Celebrating library power Issue No. 287, April 2013 Budget News Library Budget Vote & Trustee Elec- SoundSwap tion is Tuesday, April 9 from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. See page 2 for budget and presents candidate information. Jobs & Careers Sheri Miller Center Workshops The Library’s Jobs & Careers Informa- On Friday, April 5 at 7:30 p.m. tion Center sponsors two workshops the Library will present an evening on Saturday, April 20. Registration for with singer/songwriter Sheri Miller both begins April 2. At 1 p.m., Dolores as part of its SoundSwap series. Garcia, Recruitment Coordinator, US Long Island’s Sheri Miller was Department of Labor, presents Find- born into an extremely musical and ing & Applying for Jobs in the Federal creative home. She taught herself Government. At 3 p.m., Ms. Garcia guitar and piano, and composed presents an interactive workshop on dozens of songs by age ten, while Effective Interview Techniques. also learning pop and jazz classics. Sheri continued to compose while getting a degree in English FOL University and Poetry in Philadelphia. She The Friends of the Library half-day further polished her artistry and university program takes place on Sun- performance skills in New York day, April 14 at 1:30 p.m. Story inside. City, playing in theatre bars and hotels sometimes five nights a week. Port author talks Continued inside about her novel Join us at Sandwiched In on Friday, April 26 at 12:10 p.m. In 1930s Poland, the economy is crumbling, the govern- ment is in chaos, and Jewish groups FOL Book & Author Luncheon argue over how best to deal with the worsening situation. This tale of a fam- Reserve your place now for story of Joseph P. Kennedy, one of ily dealing with difficult times is told by the Friends of the Library’s Richard last century’s wealthiest and most Susan Lerner in her novel A Suitable D. Whittemore 44th annual Book & powerful Americans and founder Husband. The Port resident will read Author Luncheon to be held Friday, of a political dynasty. He answers from and discuss her book. Copies will May 17 at 11 a.m. at the North Hills questions about Kennedy’s life and be available for purchase and signing. Country Club in Manhasset. Reser- legacy that continue to haunt the vation brochures are now available historical record. in the library and can be printed via Professor Nasaw tracks Jo- ESOL 20 years the library website at pwpl.org/fol. seph Kennedy’s passage from Join us on Sunday, May 19 from 1 to 5 The cost of the luncheon is $65. You East Boston outsider to Hollywood p.m. for the ESOL program’s Twenti- may call the library’s Community studio head, Wall Street operator, eth Anniversary Celebration. Current Relations Office at 883-4400, Ext. 130 New Deal presidential adviser and and former ESOL students will share with questions. ambassador to London. Joseph talents in music, dancing and prepar- ing international desserts. Salsa and The featured authors at the Kennedy fell from grace into ig- Photo by Audrey C. Tiernan luncheon will be David Nasaw (The nominy as a result of his antiwar belly dance lessons spice up the day’s Patriarch: The Remarkable Life and position leading up to and following festivities. Student writings will be Turbulent Times of Joseph P. Ken- America’s entry into World War II. displayed throughout the month in nedy) and Will Schwalbe (The End The tragedies that befell his family the Community Gallery. Generous of Your Life Book Club). Novelist and marked his final years with unspeak- funding provided by the Friends of screenwriter Susan Isaacs returns as able suffering. the Library. program moderator. David Nasaw is the author “We look forward to welcom- of the award-winning biographies: ing our library’s many Friends and Andrew Carnegie and The Chief: The Borrow an E-Reader Nooks available! Access to many supporters to our signature event, Life of William Randolph Hearst. He e-books at once. New York Times and to enjoying a wonderful author is the Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Bestsellers. No Waiting for Reserves. program and delicious meal together. Professor of History at the Gradu- First-come, first-served. Perfect for Please join us!” said Amy G. Bass, ate Center of the City University Travelling. Carry Anywhere. Borrow FOL president. of New York. A graduate of Roslyn for 14 days. For Port Library Card In The Patriarch, celebrated High School, Dr. Nasaw earned his Holders. author, biographer and historian David Nasaw (top right) presents the Continued inside Photo by Josef Astor PROPOSED BUDGET LIBRARY USAGE ANNUALLY Registered Library Users 26,355 FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2014 Library