APPENDIX 1 FLORISTIC CHECKLIST OF THE NOURAGUES AREA PierreBelbenoit, OdilePoncy, DanielSabatier, Marte- Francoise Prevost, BernardRiera, Patrick Blanc, DenisLarpin and CorinneSarthou The list includes data gathered at the 'Inselberg site' on an area of about 10 km2 (Charles­ Dominique Chapter I). It was compiled mainly from (a) the 'AUBLET' database of the 'Herbier de Guyane' (CAY) (Hoffet al. 1989); (b) the tree inventory in high forest (see Poncy et al. Chapter 4); (c) the botanical study of the inselberg (rock-savanna, Sarthou Chapter 6; low forests, Larpin Chapter 5). A few additional tree species recorded only from a 6-ha plot studied in the Saut-Parare area are also included (see Poncyet al. Chapter 4). The botanical information was provided by several botanists and ecologists, including S. Barrier, C. Julliot, D. Larpin, O. Poncy, M.-F. Prevost, B. Riera, D. Sabatier, B. Simmen, I-F. ViIliers (tree inventories), and also P. Blanc, M. Born, A. Cockle, G. Cremers, C. Feuillet, S. Gonzalez, J.-J. de Granville, M. Hoff, C. Sarthou, S.Y. Zhang. Nomenclatural and systematic arrangements follow the Checklist ofthe Plants ofthe Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) (Boggan et al. 1997), except when taxonomic novelties have been published subsequently. Incompletely identified taxa are mentioned only when they are sufficiently well documented to be sure that they are different from the other taxa. When collection references are missing or not reliable (e.g. records based on field observations without a voucher collection, or on a poor collection), names of taxa are placed between brackets. Differences may occur between this list and data presented in certain papers ofthis book. For example, as far as Myrtaceae are concerned, only 23 species out ofthe 33 mentioned by Larpin (Chapter 5) are listed. The 10 excluded taxa were considered insufficiently documented to be included in the checklist. The occurrence of the species in three major habitats is given: high dense forest (H), low forest on the slopes of the inselberg (L), and rock-savanna (RS). 'H' comprises various vegetation types, including mixed transitional forest at the foothill of the inselberg, swamp forest with Euterpe palms, liana forest, and bamboo forest, the two latter eventually being considered (cf Poncy et al. Chapter 4) as having originated from ancient anthropic influence. Information on habitat type may be missing, for instance when not indicated by the collector, or when the record of the species is based on seeds from the seed bank or from faeces, or on a specimen collected in a disturbed area (such as around the camp). The comparative importance of the species in these three major habitats was estimated using the information at our disposal. The symbol (x) indicates that the species can be expected in that habitat, based either on our knowledge .;ynamicnncl pI_-lRimal interactions in a neotropical rainforest, 301-341. -, er ACldemic Publislrcrs, Printed inthe Netherlands, 302 P. Belbenoit et al. from the Nouragues area (e.g., a species recorded in RS and H is predicted to be present also in L) or from other sites in French Guiana and adjacent areas. Forest types H = Taxon recorded from the high forest L = Taxon recorded from the low forest RS = Taxon recorded from the rock savanna (x) = Taxon assumed to be present in high and low forest habitats Lifeforrn Emergent tree = tree > 35 m Tall tree = tree 25-35 m Medium tree = tree 15-25 m Smail tree = tree 10-15 m Tree = single-stemmed woody plant ~ 5 cm DBH and > 2 m tall Treelet = single-stemmed woody plant < 5 cm DBH and > 2 m tall Shrub = woody plant < 2 m tall Liana = woody c1imber Vine = non-woody climber Epilithic = attached on rocks Epiphyte = growing on other plants, not rooted in the soit Hemi-epiphyte = growing for only a part ofthe life as an epiphyte Saprophyte = plant feeding on dead organic matter F/oristic checkJist o/the Nouragues area 303 FLORISTIC CHECKLIST OF THE NOURAGUES AREA HL RS L1FE FORM SPERMATOPHYTA Dicotyledones Acanthaceae Ruellia inflata L.e. Rich. x Terrestrial herb Anacardiaceae Anacardium spruceanum Benth. ex Engl. x TaI! Iree Astronium ulei Mattick Emergent tree Spondias mombin L. X Emergent Iree Tapirira bethanniana J.D. Mitchell X TaU lree Tapirira guianensis Aubl. XXX SmaIl lree Tapirira oblUsa (Benth.) lD. Mitchell X SmaU lree Thyrsodium guianense Sagot ex March. X X TaI! tree Thyrsodium puberulum J.D. Mitchell & Daly X TaU Iree Thyrsodium spruceanum Benth. X Medium tree Annonaceae Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandw. X Treelet Anaxagoreaprinoit/es (Dunal) A. OC. X Treelel Annona densicoma Mart. X SmaIl tree Annona haematantha MiQ. X Tree Cardiopetalum surinamense R.E. Fries X (X) Treele! Crematosperma brevipes (OC. ex Dunal) R.E.Fries X Treelet Duguetia cadaverica Huber X Treelet Duguetia calycina Benoist X SmaIl tree Duguetia eximia Diels X Treelet Duguetia inconspiCUQ Sagot X Tree/et Duguetia pycnastera Sandw. X SmaIl Iree Duguetia surinamensis R.E. Fries X Mediumtree EpJredranthus guianensis R.E. Fries X Medium lree Fusaea longifolia (Aubl.) Safford X Medium lree Guatterio ouregou (Aubl.) Dunal X Treelel Guatteria punclata (Aubl.) RA Howard X Tree [Gualteria cf. schomburgkiana Mart.]. after Larpin 1993 X Medium lree Gualteria sp. nov. X Oxandra asbeckii (Pulle) R.E. Fries XX X Medium tree Pseudoxandra cuspidata Maas X Mediumlree Rollinia exsucca (DC. ex Dunal) A. OC. X Treelet Unonopsis pe"Olletii (A. OC.) R.E. Fries X Medium lree Unonopsis rujescens (Saill.) R.E. Fries X Medium tree Unonopsis stipitata Diels XX Tree Xylopia nitida Dunal X TaI! tree 304 P. Belbenoit et al. FLORISTIC CHECK LIST OF THE NOURAGUES AREA HL RS LIFE FORM Apocynaceae Ambe/ania acida Aubl. x Trcelet Aspidasperma album (Vahl) Benoist ex Pichon X X Tall tree Aspidosperma carapanauba Pichon X Trce Aspidosperma cruentum Woodson X Tree Aspidosperma he/slonei van Donselaar X Tall Iree Aspidosperma marcgravianum Woodson X Tall Iree Aspidosperma ob/ongum A. OC. X Emergent trce Aspidosperma sandwilhianum Markgr. x Medium tree Couma guianellSis Aubl. X Medium lree Geissospermum /aevis (Vell.) Miers X Tall tree Himalanlhus arlicu/OlUS (Vahl) Woodson X Medium Irce Himalanlhus bracleOlus (A. OC.) Woodson X Medium tree Lacmellea acu/ea/a (Ducke) Monachino X Small tree Lacmelleaj10ribunda (Poepp.) Benth. & J.O. Hook. X Small Iree Macoubea guianellSis Aubl. X Tall Iree [Mandevilla hirsula (A. Rich.) K. Schum.l. alter Sarthou 1992 (x) (X) X Liana Mandevilla subspicala (Vahl) Markgr. XX Liana Odonladenia perrollelii (A. OC.) Woodson X Liana Odonladenia punclicu/osa (A. Rich.) Pulle X Parahancornia!ascicu/a/a (Poir.) Benoist ex Pichon X Tall Iree Tabernaemonlana allenuala (Miers) Urb. X Trce Tabernaemontana diSlicha A. OC. XX Trce Tabernaemonlana macroca/yx