Antipodes Volume 18 | Issue 2 Article 1 2004 Front Matter Antipodes Editors Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/antipodes Recommended Citation Editors, Antipodes (2004) "Front Matter," Antipodes: Vol. 18: Iss. 2, Article 1. Available at: http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/antipodes/vol18/iss2/1 I A North American Journal of Australian Literature “s^ Ih e Publication of the American Association of Australian Literary Studies D ecember 2004 : E d it o r Nicholas Birns New School University o f A u s tra lia n Litera t u r e f The Publication of the Fiction Editor Australian Literary Studies DECEMBER 2004 VOLUME 18 N o . 2 J. A. W ainwright Dalhousie University ■ P o e t r y Poetry Editor 103 Janet Reinhardt — Scrap Book Paul Kane 104 Peter Bakowski — A Letter from Baghdad to Melbourne, 1 June 2004 Vassar College 122 Meg McNena — Say It Begins with S Reviews Editor 123 Kathryn Lomer — A List of Things To Do This Winter Richard Carr 128 Maria Takolander — Nose Bleed University of Alaska—Fairbanks 129 Craig Sherborne — Journo 129 Lisa Gorton — Petrol Associate Editor Paul Plisiewicz 135 Mike Ladd — The Barrier Highway University of South Carolina 152 Andrew Leggett — Gift 162 Kevin Hart — Finland Essays, general correspondence: 170 Lorraine McGuigan — Grass Nicholas Birns 205 East Tenth Street 173 Louise Oxley — Division New York, NY 10003-7634 email <[email protected]> ■ F i c t i o n Poetry Manuscripts 124 Sylvia Kelso — Slick Paul Kane 136 Mike Ladd — The Silvered Mirror Department of English Box 299 Vassar College Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 ■ E s s a y s email <[email protected]> 97 Robert Ross — Remembering Thea Astley (1926-2004) Fiction Manuscripts 105 Penny Jones — A Pint-sized Cliff Hardy: Dorothy Porter and the Niche ]. A. Wainwright Marketing of Australia English Department 113 Lyn Jacobs — Tales of Two Cities: Fictions by Lau Siew Mei and Susan Dalhousie University Johnson Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 3J5 132 Michael Farrell — The Imageless World, Michael Brennan: A Traveling email <[email protected]> Review 140 Jane O ’Sullivan — Geologist or Geisha? Disorienting Body and Books for review/reviewing Landscape in Japanese Story Richard Carr Department of English 147 Michael Ackland — Passion by Proxy: Henry Handel Richardson’s University of Alaska-Fairbanks Sapphic Investment in Her Early Fiction 850 Gruening 153 John Kinsella — Cross-cut: The Forest P.O. Box 755720 163 John Kinsella — The Home Letterbox: Glimpses into the Suburban Fairbanks, AK 99775 171 John Beston — Patrick White and Theodora Goodman in New Mexico email <[email protected]> 174 Dawn Csutoros — Tree Hugs Subscriptions Paul Plisiewicz 211 Main St., #205 Columbia, SC 29201 email <[email protected]> Conference of Editors ot Learned Journals An t ip o d e s ❖ 9 3 D e p a r t m e n t s COVER A r t — Dawn Csutoros, Lotus Garden (78 x 58.5 cm, p a s te l on paper, 2001) 98 INTERVIEW — An Interview with Robert Anderson, Gheebelum Ngugi, Editorial Advisory Board Rebecca Weaver'Hightower 119 INTERVIEW — An Interview with Alexis Wright, Jean-Frangois Vernay Carolyn Bliss (Chair) 130 INTERVIEW — An Interview with Annamarie Jagose, Madeleine Byrne Marian Arkin (CUNY) 176 BRINDABELLA: Literary news from around Australia, Madeleine Byrne Richard Carr (Alaska) Donna Coates (Calgary) 190 Bibliography of Australian Literature and Criticism Published in North H.W. Fawkner (Stockholm) America, 2003, Faye Christenberry Kevin Hart (Notre Dame) Jackie Huggins (Queensland) ■ ______________________________________________________________________ B o o k R e v ie w s Herbert Jaffa (NYU) Christopher Lee (USQ) ■ F ic t io n David McCooey (Deakin) 178 Thomas Keneally, The Tyrant’s Novel — Marjorie C. Allison Mark Pirie (Wellington) 179 Andrew McGahan, The White Earth — A. Digger Stolz Imre Salusinszky (Sydney) Kay Schaffer (Adelaide) 179 Gerald Murnane, The Plains — Jean-Francois Vernay Susan Schultz (Hawai’i) 180 Rodney Hall, The Last Love Story: A Fairy Tale of the Day After Elizabeth Webby (Sydney) Tomorrow — Sigrun Meinig Adi Wimmer (Klagenfurt) 181 Sophie Cunningham, Geography — Erica Keiko Iseri Zhu Jiong-Qiang (Zhejiang) 182 Philip Salom, Toccata & Rain — Joanna A. Meyer 183 Graham