Isolation and Characterization of Fifteen Microsatellite Loci in the Tibetan Fox

Isolation and Characterization of Fifteen Microsatellite Loci in the Tibetan Fox

c Indian Academy of Sciences ONLINE RESOURCES Isolation and characterization of fifteen microsatellite loci in the Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata) MIN LI1, XIAO MING WANG1, 2, WEI BIN JIANG1, PAN YU HUA1 and ZHENG HUAN WANG1, 3∗ 1School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, People’s Republic of China 2Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, Shanghai 200127, People’s Republic of China 3Shanghai Key Laboratory of Urbanization and Ecological Restoration, Shanghai 200062, People’s Republic of China [Li M., Wang X. M., Jiang W. B., Hua P. Y. and Wang Z. H. 2011 Isolation and characterization of fifteen microsatellite loci in the Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata). J. Genet. 90, e82–e85. Online only:] Introduction 2006), which is more efficient compared with the traditional field methods. However, enough microsatellite loci must be Assessing changes in local populations of wildlife species is available to perform microsatellite genotype analysis. No essential to understand the dynamics of animal populations microsatellite locus of the Tibetan fox is available yet. There- and therefore is crucial in animal ecology and wildlife conser- fore, we present our study on isolation of microsatellite loci vation (Gibbs 2000). The Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata)isan in the Tibetan fox in this paper. endemic plateau species distributed only in the steppes and semideserts of the Tibetan plateau in China, Nepal, and north India, at elevations between 3500 and 5300 m (Feng et al. Materials and methods 1986;Nowak1999). To our knowledge, only a few syste- matic studies on the biology and ecology of this species Tissue samples of V. ferrilata were obtained from 36 Tibetan have been published (Wang et al. 2007, 2008; Harris et al. foxes. Among these, seven samples were collected from 2008;Liuet al. 2009, 2010). Recently, the eastern Tibetan Tibetan fox pelts in Ali, Tibetan Autonomic Region, 2008, plateau, China, has been recognized a new endemic region and the other 29 samples were collected in Shiqu, Sichuan for Echinococcus spp. with the highest prevalence of alveo- Province. Among the Shiqu samples, 22 were obtained from lar echinococcosis (AE) in the world (Li et al. 2005). AE, a carcasses collected from 2001 to 2009, while the other seven lethal chronic parasitological zoonosis in north hemisphere, were ear tissue samples obtained when ear-tagging during a is caused by a canid tapeworm, Echinococcus multilocularis radio-tracking study of foxes (2006–2009). (Wang et al. 2008). The transmission of AE needs a sta- DNA was extracted from each sample using a TIANamp ble wildlife reservoir and the Tibetan fox has been found Genomic DNA tissue/blood kit (Tiangen, Beijing, China) to be the main wildlife definitive host (Qiu et al. 1999). To according to the standard protocol in the instructions. A understand the epidemiology of AE in this region, the local genomic library for CA dinucleotide repeats was constructed population size of the Tibetan fox must be evaluated. according to Hua et al.