Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88462-4 — A Critical Introduction to Mao Edited by Timothy Cheek Index More Information Index Note: Chinese names are alphabetized by family name. For example, Mao Zedong is “Mr. Mao” and is indexed as Mao, Zedong . agricultural socialism, 335–36 Beiyang Army, 41 Ai, Siqi, 6–7 , 90 Belden, Jack, 320 Albania. See Sino-Albanian split Biography of Mao Zedong, 1949–1976 All-China Women’s Federation, 207 , (Pang and Jin), 276 211–12 , 216 birth control/planning, 200–01 , 209–10 American Imperialism, 12 Blyukher, Vasily, 88 “Analysis of All the Classes in Chinese Bo, Gu, 89 , 92 , 98–99 Society, An” (Mao), 188 Bolshevik Party, 47–48 An Gang Constitution, 282 Borodin, Mikhail, 88 Angkar, 301 . See also Communist Party Boxer Uprising, 33–34 , 314 of Kampuchea (CPK) Buck, Pearl, 315–16 anti-elitist elitism bureaucratism, 14 ideological milieu, 170 Burroughs, William, 119–21 imperfect leaders/masses, 170–73 in literature/arts, 182–87 CA (Constituent Assembly), 309–11 national leadership, 179–82 Cai, Chang, 198–99 , 205 , 211–12 , 216 party legitimacy, 192–95 Cai, Hesen, 72 peasantry/rural issues, 175–79 Cai, Yuanpei, 43 , 44–45 , 67 political commitment, 173–75 , 187–92 calligraphy, 183–84 Anti-mémoires (Malraux), 324 “Call to Youth” (Chen), 45–46 appearance, of women, 213–14 CCOMPOSA (Coordinating Committee Apter, David, 192 of Maoist Parties of South Asia), armed struggle, 14–15 309 Art of War (Sun), 295 CCP (Chinese Communist Party). arts/literature See Chinese Communist Party popularization of, 182–85 (CCP) rising standards/elevation of, 185–87 “Chairman Mao going to Anyuan” “arts of revolution,” 219 (painting), 236 avoidance, law of, 37 Chang, Jung, 245 , 328 , 330–31 Cheek, Timothy, 126–27 Bandung Conference, 288–89 Chen, Boda, 6–7 , 90 Baoding Military Academy, 34 Chen, Duxiu, 43 , 45–46 , 50 , 51 , 75 Barmé, Geremie, 24–25 Chen, Hansheng, 89 , 90 Beauvoir, Simone de, 323 Chen, Shaoyu. See Wang, Ming Beijing University, 43 Chen, Sheng, 251–53 Beiping State Academy of Arts, 229–30 Chen, Yi, 147 357 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88462-4 — A Critical Introduction to Mao Edited by Timothy Cheek Index More Information 358 Index Chen, Yun, 87 , 135–36 , 139 communism, “Sinifi cation” of, 4 , 8–9 , Chen, Yung-fa, 181 108–09 , 322–23 Cheng, Nien, 328 communist cosmopolitanism Chiang, Kai-shek in interwar years, 88–91 GMD military force, 8 of Wang, Ming, 87 leadership cult, 9 communist intellectuals. See anti- Mao’s poetry and, 250–51 elitist elitism publicity campaign, 226 Communist Party of India (Marxist- victory over communists, 53–54 , Leninist) (CPI-ML), 291–96 56–57 Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK), War of Resistance and, 91 299 war with Japan, 57–58 Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Whampoa Military Academy, 49 (CPN-M), 308–12 China Hands, 319–21 Communist Party of Peru (Shining China Quarterly , 327 Path) (CPP-SP), 304–07 China Shakes the World (Belden), 320 Communist Party of the Soviet Union China’s Destiny (Chiang), 9 , 226 (CPSU), 285–86 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Communists, rise to power, 5 anti-elitist elitism in, 193–94 Condition Humaine, La (Malraux), 324 