorial Staff ing with newly designed galleries ing to Alan Price, associate direc­ and expanded exhibition space. tor of the IRC, was the extent of The Baltimore Museum of Claribel and Etta Cone began research that had to be done to Art's famed Cone Collection their collecting career in the recreate the apartments. The received a technological upgrade 1890s, and eventually acquired building had been gutted in the recently, thanks to an ongoing hundreds of works by such artists 1970s, forcing the team to tum to collaboration with UMBC's as Renoir, Manet, Cezanne, the building's original floor plans Imaging Research Center. Degas and Matisse. Today the and over 30 photographs of the Through internships with the Cone Collection, containing over apartment to guide them in recre­ IRC, which is part of the Visual 500 works by Henri Matisse ating the rooms. The team spent Arts department, artistically and alone, is considered one of the six months recreating the apart­ technically-minded students have most important in the world. ments' details, even creating digi­ had the chance to flex their cre­ Now, through real-time computer tal images of the artwork and fur­ ative and technical muscles by animation developed by the niture in the rooms. Museum vis­ designing a virtual tour of the UMBC team, museum visitors itors will be able to look out the Cone sisters' art-filled Baltimore can explore a virtual re-creation virtual windows and see a recre­ apartments. of the sisters' home and see some ation of the view seen in the orig­ The first phase of the project, of their extensive art collection as inal photographs. Henri Matisse I Courtesy of the BMA Virtual Art: Henri Matisse's Purple Robe and Anemons is one a digital recreation of the Eutaw they originally displayed it. of the thousands of paintings on display as part of the Cone Place apartments, opened in April One of the virtual tour pro­ Collection at the Baltimore Museum of Art. as part of the collection's reopen- ject's greatest challenges, accord- see CONE, page 2 Horowitz Ad Sparks Discussion at UMBC, Protest Elsewhere DAHLIA NAQIB the ad caused four Retriever staff Chief Jennifer Schildroth and Retriever Weekly Staff Writer members to withdraw their names Managing Editor Adam from the April 24 in which the ad Craigmiles. Debate on campus, spurred by ran. In a letter to the editor in the "As a black student and a an ad in The same issue, advertis- black male, I was offended that Retriever Weekly " • ing manager Brett my campus newspaper printed listing reasons why What was evident McKenzie wrote "I such an ad," said Se~ior Rajj African Americans from the forum feel that it is wrong Stewart. "I wasn't given any justi­ are no~ entitled to was that we need to p~nt an advertise­ fication as to why the newspaper reparations for slav- ment that so [bla- ran it." ery, angered and more opportunities tantly] expresses The Retriever staff struggled confused students for students to somebody's opinion just as the staff members at other who voiced con- • . .. [and] that could student newspapers had between cerns at a forum learn across differ- be very hurtful to free speech and offensive materi­ hosted by The ence." -Assistant many people." al and concluded that, although Retriever. "IT." - p id fi Students at the ad was offensive, it was clear­ · The ad , run by yzce res ent or UMBC d.d1 no t reac t ly an opinion and not a nonfactu­ David Horowitz, Student Affairs with vandalism, but al statement that would have been incited students on Jamie Washington instead with words rejected according to the Nate West I Retriever Weekly Staff other campuses in . at the forum, which Retriever's advertisement criteria. Pistahantastic: www.pistahan2001.com, UMBC's Filipino California and at seated on a panel "We promote ourselves as an American Student Association's annual cultural show was Brown University to protest and UMB law professor Mike held in the UC Ballroom last Friday. See page 15. steal copies of the student paper.. Meyerson, sociology professor At UMBC, the decision to run Fred Pincus, Retriever Editor in see HOROWITZ page 3 UJ.