AERMETSG/11 – WP/04 25/11/11 International Civil Aviation Organization Revised CAR/SAM Regional Planning and Implementation Group (GREPECAS) Eleventh Meeting of the GREPECAS Aeronautical Meteorology Subgroup (AERMETSG/11) Lima, Peru, 28 to 30 November 2011 Agenda Item 3: Review the status of implementation of the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW) in the CAR/SAM States (Presented by the Secretariat) SUMMARY This working paper presents information on the progress of the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW), in accordance with the results of the Fifth and Sixth meetings of the IAVW Operations Group (IAVWOPSG/5 and IAVWOPSG/6), and the implementation status in CAR/SAM States. References Report of the Fifth Meeting of the International Airways Volcano Watch Operations Group (IAVWOPSG/5), 15 to 19 March 2010, Lima, Peru. Report of the Sixth Meeting of the International Airways Volcano Watch Operations Group (IAVWOPSG/6), 19 to 23 September 2011, Dakar, Senegal. Report of the Fifteenth Meeting of the CAR/SAM Regional Planning and Iimplementation Group (GREPECAS/15), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13 – 17 October 2008. A – Safety C - Environmental Protection and ICAO Strategic Objective: Sustainable Development of Air Transport 1. Introduction 1.1 The IAVWOPSG was established in response to Recommendation 1/22 of the Meteorology (MET) Divisional Meeting (2002), to ensure that the operation and development of the IAVW continue, in order to meet current and evolving operational requirements in a cost effective manner. The Group should also develop proposals for the development of the IAVW in order to ensure the seamless evolution of operational requirements, under ICAO procedures for the amendments to Annex 3. 1.2 ICAO Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Groups (PIRGs) should review the results of the IAVWOPSG meetings and identify any necessary follow-up action at regional level. Additionally, issues related to IAVW implementation raised by the PIRGs should be referred to the IAVWOPSG for consideration. AERMETSG/11 - WP/04 - 2 - 2. Discussion Review the outcome of IAVWOPSG/5 and IAVWOPSG/6 meetings 2.1 The Fifth Meeting of the International Airways Volcano Watch Operations Group (IAVWOPSG/5) was carried out from 15 to 19 March 2010 in Lima, Peru. The Sixth Meeting was held in Dakar, Senegal, from 19 to 23 September 2011. The executive summaries are reproduced in Appendix A to this working paper. In addition, complete information regarding IAVWOPSG meetings can also be found at IAVWOSG website: http://www.icao.int/anb/iavwopsg, available in only English. Review the status of implementation of IAVW 2.2 The Meeting shall recall that the Tenth Meeting of the GREPECAS Aeronautical Meteorology Subgroup (AERMETSG/10) approved Draft Conclusion 10/04, adopted by GREPECAS in its Sixteenth Meeting under Conclusion 16/09 - Guide on the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW). 2.3 In this regard, and as requested by the referred conclusion, the ICAO SAM Office prepared regional guidance in Spanish, to explain the contents of Doc 9766, Handbook on the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW) — Operational Procedures and Contact List, which is presented as Appendix B1 to this working paper. 2.4 Considering the latest events on volcanic ash in the SAM Region which have affected several States, the Meeting could agree to formulate the following draft conclusion: DRAFT CONCLUSION 11/XX DOC. 9766 - HANDBOOK ON THE INTERNATIONAL AIRWAYS VOLCANO WATCH (IAVW) — OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES AND CONTACT LIST, IN SPANISH That, in order to support CAR/SAM States in IAVW implementation, ICAO be invited to consider the development of a Spanish version of Doc 9766 - Handbook on the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW), Operational Procedures and Contact List. 2.5 Based on the new GREPECAS methodology, the Meeting could consider a project for the implementation of international airways volcano watch (IAVW). One of the tasks to be developed by this project should be the review of the contingency plans for volcanic eruptions in the CAR and SAM Regions, as well as the tasks required for the implementation of IAVW and the issuance of volcanic ash related SIGMET. 3. Action required 3.1 The Subgroup is invited to: a) consider the information presented in this working paper, as well as in Appendices A and B; and b) agree on other actions as necessary. 1 In the English version of this WP, Appendix B corresponds to Doc 9766. AERMETSG/11-WP/04 APPENDIX A FIFTH MEETING IAVW OPERATIONS GROUP (Lima, Peru, 15 to 19 March 2010) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Fifth Meeting of th e International Airway s Volcano Watch Operations Group (IAVWOPSG/5), held at the IC AO South American Office (SAM) fro m 15 to 19 March 2010, was attended by eighteen experts fro m the eight volcanic ash advisory centre (VAAC) Provider States, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), th e International Union of G eodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). 