E824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 6, 2008 Power Association, the Large Public Power IN MEMORIAL OF SGT. STEPHEN The Mexican effort in the Battle of Puebla Council, the California Municipal Utilities Asso- LICZBINSKI epitomized courage, as the outmanned troops ciation and the National Business Council for survived three bloody French assaults and fi- Sustainable Energy. In addition, she has been HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ nally achieved resounding success. Numerous Mexicans gave their lives not solely for their a tireless advocate for clean energy and is on OF PENNSYLVANIA country, but also for the timeless values of the board of the California Climate Action IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES freedom and justice. The tremendous fight put Registry and the National Alliance to Save En- Tuesday, May 6, 2008 up by the Mexican troops at the Battle of ergy. Ms. SCHWARTZ. Madam Speaker, I rise Puebla also had a substantial impact on the Under her leadership, SMUD has made today with a heavy heart. On Saturday May 3, United States’ history, as the French defeat many significant improvements in lowering 2008, Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski, a 12-year vet- provided President Lincoln with crucial support their rates, improving their reliability, increas- eran of the Philadelphia Police Department as the Civil War descended into chaos. There can be no doubting the bravery, spirit ing their renewable energy programs and their and a constituent of the 13th Congressional or patriotism of the thousands of Mexican overall customer satisfaction. Ms. Schori District, was shot and killed while responding to a bank robbery. troops who fought and, all too frequently, gave helped keep rates 20 to 30 percent below pri- their lives at the Battle of Puebla. In the spirit vate energy companies, and earned bond rat- Sgt. Liczbinski, who would have turned 40 today, left behind a wife, Michelle, and three of remembering the sacrifices of those troops, ing upgrades from the major credit rating Cinco de Mayo provides us with a perfect op- children, Matt, Steven, and Amber. He was agencies. During her tenure, Ms. Schori portunity to recognize the sacrifice for sov- known to his friends and colleagues as ‘‘the ereignty, the importance of courage and, worked to establish and expand SMUD solar real deal,’’ ‘‘a great family man,’’ and ‘‘a hero.’’ above all, the universal yearning for freedom. programs, new energy efficiency goals, and a Sgt. Liczbinski spent most of his career Greenergy program that has become one of Cinco de Mayo is celebrated throughout working South Philadelphia as a beat cop in Mexico and the United States with a joyous the largest in the nation. SMUD is now a lead- the Fourth District. In November 2007, he mixture of food, music and dancing. It has er in renewable energy and energy efficiency. moved to the 24th District where he was pro- also taken on great significance in the United Due to these efforts, SMUD has been ranked moted to Sergeant and became a valuable States as a day to celebrate broadly the cul- by JD Power and Associates as one of the top asset to his fellow officers. He was known as ture and ancestry of Americans of Mexican providers in California for residential cus- a great supervisor who treated all of his col- heritage. tomers and one of the top in the nation for leagues equally. The Mexican forces who won the Battle of commercial customers. When he wasn’t on the clock, Sgt. Puebla should not and will not ever be forgot- Liczbinski was known as a dedicated father ten, nor will the values for which they fought. Ms. Schori’s 14 years as general manager who would bring his entire family with him to I commend those forces for their spirit and of SMUD is the longest of any general man- police barbecues. courage and I wish all those celebrating the ager in SMUD’s 61 year history. Her dedica- His last words, according to the brave holiday across Mexico and the United States tion to our community is apparent through her Northeast Philadelphia residents who ran out a happy Cinco de Mayo. work both with SMUD and with other local of their homes to provide him with comfort and f non-profits. She serves on the board and is assistance was ‘‘Tell my wife I’ll miss her.’’ ON THE PASSING OF YOSSI HAREL treasurer of Valley Vision. She also actively Like many in Philadelphia, I’m hurt and supports the United Way California Capitol shocked that we’ve lost yet another coura- Region’s Foster Youth Initiative and was the geous, outstanding officer. Unfortunately this HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN OF CALIFORNIA 2006 recipient of the DeTocqueville philan- is not an isolated incident. The lack of respect for our law enforcement officers and the failure IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thropy award. Personally, Ms. Schori has been to respect the life of any human is appalling Tuesday, May 6, 2008 a pleasure to work with. Her thoughtfulness and intolerable. Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today and intelligence has empowered employees to Our city owes Sgt. Liczbinski its eternal work diligently with an open door policy. She with great sadness to note the recent passing gratitude for the sacrifice he made to protect of Yossi Harel, the legendary Haganah com- has also routinely testified in front of Congres- the public from these heinous criminals. mander responsible for shepherding thou- sional committees on energy issues. In respect of that sacrifice, I ask that the sands of Jewish refugees through British Madam Speaker, I am honored to pay trib- whole House of Representatives extend its blockades and to safety in the nascent Jewish ute to Jan Schori’s distinguished commitment condolences to Michelle Liczbinski, her family, homeland. and the Philadelphia Police Department for to Sacramento and our energy needs. Ms. Harel was perhaps best known for com- their loss. manding the ship Exodus 1947, which was Schori’s outstanding leadership and dedication May our thoughts and prayers ease their to SMUD, has helped promote the use of intercepted off the coast of Haifa by British grief and help sustain the dedicated men and warships in July 1947, carrying 4,553 Jewish clean, renewable energy resources that not women of the Philadelphia Police Department refugees from Europe. only benefits our community, but also sets an who put themselves in harms way every day The unconscionable decision by the British example for other providers across the state to protect the safety of our families and com- authorities to send these Holocaust survivors nation. We all are thankful for her efforts. As munities. aboard the Exodus back to Germany focused Ms. Schori’s husband Case Butterman, col- f the world’s attention on the plight of Jewish leagues, family and friends gather to honor refugees and their desire to leave the fetid dis- THE CINCO DE MAYO HOLIDAY her service, I ask all my colleagues to join me placed persons camps in Europe for a new life in wishing her continued good fortune in her in soon to be sovereign Israel. future endeavors. HON. AL GREEN Members of the United Nations Special OF TEXAS Commission on Palestine saw first hand as these refugees, with their meager posses- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, May 6, 2008 sions, were unloaded from the ramshackle Ex- PERSONAL EXPLANATION odus 1947 in the port of Haifa and prepared Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, for their return to Europe—all just precious I am proud to commemorate Cinco de Mayo, feet away from the land they had so des- the historic celebration of Mexican heritage perately yearned to reach. HON. DEAN HELLER and pride. Incredibly these refugees—just two years OF NEVADA On May 5th, 1862, Mexican General Ignacio removed from the horrors of the Holocaust— Zaragoza Seguin led 4,000 Mexican troops IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES were held by the British in a former S.S. con- into battle against the French in the Battle of centration camp after their return to Germany. Tuesday, May 6, 2008 Puebla, just 100 miles from Mexico City. Gen- This shocked the conscious of much of the eral Seguin led his brave troops to a spirited world and further galvanized opinion against Mr. HELLER of Nevada. Madam Speaker victory in spite of being badly outnumbered the British blockage and in favor of the estab- on rollcall No. 244, motion to adjourn, had I and lacking the modern weaponry possessed lishment of a Jewish state in Mandate-era Pal- been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’. by the French. estine. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:38 May 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06MY8.010 E06MYPT1 erowe on PRODPC61 with REMARKS May 6, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E825 The story of those aboard the Exodus 1947 Had I been present for rollcall #242 on sus- to our Nation during the conflict in Vietnam. and their harrowing journey to Haifa was im- pending the rules and passing H. Res. 1011, Mr. Thomas S. Conley, Sr. is a Marine who mortalized in Leon Uris’s novel Exodus and Calling on the United States Government and served with honor and distinction on the bat- subsequent film featuring the character Ari the international community to promptly de- tlefield. It is truly an honor to present this Ben-Canaan based on Harel himself and velop, fund, and implement a comprehensive brave patriot with his long overdue Purple played by Paul Newman. regional strategy to protect civilians, facilitate Heart Medal. Though Harel is best known for com- humanitarian operations, contain and reduce Born in Wheeling, West Virginia, Mr.
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