Flanders Fields

Flanders Fields

Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 2014-18• Flanders Fields Flanders· Fields.. A pla<:e to remember. VISIT P:LAN DERS~IELDS1418.COM FLANDERS 5PM Wd ,tdll :i, l lO ·spLie4 pamv u1 peq aq 018u11481J Jo sJea.< mo1- JO s:tJewpue1 Jl!ll!W!?J aij1 JbJ pLie·sanw Ua1 il)LieApe 01 s.<ep ;,aJ41-1'inf :tOOl 11 ·a,..,sLiaJJo:s.<7 ;;.41 Stip["lp 1so1 punoJ8 a41 paJmdeJaJ 8L6L saJdAJO•amee a41 'Jaqwa1das 8L uo 8uivns ! s1Liaw;1edw1 ·sJapue1:1 qBnoJ41 pa:pt!lle .<unJsSaJJns ·sdoon h111qes1p BLI!LIJl!al BLiueaq s1uawJ1edw1 SJOl!S!A pa1qes1p , ·•rn1pue1:1 UI SU0!l1D0I Lie1B1ae pue ·4JuaJ:1 ·4s1l!Ja J.O aJJOJ e 4l!M ·wn181aa "e 4l!M 5J0l!S!A lll!M SJOl\S!A 1ens1A lll!M a1do;,d .llQ!SSclJJe a1epowwo:1Je 01 mno pue ~P1a!:1 sJapul!l:J JoJ uo11ewJ0Ju1 ..{1u1q1ssaJJe JO lJ.lQl"V' 8Ul)I 'lllJOU a41 UI ·sau11 Ul!WJil9 ;nn uo JOJ. sarn1Pe:i JOJ. sam1pe:1 JOJ SU!l!IPl!:I J!l!lJJlil.lM saJnseaw J!ses we11aj.iJ 4l!M iluore ·s1U_a11i3 aA(teJowawwoJ ator s:pene tlleJedas: aaJq11.pune1 01,pappap 'Japueww()<). pue -~611epOWWO)Jl! 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SJOl!Sil\ JOJ.'iApM,jl'Jill\aS uaAa ilJl' ilJaLU ·adecl'ipUl!I 5!1.ll ·al6l JaQu.ia:1das v·mun saJdA Jeau pau1ewaJ suo1s!A!P • 4BnOJ4l noA ap1n8 rnio1 8U!A!jP Pue ·Bi.Jpl(q ·BurJlll'M 4l0s--41a aij1'JOJ 1awwa:t 01 a11e1 snqa11:t1a woJJ pue / pawa41• ·sa11t!Jil·M.1J. e t.ie41,;uow ou u1e1uoJ 4l!4M lllOE <!41 Jo1 a)le1 ·snCla:t~!a pue au11 .<eMueJ sau1woJ / JO awos ·Sa1Ja1a~;iypul! stlia~.muow JO:sp;upunq -saJdA a41·uaaM1aQ ·saJdA Jo l,l1nos a~1 011uoJJ•aq1 / 411M pauop s1.uo18;u .141 "JBM 1eaJ9 ,nn Jo sJe½ pue ll! ,.(1n(U! aitJ JO WS!ldl!Q J!tll/1 pa:nla1Jad)(a SUO!SIA!P 1slU~uw. ai al11 sSciDl! awo~,noA ·10_0J.•UO Jo ·a~!Q Aq 'Je_J ·,1.ndE pU'e;41a,all1 •ai6l il:1n/ pue.aun(li!'<ld0Jn3 / .o\"q Jai.na4M.'SPlill:fSJapue1:1.u1-9i!-rioA" J_al\aJa4M ·1Mi•{1 U/ l)aA!JJe"sJapue1:1 u1 1qBM~J. Oll-'."' sueJ1jaw'9' ~,tu / j() SJ0JJ04 alj1'.Jo·Mi:11A )!l5!1J'e 'l'1!nPill!PU! il:1nn l:! JaJJO. ,-/ ·suo111q11.r,i:<n"i'e snope~··LJoqjpl)1tui "Jla ·epueBedoJd hw U! palE!ad,u A11UaribaSQflS I ·saJueu1e•fl:!Jll!IOd ·aJeJJ-eM'·tpuaJ1 ·suo11-eJado .<J"el!l!W seM pUe ue1d 6108-1ci!J P!P P!l!J:pua1so .l\ll JaAaM04 a41 :J-eM 1eaJ9 a4i Jois1aJ-epno1J-eA a41 uo 14811 ·ssaJJns e p;,i.uaap 51:!M pup uo11eJado aw11-1481u l! pa4s suo11iq14xa Pue ·s1UaAa ·swnasriw snoJawnN Ut_UaW.QOL'l JMO,pue sd1qs SL 1ho(je ll1tM·a)eJd ~001· UOlll!Jado,a88nJqaaz aq1 "SlJOd lllOQ uodn illQ!SSOd se. sp1a1:i SJapuPJ:i UP41 oS Op_ 01 aJPld JauaQ 1eqM pup - aBetiJep 4JnUJ se P!UU! pue smoq;e1.1 a41 01.saJLil!ilua lJIIJ.UO:> a41.