Muell. Arg. (x) X Tree Aquifoliaceae lIex sp. X Araliaceae Oreopanax capilalus (Jacq.) Decne. & Planch. X Liana SchefJ1era decaphylla (Seem.) Hanns X X Tall trce SchefJ1era mor%loni (Aubl.) Maguire. Steyenn. & Frodin X Talltree Aristolochiaceae Arislo/ochia iquilellSis O.c. Schmidt X Liana Asclepiadaceae Ditassa cf. cOllSanguinea Decne. X Male/ea saslrei Morillo X Vine Asteraceae F/eischmannia microslemon (Cass.) R. King & H. Robinson Terrestria. herb Piplocoma schomburgkii (Schultz Bip.) Pruski X X X Treelel Ro/andra!rulicosa (L.) Kuntze (x) Terreslrial herb Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. (x) X Terrestria. herb Unxia camphorala L.f. (x) X Epilithic herb Floristie eheek/ist ofthe Nouragues area 305 FLORISTIC CHECKLIST OF THE NOURAGUES AREA HL RS L1FE FORM BaIanophoraceae He/osis cayennensis (Swartz) Spreng. X Parasite herb Begoniaceae Begonia g/abra Aubl. x Vine Begonia hirtella Link X Epilithic herb Bignoniaceae Arrabidaea mollis (Vahl.) Bureau ex K. Schum. X Cydista aequinoctialis (L.) Miers x X Liana Distictella e/ongata (Vahl) Urb. XX Liana Distictella magnoliifo/ia (Kunth) Sandw. X Uana Distictis pu/veTU/enta (Sandw.) A. Gentry x Liana Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don X Tall tree Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A. Gentry X Liana [Memora a/ba (Aubl.) Miers], after Larpin 1993 X Liana cf. Memoraflavida (OC.) Bureau & K.Schum. x Liana Memoraflaviflora (Miq.) Pulle X X Liana Parabignonia steyermarkii Sandw. X Liana Schlege/ia paraensis Ducke x Liana Tabebuia capitata (Bureau & K. Schum.) Sandw. x XX Emergenttree Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) Nichols. x XX Medium tree Bixaceae Coch/ospermum orinocense (Kunth) Steudel X X Bombacaceae Catostemma sp. X Tall tree Ceibapentandra (L.) Gaertn. x Emergenttree Eriotheca crassa (U ittien) A. Robyns X Tree Eriotheca g/obosa (Aubl.) A. Robyns (X) X Small tree Eriotheca surinamensis (Uittien) A. Robyns XX X Tall tree Pachira aquatica Aubl. X Tree Pachira dolichoca/yx A. Robyns x Tree Quararibea duclœi Huber X Tree Quararibea guianensis Aubl. x Tree Boraginaceae Cordiafu/va LM. Johnston x Tree Cordia goe/diana Huber X Emergent tree Cordia /omat%ba LM. Johnston X Smalltree Cordia nodosa Lam. X (x) Treele1 Cordia sagotii LM. Johnston X Tree Cordia tetrandra Aubl. x Tree Burseraceae Crepidospermum rhoifolium (Benth.) Triana & Planch. X Medium tree 306 P. Be/benoît et al. FLORISTfC CHECKLIST OF THE NOURAGUES AREA H L RS LlFE FORM Dacryodes cuspidata (Cuatrec.) Daly x Tree Dacryodes nitens Cuatrec. X Talltree Protium apicu/atum Swart X Medium Iree Protium aracouchini (Aubl.) March. X Medium lree Protium araguense Cuatrec. X Tree Protium decandrum (Aubl.) March. X Tall Iree Protium cf. demerarense Swart X Tree Protium giganteum Engl. var. crassifo/ium (Engl.) Daly X Tree Protium guianense (Aubl.) March. X Medium Iree Protium heptaphyl/um (Aubl.) March. XX Medium Iree Protium morii Daly X Tree Protium opacum Swart X Tree Protium plagiocarpum Benoist (X) Small tree Protium robustum (Swart) Porter X Tree Protium sagotianum March. X Talltree Protium subserratum (Engl.) Engl. X Trec Protium tenuifo/ium (Engl.) Engl. X Tree Protium trifo/io/atum Engl. X Trec Tetragastris a/tissima (Aubl.) Swart X Tall Iree Tetragastris panamensis (Engl.) Kuntze X Talltree Tral/innickia burserifo/ia Man.
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