defeat/collapse of (1927), 53–54 , 77 “Confucian fascism,” 56–57 disputes/differences in, 50–51 Confucius, 337 founding of, 8 Constituent Assembly (CA), 309–11 hinterlands strategy, 55–58 constitution. See An Gang Constitution legitimacy of, 192–95 constitutional reforms, 37 Mao’s leadership/infl uence, 4–5 , contraception. See birth control/ 13–15 , 20 planning 9th National Congress transcripts, Cook, Alexander, 18 125–28 cooperativization, 136 pains of office, 10–11 Coordinating Committee of party history, 21 , 22 Maoist Parties of South Asia peasant movement, 52 (CCOMPOSA), 309 repression of dissent, 9 Cui, Zhiyuan, 15 Selected Works of Mao Zedong cult of personality. See Mao, Zedong, (official versions), 27–30 as icon study societies and, 49–50 Cultural Revolution United Front with Nationalist Party, class rank cleansing, 143–44 51 , 58–59 design of, 11–12 working class, organization of, 51–52 disillusionment/cynicism, 148–49 “Chinese Lenin,” 316 meaning/implications for leaders, Chinese medicine, 326 144–45 Chinese People’s Political Consultative Morning Sun (fi lm), 271 Congress, 14 personnel devastation, 145–46 “Chinese Revolution and the Chinese protective networks, 146–47 Communist Party, The” (Mao), Red Guard student groups, 147–48 335 as religious reformation, 283–84 Chinoises, Les (fi lm), 324 societal impacts, 147 Chu, Anping, 256 system purges, 123–25 cleanliness, 121–22 clothing styles, 213–14 Dai, Qing, 129 cold war, 10 , 16 , 286 , 288 , 320–23 Davin, Delia, 17 Comintern policy, 91–92 democratic centralism ( minzhu Committee of Concerned Asian jizhong ), 9 Scholars, 326 Deng, Tuo, 144 , 258–59 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88462-4 — A Critical Introduction to Mao Edited by Timothy Cheek Index More Information Index 359 Deng, Xiaoping ethical principles, 44–45 cooperativization, 136 Evolution and Ethics (Huxley), 337 Cultural Revolution and, 151 Gao Gang affair, 135–36 Fairbank, John K., 320 , 322–23 Great Leap policies, 140–41 Fallaci, Oriana, 237–38 loyalty to Mao, 150 famine/food poisoning, 116–21 , 142–43 on Mao’s greatness, 129 Fang, Zhimin, 174 , 175 Mao’s public image and, 237–38 feminism, 204 . See also gender policies in Paris, 89 “feudal despotism,” 244 . See also Mao, removal from office, 145–46 Zedong, “emperor” status succession planning, 267 feudalism, 255–56 Three Worlds Theory, 296–97 , 303–04 Feuerwerker, Yi-tsi Mei, 181 Deng Xiaoping Theory, 274–75 5th Encirclement and Suppression Deng, Yingchao, 205 , 211–12 , 216 Campaign, 82–83 Deng, Yuzhi, 207 Five Anti Campaign, 105 Deng, Zhongxia, 174 Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, Denton, Kirk, 182–83 288–89 depoliticization, 282–83 Fleming, Peter, 316 developmentalism, 326–27 Forbidden City, 253–58 Dimitrov, Georgi, 93 “Four Cleanups,” 122 , 123–25 Ding, Ling, 9 , 182–83 , 206–07 France, view of Mao in, 324 “disguised monarchism,” 243–44 . Fu, Sinian, 250 , 251–53 See also Mao, Zedong, “emperor” Fujimori, Alberto, 307 status Futian incident, 80 “Dixie Mission,” 318 Djilas, Milovan, 14 Gang of Four, 151 , 152 , 268–69 “Doctrine of the Mean” (Confucius), 337 Gan, Yang, 15 , 22 Dong, Biwu, 92 Gao Gang affair, 135–36 Donglin Academy, 258–59 Gao, Hua, 284–85 Du, Fu, 271–72 Gaulle, Charles