(q paNPdW! ~Oljl ue:Jo 5.).A.!I JaqwawaJ 01 a41 :tJOIQ 01 ·pua1so pue aB8nJQaaz uo sp1eJ 1eAeu -~::... ~1assn19 pue SJapue1:1 U! S;)l!S 8u11sc11c11u1 Ja410 SJOl\SIA sallAUI mpyeH ·Jc11-e1 sJ:eaA· pa~pum.1 dUO 'MON palpun'e1 45!l!J8 illfl '8l6L j!JdV-EZ ·fea.s,aBJOa~ is uo IJOlll!WJOJ~! Ssoud 'i ape Ji. ' SL< sp1a1:1 mpue1:1 U! Sill!S 8unsamu1 J_ai./lb ·ss"' ,:· uonepoWWO)JI! LllflOA ' ff<"' ·000·009 ·pa11e4•uaaQ P'l!\l lllBne1suo uewJ_a9 ,-(ii,< s1a10H. ;~<-: s8u1puno~ms? apjnws~!O JO uo!8t1J <I'll LI! aJaM 8l6L,PUe t>L6L U<laMWQ.S;lJdA a4111Jd\i JO.pLia a4r.<q pLie ·1Ueyap pau1el.UaJ .<1p ~f< sane1aurn ·1pem Jo 1eJ JOJ SUO!l'i~B8ns 'if<, a8upadod punoJ-e 8um18\i pup iJ011PdnJJo a41 WOJJ BLirnnsaJ a41 1nq ·Su!ll_'l!J oJ,asop a~e) ·saJdA ·111H 1awuia)I ~001 - tV<; WOOJSSep cll.ll ap1s1nO,IMM clJOld)(;j Ol<' a1etlJnr!M/PUl!llclAnaH Si:1!1111:!UO!WU 11e JO! ~111et1_Sl'J 11:!WJ JO sa1ew1153 suel.uJa9 a41 ..<1ieuu aJOJilq ·a1aepu•HPSSl!d·JO aBe111" . t,V<, II~ Ol cllQIS5a)JI! ·,<m1a)U,1J Jl!M 1eaJ9 a1.11 6L;-'. aq1 Ua41 ·1so1:aJaM .sauissaw pue a1ae4:>S1A'M Jo saBe11!A :-·rii-<·-. smo1 p1i111ame~ pas1ue8J°' 9L< a~aqauuoz;c11aepua1.1)<;<;ed ·1LioJ~,uJa1saM. a(l1 plre a8p11:::1 sau1s<.aw ·uwn1nl! sno\AaJd· a41:1SO:> w~ sp1c11:i s1apue1:1 ll! J:wouonse9 S8UtPUn0JJllVi SclJ~A etn·.uo paddois IUlll.llll at,j1·JaqlUeA:ON:U,UO:UJe.li. i,; lpJ'!s 1l!.S.illl'9'·.l4l .(q UOM Uaaq pe4,mn punOJ8'a41 JO·· ·.--a~/: punoJe pue aj_a41 8u1~1<1') ~ ~-? saJW() 1s1Jno1 'i U~!lJnpoJ1UI . tpnw:a)l!!liWSU°eWJ~ aq1 Mes (SilJdA J()·.lJUl!8(41jno:t)., SQ'1:111=13U:.I.Y8 :IIHJ/liill\l»SIQ -----------,SEl.11S 11nfft\,au10M· ·J;ipjoq UP!Siae uJa1~ea·,a41>01-pPq .<wJv LIPWJa9 ;nn aAtsuaJJO s.(i.a41 'l!Jdv LI! ·sJapue1:1 LIi lLIOJ:l u1a1~aM .Pt14Snd pi.re sJapue1::1 Lirp1oij100J p1a4-8uoJ•Jltl4l Jo 1no aq1 8uo1e s:tJel1e Jofew Jo•sa1Jas e ·aNsuaJJQ 8u1Jds - 9 < , auuawn :1MM t1:tOJQ SJtl!PiOS P<l!IIV ·BLilliJB!J 1$1:!i Sl!· uaas peij- lLitlffPS a41 ue8aq saJJOJ ul!wJc19 aq1 ·at6L Jo Bupds aq1 u1 l£ < : .!llOi sa!uowaJaJ pue s1ua.-..i Jepua1e) i, < ~ dew + sa1r; pa11s1A 1sow Si :sp1a1:1 s.iapuef:1 a41 lPlJl weaw LinpJal\ !)lJJoodMnaJN WOJJ aLI!I aq1 -' 0£ < ' UOJll!lt'lSU! lJl! pue,·:a1<1Jaqwawa~PIJOM8U!ui0) £ < : uo1iJrlpoJlUI 8LI01e suo1w.Jado pamv-jo:ssa~Jns a41 ·JaQ01JO·DIW ·.<e ~~~---RlD? SNOl1YIION!I.Nt40, I SJ.N!IAJ -~----------•Nou.:tnGmu.NI J.SV, J.V B:::>YBd stoz-· NOllJnaOl:!lN I Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/08/2017 4:18:45 PM Europe. Flanders. Flanders Fields NORTH SEA Dunkirk Calais C 0 :e::J Lanpmatk-Poelcapetle 'C --= (!;o 1m , ,· 0 1 • \~ OZonnebeM .b Ypresn (2))0) C( @ ..fo~oa&e , (,) ,, ;/. FRANCE □ LIiie Receiyedb NSD/l'All,A R~gistr~ti~n UQil 12/08/2017 4:18:_4~ !'M 12/08/2017 4:18:45 PM 41i,A,prll 1~1~: United-States · declares war , on Germany · German spring offensive. --:- ,Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo , Major attack liy the , Germans'at Merkem and , Kemmer · , _____ . _____ ----·-' .,...