The Niwano Peace Foundation, acting on the rec­ ommendation of the Niwano Peace Prize Screening Commmittee, has decided to award the sixth Niwano Peace Prize to His Eminence Etai Yamada, chief abbot of the Tendai sect of Buddhism. His combination of learning and virtue renders Etai Yamada a paragon for not only Tendai Buddhism but also modern Japan's religious world as a whole. His zeal for peace and his vigorous peace activities provide a model for all people of religion and have won him honor and acclaim the world over. His Buddhist approach to bringing about peace is grounded in his strong belief that true peace is to be realized through individuals' aware­ ness and exercise of their innate value. Especially note­ worthy are his accomplishments in two areas: cultiva­ tion of a religious spirit and promotion of interreligious ~~~mM~~.~~~m••~~.~~~~~~~~. cooperation. ~6@~~~m.~.~~m~.wrn ••m~~.~~t Cultivation of a religious spirit: Grieved that in ~~~(,>t.: ~;:t L,,1.: o today's society religion is not always reflected in daily wrn ••m~~$••A~~~.~~*~~~~~m life, and convinced that religious life is indispensable to {-~B**~Jl!.~gffi~l"i19f:J. ~fDfL:X1T ~~~ HTilJfj:* a truly peaceful society, Etai Yamada has striven to foster religious sentiment within the home by promoting ~~O)_~ t ~ -Ct!tJl!.O)AJ< 1J> ~Jf:/IDI: t .~H~~ (,> ;:t To the "Light Up a Corner of the World Movement." m~O)~mWm~X1T~~f:Jm~~~~O)n.~~.AOO Through this movement he teaches the importance of O)*.O)Jf~~-A-AM~.T~~t~~~~~~*~ forgetting oneself and working for the benefit of others as he devotes himself to the creation of a society based O)~fD1J~ tJ t.: ~ ~ n~ t 0)5$(,>m~0)~fL: ~ ~ n.~fL: 1'* on a spirit of gratitude and service informed by religious ~i¥J*~tifl~Mi~.!J 1i'*~i1.JiJ:1JO):l1b1!.!J ~~J{~:XfL::to (,> ~ Jm:*~ awareness. tJ 0) 1J~ i19 t) ;:t To Promotion of interreligious cooperation: In keep­ 1i'*~i¥JffitiflO)Mi~.!J fL: J (, >~ fj:. 1>l~ fHJUi;1±~ fL: :t:H> ing with the trend of cooperation among the world's ~*~1J~B~~~fL:l~J!9I:~ ~(,>~(,> ~ ~if=(,>. ~fD1± n t religions, Etai Yamada has promoted interfaith under­ ~~~*~~~M~m~t~<mf~~tb~ r_~~~ standing and cooperation for the sake of human happi­ ness and world peace, exerting a profound influence on ~ TJmIJJJ O)mJi ~jffi ~ ~ *~i¥J'IWJ*O) ~m fL: ~tJ) ~ (, >;:t ecumenical activities both in Japan and abroad. ~O)~iIJ~~~~.m~~~~ rSa~~O)ffi~J~ To He is a strong supporter of the World Conference on ~~tt~~~. *~ffitifl~§JtfL:~~(,>t.:*1±t~~O)ffi Religion and Peace (WCRP) and the Asian Conference tiflH9!1 t) pJT t ~t':ArE~t±~O)~JJJ<:fL:~:1J ~ ~ (,> ;:t To on Religion and Peace (ACRP). In 1976 he delivered the keynote address at the first assembly of the ACRP, 1i'*~~:1J~mJi.!JfL: J(,>~ fj:. 1>l~fj:ttJl!.~~*~0)~ convened in Singapore. Speaking on the topic "Peace :1J·~~~®~tT~~~O)~~~~~.A~O)¥mttt through Religion," he expounded Japanese Buddhism's Jl!.O)~mwmo)ktJ)~*~O)ffi~~m.ffi~~:1J~~Ji~. philosophy of peace. In 1986 he attended the third ACRP ~P'J:9}O)*~~:1Jm!WJO)mJifL:37*~~!,i':tJ ~~~ ~(,>;:t assembly, in Seoul. These and other activities demon­ strate abundantly that he is a true apostle of peace. To Despite his venerable age, in 1986 he also traveled to 1>l~fj:ttJl!.*~~~fD~iji (WCRP) O)miIJ~5$:tJfL:3t Italy as a member of the Japanese delegation to the fif~. 1976if:. s//;li;:j{'-)Vl"~{i~nt.:~1 @Y:;'Y* World Day of Prayer for Peace, convened in Assisi on 10 1 1 ~:¥§-:l{Z;fO~~ (ACRP I) h::.J3\t~ ...Cf;): r*~K: J: ~:l{ZfOJ C: Pope John Paul II's initiative_ His participation contributed significantly to the deepening of interfaith ~-9 ~ i!JHlfijg~m;f1f:fJ\t~, E1*1L~0):l{ZfO}Gt~J!1f:5$g}IjJ 1...-, * understanding and friendship. t:. 1986:'q::, ~OO-c-Ifflfi ~ ht:. ACRPIII h: * -CoR 1f:Jifi'h To nurture the spirit of Assisi, where people of ~:l{Zm~o),:l{Zmo)~~~~~C:1f:~I...