Henderson, Place of the Paintings — AnnaMarie Christiansen Founding Editor: 184 Donald Denoon, AfterLife: A Divine Comedy — Shirley J. Paolini ■ P o e t r y Robert Ross 185 Judy Johnson, Nomadic — D’Arcy Randall 186 Adrienne Eberhard, Agamemnon’s Poppies — Bev Braune A ll essays and interviews ■ A b o r ig in a l S t u d ie s published in Antipodes 187 Maryrose Casey, Creating Frames: Contemporary Indigenous Theatre — are fully refereed. Stella Pulo ■ L it e r a r y C r it ic ism 188 Jenny Robin Jones, Writers In Residence: A Journey with Pioneer N ew Zealand Writers — Nicholas Birns In Memory of Peter Mathers 1931 -2004 9 4 ♦> December 2 0 0 4 A ntipodes, the official journal of the American The American Association of Australian Literary Association of Australian Literary Studies, is pub- Studies is a professional organization whose members lished by the Association twice a year, June and are drawn from North America, Australia, Europe, D ecem ber. and Asia. The AAALS was organized in 1986. An invitation to membership is extended to all those ■ Essays on any aspect of Australian literature interested in Australian literature. Dues for one year and/or culture are invited; comparative studies are include subscriptions to Antipodes and the AAALS especially encouraged. The essays should not exceed Newsletter. 5000 words and should conform to MLA style. ■ Submissions of short fiction, parts of novels, Membership Fees Single - $40; Joint - $50 drama and poetry by Australian writers are invited. Grad. Student/Retired - $30; Group/Organization - $60. ■ All U.S. submissions should be accompanied by a Overseas: Please add $12.00 for Antipodes shipping. AAALS accepts MasterCard and Visa. return, stamped envelope. International postage All payments in US dollars. coupons are requested in order to return overseas m ail. Address — Faye Christenberry, English Studies ■ Antipodes publishes only fiction, poetry, articles, Librarian, Reference & Research Services Division, and interviews that have not appeared in other pub­ University of W ashington Libraries, Box 352900, lications. All material is subject to editing to con­ S eattle, WA 98195 <[email protected]> form w ith Antipodes’ style. Antipodes does not accept AAALS Officers — John Scheckter, President; submissions by fax or email. Robert Zeller, Vice'President; Faye Christenberry, ■ The editors and publishers of Antipodes assum e Secretary; Robert Zeller, Treasurer. Board Members: no responsibility for contributor’s opinions. Nicholas Birns, Carolyn Bliss, Andreas Gaile, Paul ■ Antipodes is in d ex ed in th e a n n u a l M L A Kane, Paul Plisiewicz, Horst Priessnitz, Theodore International Bibliography and AustLit Gateway Sheckels, J. A. Wainwright, Marty Wechselblatt. (www.austlit.edu.au). Newsletter Editor: Mark Klemens. ■ Copyright of fiction and poetry lies with the The AAALS is an Allied Organization of the authors. Permission to reprint critical material must Modem Language Association. be obtained from Antipodes, and full credit given. Be sure to visit the A A A L S’s & Antipodes’ website ISSN 0893-5580 ©2004 Antipodes <www.australianliterature.org> Antipodes acknowledges financial assistance from the Subscriptions to A n tip o d e s following agencies and institutions: One Year Individual $25 Institution $45 ■ Cultural Relations Branch of the Additional postage Canada $6 Overseas $12 Australian Department of Foreign Single Copies Individual $18 Institution $20 Affairs & Trade Additional Postage Canada $6 Overseas $12 ■ Vassar College Address: Paul Plisiewicz ■ This project has been assist­ 211 Main St., #205 ed by the Commonwealth Columbia, SC 29201 Government of Australia email: [email protected] through the Australia All payments in US dollars. Council, its arts funding and Antipodes accepts MasterCard and Visa. advisory body. ■ I m p o r t a n t N o t i c e ■ Australian Subscribers and Australian AAALS Members Please note that with the introduction of the GST, it is no longer practical to process subscriptions or membership fees in Australian dollars. Please send membership renewals and new or renewed subscriptions to the appropriate US addresses. (Payment by credit card will minimize conversion costs.) An t ip o d es ❖ 9 5.
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