-,- ·r II Julv·J9J4 Auslria-Hungary declares war on-Serbia , 4 Atigust 1914 !nAJml. .. -zs mar i,11 l. ~~,~~:~atll~ :!: ".Pr~ __ _ I cu .E cii E i=··; / ., Received by NSD/FARA 12/08/2017 ReceivedbyNSD/FARA Registratton'Unit 12/08/2017 .4:.18:45 PM WORLD WAR I SITES The FirSt WorldlWar left 3n i~delible Impact on the area· side. along-With_N~ Zealand~.and AUStralians, who_played the Firsi.World War, al:;o provides a unique viewing platform acrosr. noW known as·Randen·Fleld5. transforming the region Into a slgnlflcar,t rote lrt the success _of,the,Mes~ines offeiislve .. Flanders l:1e!ds · - - / - - - One of the most ·t11ollght-prCWok!ng and'J11spirationa·1 War in Flander, flelcli-the papples·bioW This battle also took:pta~e across the area of Heuvelland and .·lam:lscar,es In the wo_rld: ln-1914, local farmers witliessl!d .WlJ~hate. Kemmel HIii pro_vides a view_ o~er the muntryslde Behind the front line-Wilr.'Poperinge. ·Pop· as it was known to their fields-turning Into a ~ttleground'for one Qf.the:most, Between the C:!"OUH, row on r'OW, and nearb/is the America,rmonument erected in 1929 and a British::;oldiers. an,importa!l{ rail centre and gateway to the terrlble-confllct_s I~ human history. over_ 600.000 men and, , oernarcaiion,Stone erected,after 'the Waf to·rnark the furthest battleflel(!s. It waS a,place 0f temporary camps and hospitals 1 women <lied on Belglan soil,during the First Worlcl;war. The 'rbat ma~ cur.place: and·ln:the-1ky point· LO :,Yflich the GE!r!"ans advanced ~ell! ~otd(ers came to-r~st from the trenches or for medical ~ilitary_ c_emeterles that do_\ ~_h@s_e same,fielcls·are,a sad · treatmertt. There were also shops. restaurants. hotelr.. pubs. ·'reminder .of the tra81t·cost of _this •wa·r'to end all wars'. The:larkl, 1tlll braffly •~itna:.-fty· _ ' In.the north-of the.area. the.towns of·Nleuwp43ort and :cIhe'mas. arid theatres at their disposal It was here that an army 1 .-Oiksmuide were air.a totally riJlnEid. It was in NieuWpoort chaplain. th_e Re...e:rend Philip "Tubby· Claymn. founded Talbot British-and. Commonwealth soldiers passed_. through the,ctty "5c;&l'.C~ _heard amid the guns beiow. · that the sluices were,opened and the Vsei- river plain and 1-!ouse. an Every-Man·s' Club. a place to relax where everybody -of Ypres.oil the1r-way:to,thelbatt1efield~ atong,the:Vpres front.reg!o~_.was-flooded at the end·Or 1914. This Inspired was welcome. regarcjless of rank Today. Talbot House is a "living saUenL·Reduced lo.rubble by. const.onl bombardment, . ·Weare.the Dead.

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