DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND PLANING COLOMBO-KATUNAYAKE EXPRESSWAY PROJECT DESIGN BUILD & TURNKEY CONTRACT NO. RDA/CKE/01 VOLUME V- ANNEX 8 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Colombo ^atunayake Expressway Projeclj Road Development Authority- 1997 BETWEEN ROAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ol SRI LANKA AND DAEWOO - KEANGNAM JOINT VENTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH KOREA DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS " '" " 'r' •-•-• V WAUAiJ.' "AWaiJ.UU I ''.'.'.'.'.''.' '.U I.". lU UJ-IIU-li. COLOMBO KATDNAYAKE EXPRESSWAY i KNViKONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMr.NT REPORT Road Development Authority "Sethsiripaya",Battaramulla SRI LANKA. June 1997. DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA MINISTRY OF HEALTH, HIGHWAYS AND SOCIAL SERVICES COLOMBO KATUNAYAKE EXPRESSWAY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACI ASSESSMENT REPORT Road Development Authority "Sethsiripaya", Battaramulla SRI LANKA. Prepared by : University of Sri Jayawardenepura Gangodawila, Nugegoda SRI LANKA October 1996 COLOMBO KATUNAVAKE EXPRESSWAY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT TABL E OF CONTENTS Page No CHAPTER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1-XVI CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION 1 2.1 Purpose and Scope of the Environmental Impact 1 Assessment Report 2.1.1 Background 1 2.L2 Purpose of the Environmental Impact Assessment I 2.1.3 Scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment 2 2.1.4 Comments on Terms of Reference 2 2.2 Legal Provisions 2 2,3 Methodolog) used in the Preparation of the EIA Report 3 2,4 Existing Transportation System between Colombo & Katuna\'akc 5 2.5 Conformit> to Urban and Highua\- Dc\e!opmenl 7 CHAPTER 3 EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES 8 3.1 Primary Alternatives 8 3.1.1 Western Trace 9 3.1.2 Eastern Trace 11 3.1.3 Improvements to the Existing Road A3 11 3.1.4 Improvements to the Railway (Inter-modal Option) II 3.1.5 "No action" Option 12 3.2 Evaluation of Primarv Alternatives 12 3.2.1 Ecological Considerations 12 3.2.2 Hydrological Considerations 14 3.2.3 Socio-Economie Considerations 15 3.2.4 Engineering Considerations 20 3.2.5 Evaluation of Automotive Air Pollution, 24 Noise and Accidents 3,2 6 Economic Cost Benefit Analysis 32 3,2,7 Environmental { E.\tended) Economic Analysis 54 3.3 Recommendation of Primary' Alternatives 62 3.4 Evaluation of Secondarj Alternatives for the selected option (Western trace) 65 3.4.1 Segment 1 - Peliyagoda to Mabole 68 3.4.2 Segment 2 - Mabole to Kalaeliya 68 3.4.3 Segment 3 - Kalaeliya to Dandugam Oya 71 3.4.4 Segment 4 - Liyanagemulla to 73 Katunayake Air Port Junction 3.5 Financial Analysis for the Western Trace 75 3.5.1 Project Cost 75 3.5.2 Project Revenue 77 3.5.3 Project Cash Flow 78 CHAPTER 4 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND 79 SITE DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA 4.1 Physical Environment 79 4.1 1 Geology and Geomorphology 79 4.1 2 Climate 79 4.1 3 Water Resources 81 4.1 4 Soils 8) 4,1 5 Mineral Resources 82 4.1 6 Hydrology 82 4.1 7 Offshore and Nearshore Environment 89 4.1 8 Coastline from Colombo to Negombo 92 4,2 Ecological Resources 93 42 1 Types of Terrain Traversed 93 4.2.2 Man- made habitats 95 4.2.3 Wetlands 95 Flora of the Wetland 95 Fauna of the Wetland 99 Disease Vectors 105 Stockpile Area 105 4,2.4 Existing Fauna of Borrow Site 105 4.3 Socio-Economic Environment 107 4.3.1 Major Settlement T>-pcs 107 4.32 Industries 109 4.3 3 Emplo\Tiicnt i i I 4.3.4 Land Use Panem 112 4 3.5 Environmental Issues in the Studv Area 118 CHAPTER 5 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT 121 5.1 Aim and Scope 121 5,1,1 The Alignment 121 5.2 Justification of the Project 121 5.3 Nature of the Project 124 5.3.1 Description of Major Features. Locations 124 and Layout 5.3.2 Pre-construclion Activities 124 5.3.3 Construction Programme 128 5.3.4 Elements of the Toll Plaza 128 5.4 Methodology of Construction 132 5.4.1 Raw Material Required 132 5.4 1 1 Dredging and Transport of Sand 132 to Stockpilmg Area Aggregates 136 5,4,1 3 Gravel 139 5.4.2 Formulation of Road Embankment 140 5.5 Maintenance and Operation 149 5.5.1 Cost of Maintenance and Operation 149 5.5.2 Toll Collection 149 5,5.2,1 Toll Plaza 149 iii CHAPTER 6 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 151 OF THE RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE 6.1 Impacts Related to Project Location 151 6.1.1 Socio-Economic Impacts on Settlements 15! 