Unofficial Lakota Language Guide Aho! Metakuye Oyasin

Unofficial Lakota Language Guide Aho! Metakuye Oyasin

Unofficial Lakota Language Guide Aho! Metakuye Oyasin. I have developed this page as an aid to those folks whom are new at learning the Lakota way of life and the ceremonies and language that accompany it. It is my hope that by learning the bits and pieces of the language that I am presenting to you here that the prayers, songs, and teachings that you may become exposed to you will make more sense to you so that you may broaden your knowledge of this beautiful Lakota way of life. To all my relations, Yellowhand Source: Lakota 101 bloka(blo-kah).... the male of animals blotahonka(blo-tah-hoon-kah.... advisors, leaders, to a large war party. bo-ton-ton(bo-toon-toon).... confusion can(chun).... wood [preffix to anything made of wood] can cega(chun chay-guh).... drum cankuna(chun-koo-na).... little path cannakpaa(chun-nah-k'pah).... mushroom growing on trees : literally "tree-ears" Canoni(chun-oh-nee).... wanderers in the woods: some Dakota families who eventually come onto the plain canozake(chun-oh-zhah-kay).... fork in the tree. canpamiyanwagon(chun-pah-h'mee-yahn) : wagon, literally "rolling wood" canpazachun-pah-zah).... wood pointing to the sky, ancient term for "tree" Cante Tinza(chun-tay t-een-zah).... brave heart, word used for warrior society canunpa(chun-noon-pah).... sacred pipe canunpa o'ke(chun-noon-pah oh-k ay).... pipe dig, pipe stone. canshasha(chun-shaw-shaw).... red willow bark cante(chun-tay).... heart capa(cha-pah).... beaver: literally "swims-stick-in-mouth". Catka(chah-t'kah).... left hand catkuta(chah-t'koo-tah).... seat of honor. catkuta iyaya yo(chah-t'koo-tah).... go to the back, the place of honor. cepka(chay-k'pah).... naval umbilcal cord Cetan(chay-tahn).... hawk, small falcon cezi(chay-zhee)... tongue Cicla(chee-chee-lah).... childs term for a small bug cokata hiyupo(cho-kah-tah hee-yoo-po).... come to the center cuwe (choo-way).... Womens term for older sister. Dakotah(dah-ko-tah).... The allied ones. One of the Sioux tribes. ece(ah-chay).... Connotes uncertainty. e-i-i-i(ay-ee-ee-ee).... Connotes regret. Gnus'ka(g'noo-shkah).... grasshopper hamkamya upo.... come follow closely hanbleceya.... vision quest hanhepi.... night hanhepi wi.... the night sun [moon] hanwi.... moon (Archie Fire Lame Deer) hankasi.... sister in law hanta yo.... clear the way hasapa.... black skin hau.... I am attentive hecitu yelo.... that is true hehaka.... elk hesapa.... black mountain, black hills heyoka.... a sacred clown hinhan..... white or young owl hinyete.... shoulder hinziwin.... yellow hair woman hiye pila maya.... cermonial thanks hiyupo.... come forward (plural) hiyo wo.... come forward (singular) hmunga.... a mystery to be dreaded ho.... expression of readiness or affirmation hoksi.... a child hoksi cala.... baby hoksila.... a boy hunka.... ancestor hunka lowanpi.... the making of relatives ceremony hupa gluza.... raising ones pipe in prayer inyan.... stone maka.... earth mother skan.... motion tinza.... brave wakan tanka.... great spirit wakinyan.... thunderbeings wi.... sun TRANSLATION of LAKOTA to ENGLISH + Lakota Pronunciation Guide... A IYOHOPEYA/Downward/ah ee-yoh-ghpay-yah A