— —... www.ukrweekly.com.' . Address: The Ukrainian Weekly ".-AS WE LEARN TO GO 8L-83 Grand Street FORWARD TOGETHER Jersey City, N. J., 07303 New York's Telephone: AT HOME, LET US BArclay 7-4125 ALSO SEEK TO GO TeJ ; HEndereon 44237 СВОБОДА FORWARD TOGETHER WITH ALL MANKIND-.- Ukrainian National Ass'n УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК Richard M. Nlxo* Tel.; HEndereon 5-8740 ffiftg Ukrainian grfdg &gctimt РЖ LXXX. SECTION TWO 4. 14J. SVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY,; SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1973. ЦЕНТІВ 25 CENTS No. 141. VOL. LXXX - CeSUS, SUSK PREPARE FOR Five Ethnic Groups Museum to Collect CONGRESSES Study Voluntarism Immigrant Stories UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX LEAGUE HOLDS 26TH CONVENTION TORONTO, Ont. — This conception of Canada as a By Ihor Dlaboha multicultural country. summej the Ukrainian Cana­ NEW YORK, N.Y. — An CARTERET, NJ. — The In the last few years, Church, Archbishop Mark of the UOL changed to encom- dian University Students U- ora4-hi*tory_ _ project, called Ukrainian Orthodox League New York, and Bishop Con-1 pass the needs of both the CeSUS and SUSK, as well as "Immigrants on Tape," con­ nion (SUSK) will host the Held its 26th Annual conven­ stantine; and some 10 guests. I youth and the adults. Pre- the other member organiza­ taining informal interviews Third World Congress of the The idea of organizing a sently the UOL is divided in­ tions have responed to the with immigrants to the Uni­ tion here at the Holiday Inn Central Conference of Ukra- Ukrainian Orthodox League to the Senior UOL and the current repressions in Ukraine ted States, has been under­ from Wednesday, July 18. to Students (CeSUS) and was the result of the Seventh Junior UOL, and their con­ by staging massive demon­ taken by the National Parks Sunday. July 22, unaer the Sobor of the Ukrainian Ortho­ ventions are held concur­ vene its own 14th Con- strations, distributing leaflets motto, "Peace, I leave with Service for the American dox Church which was held here the Univereity about the crimes in Ukraine, rently. Museum of Immigration. The you; and my own peace I give in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1940. of Toronto, beginning Friday, and circulating petitions in The Junior UOL was orga­ tapes will be preserved in the you (John 14:15)... and let The late P.ev. Volodymyr Ba- August 24, through Friday, defense of human rights in nized 11* y.ars ago by the late museum's archives at the it begin with us." kuta was given the task of Ukraine. Metro J. Caian in order to lugust 31. Statue of Liberty. Taking part in the sessions forming such a league. During the congresses, the help the young members, ід It is expected that some 270 The interviews will seek were 150 delegates, repre­ participants will be intro­ the age group of 13 to 18. Th* slegate* from Canada, U- factual data about ports of senting UOL chapters from Devoted to Youth duced to the uses of video Members of ACTION'S orientation session In Washington, Junior UOL elects its. own nited States, Great Britain, accross the. country; 17 Originally the purpose of taped Ukrainian television D.C. Center: Mkhael Balzano, fifth from left, George Putj-: departure. and arrival, coun­ Kx -cutive Hoard and presents Germany, Belgium, France, clergy, Including Archbishop the league was to unite the programs, produced by SUSK. kewycz, and last, Roman Bakalec try of origin ana means of its own resolutions, but ulti­ Mstyslav, Metropolitan of the youth of the parishes into Italy, Brazil, Argentina, and The students will also have an transport. The major portion mately it reports all its ac­ Ukrainian Orthodox Church one coordinating body in or­ Australia' will attend the ses- opportunity to hear speakers tions for approval of the Se­ WASHINGTON, D.C. — vanguard of the future of each interview will concern in the U.SA- and of the U- der to keep them with iri the siona. on such topics as "community nior UOL and the Junior Lea­ Five ethnic groups from ac voluntarism," Balzano the immigrant's reasons for krainian Autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox commu­ CeSUS was founded in Pa­ development, social animation, told gue Commission Chairman. rose the country will conduct the group. "The days of figh­ leaving his or her homeland, Orthodox Church, Archbishop nity, as the motto of the ris in 1*21 for the purpos* of international affairs, social In addition to these two di­ an experimental program for ting poverty with massive fe­ Mark of New York, and Bi­ UOL says, "Dedicated to our uniting the Ukrainian students class struggles and mo­ memories of life en route to vision of the UOL, there ACTION on the role of vo­ deral funding and interven­ shop Constaatine; and some Church—devoted to our into a coordinating