6.1.2 [mpact on Human Behaviour 152 6.1 3 Impact on Land Use 155 6.1.4 Impact on Population and Employment 156 6.2 Impacts Related to Design and Construction Activities 156 6.2.1 Design Impacts 156 6,2.1.1. Impact from Encroaching on to the 156 Old Negombo Canal Near Mabolc Impact from Crossing the Old Negombo 157 Canal Near Kalaeli>a 6.2.2 Construction Impacts 159 6.2.3 Impact on Health 163 6.2.4 Ecological Impacts During Construction 163 Man-made Habitats (built-up areas, 163 home gardens and cultivated lands ) Impacts on the Wetlands !63 6.2 5 The Impact on Air Qualitj' 166 62.6 The Impact on Noise levels 166 6.2,7 The Impact due to accidents 166 6.3 Impacts Related to Operation 167 6.3.1 The Impact on Ecology 167 6.3.2 The Impact on Land Use 167 6.3.3 The Impact on Hydrolog\' 170 Basin Hydrology 170 Water Qualitj' 171 6.3.4 Impact on Air Quality 171 6.3.5 Noise 172 6 3.6 Accidents 172 IV CHAPTER 7 MEASURES TO MITIGATE OR MANAGE 173 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES 7! Miligaton Measures for Impacts Ri;lated to 173 Project Location 7,1,1 Mitigatory Measures for Socio-Economic Impacts 173 7,1 1,1 Resettlement of Encroachcrs 173 Permanent residents along the trace. 174 7.2 Mitigatory- Measures for Impacts Related to 174 Design and Construction 7.2.1 Design 174 Mitigator> Measures for the 174 Encroachment of Old Negombo Canal Near Nai Duwa Mitigator\ Measures for the Crossing 175 of Old Negombo Canal Near Kalaelija 7.2.2 Construction 175 Dredging and Sand Pumping 175 Mitigatory' Measures for the Discharge- 177 of Salt Water Embankment Formation 178 Mitigalor>' Measures for the Pollution 179 caused by Construction Machinery* Aggregates - Quarry Operation 179 Gravel Borrow Areas 180 Mitigatory Measures During 180 the Construction Phase for Air, and Noise pollution, Accidents and health Impacts Mitigatory Measures for Ecological Impacts 181 7,2 2,9 Mitigatorj' Measures for Socio-economic IS5 Impacts 7.3 Mitigaton- Measures Related to Operation 185 7.3.1 Mitigatory- Measures for Socio-Economic Impacts 185 7.3.2 Mitigatory' Measures for Hydrological Impacts 186 Mitigatory Measures for Flood Impacts 186 7.3.2 2 Mitigatory- Measures for Water Quality 187 CHAPTER 8 PROPOSED MONITORING PLAN 188 8 1 Composition of the Committee 188 8.2 Mode of Operation 189 8.3 Monitoring Plan 189 8 3,1 Monitoring of Land Acquisition and 190 Resettlement Process 8.3.2 Monitoring of Offshore Dredging for Sand 191 8.3.3 Monitoring of Sand Stockpiling 193 8.3.4 Monitoring of Hydrological Impacts 194 8.3.5 Monitoring of Air, Water and Noise Pollution 195 During Construction CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 197 VI LIST OF TABLES Table No. Page No. CHAPTER 2 2.1 Gross Regional Product Per Capita 1981- 1990 6 {Constant 1993 Prices) 2.2 Gross Regional Product Per Capita 1981-1990 7 (Constant 1975 Prices) CHAPTER 3 3.1 Characteristics of the Three Build Alternatives 9 3.2 Number of Buildings that Would be Demolished 19 if A3 is Widened. 3.3 Ambient Air Qualit\' Standards 24 3.4 Annual Emission Loads due to Traffic Flow of CKE 25 3.5 Annual Emissions from Traffic on A3 Without CKE 26 3.6 Annual Emissions from Traffic on A3 With CKE 26 3.7 Summary' of Noise Generation by CKE and Attenuation 27 Requirements 3.8 Accident Data For The A3 Road 29 3.9 Accident Forecast for the Proposed CKE 30 3.10 Accident Cost for Proposed CKE 31 3.11 Assumptions for Calculations on Time Values Per Vehicle 35 Per Hour 3.12 Economic and Financial Vehicle Operating Costs (VOCs) 36 at 65 km / hr With Road Roughness 6 3.13 Project Cost (Western Trace) 38 3.14 Baseline and Assigned Traffic to Four Lane Toll Road 40 in Year 2001 (at Peliyagoda) 3.15 Benefits of the Western Trace 40 3.16 Economic E\aluation of Western Trace 41 3.17 Project Cost ( Eastern Trace) 43 3.18 Benefits of the Eastern Trace 44 3.19 Economic Evaluation of Eastern Trace 45 3.20 Benefits of Improving and Widening A3 46 3.21 Colombo - Katunayalce New Alternate Highwaj' 47 3.22 Road Widening Economic Evaluation Peti>agoda to 49 Katunavake A3 Road vn 3.23 Costs of Major Railway Investments 50 3 24 Cost of Rail Options 51 3.25 Estimated Benefits of Rail Options to Rail 52 Passengers 3.26 Rail\\a> options : Costs Versus Benefits to 53 Rail Users Only 3.27 Summar) of Economic Analysis of Five options 54 3.28 Kc> Environmental Impacts During Operations of the 55 Expressway and Mitigatorj- measures 3.29 Accidents Cost 56 3.30 Benefits from Reduced Accidents on Expressway 56 3.31 Major Values of Ncgombo Lagoon 58 3.32 Value of Properties and Number Affective Due to Noise 59 3.33 Health Costs of Air Pollution 59 3.34 Health Impacts With and Without CKE 60 3.35 Summar\ Table 61 CHAPTER 4.1 Climatological Record for Colombo and Katunayake 80 4.2 Kelani North Flood Protection Scheme: Details 86 4.3 Minimum and Maximum Values Recorded for Selected 88 Water Qualitv- Indicators of the Four Affected Water Bodies 4.4 Estimated and Projected Population in Selector Urban 108 and Rurban Settlements in the Study Area 4.5 Major Industrial Concentrations in the Study Area - 1993 109 4.6 Location of Industries (Registered and Unregistered) 110 in the Study Area 1993
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