(2007). Briefly, 2–5 μg of genomic The only reports about the Tibetan fox population monitor- DNA extracted from V. ferrilata was digested with 8–24 U ing are from Piao (1989) and Schaller (1998). However, these MboI (Takara, Dalian, China) in a volume of 50 μLat ◦ early data based on observations along roadsides cannot pro- 37 C overnight, then the fragments from 250 to 750 bp vide much information to the present Tibetan fox popula- were selected for DNA purification using DNA purifica- tion status. Therefore, IUCN stated that the population trend tion kit (Takara, Dalian, China) and ligated to a blunt-end of Tibetan foxes is still unknown (IUCN 2010). The micro- adapter (SAULA: 5 -GCGGTACCCGGGAAGCTTGG-3 , satellite genotype analysis based on the copro-DNA is a SAULB: 5 -GATCCCAAGCTT CCCGGGTACCGC-3 ) new method used increasingly in wildlife population studies with T4 DNA ligase (Takara, Dalian, China). The ligation (Harrison et al. 2002; Dallas et al. 2003;Zhanet al. products were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using SAULA primer. PCR recations were undertaken on a DNA thermal cycler (Bio-Rad, Hercules, USA) with an ini- tial denaturation at 72◦Cfor5min;followedby34cyclesof ∗ For correspondence. E-mail: [email protected]. 30 s at 94◦C, 30 s at 67◦C, 40 s extension at 72◦C; and 72◦C Keywords. genotype; microsatellite loci; Vulpes ferrilata. Journal of Genetics Vol. 90, Online Resources e82 Microsatellites in Tibetan fox elongation 10 min. The amplification products were dena- Result and discussion tured and hybridized with biotin-labelled dinucleotide repeat oligonucleotides (CA) probe in sodium phosphate buffer To each of the 36 fox tissue samples, PCR amplification for 15 μ (0.5 M sodium phosphate, 0.5% SDS, pH = 7.4) overnight. each locus was conducted in a final volume of 15 L contain- μ The hybridized mixture was incubated with VECTREX ing 0.5 M forward primer (5 modified with FAM, HEX or μ Avidin D (Vector Laboratories, Beijing, China) at 37◦Cin TAMRA), 0.5 M reverse primer, 50–100 ng template DNA, TBS (150 mm NaCl/100 mm Tris, pH = 7.5) for 1 h, then 0.5 mM of each dNTP, 0.5 U hotstart Taq DNA polymerase μ washed thrice by TBS at different temperatures to remove (Qiagen, Shanghai, China), and 1.5 L manufacturer’s PCR unbound fragments. Finally, bound fragments were eluted buffer containing 1.5 mM MgCl2. Reactions were under- ◦ taken according to the following PCR procedure: 95◦Cini- with ddH2Oat65 C for 30 min. The targeted genomic frag- ◦ ments were then amplified by PCR with primer SAULA, tial denaturing for 5 min; 34 cycles of 95 C denaturing for cloned into pGEM-T vector (Promega, Madison, USA), and 30 s, primer-specific annealing temperature (table 1) for 30 s ◦ ◦ transformed DH5α or Top10 competent cells. We identified and extension for 40 s at 72 C; final extension at 72 Cfor 247 positive clones by PCR using linker primers (SAULA 10 min. PCR products were separated through 2% denatur- and SAULB) and M13 universal primers (Sangon, Shan- ing polyacrilamide gels. The fragments were detected using ghai, China), then sequenced with M13 primers. Primers of an ABI 3730 XL automatic sequencer (Applied Biosystems, 63 positives (25.5% of the 247 clones) were designed with Beijing, China) and analysed with Genemapper 4.0 (Applied Primer PREMIER 5.0 (Premier Biosoft International, Palo Biosystems, Beijing, China). Alto, USA). Thirty nine primer pairs amplified microsatellite GenePop version 4.0 (Laboratiore de Genetique et Envi- loci and were used to screen genetic variation. ronment, Montpellier, France) was used to calculate the Table 1. Characterization of 15 microsatellite loci in 36 Tibetan foxes. GenBank accession Size range ◦ Locus Primer sequence 5 -3 number Repeat sequencec Ta ( C) N A (bp) He Ho p02 GTGACGCCCAAACATCC GU944946 (TG)4...