Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102 LIST OF MARINE POLLUTANTS—Continued LIST OF MARINE POLLUTANTS—Continued S.M.P. Marine pollutant S.M.P. Marine pollutant (1) (2) (1) (2) Silver cyanide PP White phosphorus, wet Silver orthoarsenite White spirit, low (15-20%) aromatic PP Sodium copper cyanide, solid PP Yellow phosphorus, dry PP Sodium copper cyanide solution PP Yellow phosphorus, wet PP Sodium cuprocyanide, solid PP Sodium cuprocyanide, solution Zinc bromide Sodium cyanide, solid Zinc cyanide Sodium cyanide, solution Sodium dinitro-o-cresolate, dry or wetted with less than 15 per cent water, by mass [Amdt. 172–173, 55 FR 52474, Dec. 21, 1990] Sodium dinitro-ortho-cresolate, wetted with not less than 15 per cent water, by mass EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- PP Sodium pentachlorophenate tations affecting § 172.101, see the List of CFR Strychnine or Strychnine salts Sections Affected, which appears in the Sulfotep Finding Aids section of the printed volume PP Sulprophos and at www.fdsys.gov. Tallow nitrile Temephos TEPP § 172.102 Special provisions. PP Terbufos Tetrabromoethane (a) General. When column 7 of the Tetrabromomethane § 172.101 table refers to a special provi- 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane sion for a hazardous material, the Tetrachloroethylene Tetrachloromethane meaning and requirements of that pro- Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate vision are as set forth in this section. PP Tetraethyl lead, liquid When a special provision specifies Tetramethrin Tetramethyllead packaging or packaging require- Thallium chlorate ments— Thallium compounds, n.o.s. Thallium compounds (pesticides) (1) The special provision is in addi- Thallium nitrate tion to the standard requirements for Thallium sulfate all packagings prescribed in § 173.24 of Thallous chlorate Thiocarbonyl tetrachloride this subchapter and any other applica- Triaryl phosphates, isopropylated ble packaging requirements in subparts PP Triaryl phosphates, n.o.s. A and B of part 173 of this subchapter; Triazophos Tribromomethane and PP Tributyltin compounds (2) To the extent a special provision Trichlorfon imposes limitations or additional re- PP 1,2,3—Trichlorobenzene Trichlorobenzenes, liquid quirements on the packaging provi- Trichlorobutene sions set forth in column 8 of the Trichlorobutylene § 172.101 table, packagings must con- Trichloromethane sulphuryl chloride Trichloromethyl sulphochloride form to the requirements of the special Trichloronat provision. Tricresyl phosphate (less than 1% ortho-isomer) (b) Description of codes for special pro- PP Tricresyl phosphate, not less than 1% ortho-isomer but not more than 3% orthoisomer visions. Special provisions contain PP Tricresyl phosphate with more than 3 per cent ortho packaging provisions, prohibitions, ex- isomer ceptions from requirements for par- Triethylbenzene Triisopropylated phenyl phosphates ticular quantities or forms of materials Trimethylene dichloride and requirements or prohibitions appli- PP Triphenylphosphate cable to specific modes of transpor- Triphenyl phosphate/tert-butylated triphenyl phosphates mixtures containing 5% to 10% tation, as follows: triphenyl phosphates (1) A code consisting only of numbers PP Triphenyl phosphate/tert-butylated triphenyl phosphates mixtures containing 10% to 48% (for example, ‘‘11’’) is multi-modal in triphenyl phosphates application and may apply to bulk and PP Triphenyltin compounds non-bulk packagings. Tritolyl phosphate (less than 1% ortho-isomer) PP Tritolyl phosphate (not less than 1% ortho-isomer) (2) A code containing the letter ‘‘A’’ Trixylenyl phosphate refers to a special provision which ap- Vinylidene chloride, stabilized plies only to transportation by air- Warfarin (and salts of) PP White phosphorus, dry craft. 317 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:52 Nov 15, 2012 Jkt 226218 PO 00000 Frm 00327 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 172.102 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–12 Edition) (3) A code containing the letter ‘‘B’’ Zone D (see § 173.116(a) of this subchapter), refers to a special provision that ap- and must be described as an inhalation plies only to bulk packaging require- hazard under the provisions of this sub- ments. Unless otherwise provided in chapter. this subchapter, these special provi- 5 If this material meets the definition for a material poisonous by inhalation (see sions do not apply to UN, IM Specifica- § 171.8 of this subchapter), a shipping name tion portable tanks or IBCs. must be selected which identifies the inha- (4) A code containing the letters ‘‘IB’’ lation hazard, in Division 2.3 or Division or ‘‘IP’’ refers to a special provision 6.1, as appropriate. that applies only to transportation in 6 This material is poisonous-by-inhalation IBCs. and must be described as an inhalation (5) A code containing the letter ‘‘N’’ hazard under the provisions of this sub- refers to a special provision which ap- chapter. plies only to non-bulk packaging re- 8 A hazardous substance that is not a haz- ardous waste may be shipped under the quirements. shipping description ‘‘Other regulated sub- (6) A code containing the letter ‘‘R’’ stances, liquid or solid, n.o.s.’’, as appro- refers to a special provision which ap- priate. In addition, for solid materials, spe- plies only to transportation by rail. cial provision B54 applies. (7) A code containing the letter ‘‘T’’ 9 Packaging for certain PCBs for disposal refers to a special provision which ap- and storage is prescribed by EPA in 40 CFR plies only to transportation in UN or 761.60 and 761.65. IM Specification portable tanks. 