Visits 438,778 Proposed Materials Circulated 432,279 2014 2013 2012 Public Computer Use 82,204 REVENUES Budget Budget Budget Program Attendance 45,972 Real Property Taxes 6,837,176 6,706,478 6,576,939 Community Use of Meeting Rooms 2,326 Payments in Lieu of Taxes 77,075 52,000 40,000 Library Website Visits 187,511 Interest 10,000 10,000 10,000 Other Local Revenue 83,200 84,150 84,150 State Sources 6,500 4,000 4,000 Total Revenues 7,013,951 6,856,628 6,715,089 MATERIALS IN COLLECTION Appropriated By Type Designated for ERS 57,500 25,000 25,000 Adult Fiction 39,830 Undesignated Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 Adult Non-fiction and Reference 71,177 6,790,089 Total Revenues & App. Fund Balance 7,121,451 6,931,628 Children’s Fiction 22,354 Children’s Non-fiction 19,178 EXPENDITURES Non-print (DVDs, CDs, Audio Books) 57,805 SALARIES, TERMINAL LEAVE & EM- Magazines and Newspapers 453 PLOYEE BENEFITS E-Book Downloads 3,901 Salaries 3,411,156 3,439,677 3,368,290 Terminal Leave - - - Employee Benefits — Retirement 730,018 575,203 516,683 Employee Benefits — Other 986,081 910,841 929,852 MTA Tax 7,845 11,694 11,452 Candidates Subtotal — Salaries, Terminal Leave Accru- 5,135,100 4,937,415 4,826,277 There are two open seats for a 5-year term (beginning July 1, 2013) on the Library Board als & Employee Benefits of Trustees. Candidates: Thomas Donoghue, Michael Krevor, Susan J. Miller. LIBRARY MATERIALS Thomas Donoghue Books - Fiction 51,000 56,000 56,000 Education:B.S. in Journalism from Boston University Books - Non-fiction 65,000 70,000 80,000 Books - Reference 43,000 53,000 78,000 Current Occupation: Executive Director of a not for profit organization which develops Books - Children’s & Young Adult 46,500 48,000 55,000 educational programs for health care professionals. Books - Audio & Electronic 40,000 45,000 45,000 Qualifications: Communications and marketing professional experienced in the Software & Online Databases 63,000 63,000 61,000 development and execution of complex programs for associations and corporate Periodicals 36,000 36,000 50,000 Media — DVD/CD 68,000 68,000 57,000 clients. Work for leading advertising and public relations agencies in New York where he Subtotal — Library Materials 417,500 439,000 477,000 represented corporations and government agencies. Editorial work for trade associations and publishing companies. Involved with he PWPL for almost 20 years. LIBRARY OPERATIONS Why do you want to run for the board? We are at the brink of monumental changes Office & Library Supplies 53,700 53,700 52,700 in what our library can offer and I want to help guide these changes. The way we Telephone 29,000 29,000 29,000 communicate and exchange ideas is shifting and the library needs to be at the forefront Postage & Freight 25,000 30,000 30,000 Printing 34,500 34,500 34,500 of those changes. The age of electronic books and data gathering is revolutionizing how Staff Conference & Training 17,000 12,000 12,000 communities can utilize public libraries. Our library is already a hub for community ALIS 99,718 90,072 70,512 events and is ready to take a lead in offering all Port Washington residents a stronger Program Services 63,000 61,500 46,500 electronic portal to the world of information, education and entertainment. Memberships 7,000 2,000 2,000 Maint. Office Equipment 32,000 32,000 29,200 Michael Krevor Accounting/Legal 100,820 100,820 99,320 Security Service 30,292 30,292 26,367 Education: B.A. – Brown University, J.D. – Fordham University Computer Service 60,040 60,040 53,040 Current Occupation: Attorney (retired) General 5,900 5,900 5,900 Qualifications: As a former director and president of a cooperative apartment Subtotal — Library Operations 557,970 541,824 491,039 corporation, I have experience dealing with the collegial resolution of financing, BUILDING OPERATIONS budgeting, maintenance, capital spending and employment issues comparable to those Fuel & Utilities 194,123 201,823 195,736 encountered by the Library’s Board. Custodial 98,200 105,700 105,700 Why do you want to run for the board? I wish to contribute to maintaining the Library Insurance 74,203 65,111 70,282 Subtotal — Building Operations 374,026 372,634 364,218 as a first class institution while maximizing the quality and expanding the breadth of services provided to the community and minimizing the financial strain on the Subtotal Expenditures 6,484,596 6,290,873 6,158,534 community. EQUIPMENT, REPAIRS & TRANSFERS Susan J. Miller Equipment 40,000 40,000 40,000 Education: B.A. — Washington University in St. Louis [Political Science & Spanish], Repairs & Alterations 75,000 75,000 75,000 M.A.
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