BioBlitz 2018 at the Dixon Waterfowl Refuge Final Plant List BOLD = species new to the site NOTE: A plant’s C-VALUE (or degree of conservation) describes its relative rarity, and the probability of finding it in an undisturbed environment, as defined in Plants of the Chicago Region (1994, Floyd & Swink), and later Flora of the Chicago Region (2017, Wilhelm & Rericha). Many thanks to the volunteers, citizen and scientist alike, who helped make this list possible – especially our heroes from iNaturalist. Visit our iNaturalist collection: ( Total: 413 Species Common name Native? C-value 1 Abutilon theophrasti velvetleaf non-native 0 2 Acer negundo boxelder native 0 3 Acer saccharinum silver maple native 1 4 Acer saccharum sugar maple native 5 5 Achillea millefolium common yarrow native 0 6 Acorus americanus american sweet flag native 9 7 Aesculus glabra ohio buckeye native 7 8 Agastache nepetoides yellow giant hyssop native 5 9 Agastache scrophulariifolia purple giant hyssop native 5 10 Ageratina altissima white snakeroot native 3 11 Agrimonia pubescens soft agrimony native 6 12 Agrimonia rostellata beaked agrimony native 8 13 Alisma subcordatum common water plantain native 3 14 Alliaria petiolata garlic mustard non-native 0 15 Allium cernuum nodding wild onion native 7 16 Allium stellatum prairie onion non-native 0 17 Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed native 0 18 Ambrosia trifida giant ragweed native 0 19 Amorpha canescens lead plant native 10 20 Amorpha fruticosa indigo bush native 5 21 Ampelopsis brevipedunculata turquoise berry non-native 0 22 Amphicarpaea bracteata upland hog peanut native 5 23 Andropogon gerardii big bluestem native 5 24 Anemone canadensis meadow anemone native 4 25 Angelica atropurpurea great angelica native 7 26 Antennaria plantaginifolia pussytoes native 4 27 Antenoron virginianum jumpseed native 4 28 Apios americana ground nut native 5 29 Apocynum cannabinum hairy dogbane native 6 30 Aquilegia canadensis wild columbine native 6 31 Arnoglossum atriplicifolium pale indian plantain native 8 32 Arnoglossum reniforme great indian plantain native 10 33 Artemisia campestris subsp. caudata beach wormwood native 5 34 Artemisia ludoviciana white sage non-native 0 35 Asclepias hirtella tall green milkweed native 10 36 Asclepias incarnata swamp milkweed native 3 37 Asclepias sullivantii prairie milkweed native 8 38 Asclepias syriaca common milkweed native 0 39 Asclepias tuberosa butterfly weed native 8 40 Asclepias verticillata whorled milkweed native 1 41 Asclepias viridiflora short green milkweed native 10 42 Asclepias viridis green milkweed native 5 43 Asplenium platyneuron ebony spleenwort native 3 44 Astragalus canadensis canadian milkvetch native 8 45 Azolla caroliniana eastern mosquito fern native 5 46 Baptisia lactea white wild indigo native 8 47 Baptisia leucophaea cream wild indigo native 10 48 Bidens bipinnata spanish needles non-native 0 49 Boehmeria cylindrica swamp false nettle native 5 50 Bolboschoenus fluviatilis river bulrush native 3 51 Bouteloua curtipendula side-oats grama native 8 52 Brassica nigra black mustard non-native 0 53 Brickellia eupatorioides var. corymbulosa false boneset native 6 54 Bromus ciliatus fringed brome native 10 55 Bromus inermis hungarian brome non-native 0 56 Bromus japonicus japanese brome non-native 0 57 Calamagrostis canadensis blue joint grass native 6 58 Calamovilfa longifolia var. magna sand reed native 8 59 Callirhoe triangulata clustered poppy mallow native 8 60 Campanulastrum americanum tall bellflower native 4 61 Carex annectens large-seeded fox sedge native 3 62 Carex blanda common wood sedge native 1 63 Carex brevior plains oval sedge native 3 64 Carex comosa bristly sedge native 5 65 Carex cristatella crested oval sedge native 4 66 Carex granularis pale sedge native 3 67 Carex haydenii long-scaled tussock sedge native 5 68 Carex hystericina porcupine sedge native 7 69 Carex lacustris common lake sedge native 5 70 Carex laeviconica long-toothed lake sedge native 10 71 Carex lurida bottlebrush sedge native 5 72 Carex molesta field oval sedge native 2 73 Carex muehlenbergii sand bracted sedge native 4 74 Carex scoparia broom oval sedge native 5 75 Carex stipata common fox sedge native 4 76 Carex vulpinoidea brown fox sedge native 2 77 Carya cordiformis bitternut hickory native 5 78 Carya glabra pignut hickory native 6 79 Carya illinoiensis pecan native 5 80 Carya ovata shagbark hickory native 5 81 Catalpa speciosa northern cigar tree non-native 0 82 Ceanothus americanus new jersey tea native 8 83 Celtis occidentalis hackberry native 2 84 Cenchrus longispinus common sandbur native 0 85 Cephalanthus occidentalis buttonbush native 5 86 Ceratophyllum demersum coontail native 2 87 Cercis canadensis redbud native 5 88 Chamaecrista