11 The hazardous material must be pack- (8) A code containing the letters aged as either a liquid or a solid, as appro- ‘‘TP’’ refers to a portable tank special priate, depending on its physical form at 55 °C (131 °F) at atmospheric pressure. provision for UN or IM Specification 12 In concentrations greater than 40 per- portable tanks that is in addition to cent, this material has strong oxidizing those provided by the portable tank in- properties and is capable of starting fires structions or the requirements in part in contact with combustible materials. If 178 of this subchapter. appropriate, a package containing this ma- (9) A code containing the letter ‘‘W’’ terial must conform to the additional la- refers to a special provision that ap- beling requirements of § 172.402 of this sub- plies only to transportation by water. chapter. (c) Tables of special provisions. The fol- 13 The words ‘‘Inhalation Hazard’’ shall be lowing tables list, and set forth the re- entered on each shipping paper in associa- tion with the shipping description, shall be quirements of, the special provisions marked on each non-bulk package in asso- referred to in column 7 of the § 172.101 ciation with the proper shipping name and table. identification number, and shall be marked (1) Numeric provisions. These provi- on two opposing sides of each bulk pack- sions are multi-modal and apply to age. Size of marking on bulk package must bulk and non-bulk packagings: conform to § 172.302(b) of this subchapter. The requirements of §§ 172.203(m) and Code/Special Provisions 172.505 of this subchapter do not apply. 1 This material is poisonous by inhalation 14 Motor fuel antiknock mixtures are: (see § 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard a. Mixtures of one or more organic lead Zone A (see § 173.116(a) or § 173.133(a) of this mixtures (such as tetraethyl lead, subchapter), and must be described as an triethylmethyl lead, diethyldimethyl inhalation hazard under the provisions of lead, ethyltrimethyl lead, and this subchapter. tetramethyl lead) with one or more halo- 2 This material is poisonous by inhalation gen compounds (such as ethylene (see § 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard dibromide and ethylene dichloride), hy- Zone B (see § 173.116(a) or § 173.133(a) of this drocarbon solvents or other equally effi- subchapter), and must be described as an cient stabilizers; or inhalation hazard under the provisions of b. tetraethyl lead. this subchapter. 15 This entry applies to ‘‘Chemical kits’’ 3 This material is poisonous by inhalation and ‘‘First aid kits’’ containing one or more (see § 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard compatible items of hazardous materials in Zone C (see § 173.116(a) of this subchapter), boxes, cases, etc. that, for example, are used and must be described as an inhalation for medical, analytical, diagnostic, testing, hazard under the provisions of this sub- or repair purposes. Kits that are carried on chapter. board transport vehicles for first aid or oper- 4 This material is poisonous by inhalation ating purposes are not subject to the require- (see § 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard ments of this subchapter. 318 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:52 Nov 15, 2012 Jkt 226218 PO 00000 Frm 00328 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.102 16 This description applies to smokeless 28 The dihydrated sodium salt of powder and other solid propellants that are dichloroisocyanuric acid is not subject to used as powder for small arms and have the requirements of this subchapter. been classed as Division 1.3 and 4.1 in ac- 29 For transportation by motor vehicle, cordance with § 173.56 of this subchapter. rail car or vessel, production runs (excep- 18 This description is authorized only for fire tions for prototypes can be found in extinguishers listed in § 173.309(b) of this § 173.185(e)) of not more than 100 lithium cells subchapter meeting the following condi- or batteries are excepted from the testing re- tions: quirements of § 173.185(a)(1) if— a. Each fire extinguisher may only have a. For a lithium metal cell or battery, the extinguishing contents that are nonflam- lithium content is not more than 1.0 g per mable, non-poisonous, non-corrosive and cell and the aggregate lithium content is not commercially free from corroding com- more than 2.0 g per battery, and, for a lith- ponents.
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