de, 324 dynastic past/politics, 246–47 . gender policies See also Mao, Zedong, “emperor” after Mao, 215–16 , 217–18 status birth control/planning, 200–01 before Cultural Revolution, 207–10 “ East is Red, The ” (unofficial hymn), during Cultural Revolution, 210–15 222 , 227 marriage/divorce laws, 196–200 economic modernization, 36 before PRC, 204–07 “educated youth,” 25–26 women’s rights, 196 , 203–04 , education 210–11 , 217 reform, 35–36 Gilbert, Rodney, 316 as revolutionary method, 72 Ginsberg, Allen, 119 of women, 210 , 211 global realignment, 296–99 elitism. See anti-elitist elitism GMD (Nationalist Party, or emperor, in dynastic practice, 247–48 . Guomindang). See also See also Mao, Zedong, “emperor” Guomindang status CCP as alternative to, 9 employment, of women, 211 CCP growth with, 8 “Empress of the Red Capital,” 268–69 . defeat of CCP (1927), 53–54 See also Jiang, Qing mass movement, organization of, “Energy of the Mind, The” (Mao), 68 , 51–52 69–70 party army, 49 Esherick, Joseph, 7 , 329 unifying ideology, 48–49 establishment benefi ciaries, 150 United Front with CCP, 51 , 58 , 59 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88462-4 — A Critical Introduction to Mao Edited by Timothy Cheek Index More Information 360 Index Godard, Jean-Luc, 324 Hoxha, Enver, 298–99 Good Earth, The (Buck), 315–16 Hsiao, Tso-liang, 178 governance, 37 Hu, Jintao, 20 , 194 , 267 , 274 , 275 “Great Democracy,” 281–82 Hu, Jiwei, 157 Great Leap Forward Hu, Qiaomu, 124–25 , 152–53 class struggle, 141 Hu, Shi, 43 deaths during, 11 Hu, Yaobang, 267 Historical school’s explanation of, Hua, Guofeng, 266–67 286–87 Huang, Yanpei, 101–02 imperial traditions in, 257–58 “Hunan Report” (Mao), 75–77 , 176–77 , intellectuals, suffering of, 141–42 184 Lushan conference, 138 , 139–41 Hundred Flowers Campaign, 256–57 Nanning conference, 139 Huxley, T. H., 337 party criticism, 138–39 peasant reaction, 141–42 imperial traditions. See Mao, Zedong, policy disasters, 138 “emperor” status vs. Soviet model, 107–08 imperialism as utopia, 110 American, 12 “Great Union of the Masses, The” Japanese, 57–58 (Mao), 188 Lenin’s theory of, 47–48 “Group One,” 231–32 Western, 62–63 Gruzenberg, Mikhail. See Borodin, India. See Communist Party of India Mikhail (Marxist-Leninist) (CPI-ML) Gu, Shunzhang, 89 individualism, Mao’s view of, 67–70 ”guerrilla attitude,” 340–41 intellectuals. See also anti-elitist guerrilla warfare. See armed struggle elitism gulyáskommunizmus , 110 , 124 liberal/New Left, 22–23 Guo, Moruo, 101–02 , 261–62 Liu Shaoqi on, 124 Guomindang (GMD), 91–93 , 226 Mao’s legacy with, 20–23 Guzmán Reynoso, Abimael, 304–06 , 307 in May Fourth Movement, 7 , 43 student movement, 43–47 Hai, Rui, 259–60 suffering of, 141–42 , 193 Haifeng peasant movement, 171–72 International Conference of Marxist- Halliday, Jon, 245 , 330–31 Leninist Parties and Organizations “harmonious society,” 20 (ICMLPO), 299 He, Ganzhi, 90 Internet/web site usage, 23–24 He, Jingzhi, 186 He, Long, 145–46 Jacoby, Annalee, 319 He, Xiangning, 207 Japan. See also Sino-Japanese War He, Xin, 283 anti-Japanese slogans, 183–84 He, Zizhen, 201–02 imperialism/aggression, 57–58 hinterlands, revolution in, 55–58 Jiang, Jieshi.
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