Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary Myanmar EAAF NETWORK SITE CODE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: E A A F 1 4 7 Site Information Sheet on East Asian-Australasian Flyway Network Sites (SIS) – 2017 version Available for download from http://www.eaaflyway.net/about/the-flyway/flyway-site-network/ 1 of 34 Information Sheet on EAA Flyway Network Sites | Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary [EAAF147] Categories approved by Second Meeting of the Partners of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership in Beijing, China 13-14 November 2007 - Report (Minutes) Agenda Item 3.13 Notes for compilers: 1. The management body intending to nominate a site for inclusion in the East Asian - Australasian Flyway Site Network is requested to complete a Site Information Sheet. The Site Information Sheet will provide the basic information of the site and detail how the site meets the criteria for inclusion in the Flyway Site Network. When there is a new nomination or an SIS update, the following sections with an asterisk (*), from Questions 1-14 and Question 30, must be filled or updated at least so that it can justify the international importance of the habitat for migratory waterbirds. 2. The Site Information Sheet is based on the Ramsar Information Sheet. If the site proposed for the Flyway Site Network is an existing Ramsar site then the documentation process can be simplified. 3. Once completed, the Site Information Sheet (and accompanying map(s)) should be submitted to the Secretariat. Compilers should provide an electronic (MS Word) copy of the Information Sheet and, where possible, digital versions (e.g. shapefile) of all maps. 2 Information Sheet on EAA Flyway Network Sites | Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary [EAAF147] 1. Name and contact details of the compiler of this form *: Compiler 1 Full name: Dr. Naing Zaw Htun Institution/agency: Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division, Forest Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. Postal Address: Office. No.39, Forest Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. Nay Pyi Taw, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Telephone: +95-673- 405002 Fax: +95-673-405397 E-mail: (e.g. [email protected]) [email protected] Compiler 2 Full name: Institution/agency: Postal Address: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: (e.g. [email protected]) 2. Date this sheet was completed *: DD/MM/YYYY 10/01/2019 3. Country *: The Republic of the Union of Myanmar 4. Name of the Flyway Network site *: Accepted English transcription of the Site’s name. Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary 3 Information Sheet on EAA Flyway Network Sites | Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary [EAAF147] 5. Map of site *: The most up-to-date available and suitable map of the wetland should also be appended to the SIS (only in digital format and shape file). The map must clearly show the boundary of the site. Please refer to the “Digitising Site Boundaries in Google Earth” file linked here. 6. Geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude, in decimal degrees) *: Provide the coordinates of the approximate centre of the site and/or the limits of the site. If the site is composed of more than one separate area, provide coordinates for each of these areas. N 20˚ 39' 573 ˝ and E 96˚ 55' 136˝(N 20.65955, E 96.91893) 7. Elevation *: (in metres: average and/or maximum & minimum) 900 meters above sea level 4 Information Sheet on EAA Flyway Network Sites | Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary [EAAF147] 8. Area *: The total area of the site, in hectares. If the areas of discrete site units are known, please also list each of these together with the names (or labels) used to identify and differentiate these units. Total area of the site is 640908.745 hectares and included by Inlay Lake, Sakar Inn and Moebye Reservoir. 9. General overview of the site *: A brief (two sentences) summary of the site, mentioning principal physical and ecological functions, and its importance for migratory waterbirds. Inlay lake was formed more than 1.5 million years ago, it’s a freshwater lake resides on the Shan Plateau of Eastern Myanmar also the second largest inland lake in Myanmar and has biological and cultural diversity of National and International significance. In order to protect and conserve the rich biodiversity of the wetland ecosystem, Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary was established in 1985. It is an important wetland wildlife habitat due to its strategic position of wetland ecosystems and biodiversity. It was designated as the first Man and Biosphere Reserve (MAB) of Myanmar in 2015. It is called Inlay lake Biosphere Reserve, ASEAN Heritage Parks in 2013 and also designated as 5th Ramsar Site of Myanmar in 2018. Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary is an ideal home to several endangered and vulnerable species of migratory birds and their habitats. There is a high endemic fish species diversity especially, Inlay Carp (Cyprinus intha ) locally called Nga-phein is a kind of culturally symbolic and important food fish for consumption and household income, some of these like the silver-blue scaleless Sawbwa resplenden, the Celestichthys erythromicron, and the Microrasbora rubescens, are of commercial importance for the aquarium trade. It is home to over 20000 individuals of migratory water birds and resident birds, aquatic fauna and flora, medicinal plants,bamboo, mammals, herptofauna and local people(called Intha). Inlay Lake Wetland Wildlife Sanctuary is associated with 3 major types of forest in the Sanctuary, tropical Forests, hill and temperate evergreen forest, wetlands as large area of water bodies adjoining the vegetation shore lines of marsh land, Peat lands, grass land, agricultural lands and others. 10. Justification of Flyway Site Network criteria *: Please provide waterbird count information (with year of latest count) that demonstrates that the site meets the criteria of the Flyway Site Network (Annex 1). That is: • it regularly supports > 20 000 migratory waterbirds; or, • it regularly supports > 1 % of the individuals in a population of one species or subspecies of migratory waterbird; or, • it supports appreciable numbers of an endangered or vulnerable population of migratory waterbird • it is a “staging site” supporting > 5 000 waterbirds, or > 0.25% of a population stage at the site. A listing of the populations of migratory waterbirds covered by the East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership and the 1% thresholds is attached (Annex 3). 5 Information Sheet on EAA Flyway Network Sites | Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary [EAAF147] The “staging site” criterion is particularly difficult to apply and application of this should be discussed with the Secretariat. Also note that some species have several populations that are very difficult to distinguish in the field. - It supports appreciable numbers of endangered and vulnerable population of migratory water bird. - The habitats of resident and migratory birds of Inlay Lake. - Provides shelters, breeding, nursery and nesting sites for avian fauna and aquatic fauna. - Regularly support 1% of the individuals in a population of one species or subspecies of water birds. Total of 12531 Black Coot Fulica atra was recorded in annual budget year of 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018, October to 2019. - It regularly supports nearly 1% of the individuals in a population of two species of migratory water birds (Baer’s Pochard, Ferruginous Pochard) and sub species of resident water birds (Eastern Sarus Crane). - Inlay Lake is the home for 5 species of water birds which are the Little Cormorant, total of 6441 individuals, Glossy Ibis, total of 7622 individuals, Black- winged Stilt, total of 4253 individuals, Asian Openbill, total of 6906 individuals and Brown-headed Gull, total of 3468 individuals were recorded in years of 2016 to 2019 March count which exceeded 1% of the flyway population. Estimated total at 1% % * Biogeographic Species ILWS and around threshold supported population the Lake area (WPE5) at the site 4(7.12.2018, recorded by ILWS’s Staffs at Baer’s Pochard location of N 20˚ 36' 250-10,000 5 1% Aythya baeri 534 ˝ and E 96˚ 53' 27.3˝ near the bird watching center. Ferruginous 661 (2016-2017, 1000 Pochard 10,000-10,000 2017-2018,2018-2019 0.6% Aythya nyroca March) Eastern Sarus Crane 4 (Resident bird of Grus antigone 500-800 Inlay lake Wildlife 6 0.5% sharpii Sanctuary) Common Coot/ 1,500,000 - 12531 (2016 to 2019, Black Coot 15000 1% 1,500,000 March) Fulica atra Little Cormorant 6441 (2016 to 2019, Phalacrocorax 250,000 - 250,000 2500 2.5% Maech) niger Glossy Ibis Plegadis 7622 (2016 to 2019, 10,000 - 25,000 250 30% falcinellus March) Asian Openbill 6906 (2016 to 2019, 300,000 - 300,000 3000 1% Anastomus oscitans March) Black-winged Stilt 4253 (2016 to 2019, Himantopus 25,000 - 100,000 1000 4% March) himantopus 6 Information Sheet on EAA Flyway Network Sites | Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary [EAAF147] Brown-headed Gull 3468 (2016 to 2019 Chroicocephalus 10,000-20,000 1400 25% March) brunnicephalus 11. Wetland Types *: List the wetland types present (see Annex 2). List the wetland types in order of their area in the Flyway Network site, starting with the wetland type with the largest area. Natural freshwater lake habitat transformed from Tectonic Lake to solution Lake between 65 million and 1.6 million years. M, O, P, Tp, Ts, W, Xp, Y, Zg, Zk(b) 1,2,3,4,6,Zk(c) 12. Jurisdiction *: Include territorial, e.g. state/region, and functional/sectoral, e.g. Ministry of Agriculture/Dept. of Environment, etc. Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary in Shan State, Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division, Forest Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation,Myanmar 13. Management authority *: Provide the name and address of the local office(s) of the agency(ies) or organisation(s) directly responsible for managing the wetland and the title and/or name and email address/phone number of the person or persons in this office with direct responsibility for managing the wetland.
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