I ,- O - I &#39; &#39; t_ RE: _ en ___:; ABBOTT HHWFUAN&#39;T.._; _.,__ _ MUPTKAR states that the FBl had recently arrested _lT=&#39;l_=;.-&#39;£ j_na him in New York City subsequent to his escape from Washington D.C, following his arrest there during the May Day Demonstration. -1 _ -u HOFFMAN stated he had been smuggled out of Jail in a garbage -- can. HOFERAK further stated in a facetious manner that he did not .92-&#39;-" . know either BERNIE DAVIS or JOHN FROINES and had n ot conspired 7- -1.2 with them regarding the May Day Demonstration in Washington, D.C. ANITA HOFFMAN stated that there would be another E" ; demonstration in Washington, D.C. some time this summer, and she hoped that more people would appear this t ime. " DOUGLAS, the moderator, then asked HOFFMAN how many F- times he had been arrested. HOFFMAN responded tha t he thought .92_ _. that he had been arrested Uh times and had been involved in 20 Ltrials. LF 1:. HOFFHAN then advised that Kent State University KSU! Iii; is currently the most intriguing campus in the nat ion. He stated that there are at least 200 police agents o n campus in addition to other infiltrators and informants. According to HOFEMAH, the four students killed at KSU in May, 1970, were 3-1!-I9-&#39;1! depicted by the U.S. Government as being clean cut dupes, when .- T7- actually they were "scruffy hippies" who were invo lved in radical -- Q activities on campus. DOUGLAS then commented that the known &#39; - campus radicals at KSU who had appeared on several "talk" shows foil nim- prior to the shootings, were not present on campus when the -. &#39;_:. four students were shot. HOFFMAN answered with "b 1 IOUGLAS than said he could furnish names of such r aloney". on campus to HOFFMAN off the air. HOFFMAN did not adicals who were ----an further consent on the subject, however, the program at this point temporarily went off the air. _T.&#39;.44 DOUGLAS then asked HOFFMAN if revolution was his __.,,._.. most important consideration. HOFFMAN responded t hat love is the most important thing. Fortunately, we do not distinguish between love and revolution". DOUGLAShavewto HOFFMAN, "given the present state of the country, then asked why do we . Q ".~ SF! need a revolution". HOFTMAN stated that the youth movement now is trying to form a New Nation, also Known as the Woodstock Nation, with its avowed purpose being the establis hment of new values. HOFFMAN believes in a utopian society whore there is no wo: He stated that his philosophy is contained in his book, "Tales of HOF¥MAN which Random Househas"refused to publish because it contains specific instructions on how to steal -,1~-~ &#39;-- .....,. _,.- . ... 7,... -,. .. ._ ....- ._,, .,,.._< 8?? . .*"iF§T*&#39;°-.,..r , ,.,.- ..L.r........_. ..-. -_.. -..,_, ___._,,.__, ____ ___ _, ,_. .....- ........ Ly _92;-......-........ 4..¢.... 92-~ &#39;-.v- 92 -- - . e. .~ -.&#39; - - . :-/1-:92-I-31:-0-JK. --u L--Ln -Auv we/-QUQJ-J-L4 92....J_.,__,.. Iran:-bl-&#39;I . .2 a i 1 . - - r 1 &#39; 3 - f 5 . 1 * A . RF f 0 " ~ Pl ,__ _;_=__ABHQET TiQE_F&#39;§&#39;i§.A n *j T S I-IC&#39;F~iANLimb shied gccgalu u-:-rd Lube ;.~u3r.&#39;i; ;, howto survive without working and that his book teaches the poor how to "rip off" welfare. I Regarding theChicago SevenConspiracy Trial HOFFMANstated that he was positive that the defendant; would _ "Z &#39;Q be victorious and thatthe courtsystem hadalready been exposed as being ludicrous. 4 u -..n"HHPTPMATJ H and hish-t,-. WJJBin 4-92----tnen answered - telephone inquiries - and he reiterated hi5 belief that oncean individual attains v a birth certificate, he is entitled to everythingnecessary to surviveHwithout-working for it. He further advisedthat the book, T1"-shlnrt" C &#39;!I&#39;1&#39;i"IFs1&#39;T&#39;|!-T.-_._-.&#39;._-...-Q oh ....a,..er -.. 1"1+A ucailg Hr; I &#39;- ---t-I-.92.- W.Lb11 A- BI-EL158 &#39;_1 of phony telephone credit cards -I | .7 J _|---Q gr: ____ _; - 4 F .- 5. _ . I; - -&#39;...Z _ . &#39;~&#39;-,5 gin .5I &#39;i&#39;92i.-51..-92&#39;;&#39;92t&#39;:.%&#39;&#39;-,-.¢ E-92""""5;c&#39;M °""&#39;_ not- of. CL?-*9" .,._ :E,f$92-,92. -I.j192_u":|"-&#39;-"&#39; i -.-4-w 0-Q the_". r:-1. _|1- *1"."! .|-u,..- r to-.-am 05°54. 5. rr~_l " .101:.