---------------~--------------~--------------+-------------~ and Emily Bernstein fills up on Filipino money, or at championship while Q argue the merits of culture, Brett least learn all women's lacrosse running the McKenzie chats with about it in this loses in the NEC Reparations ad while Colin Quinn and finals: Baseball -CD Matt VanDyke discuss­ Susan Harris reviews heads into confer­ es Bush's potential the Maryland Film ence play while soft­ 2 Festival ball is eliminated. - College News ..... p. 2 World News .... p. 3 Classifieds ••• p. 35 PAGE2 THE RETRIEVER WEEKLY NEWS May 8, 2001 ehind the Scenes from college these days and chances are Ryan Bos: Watching Over the you'll get more than a diploma. Hundreds Residential Hall's North, South and West Wings of schools now offer lifetime e-mail addresses for alums. mold the minds of the next generation Get an alum.swarthmore.edu address if SCOTI DAUGHERTY of college students. you've graduated from Swarthmore Retriever Weekly Editorial Staff Residential halls, the turf of a com­ College. The University of Pennsylvania munity director, are not always bustling offers alumni.upenn.edu, while California's Do you watch NBC's presidential with that next generation of college stu­ Harvey Mudd College gives out drama, The West Wing? Do you find dents though. UMBC on the weekend is alumni.hmc.edu addresses to graduates. the political story lines, ripped from the still much more active than UMBC in Michael Fordice, a biotech consultant headlines, riveting? Do you sometimes the middle of summer when nD resi­ who received his Ph.D. in chemistry from notice the blurry profile of a 20-some­ dents are living on campus and his MIT in 1966, considers his alumni address thing male in a non-descript suit stand­ duties consist mainly of planning for "a subtle resume." ing in the background and think he the next years orientation two months "If you have an alum.mit.edu address, looks strangely familiar? It's doubtful, away. Bos is primarily left to himself people know right away you're an MIT but if you do, it may be Ryan Bos, for the summer and winter sessions, the grad," said Maggy Bruzelius, the school's Community Director of Susquehanna only other residents being diligent stu­ director of alumni network services. "That Residential Hall. dents or participants in conferences in should be a pretty powerful tool." Bos is not giving up his day job for which he has no control or duties. With a few exceptions, schools don't a career in acting; his interests in pro­ During his free time, Bos likes to directly provide mail services. Alums must fessional drama are more as a hobby work out both in the gym and in the get their mail accounts elsewhere. and vehicle for social change than as clubs. He takes full advantage of the Messages sent to the alumni address are his next step. "Getting involved in the Retriever Activities Center, working out simply forwarded. acting arena would only be to further Nate West I Retriever Weekly Staff almost every day, and hits the clubs Unlike other promotional services, such my work towards social justice and almost every Saturday night. as credit cards, schools get no income from community development," he said. ization dedicated to personal and commu­ e-mail forwarding, which can cost thou­ Social justice and community devel­ nity growth. He would like to stay on the sands of dollars to run. opment truly are what Bos lives for. UMBC campus though and continue his Some schools do not offer e-mail for­ The community director received his work in the same environment. "UMBC is Quick Questions warding to alums at all, finding they would undergraduate degree in Social Work at a transitional point, at its next big mile­ What is your favorite dance club? rather devote limited resources to current before receiving his Masters degree in stone, where the university will change "I don~t have a favorite because students and faculty. But that attitude is Student Personnel Administration from from a primarily commuter school to a depending on my mood, I prefer to go changing, and many schools have added Ball State University. After complete­ residential campus," said Bos. different places. The Hippo in Baltimore such services in the past year or two, some­ ing his graduate degree, Bos moved Bos did not always aspire to become a is more low-k~y and friendly and times at the request of alums. onto his current position at UMBC in Residential Community Director or includes a very mixed crowd with good the summer of 1998. University Social Administrator. music. I enjoy a couple different dance Ohio State U. policy creates Bos sees himself as "an individual Between high school and college he con­ clubs in DC, one being Velvet Nation party restrictions who is passionate about many things, templated the extremes of business because of the large venue and another COLUMBUS, Ohio (U-WIRE) - A zero­ from learning, to growing, to helping administration and high school social place called Lizard Lounge because they tolerance policy has been instituted to stop bring people together for better under­ work.
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