OGLUTEYA/Overwhelm/ah oh-glue-day-yahn A OGLUTEYA / Surround / ah - oh - glue - Day - yahn A OKPANI / Lacking(be) / ah - oh - kpah - nee A OKPANI/Supply(be in short)/ah oh-kpah-nee A TA KEL/General/ah-dah-kayl A YE/Become(to)/ah yea ABLA KELA/Calm/ah-blah kay-lah ABLES WICAYE/Explain/ah-blaysh wee-chah-yea ABLEZE / Examine/ ah - blay - zay ABLEZE / Realize/ ah - blay - zay ABLO / Shoulder/ ah - bloh ACAJI / Tomorrow/ dah - chah - jee ACAN GLASKE/Wall/ah-chahn glah-shkay ACICAHLO / Complain/ ah - chee - chah - ghloh AGLA LA/Along/ah-glah lah AGLA LA / Edge / ah - glah - lah AGLATO / Boast/ ay - glah - dohn AGLATOSA / Boastful/ ay - glah - dohn - S - ahn AGLESKA / Lizard/ ah - glay - shkah AGUYAPI BLU/Flour/ah-ghue-yah-pee blue AGUYAPI OKAGE/Bakery/ah-ghue-yah-pee oh-kah-ghay AGUYAPI SKUYELA/Cake/ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah AGUYAPI SKUYELA/Cookie/ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah AGUYAPI SKUYELA/Rolls(sweet)/ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah AGUYAPI SU/Wheat/ah-ghue-yah-pee sue AGUYAPI / Bread/ ah - ghue - yah - pee AGUYAPISKUYELA / Pastry/ ah - ghuh - yah - pee - skue - yea - lah ah-ah (ah-ah)...... This word is used to encourage a child to "listen". ahbleza(ah-blay-za).... This word means literally to "perceive" sometimes used to describe one observing. ah-boo(ah-boo)..... A childs term for "sleep". ahpe(ah-pay)....... "wait". ahte(ah-tay)....... "father" AHAHAKA / Careless/ ahgh - ahngh - ahn - kah AHCO / Arm(upper)/ ah - gh - choh AHIGLE / Bet/ ah - hee - glay AHIHICIYA / Caution/ ahgh - eegh - eechee - yah AHIYU/Chase(to)/ah-hee-yue AHMU / Noise/ ah - ghmuen AHOICIPE / Pride/ ah - hoh - ee - chee - pay AHTATESNIYA / Unceasing/ ah - ghdah - Day - shnee - yah AHWAYELA / Gently And Quietly/ ah - ghwah - yea - lah AIGLUHA / Citizen/ ah - ee - Glue - hah a-i-i-i-i(ah-ee-ee-ee-ee).. an expression of anxiety. AIKITA/Shawl(wear a)/ah-ee-kee-dahn AINILA / Silent/ ah - ee - nee - lah AIYAKAPTEYA / Ascending/ ah - ee - yah - kah - pday - yah AKA/On/ah-kahn AKAB / Spare/ ah - kohb AKAHPE / lodge/ ahn - kah - ghpay AKAL IYIC IYA/Mount(to)/ah-kahnk ee-yeech ee-yah AKANL HAPA/Overshoes/ah-kahnl hahn-pah AKANL HOPA/Boots(rubber)/ah-kahnl hohn-ghpah AKAPE/Cover(for lodge)/ah-kah-pay AKATAHA OGLE/Coat/ah-kah-dah-hahn oh-glay AKATAHA / Top/ ah - kah - dahn - hahn AKAWITE/Spread(on)/ah-kah-wee-day AKAYA / Upon/ ah - kahn - yahn AKAYAKE / Ride/ ah - kahn - yahn - kay AKE / Again/ ah - kay ake iyayapi(ah-kay ee-yah-yah-pee).. "again they go". akicita(ah-kee-chee-tah)...... "indian police" AKI HA ICIYAPI/Fasting/ah-kee ghahn ee-chee-yah-pee AKI LECEL YA/Equally/ah-kee lay-chayl yah AKI LECEL/Equal/ah-kee lay-chayl AKI LEHA YA/Even/ahkee lay-hahn yah AKI / Cure/ ah - kee AKICI KTO JE/Forgive/ah-kee-chee-kdohn-zjay AKICITA ITACA/Captain/ah-kee-chee-dah ee-dahn-chahn AKICITA ITACA/General(military)/ah-kee-chee-dah ee-dahn-chahn AKICITA/Security guards/ah - kee - chee - dah AKICITA / Soldier/ ah - kee - chee - dah AKIGLE / Times/ ah - kee - glay AKIH AN/Starve/ah-keegh ahn AKILECE CA/Matchup/ah-kee-lay-chay chah AKILECELYA / Similarly/ ah - kee - lay - chayl - yah AKINICE / Argue/ ah - kee - nee - chay AKINICE / Dispute/ AN - kee - mee - chay AKIPA / Happen/ ah - kee - pah AKIPAB / Apportionment(Division)/ ah - kee - pahb AKIS AS A/Yelling(to be)/akeesh ahsh ah AKISNI/Get well/ah-kee-shnee AKISNI / Healed/ ah - kee - shnee AKISNI / Recover/ AN - kee - shnee akita mani yo(ah-kee-tah mah-nee yo)... "indian awarness" literally "observe everything as you go". AKIYA/Approach(to)/ah-kee-yah AKO TAHA/Across/ah-koh dahn-hahn AKO WAPA/Farther/ah-koh wah-pah AKOBIYAYE / Remainder/ AN - kohb - ee - yah - yea AKOJAL / Straddle/ ahn - koh - zjahl AKOKIYA / Beyond/ ah - koh - kee - yah AKOWAPA / Further/ ah - koh - wah - pah AKOZA / Attempt/ ah - koh - zah AKSAKA / Unfortunately/ ah - kshah - kah AKSI JE/Detain/ah-kshee zjay AKTA/Heed(to)/ah-kdah AKU LA/Bring the little one/ahkue-lah ALE HUG/Elsewhere/ah-lay hueng ALETKA / branch/ ah - lay - dkah ALI / Climb/ ah - lee ALI/Step(on)/ah-lee alowan(ah-low-wan).... singing a song of praise amonmonia(ah-moon-moon-la)....a childs word for "doll". ANAGIPA / Clamp/ ah - nah - gee - pah ANAGOPTA / Listen/ ahn - ah - ghoh - p - dahn ANAHLOHLO / Bubble/ ah - nah - ghloh - ghloh ANAHME / Secret/ ah - NA - ghmay ANASLATA/Sneak up on(to)/ah-nah-slah-dah anhe(ahn-hey)....exclamation of self satisfaction. anpetuwi(ahn-pay-too-wee)... "the sun" literally the day sun. ANPETU IYOHILA/Daily/ahn-pay-due ee-yoh-ee-lah ANPETU NUPA/Tuesday/ahn-pay-due nuh-pah ANPETU TOKAHE/Monday/ahn-pay-due doh-kah-hay anpo wicapi(ahn-po wee-cha-pee).... the morning star ANPO KABLEZE/Day break/an-poh kah-blay-zay ANUG/Reciprocal(mutual feelings)/ah-nue-gh ANUKIYA / breed/ ah - nuen - kee - yahn AOGI / Blur/ ah - oh - gee AOKIYE / Buggy/ ah - oh - kee - yea AOTOGNAKA / Dare/ ah - oh - doh - gnah - kah APA HA/Daytime/ahn-pah hahn APA / Daylight/ ahn - pah APABLU / Belch/ ah - pah - blue APAHA / Rise(Hill)/ ah - pah - hah APAHAYA / Curve/ ah - pah - hah - yah APAMAGLE / Descend/ ah - pah - mah - glay APAWI / Sun/ ahn - pah - wee APE YOHO/Mane/ah-pay yoh-hohn APE / Hit/ ah - pay APE / Strike/ ahn - pay APE/Wait for/ah-pay APEHA / earlier/ ahn - pay - hah APEHA / Today(earlier)/ ah - pay - hahn APETU KEYA WANA EL UKUPIKU/Days(now living)/ah-pay-due kay-yah wah-nah ayl uen-kuen-pee-kuen APETU KI LE/Today/ah-pay-due kee lay APETU TOPA/Thursday/ahn-pay-due doh-pah APETU WAKA/Sunday/ahn-pay-due wah-kahn APETU YAMNI/Wednesday/ahn-pay-due yah-mnee APETU ZAPTA/Friday/ah-pay-due zah-pdahn APETU / Day/ ahn - pay - due APHE / Await/ ah - phay APIYE / Treat/ ah - pee - yea APO / Dawn/ ahn - poh APUTINZE / Press/ ah - pue - dee - zay AS A/Razz(tease)/ahsh ah AS A/Taunt(to tease)/ahsh-ah ASANPI WIGLI/Butter/ah-shahn-pee wee-glee ASANPI YUSLI PI/Milk(from a cow)/ah-sahn-pee yue-slee pee ASANPI / Cream/ ah - sahn - pee ASANPI / Milk/ ah - sahn - pee ASAPI SUTA/Cheese/ah-shah-pee shue-dah ASCU/Attracted to/ah-schue ASIHTI / Defect/ ah - shee - ghdee ASNIKIYE / Rest/ ah - shnee - kee - yea ATA / Whole/ ah - dah ATAYA KEL/Entirely/ah-dah-yah kayl ATAYA / Wholly/ ah - dah - yah ATAYAHCI / Thoroughly/ ah - dah - yah - ghchee ATAYE / Meet/ ah - dah - yea ATE YAPI/Agent/ah-day yah-pee ATE / Father/ ah - Day ATEWAYA/Father(I have for)/ah-day-wah-yah ATEWAYE KI/Father(my)/ah-day-wah-yea kee ATKUKU KI/Father(his/her)/ah-dkue-kue kee ATOSOKIHISNI / Vain/

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