STUDIA FORESTALIA SUECICA NR 39 1966 Forest Economy in the U.S.S.R. An Analysis of Soviet Competitive Potentialities Skogsekonomi i Sovjet~rnionen rned en unalys av landets potentiella konkurrenskraft by KARL VIICTOR ALGTTERE SICOGSH~GSICOLAN ROYAL COLLEGE OF FORESTRY STOCKHOLM Lord Keynes on the role of the economist: "He must study the present in the light of the past for the purpose of the future." Printed in Sweden by ESSELTE AB STOCKHOLM Foreword Forest Economy in the U.S.S.R. is a special study of the forestry sector of the Soviet economy. As such it makes a further contribution to the studies undertaken in recent years to elucidate the means and ends in Soviet planning; also it attempts to assess the competitive potentialities of the U.S.S.R. in international trade. Soviet studies now command a very great interest and are being undertaken at some twenty universities and research institutes mainly in the United States, the United Kingdoin and the German Federal Republic. However, it would seem that the study of the development of the forestry sector has riot received the detailed attention given to other fields. In any case, there have not been any analytical studies published to date elucidating fully the connection between forestry and the forest industries and the integration of both in the economy as a whole. Studies of specific sections have appeared from time to time, but I have no knowledge of any previous study which gives a complete picture of the Soviet forest economy and which could faci- litate the marketing policies of the western world, being undertaken at any university or college. With the present work the Department of Forest Economics of the Royal College of Forestry (Skogshogskolm), Stockholm, Sweden, has undertaken the important but dii'f'icult task of endeavouring to fill this research gap in forest economics. It should be stated that the oondi- lions for a more objective and valid analysis of the purely forestry situation in the U.S.S.R. have improved very considerably during the last few years through the recently made forest inventories. This has made it possible to carry out the present work on a regional basis, with studies of the position of the forest industries in the different econornic regions of the U.S.S.R., and to attempt to forecast the develop- ment potentialities of the forest industries on the basis of the invento- ries made. In view of the importance of assessing the competitive potentialities of the Soviet planned economy in forest products enter- ing international trade a great deal of attention has also been devoted to the centrally directed Soviet trade policy and to the possibilities that the Soviet State trading monopoly consequently has, compared with the divided efforts of the capitalist countries, in the intense competitive situation which exists in the world market to-day. This study has been facilitated by a special grant from the Pulp Industry Foundation for Research and 'reaching in Technology and Forestry (Cellulostrindlzstrierls sti/'lclse fijr ieknisk och skoglig forsk- ning). With the financial means ~~hichhale been placed at our disposal it has been possible lo conlmission the undertaking of this study by Karl Vilttor Algvere, who has previously been associated with the Department of Forest Economics as research leader on special grants. Both in the planning and the undertaking of the research project Mr. Algvere has been able to draw from hi., extensive expe- rience in the field concerned. He has systematically followed the devel- opnlent in Soviet forestry and forest industry on the basis of original Russian publications of the last 14 years and should therefore be familiar with the intricate matter oS So~ietstudies. The importance given to the setting of goals in the analysis of Soviet forest management-a suhject in which Mr. Algvere has taken special interest-is reilected in the particular attention devoted to it in this study with an account of the various economic ideologies and with a comparison of the systems of forestry employed under the Czarist regime and under the Soviets. Therefore Part I1 "Management of Forest Land under different Econonlic Systems", which follows the introductory Part I "Natural and Econonlic Background", provides not only a background for continuing the study of Soviet forest re- sources, forest industries and marketing policies concerning forest products but also can be consitleretl as a special and carefully detailed thesis on the pertaining questions. Stoclillolni, April 1966 EIXARSTRIDSBERG Head of the Department of Forest Economics Royal College of Forestry Translator's Note This study was compiled in Swedish with extensive passages in English, German and Rassian. Mr. J. Flower-Ellis has corrected the sections concerning vegetation and conditions of forest growth; for the translation work I had the assistance of Mrs. Eva hlarshall. The use of technical terms was decided in consultatio~~with the author. The final version of the translation was supervised by the author to- gether with the undersigned. P. E. Rurlce Acknowledgements This study has been undertalien as a research project of the Depart- ment of Forest Economics of the Royal College of Forestry, Stocliholm, Sweden. I aclinowledge my indebtedness to that institution which has placed resources at illy disposal for the realisation of this project. hIy chief debt of gratitude is due to Professor EINARSTHIUSBERG, the Head of the Del~artmentof Forest Economics, for the initiation of the study and for the generous support and friendly advice at all stages of the work. The various portions of the test have been read in draft form by a grcat many experts and improved by their coinments. In this respect I owe profound gratitude to Professor TII~RST~NSTREIFFEHT, the for- mer Dean of the Royal College of Forestry, Stocliholm, who has given me much encouragelnent, insight and ~aluablesuggestions during our discussions of the subject matter. For valuahle suggestions made after reading the manuscript I am indebted to Professors Gvsrvan ALES~KUEHSSONof the Stocliholm School of Economics, BER~ILN:is~vsu of Slocliholm University, EINO SAARI,the fornlcr Head of the Departinent of Forest Policy at the Uni~ersityof I-Ielsingfors, Finland. Part IV has benefited from the critical co~liinentsof Professor VILJO HOLOPAINLK,the Director of the Forest Kesearch Institute, Helsingfors, Finland, and of KNUTRohcc, the Director of the Swedish Timber Export Association, Stockholm. hIy indebtedness is extended also to EUIJARDPOOM, lecturer at the University of Stocliholm, mho has read Part I1 and some sections of Part IV. In addition, I have been aided in the collection of the material, in the compilation and the translation of the nlani~scriptby a great nun~ber of persons in the employment of the Royal College of Forestry and else- where. Their help and co-operation are aclinosvledged with gratitude. Stockllolm, April 1966 K. V. ALGVERE CONTENTS Page Fore~vord................................................................. 3 Translator's Kote ......................................................... 4 Acknowledgements ......................................................... 5 List of Tables ............................................................. 11 List of Figures ............................................................ 14 Abbreviations ............................................................. 16 INTRODUCTION 1.Purpose and Scope ....................................................... 17 2 . Nature of the Study and Availability of Source Material ..................... 20 3 . Research IIethodology ................................................... 22 4 . Outlineof Presentation ................................................... 24 PART I NATURAL AND ECONOBIIC BACKGROC'ND 1. Vegetation Zones 1.1 General Characteristics of Physiographic and Climatic Conditions ............ 1.2 Division into Soil and Vegetation Zones ................................. 1.3 Tundra Zone ........................................................ 1.4 Forest Zone ......................................................... 1.5 Steppe Zone ......................................................... 1.6 Semi-Desert and Desert Zone ......................................... 1.7 Subtropical Zone .................................................... 1.8 RIountainRegions .................................................... 2. Sutural Conditions for Forest Growth 2.1Pine Forests ......................................................... 42 2.2 Spruce Forests ....................................................... 47 2.3 Larch Forests ........................................................ 52 2.4 Other Coniferous Forests .............................................. 54 2.5 Oak Forests ......................................................... 56 2.6 Birch Forests ........................................................ 57 2.7 Aspen and Poplar Forests ............................................. 58 2.8 Other Deciduous Forests .............................................. 59 3 . Statistics of Forest Resources 3.1 Soviet Forest Inventories .............................................. 62 3.2 Forest Area ......................................................... 66 3.3 Classification of Forests ............................................... 74 3.4 Volume and Growth .................................................. 78 4. Settlement and Popdation 4.1 Historical Outline of Settlement on Russian Plains ......................
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