1 Standish Parish Council NOTICE OF A MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL PUBLIC AND PRESS ARE WELCOME A meeting of Standish Parish Council will be held on Thursday 21 st May 2020 at 7pm The meeting will be held via the Zoom meeting platform: https://www.zoom.us/join To attend the meeting please use ID 829 7145 2445; password 997201 For more information about attending Council meetings via Zoom please refer to the guidance on the Parish Council website www.standishvillage.co.uk/meetinqs ADurn Interim Clerk to Standish Parish Council 15th May 2020 AGENDA 1. To receive apologies 2. To receive any declarations of interest 3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th March 2020 4. To receive updates from the previous meeting 5. To receive any representations or questions from members of the public (15 Minutes) Members of the public are invited to address the Council, give their views, and question the Council on issues on the agenda or raise issues for future consideration (at the discretion of the Chair). (Each member of the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall not speak for more than three minutes) 6. To receive reports from County and District Councillors 7. Planning: To consider the followingplanning applications. Details can be found on the Stroud District Council website's Planning pages: • 2020/0249/EIAS: Land West of Stagholt Farm, Gloucester Road, Standish - Scoping opinion for the construction of up to 720 residential dwellings with associated infrastructure • S.19/0965/PJQ: The Brick Barn, Bridge Farm, Haresfield - change of use of an agricultural barn Interim Clerk: A Durn e-mail:[email protected] www.standishvillagehall.co.uk 1 2 Standish Parish Council • S.20/0692/FUL: The Brick Barn, Bridge Farm, Haresfield - replacement of agricultural barn to residential dwelling and associated works • S.20/0921/FUL: 17 Standish Gate, Standish - erection of a double garage with office space/personal fitness space in the eves, plus driveway • S.20/0580/HHOLD (resubmission) - Rosa Mundi, Little Haresfield - rear extension • S.20/0844/MINAM Minor amendments to S.17/2729/FUL: Standish Lodge. Horsemarling Lane, Standish - reduction in glazing on north and east elevation, dormer window on north elevation reduced in size, window added to east elevation, brick plinth added and change of cladding material to timber 8. To note the temporaryclosure of footpath MST.1, MST.2, & EST 6A Oldends Farm, Stonehouse and Standish 9. To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Development Plan and agree to carry out a consultation as per Regulation 14 and actions 10. To consider updated insurance quotation and agree actions 11. To verify and sign the bank reconciliation and original bank statements for March and April 2020 12. To note payments and receipts and agree payment of invoices 13. To agree payment of £40 for the 2020/21 fee to the Information Commissioners Office as required by the Data Protection Act 2018 14. To agree to the continuation of the grass cutting contract in 2020/21 15. Local Transport Plan: To receive an update and agree actions 16. Safe and Sustainable Travel in Standish: To agree to hold a remote meeting to discuss how to progress the project 17. To discuss the parking of trade vehicles in Horsemarling Land and agree actions 18.To receive an update on the recruitment of a Clerk to the Parish Council 19. To receive the Handyperson's report for April 2020 20. To receive a report on fly tipping in the Parish Interim Clerk: A Durn e-mail :clerkatstandish [email protected]. uk www.standishvillagehall.co.uk 2 3 Standish Parish Council 21. To receive an update on the defibrillator installation at the Village Hall and agree actions 22. To receive an update on Transition Stroud and the Stonehouse Climate Change Action Group and agree actions 23. To receive an update on and agree actions 24. Consultation: To agree a response to Stroud District Council on Public Spaces Protection Orders https://www.stroud.gov.uk/council-and­ democracy/about-the-council/have-your-say/consultations/consultation-on­ public-spaces-protection-orders-pspos-relating-to-dogs 25. To receive requests for future agenda items 26. To confirm the date and time of the next meeting of the Council Interim Clerk: A Durn e-mail:[email protected] www.standishvillagehall.co.uk 3 4 Agenda Item 3 SPC Meeting: 21st May 2020 -Agenda Item 3 Proposed amendments to Minutes of the SPC meeting dated 12th March 2020 61/20 Parking Issues: Following an incident concerning parking at a recent event in the church, local residents complained to the group using the church and to the VHC. The residents were invited to attend VHC meeting but were unable to attend. Although the event involved was a church (not a VH) function, the VHC discussed the problem at length and suggested several solutions to alleviate parking problems; these will be forwarded to the residents concerned to ascertain if any of the proposals are acceptable. Detailed parking guidelines are already issued to all groups hiring/using the VH. 64/20 Noel Sharp will be working one day a week for Transition Stroud, he will be supporting new groups and sharing good practice. 