2017-2018 WI Digital Learning Survey Results, by District Size Collaboration or productivity platforms used by students in district Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students Google Apps 79% 120 74% 103 84% 91 78% 98 Office 365 12% 18 18% 25 12% 13 17% 22 Other 9% 13 8% 11 4% 4 5% 6 Total Total 151 Total 139 Total 108 Total 126 Grade levels where most or all social media sites are blocked Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students K 9% 94 8% 92 8% 76 9% 83 1 9% 94 8% 92 8% 76 9% 82 2 9% 94 8% 92 8% 76 9% 82 3 8% 93 8% 91 8% 74 9% 82 4 8% 93 8% 91 8% 74 9% 81 5 8% 91 8% 89 8% 72 8% 79 6 8% 90 8% 86 8% 70 8% 75 7 8% 90 8% 83 8% 69 8% 73 8 8% 91 8% 82 7% 67 8% 73 9 6% 62 6% 70 6% 58 6% 57 10 6% 62 6% 70 6% 58 6% 56 11 6% 62 6% 70 6% 58 6% 55 12 6% 62 6% 69 6% 58 6% 55 None 2% 22 1% 13 1% 13 2% 15 Total Total 1100 Total 1090 Total 899 Total 948 Grade levels where YouTube is blocked Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students K 9% 41 8% 28 9% 21 11% 28 1 9% 41 8% 28 9% 21 11% 27 2 9% 40 8% 28 9% 21 11% 27 3 8% 37 8% 27 9% 20 10% 26 4 8% 36 8% 27 9% 20 10% 25 5 7% 32 6% 21 8% 18 8% 21 6 6% 28 5% 18 6% 14 4% 9 7 6% 27 5% 18 5% 12 3% 8 8 6% 28 5% 18 4% 10 3% 7 9 3% 13 4% 12 0% 0 0% 0 10 3% 12 4% 12 0% 0 0% 0 11 3% 13 4% 12 0% 0 0% 0 12 3% 12 4% 12 0% 0 0% 0 None 18% 80 23% 77 31% 71 29% 71 Total Total 440 Total 338 Total 228 Total 249 Online learning formats provided Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students Distance learning 19% 60 24% 67 16% 36 11% 28 Free online sources 24% 74 22% 61 20% 46 23% 61 Purchased online sources 29% 90 28% 78 32% 71 34% 88 Structured online classes 25% 76 24% 69 26% 59 28% 73 None of the above 1% 4 0% 1 4% 8 0% 1 Total Total 310 Total 282 Total 225 Total 261 District offers at least one blended class Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students Yes 59% 72 72% 77 65% 60 78% 77 No 41% 50 28% 30 35% 32 22% 22 Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 Types of digital instruction provided 0 - 499 500 - 999 1000 - 1999 2000+ Question Students Students Students Students Computer Literacy (e.g., computer operational functions and resource 23% 102 24% 100 23% 83 22% 91 access) Student Data Privacy (e.g., protection of identity, PII information, and 16% 70 15% 64 16% 56 17% 70 secure access to devices) Cybersecurity (e.g., online security, age appropriate access, safe 16% 73 17% 71 16% 59 16% 68 interactions) Digital Citizenship (e.g., online interactions, ethical use of information, 22% 96 21% 89 23% 82 23% 94 and safe computing practices) Information Literacy (e.g., ability to locate, evaluate, and use 21% 95 22% 90 22% 78 22% 91 effectively needed information including research and inquiry) None of the above 2% 7 1% 3 1% 3 1% 3 Total Total 443 Total 417 Total 361 Total 417 Curricular content in print vs. digital format* *This data reflects average percentage amounts of content in each format. For the example of the 0-499 Students grouping, this data does not say that 64% of schools use all print content for curriculum, but rather that in the grouping, on average, schools have 64% of their curricular content in a print format, and 36% in a digital format. 0 - 499 Students Field Mean Print format 64 Online/digital format 36 500 - 999 Students Field Mean Print format 60 Online/digital format 40 1000 - 1999 Students Field Mean Print format 58 Online/digital format 42 2000+ Students Field Mean Print format 63 Online/digital format 37 Percentage of the day where school libraries are open with at least one staff member present Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students Less than 25% 13% 16 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 25 - 75% 21% 26 9% 10 12% 11 10% 10 Over 75% 66% 80 91% 97 88% 81 90% 89 Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 District currently has a Computer Science program or course included in programs of study Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students Yes 34% 41 56% 60 58% 53 86% 85 No 66% 81 44% 47 42% 39 14% 14 Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 Status of integration of the new Wisconsin Standards for Information and Technology Literacy (ITL) into district’s content areas 0 - 499 500 - 999 1000 - 1999 2000+ Question Students Students Students Students Have finished integration of the ITL Standards into our content 2% 3 0% 0 7% 6 5% 5 areas Currently in the process of integrating the ITL Standards into 33% 40 35% 37 26% 24 39% 39 our content areas Planning on integrating of ITL Standards into our content areas 48% 58 50% 53 47% 43 46% 46 Have no plans to integrate the ITL Standards into our content 9% 11 5% 5 12% 11 7% 7 areas Have not heard of/do not have enough information on the ITL 8% 10 11% 12 9% 8 2% 2 Standards Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 