1.2 Mr P. Lechner, the Chairman of the I AVWOPSG, presided over the meeting throughout its duration. Mr. R. Ro mero, Technical Officer, Meteorology from ICAO Headquarters, Montréal, was Secretary of the meeting, assisted by Mrs. Nohora Arias, Regional Officer Meteorolog y from the South American Office. 2. FOLLOW-UP OF IAVWOPSG/4 CONCLUSIONS 2.1 Regarding the follow-up action of IA VWOPSG/4 Conclusions, the gro up noted that, except for Conclusions 4/ 23 and 4/24, action was considered to be co mplete on all the iss ues (Decision 5/1 refers). 3. REVIEW OF ICAO PROVISIONS RELATED TO IAVW 3.1 The group reviewed the IAVW-relate d regional procedures contained i n the air navigation plan (ANP) facilities and services i mplementation document (FASID) which would render them compatible with Annex 3 — Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation. The amended procedures would be referred to the ICAO Regional Offices for processing (Conclusion 5/2 refers). 4 OPERATION OF THE IAVW 4.1 The group reviewed the management reports prepared by the VAAC Provider States, noted their content and expressed satisfaction with the scope of the information provided. 4.2 In order to improve the situational awareness of users of the IAVW, the group reviewed a proposal for the issuance of daily volcano status briefing inf ormation and agreed to pursue the development of further concepts around the coordination and provision of volcano situational awareness information (Conclusion 5/3 refers). 4.3 The group noted that, due to operational airline requirements, the area of responsibility of VAAC Wellington had been extended to the south to cover high latitudes and, to the east to m eet the western edge of VAAC Buenos Aires. The group also took note of a proposal by Chile of supporting New Zealand in the coverage of the extended area. The group endorsed the extended area and agreed that VAAC Wellington be invited to form alize the extens ion of its area of respo nsibility (Conclusion 5/4 refers). AERMETSG/11-WP/04 - A2 - 4.4 Concerning the operational procedures for the coordination and transfer of responsibility between volcanic ash adv isory centres (VAACs) d uring volcanic ash events, the group addressed a proposal aimed to align the procedures established in Annex 3 an d in the Handbook on the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW) — Operational Procedures and Contact List (Doc 9766) and, since the proposal would simplify the procedures, the group agreed to undertake a safety and communication issues assessment, after which Doc 9766 may need to be amended by the Secretariat (Conclusion 5/5 refers). 4.5 To ensure support of established procedures regarding notification on pre-eruption and/or volcanic eruptions b y volcano observatories, the group agreed with the in clusion of t he Volcano Observatory Notice to Av iation (VONA) in Doc 9766 and also on the need to continue th e education process concerning its use by volcano observatories (Conclusion 5/6 refers). 4.6 In order to a ssist both the meteorological watch offices (MWOs ) and VAACs to m eet their obligations under the IAVW an d to avoid unnecessary repetition of information in different documents, the group agreed to develo p a proposal for amendment of Annex 3 to include a reference to the VONA (Conclusion 5/7 refers). 4.7 To improve the description and movement of the ash cloud in volcanic ash advisories, the group agreed to prepare a proposal o f amendment of Table A2-1 of Anne x 3 to allow the use o f “estimation” and direction and speed of m ovement attached to the description of the observed ash cloud (Conclusion 5/8 refers). 4.8 The group agreed to pursue the development of appropriate guidance material clarifying the procedures to be fol lowed by meteorological watch offices (MWOs) for the reporting of complex volcanic ash events in SIGMET messages (Conclusion 5/9 refers). 4.9 In order to assist the VAACs, the g roup agreed to the developm ent of a co mmon international volcano database, adapted to their needs, to be used by the VAACs (Conclusion 5/10 refers). 4.10 To support the issuance of special air reports related to the smell of sulphur , the group agreed to include approp riate guidance on procedures to be followed in the Handbook on the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW) — Operational Procedures and Contact List (Doc 9766) (Conclusion 5/11 refers). 4.11 Regarding the implementation of a central repository for the collection and distribution of the volcanic activity reports (Model V AR in the Pr ocedures for Air Navigat ion Services-Air Traffi c Management (Doc 4444)), the group agreed that work related to the establish ment of such a facility be completed by VAAC Darwin (Conclusion 5/12 refers).
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