body with vements of national libera­ America, first impressions exists a special commiaion luntarism in America in the tion are over. If anti-poverty youth." But through the years the goal of disperatogthrough- upon arrival, details of the 100 guests. titled "Young Adult Commis­ tion," according the program 1970's. ACTION is the federal programs are to survive la­ out the free world informa­ announcement Among the immigration process at Ellis sion," dealing with young agency which administers the the 70's it will be on a local) people between the ages of 18 tion about the history, culture, speakers will be a member of Peace Corps, VISTA and level, with local contrw Island or other ports of entry and statue of Ukraine. MvGill І піїегнііу Ofter* Vourse and 30. Its purpose is to atop the Federal Government dis­ other volunteer programs. through revenue sharing." . and reminiscences of the After World War П, in the cussing the topic of "Cana­ the exodus of many Orthodox small but often telling details On Ukrainian Vulture wake of resettlement to other da's role in international re­ The five groups, each of Balzano stressed the facjt course, the Ukrainian stu- young adults from the Ukra­ countries of the free world, lations with the USSR." which received a $3,000 grant that workable proposals are about how it felt to be an im­ MONTREAL, Que. — As aj dents presented the Universi- inian Orthodox Church. Presently the UOL has Ukrainian students, formed The aim of the congresses for the three-month study, necessary in order to obtain migrant in a new and initial­ reeult of the efforts of the і ty's administration and' the are from Pittsburgh, Pa; oome 1500 members, 350 of their own organizations. is to give the participants a congressional funding for ly alien land. Union of Ukrainian Students і Slavic Department with over Among, them arec the Euro­ better and deeper under­ Brooklyn, N.Y.; Jersey City, of Quebec, McGill Univereity j 30 petitions. In an appeal ad­ which are members of the ACTION. "We have to соту Persons who were immi­ pean based SUSTE, SUSTA standing of their Ukrainian N.J.; Seaside, Calif, and Junior UOL, and enc grants are welcome to apply here will offer a fully accre- j dressed to the students and in the United States; SAUS in communities, the surround­ Chicago, HI. up with effective and reali* dited course in Ukrainian cul- the Ukrainian community in about 50 chapters. to participate to the project Paul Chebiniak of Argentina; Australian based ings in which they exist, the Ten representatives of the stic programs which will hff tore during the academic year і Montreal, Alexander Olijnyk, CUSA; and SUSK in Canada. means for strengthening so­ groups came here for an volve all segments of th* through the museum curator, 1973-74. This course will cen- president of the Union of U- son City, N.Y., president of All of these national bodies cial and community develop­ orientation and training ses­ community, "Balzano said. calling 732-1286. ter around three aspects of krainian Students of Quebec, the UOL, opened the con­ are members of CeSUS, and ments, as well as to analyze sion July 10-11. They met the Ukrainian culture: the urged that Ukrainian students vention and asked Arch- have the right to send delega­ the conditions in Ukraine and with ACTION Director Mike status of the Ukrainian lan­ register for this course, and bishop Mstyslav to offer an tes to the triennial congresses. the. Ukrainian people's strug­ Balzano and heads of the Ukrainian і atholie University guage in the Slavic world, U- stated that before the fall invocation and blessing. The present headquarters of gle for freedom. agency's various programs krainian literary works of the semester opens, the Union will Afterwhieh, Archbishop CeSUS is in Toronto, with The CeSUS Congress starts before returning to their indi­ Branch Opened in Chieage 10th and 20th centuries, and be busy with a large cam­ Mstyslav addressed the dele­ gates and guests. He said Oleh Rowauyshyn, a graduate Friday, August 24, and will vidual communities. CHICAGO. Ill During rectors includes: Rev. M. Bu^ the role of the writer to the paign to interest as many stu­ of the University of Toronto, continue through Sunday, development of the Ukrainian dents as possible, both Ukra­ that the progress that the TKe represeatativee: Jim 'btfftcunrvlelt her*.' ArcCTE$rynaky,Rev. LA-Krotec. Dr Ukrainian Orthodox Cmrrch aapresideht. AugusT26V The SUSK Con­ ffl. Markus, Dr. A Hayecky community. inian and nun-Ukrainian, in Та Hon, Dennis Lauria, Re­ » tehop-Major Joeyf Cardinal has accomplished in the re­ SUSK was formed 20 years gress starts the following and T. Yackiw. In the efforts to secure the this course. surrection Church, Pitta- 31ipyj purchased a building; cent years is very encoura­ ago.
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