(TG)3...(TG)3 58 3 3 140–168 0.177 0.125 GGCTCCTGCTCCTCTGC p03 GAAAGCCAGGGTCCAGTA HQ452342 (GT)14 58 11 7 192–208 0.653 0.419 CAGAAACGGGCATCCATA p08 ATTCTGGACCAATGAGGC HQ452343 (GT)17 62 17 15 170–210 0.843 0.742 GGAGGGGAGGAAGGATA p09 GGTGGAGACTGCTTGGGA GU944947 (CA)7...(CA)8 58 4 3 300–336 0.423 0.207 CCTGTGGAATAGAGCGGG p02c AGAAGCAGGATTCACACC HQ452344 (CA)23 54 14 9 180–222 0.812 0.939 TTCCCTCAACACTCACC p04c GATCAAGTCCCAGGTCG GU944948 (GT)21 56 3 3 170–280 0.092 0.094 CACTGAGTTAGCCAGATG p02d CTTATTGGGCTTCTTGG HQ452345 (GA)6...(GT)19 60 12 8 124–144 0.692 0.528 TTGCCTCAGCATCTCATC p01f GCCTGGGAAGGAATCAAG HQ452346 (CA)17 64 16 10 170–230 0.857 0.778 CCTGGCTCCATCCAAACA p02h CTGGGAAGGAAGCAAGA HQ452347 (CA)17 58 14 7 195–207 0.793 0.800 CATACACCCTAAGCAACTG p03h TCTACCCATACAGCATCC HQ452348 (CA)22 58 8 6 226–236 0.740 0.667 GAGCCAGTGTCTATCCCT p04h CTGCTGGAAAGAGGAAT HQ452349 (CA)21 58 19 11 203–235 0.840 0.743 CAGAGCCAAAGGTAGGT p05h TCACTCCTAAGAAATCGG HQ452350 (GT)20...(GA)10 58 17 10 310–336 0.778 0.829 GCACTGGCATGAACTGG p06h GGATGGGCAGATGGAGCA HQ452351 (GT)20 58 6 6 281–313 0.487 0.627 GCCTGAGCAGTTGACCTT p01i GGGGACCTCAAGAATGT HQ452352 (GT)19 58 22 15 164–232 0.836 0.686 TGTCTCATCAATGCCAAG p03i ATCTCCTCCAAGACCTCC HQ452353 (CA)10...(CA)7 58 20 9 447–463 0.867 0.914 TCCCACCCCTGATACCT Ta, annealing temperature of the primer pairs; N, number of genotypes; A, alleles found in fox individuals; He and Ho, the size range, expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity are given for each locus. The size range refers to the observed distribution of alleles at each locus for 36 individuals. Journal of Genetics Vol. 90, Online Resources e83 MinLietal. Table 2. Genotypes of the 36 individuals in this study for the 15 qualified microsatellite loci. Microsatellite locus Individual number p02 p03 p08 p09 p02c p04c p02d p01f p02h p03h p04h p05h p06h p01i p03i tf1 3 752133 1 0 5 6 16142 1510 tf2 3 7 6 2 8 0 5 0 14 0 13 14 2 13 4 tf3 1 3 8 2 5 3 2 2 14 6 10 15 2 14 11 tf4 3 7 8 2 7 3 1 4 11 6 14 14 2 22 4 tf5 1410253 44631492183 tf6 3 1 14 2 9 0 4 1 12 6 14 7 2 8 4 tf7 3 7 5 2 8 3 4 4 13 0 13 17 2 17 7 tf8 3 3 11 3 10 3 1 14 12 8 10 14 4 13 9 tf9 1710283 41560141641119 tf10 379483 4664 91141612 tf11 3410473 4 9 1016164169 tf12 367373 7 0 4018132620 tf13 3372111108 7019161517 tf14 347293 2134016103104 tf15a 388283 1166617631812 tf15b 3 10 13 2 7 3 1 9 6 5 11 6 3 7 14 tf16 338273 8139016133162 tf17 320093 1 9 2010153413 tf18 378293 9 9 401753164 tf19 376283 6124012163204 tf20 385383 11108151331911 tf21 3 4 13 4 0 3 1 11 11 0 11 15 3 11 14 tf24 3 4 12 0 0 3 4 4 3 5 8 16 3 21 6 tf25 3 9 17 2 14 3 12 0 0 0 2 1 5 10 12 tf26 2 0 1 2 5 3 10 0 0 0 4 2 6 13 14 tf27 3 5 15 1 2 2 10 0 0 7 4 13 2 1 1 tf28 3 11 16 2 1 3 10 8 13 0 5 3 2 16 16 tf29 0 0 0 0 12 0 11 0 8 1 3 17 2 2 15 tf30 3 7 16 1 4 3 10 0 0 2 6 4 3 12 1 tf31 00006111013011421118 tf32 332003 4 5 00 0 00 00 tf33 0 0 0 0 9 3 3 3 10 5 11 8 3 11 3 tf34 1 3 4 3 9 3 10 10 4 0 11 9 3 9 15 tf35 3 4 15 4 3 3 9 10 4 0 17 9 3 3 4 tf36 3730110 2 71007122175 tf37 0 0 0 4 9 3 10 10 12 0 16 13 3 16 8 For each locus, each figure indicates one genotype; the figure ‘0’ indicates that the locus in this individual was unable to amplify.

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