4 5 Agenda Item 3 Minutes of the meeting of Standish Parish Council held on Thursday 12 March 2020, commencing at 7.00pmat Standish Village Hall Present: Councillors Robert Kellie (Vice-Chair) Michael Jenkins Jackie Knights Alison Widgery In Attendance: Clerk Sally Jones Apologies: Councillor Sue Hartley (Chair) County Councillor Lesley Williams District Councillor Dave Mossman 50/20 To receive apologies Apologies were noted as above. 51/20 To Receive any Declarations of Interest None 52/20 To confirm the minutes of the last ineeti�g of the touncil The Minutes of the last meeting held on ThUrsday 13 February 2020 following were approved as a correct record and duly signed bvcouncillor Kellie. 53/20 To receive updates from the prelilousmeeting The Clerk confirmed that the V\(ar Mei orial wasan a�setofthe Council and n .. therefore should be covered un(ler th.e)nsuranc�. 54/20 To receive any representations ot:questions·· · from members of the public None. preient · 55/20 To receive ahyrepdrtsfromCounty alltlDistrict Councillors None present 56/20 To considerthe following planning application; • S.20/0204/LBC andS.20/0203/FUL -Welches Farm, Horse marling Lane- . Liated B'uilding'application and new entrance gates After due discµ5,�ion members agreed to NOTE the application. S,20/0248/HHOLD -The Leaze Oxlynch-Proposed single storey extension Afteld.ue discussion members agreed to NOTE the application. ACTION: ·clerk to advise decisions to Planning Departmentat Stroud District CounciJ 57/20 To receive an update on Safe and Sustainable Travel Standish project and agree actions Council received a written report of the meeting held on February 20 and Councillor Knights gave a brief verbal report, with the actions proposed • Two key projects (cycleway and multi-user path from Horse marling to Black Bridge) to be included In the Sustainable Transport Policy of the NDP • Respond to the Local TransportPlan by March 26 • Arrange a meeting with Sarah Williams and Mark Parker from Gloucestershire County Council 5 6 • Seek support from Simon Smith of Cotswold Conservation Board • Funding and grant options to be explored ACTION: Councillor l{nights to contact Sarah Williams when appropriate consideringCODIV-19 and its impact on future meetings. 58/20 To discuss the Local Transport Plan and agree actions Members agreed to delegate responsibility to Councillor Hartley to respond on behalfofthe Council in consultation with Sue Oppenheimer to the Local Transport Plan. ACTION: CouncillorHartleyto respond on Local Transport Plan 59/20 To discuss HGV access at Standish House site and agree actions Councillor Kellie reported that a lot of site traffic forth\"Standish House development are driving up Ox lynch Lane due to s,at 'naliigation when using the postcode. This has meant vehicles reversingdownthe lane and mounting verges and causing damage. After contacting the devel9p.�rs�nd grollndworkscompany, new signage will be erected to advise no access via the lane. 60/20 To receive an update on the Neighbou·thood/ Develop - ment Plan (NDP)anci'agree. any actions . ... Members were advised that any grant mriheyhelcl by the Council, must be spent by the March 31 or returnedtoGroundworks. CouncillorHartleyhad advised members by email prior to the meetin�th,�t additional wor�is required by Andrea Pellegram in readiness for the Reg 14 cpnsultation and this neededtcibe completed by the end of the month. Members agreecj delegationto CounciU9r Hartley to work with Andrea Pellegram and Sue Opp.e(lhejri)ertoarrange the necessary works to use as much of thegrant111oneytogett!,is prepared. ACTION: Councillor!1artleydeleg�'\ed· · to agree work completed underthe grant guidelin�s. - · 61/20 To receive a� �pdate on the Village HaU committee {VHC)meeting and agree actions Cciunci.llorWidgery gave the following report: Sec6ndi11y glazirig:Threequotes were considered, and the cheapest was deemed to be the b·estllilithsliding Windows likely to provide the best seal. It is expected that all work should be completed and invoiced by 31 May in order to comply with UBB Grant requirements. He.alth and Safeiv: Fire inspection (23/01.2020) found 'a satisfactorystandard offire safe'ty' to be evident. All alarms and extinguishers are in working order and in date. Lettings: Consistent. ERFA has booked 19 training sessions in 2020/21 Charging point: VHC interested in accessing a possible grant for a charging point in the VHC car park. This was felt to be in line with their Environmental Policy.
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