¢-1&#39;» *7:-3&#39;7""memi 3° I _ |_ 9- iidm=1bv92=¢ Ui92ii ll; ;:.,92-1. .d¢ °".-wt&#39; 0559:? &#39; 1 3* 92 ro-an mp.s-:2-in -~ r-_ »l> r I. &#39; r&#39;:~"I &#39; &#39; FBI - "~ -up .1 V.-_ s _ =~92 V. 9""; 5/27/71 .:. ._ _ V1 Transmitfollowing thein _ o p " . -:1 -_ A T TW e inploimezl sole! or V " """i-1&#39;! Vin l IR _ - - Priority!&#39; . 1-F." " "7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~- --------------_ _ _ _. _:___ ____ t T0.- nxnsczron, FBI 76-31+!/ffcjgg 5?? _ -0- w . _ - /_ I " i r L §-5&1,_A____ _n-4.; X/Fnon:NEW76-505! sac, YORK w P / .P&#39;_92. SUBJECT:A BL H. Anson"HOFFMAN,Ilka. &#39; 0:WFO! £4 * I _ - t --_ . -H I Q D ReBute1, 5/25/71 . I 2 I-I-Lg Enclosedthe for Bureau arecopies 8 an or LI-1M .92 setting--forthof effortsresultsto obtain acopy of the A photographggr g;g:~"°_.e.kollMagazine» subjectwhich copies inappeared the ThreetheMay, of are LHM edition 1971enclosed l . 5 F &#39; A :3 1 é Q 9"5 A "F Q " .1 76 - -.._&#39;,. .: J- ALINFORMATIONCONTAINEIYE2/ "j pm :- -_ C. -.. 1. H n§|;~:|sUNCLASSIFIED :*j*_1_;_C .- ..._ i- _ o92 Q VTéisvmlg-45 @Burea.u Er1cs<?g!"&#39;:1¥MC® l A l -u 1-New-Washington York{17%-282! 3! FieldRM! Enos. 92 K F 67¢ ;-;=p-iri&#39;i-1?f:f:2:|p |_ e e L Approved-5 5JUW4c1uI&#39; _1% K in e = S9" t 41- "&#39;----_._____M Perk"&#39;-&#39; 92 i: &#39; . I ,1; ___ _a 1 - - _ fa u"r:{ srxrasDEl"AR&#39;IMl£l92"l Jl rrcs or "In . -&#39;92.921 . I. 92 &#39;In Reply, Plane ReferIn FEDERALN BUREAUOI" INVESTIGATION 14 w cw York, New York- I5! - 4 Fil=IV»- Bufile f 176-31+g May 2?, 1971.92 I- I _ NYf:l.le .176.-50_ ! é 92 E;-, - . Abbott H. Hoffman I ,_ . » "E Q -.__,; i.-_.-1 %&#39;@"?5?R£1E&&#39;%S?.%EE r I --4 23_ _ - 2 ss i * -r-7&#39; DATE»:-/¬»7=¢-/Bvix=:,z:ze4.J ofThis theFederal document containsof Bureau Investigationrecommendations neither FBI!. isconclusions It the nor contentspropertythenot of beandareFBIto loaneddistributed -isoutside your to agency. agency;it andyourits 1 ~_--_.._.~_. ¢.___.. _ _ v¢ 0 &#39; - 92 _ .- a , i evens. BUREAU or mvesnm m - 2-.1 . _ &#39; . 92 &#39;DIE ~<~~=~-e5/27/71 e ~~~-,_ n- I92lIl.l_§_ IIJ. KEN REGAN, Owner, Genera Five, third floor, 27 West -z{tn 53 reet, New York, ew York, advised that he personaiiy - took the photograph of ABBIE HOFFMANthat appeared in the May,19?l edition or "Newsweek" Magazine. He stated that he was on assignment of "Newsweek" Magazine in Washington, D.C. F at the time that he took the photograph of ABBIE HOFFMAN. He said that there are other photographs of ABBIE HOFFMAN that he I had taken in addition to the one that appeared in Newswe - . ! ek" Magazine. He declined, however, to make available eopies hf-3 VII?the _ , rciiiianhnfn 1-nnhe 92-I:/IIIJ U _ . LIIin nnns:1&#39;-inn 92:B92¬¥TLYFI. I-ITiei-of-inn villa YHZY. .+ha+ . l§%E YIBQ-l h, II § wa on assignment of "Newsweek" Magazine, he wanted to "check" with the editors of Fewsweek" Magazine before releasing copies of thee e photographs to the United States Department of Justice .__; vi .| 0 - -v~__ . _¢1 0 inunwq i I -&#39;L I[&#39;_.--92 ~:_==I .._&#39;. ... 1 . _ 5/26/71 New York, New York NY 176-505 92 0!! i dsasj ___ _* eee _at diwee __:i I 75/27/71.File i _ _ __ _ _A by.- o oo»oeo_ee oo- e~ee~.,.oeeo ee~ee7e Dam¢chned t _iieii_A,_ _e &#39;I11ie t&#39;|0Cllrncnlconiaj no neither recornmendatione norconclusions ofthe PB]. It in the propertyof the FBI and in loanedto your agency; it and it 5 contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. > = 92 _ 2 . &#39; . I :1 -&#39; steam.sussau orl|flVESTlGA&#39;._ in , _ 5227/71 la Data ___.__- em ____ __ __,____ hington Bureau, ..; , "HewsweJ!l!gg, Avenue, Washington, D.C., telephone number 0 ! 7880, telephonically advised that KEN REGAN, Camera ve, West 27th Street, New York City £HYC2,contacted himon May26, 1971concerning arequest by Feoerai Bureau of Investigation FBi! agents on May 20, 1971 that REGAN furnish photographs taken by him of ABBIE i £5 . v HOFFMANin Washington, D.C. during May Day demonstrations. - 2 _ststed that ass siren was onexclusive .w assignment gor"Newsweek" Magazineat the time thathe took s e the photographs of ABBIE HOFFMANin Washington, D.C. He ,- ._, stated that the photographs are owned by KEN REGAN.
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