fasciculata common partridge pea native 4 89 Chelone glabra turtlehead native 8 90 Chenopodium album lambs quarters non-native 0 91 Cicuta maculata water hemlock native 6 92 Cirsium discolor pasture thistle native 3 93 Cirsium muticum fen thistle native 9 94 Cirsium vulgare bull thistle non-native 0 95 Clematis pitcheri leather flower native 9 96 Comandra umbellata false toadflax native 9 97 Commelina communis common day flower non-native 0 98 Conium maculatum poison hemlock non-native 0 99 Conyza canadensis tall horseweed native 0 100 Coreopsis lanceolata sand coreopsis native 8 101 Coreopsis palmata prairie coreopsis native 10 102 Coreopsis tripteris tall coreopsis native 5 103 Cornus drummondii rough-leaved dogwood native 1 104 Cornus obliqua blue-fruited dogwood native 5 105 Corylus americana american hazelnut native 5 106 Crataegus mollis downy hawthorn native 2 107 Crotalaria sagittalis rattlebox native 8 108 Cyperus esculentus yellow nutsedge non-native 0 109 Cyperus odoratus rusty nut sedge native 2 110 Cyperus schweinitzii rough sand sedge native 5 111 Dactylis glomerata orchard grass non-native 0 112 Dalea candida white prairie clover native 10 113 Dalea foliosa leafy prairie clover native 10 114 Dalea purpurea purple prairie clover native 9 115 Dalea villosa silk y prairie clover native none 116 Dasistoma macrophylla mullein foxglove native 8 117 Datura stramonium jimson weed non-native 0 118 Daucus carota queen annes lace non-native 0 119 Decodon verticillatus swamp loosestrife native 8 120 Desmanthus illinoensis illinois bundleflower native 3 121 Desmodium canadense showy ticktrefoil native 4 122 Desmodium illinoense illinois ticktrefoil native 9 123 Desmodium paniculatum panicled ticktrefoil native 6 124 Desmodium sessilifolium short-stalked ticktrefoil native 6 125 Dianthus armeria deptford pink non-native 0 126 Dichanthelium clandestinum bristly panic grass native 4 127 Dichanthelium oligosanthes few-flowered panic grass native 9 128 Dichanthelium villosissimum woolly panic grass native 8 129 Diervilla lonicera dwarf honeysuckle native 10 130 Doellingeria umbellata flat-top aster native 8 131 Drymocallis arguta prairie cinquefoil native 10 132 Echinacea pallida pale purple coneflower native 10 133 Echinacea purpurea purple coneflower native 10 134 Echinochloa crus-galli barnyard grass non-native 0 135 Echinocystis lobata wild cucumber native 4 136 Elaeagnus umbellata asian autumn olive non-native 0 137 Eleocharis erythropoda red-rooted spikerush native 1 138 Elodea canadensis common waterweed native 2 139 Elymus canadensis canada wild rye native 4 140 Elymus villosus silky wild rye native 5 141 Elymus virginicus virginia wild rye native 3 142 Elytrigia repens quack grass non-native 0 143 Equisetum arvense horsetail native 0 144 Equisetum hyemale tall scouring rush native 1 145 Eragrostis spectabilis purple love grass native 3 146 Erechtites hieraciifolius american burnweed native 0 147 Erigeron annuus annual fleabane native 0 148 Erigeron strigosus daisy fleabane native 5 149 Eryngium yuccifolium rattlesnake master native 9 150 Eupatorium altissimum tall boneset native 0 151 Eupatorium perfoliatum common boneset native 4 152 Eupatorium serotinum late boneset native 0 153 Euphorbia corollata flowering spurge native 4 154 Eurybia macrophylla big-leaf aster native 9 smooth grass-leaved 155 Euthamia graminifolia goldenrod native 4 viscid grass-leaved 156 Euthamia gymnospermoides goldenrod native 4 157 Eutrochium fistulosum hollow joe pye weed native 9 158 Eutrochium maculatum spotted joe pye weed native 5 159 Eutrochium purpureum purple joe pye weed native 6 160 Filipendula rubra queen of the prairie native 10 161 Fraxinus americana white ash native 5 162 Fraxinus nigra black ash native 8 163 Fraxinus pennsylvanica red ash native 4 164 Fraxinus quadrangulata blue ash native 8 165 Galium aparine wild velcro native 0 166 Gaura biennis biennial gaura non-native 0 167 Gentiana alba yellowish gentian native 9 168 Gentiana andrewsii closed gentian native 9 169 Geranium maculatum wild geranium native 5 170 Geum canadense white avens native 1 171 Geum triflorum prairie smoke native 10 172 Glechoma hederacea creeping charlie non-native 0 173 Gleditsia triacanthos honey locust native 1 174 Gymnocladus dioicus kentucky coffee tree native 5 175 Hackelia virginiana stickseed native 1 176 Hasteola suaveolens sweet indian plantain native 10 177 Helenium autumnale sneezeweed native 5 178 Helianthus decapetalus thinleaf sunflower native 8 179 Helianthus giganteus tall sunflower native 10 180 Helianthus grosseserratus sawtooth sunflower native 4 181 Helianthus hirsutus hispid sunflower native 7 182 Helianthus mollis downy sunflower native 9 183 Helianthus occidentalis
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