District offers IT pathway or career cluster options in course programming Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students Yes 22% 27 23% 25 32% 29 60% 59 No 78% 95 77% 82 68% 63 40% 40 Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 Total amount of Internet bandwidth (transport) coming into district Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students 1 Mbps 1% 1 2% 2 0% 0 0% 0 Between 1 and 1000 Mbps 28% 34 18% 19 13% 12 4% 4 1000 Mbps 67% 82 69% 74 70% 64 48% 48 More than 1000 Mbps 4% 5 11% 12 17% 16 47% 47 Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 Peak Internet Utilization (percentage of total bandwidth capacity being used) Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students 10% 4% 5 7% 7 2% 2 4% 4 20% 6% 7 5% 5 7% 6 11% 11 30% 17% 21 17% 18 17% 16 8% 8 40% 16% 19 13% 14 26% 24 12% 12 50% 17% 21 18% 19 10% 9 14% 14 60% 16% 19 16% 17 14% 13 16% 16 70% 11% 14 12% 13 12% 11 16% 16 80% 7% 9 10% 11 9% 8 6% 6 90% 6% 7 2% 2 2% 2 10% 10 100% 0% 0 1% 1 1% 1 2% 2 Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 Internet connection type: Is the district connected to the internet by dark fiber Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students Yes 30% 37 35% 37 40% 37 59% 58 No 70% 85 65% 70 60% 55 41% 41 Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 Percentage of Buildings with Wireless Environment Capable of Supporting 1:1 Computing Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students 0% 5% 6 3% 3 4% 4 0% 0 10% 1% 1 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 30% 2% 2 1% 1 0% 0 0% 0 40% 1% 1 0% 0 0% 0 3% 3 50% 2% 3 1% 1 0% 0 1% 1 60% 1% 1 1% 1 2% 2 0% 0 70% 6% 7 4% 4 4% 4 6% 6 80% 5% 6 6% 6 7% 6 3% 3 90% 10% 12 8% 9 9% 8 4% 4 100% 68% 83 77% 82 74% 68 83% 82 Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 Percentage of Students with Internet Access at Home Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students 10% 1% 1 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 20% 2% 3 4% 4 1% 1 0% 0 30% 3% 4 2% 2 0% 0 0% 0 40% 6% 7 0% 0 1% 1 3% 3 50% 9% 11 6% 6 4% 4 0% 0 60% 11% 14 12% 13 12% 11 9% 9 70% 22% 27 23% 25 17% 16 14% 14 80% 17% 21 25% 27 29% 27 21% 21 90% 27% 33 27% 29 33% 30 45% 45 100% 1% 1 1% 1 2% 2 7% 7 Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 Percentage of students that check out mobile hotspots from school Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students 0% 95% 116 91% 97 86% 79 67% 66 10% 2% 3 9% 10 12% 11 30% 30 20% 2% 2 0% 0 1% 1 2% 2 30% 1% 1 0% 0 0% 0 1% 1 50% 0% 0 0% 0 1% 1 0% 0 Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 Percentage of buses with hotspots Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students 0% 99% 121 93% 99 92% 85 94% 93 10% 0% 0 1% 1 4% 4 2% 2 20% 0% 0 2% 2 2% 2 2% 2 30% 0% 0 1% 1 0% 0 0% 0 40% 0% 0 1% 1 0% 0 0% 0 50% 0% 0 1% 1 1% 1 0% 0 90% 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 1% 1 100% 1% 1 2% 2 0% 0 1% 1 Total Total 122 Total 107 Total 92 Total 99 1:1 Grades -- Every Student is Assigned a Mobile Device Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students K 3% 21 3% 21 2% 13 2% 17 1 4% 30 4% 27 3% 20 3% 21 2 5% 35 5% 38 5% 31 4% 28 3 7% 49 7% 50 7% 46 6% 45 4 7% 54 8% 58 8% 51 7% 53 5 9% 65 9% 68 9% 57 8% 63 6 10% 73 9% 68 9% 60 9% 70 7 10% 73 9% 69 9% 60 9% 70 8 10% 73 9% 70 9% 61 10% 71 9 8% 60 9% 66 9% 63 10% 72 10 8% 57 9% 66 9% 60 10% 72 11 8% 57 9% 65 9% 60 10% 71 12 8% 57 9% 65 9% 60 10% 71 None 5% 35 3% 23 3% 22 2% 18 Total Total 739 Total 754 Total 664 Total 742 Grades where students are allowed to take home mobile devices Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students K 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 3 1 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 1% 3 2 0% 1 0% 0 0% 1 1% 6 3 1% 3 0% 0 0% 1 2% 8 4 1% 4 1% 5 1% 2 3% 13 5 4% 12 4% 17 2% 7 5% 26 6 10% 33 9% 36 9% 29 10% 47 7 12% 40 12% 48 10% 33 10% 50 8 12% 41 12% 50 11% 36 11% 53 9 13% 44 15% 61 16% 54 14% 71 10 13% 42 15% 61 16% 53 14% 70 11 13% 42 15% 60 16% 53 14% 69 12 13% 43 15% 61 16% 53 14% 69 None 9% 30 3% 13 3% 11 1% 5 Total Total 335 Total 412 Total 335 Total 493 Equipment used by districts Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students Desktop computers 24% 101 26% 102 25% 89 25% 92 Laptop computers 25% 105 26% 102 25% 90 25% 94 Chromebooks 27% 112 25% 97 25% 88 25% 93 Tablets 24% 101 24% 94 24% 86 25% 93 Total Total 419 Total 395 Total 353 Total 372 Desktop replacement cycle in years Question 0 - 499 Students 500 - 999 Students 1000 - 1999 Students 2000+ Students Less than 4 Years 3% 3 5% 5 4% 4 1% 1 4 Years 11% 11 13% 13 12% 11 13% 12 5 Years 43% 43 41% 42 47% 42 46% 42 More than 5 Years 44% 44 41% 42 36% 32 40% 37 Total Total 101 Total 102 Total 89 Total 92 Leases desktop computers: yes vs.
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