-~*~~~ religion renewed their dedication to peace through prayer, Etai Yamada convened a similar gathering the C: ~ ~ -C-1" 0 following year on Mount Hiei, seat of Enryakuji, the *~,mTli~~O)~M1f:M~~:.J3~h, ~:'q::o-?$ head temple of the Tendai sect. The Religious Summit £O)m~~J:~7~~~~0) rttW:l{Zm~••~J ~E1* Meeting on Mount Hiei, timed to coincide with the O)*~:¥§-O)-AC:I...-~#~I...-,:l{Zmo)~D1f:~I...-~%*~ twelve hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the temple complex on Mount Hiei, attracted great atten­ OOO)ffili~m1f:~~,~wO)*~~*~I...-~~C:li,*~ tion in religious circles. Thanks to Etai Yamada's initia­ I.::.~r~\t) ~ -C-~ ~ ~ C: C: IJ * 9 0 r? f.::JJcTf;):, O)tJT D1f: tive, Japanese religious groups transcended sectarian ~ I...- ~:l{ZfD~O)¥\t~ 1f:ift:. I.:: 9 ~ C: 1".) -J 7 'J ~~O)fI1Jt$1f: bounds to cooperate in planning the event. Leaders of the world's religions attended, setting aside doctrinal ~1;ijk1"~t:.ot), 1987:'q::1'::J:t~LlJ*~-1j-2.'/ j, 1f:lfflfil...-* I...­ differences as they gathered to pray for peace. At the t:. o ~ O)*~-lt 2. 'J " f;):, J:t~LlJIffl~1J 1200 :'q::~~O):'q::1f:~c end of the two-day event the participants adopted a ~1...-,mTO)m~~J:D-*~O)~1f:~~, E1**~W~ Message from Mount Hiei pledging continued efforts for ~~~0~h~~~DttWO)ft*~~*~m.:¥§-~*~, peace. The success of the Mount Hiei gathering was due in great part to Etai Yamada's personal stature and to ~~O)Jtp 1f:* D~~, ttW:l{Z;fDO)~f5t\~r"Df:T~tJT ~ 1f:~ his deep desire to help fulfill the responsibility of all ~,:l{Zm~o)~.1f:§D~~~~'/~-~1f:~m~*Gk people of religion to work for peace. His conviction and o)li,.§O)ttm1"~C:~~~~D*l...-ko ~h~mTO) tireless drive in this noble endeavor are worthy of the highest esteem. A~C:*~:¥§-~.~r?h~:l{Zm~0)#~0).ff1f:~fi1"~ The flame of prayer for peace lit in Assisi and C:" -515CTO).PI'::OO~t ~ ~7J'*~ <, * ~ C: 1':::/i&~~I':: transmitted to Mount Hiei was passed on to the fifth ~ ~ O)-C-~ assembly of the WCRP, convened in Melbourne in Janu­ {@:1" IJ *9 0 ~0)J:-J~7'/~~~c:~~h~:l{Zm~0)~~O)Dli, ary 1989. Etai Yamada attended WCRP V, again stress­ ing the need to raise consciousness of the importance of *~·tt~LlJ~~0m~h~r?~~-~"~~7·~N~ aspiring to peace. On the final day of WCRP V he Jv/~c:~~I'::~'i*;ijk~A1-~\t)~ * Gt:. o ~Jv~}v/-c'lfflfi represented Buddhists at the World Day of Prayer, ~ht:. WCRPV 1'::15CTf;):#1JO~h, :l{Zfo:m*~O).~iWi organized through the cooperative efforts of Australian religious groups. Once more leaders of the world's reli­ ~ r?1'::~-~ "~I) 70)*~W7J'tfX1JG~1ffl m1f:5$g}ljJl...-, gions devoutly prayed for peace together, perpetuating fi I...- t:. r:l{Z;fOO)tJT IJ 0). 1".) J I.:: 1L~1!E 1f:1-1;;* ~ h#1JO ~ h the tradition of assembling for prayer that was born in * It:.o ~1'}f~t..::~I'::#I,::;j;)~~ t \t~-5 7 '/ ~~-c-fJif~Gt..:: Assisi and keeping alive the flame of prayer for peace. Etai Yamada's efforts to promote interreligious fL~I;):, 1'JT DO)D C:#I.::iJl ~Hlh'A1-, ~ttWO)M3*~0)1-1;; cooperation have stregthened and spurred the trend of *~J:~:l{Zm~O):/i&~~~D~~~r?h*Gko interfaith cooperation for peace, arousing and encourag­ mTO)*~tfX1JO)m~~~1",:l{Zm~m~r"D0 ing many people of religion to work for this cause. The ~*~tfX1J~~o).~1f:m~~~~o)C:G, ~tfX1JJi~~ Niwano Peace Foundation presents him with the sixth Niwano Peace Prize both in honor of his distinguished .h1f:~0, ~<O)*~~1f:.Ml,~~~~~1f:~~* achievements and in the heartfelt hope that his example I...-~o ~-5I...-~mTo) ••~~l,~<:/i&.1f:*1"~tc: will inspire many others to devote themselves in the ~ I'::, 4'-1&, ~ < O)ttW:l{ZfO 1f: ~ ~'-1" Ak 7J'~t±J ~ A1-~ ~ same way to the cause of world peace. t 1f:~{,'J: D~. I...- ~, ~ ~ I'::~ 6 @]M1I1f:l{Z;fO:i:1f:~~~\t~ t..:: I...- * 9 0 12 13.
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